14 Barrie Examiner Wednesday December 22 1976 Just Like Christmas Present Classified Is Full Of Surprises 7282414 24A iu nrIr or Do payment problms GEORGE WORRALL SIX PLEX nothing down to reliable pur chaser or will consider trade at mort gages or property May be seen by ap polntment only telephone 7280485 betr ween9and ll pm MOBIL HOMES TRAILERS Rflsiiltit IAMILV may coupon71cm FIRST MORTGAGES REAL ESTATE mom FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Prong FOR 5AL IIEIIL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE IIEAL ESTATE llEtmILS BUSINESS MORTGAGES ROOMS TO LET OPPORTUNITIES BRIGHT newly decorated furnished rooms In downtown location shared klt Chen Taurus Real Estate Ltd 7373000 FURNISHED ROOMS Central parke lng kitchen privileges common room linen supplied weekly Responsible adults Telephone 7267186 BAYFIELDMALL ma bright clean unlurnished rooms private bath re trigerator Suit one single girl preteri UP To 95 red No children or pets on bus route RUSSELL CHURCH SECONDS 7291794 UP To 90 FURNISHED ROOMS to rent Friendly REALTY LTD Mobile Homes FROM 12 atmosphere Cooking tacilities provided $25 weekly Telephone 7266271 alter Ltd pm we specialize In rural Income rw rv 00M 110 DUNLOP ST BARRIE SALE RENT builders vacuum and older 5Ssiï¬eiiifdfoiéi$9000 Fans and service homes ggggigrtggggggglsihes Ask 325 weekly Exélusive Dealer For N726i536l EENIORCitizEI loTtyWittTEedWomiuri unn niture in large private house down en Ix And Glendale TF town good district 25 weekly In Modular Homes MOMr¢1€05291914 Northlanders 1N PRIVATE clean home Ideal for quiet MWFTF Travngraflers RENTAIS 9909533LDQUIEWLPIEewjME Coachmen AIARTMEETSTO RENT OFFICESSTORES Cygnet FOR RENT Terms Up To 15 Years KANEFF And then Youadd $300 month noultlin LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WEST EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR ISBRANDT HOMES Ron Sproule 4873715 Ross Miller BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 36479 Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF TRAVEL MATE Motor Homes tor salt or rent Holiday in complete home comr tort Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 Baylield St WE KNOW its not spring but why wait APARTMENT HOMES Borries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 Adults TF THE MAYFAIR MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate ocv cupancy short or long term 7263400 Angelolt SPACE FOR RENT PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 19500 sq tl tully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 18 it clear part at large expanding industrial mall7267130 OEEiCE SPACE ioTreï¬ downtown 7260563 Ietlthe Hitglh HouzellLtd solve your Barries es 1d location carpeted parking available Rose 728 ral or pro ems Harold or ap UI Ing Tertfgplqneï¬petï¬r Archiqaingygifl MIkELYSObId 726 605 Pommenrns 9700 One and two bedroom apart FOR LEASE industrial space and vey cr 436 3815 Cec Cook 7283036 COUNTRY LIVING Quiet park South mens Wth warehouse Telephone 726 3400 R0 Jones at Barrie New homes Usedhomeslrom ma Vew on many An eloll 726 8997 Ron Thorne 7288714 $11000 728 6875 Open Sunday alter features eCY 728 7930 Les Lovegrove 4241289 noons Gerald Neill 726 7733 Nelson Gone 7266096 TRAVEL MATE Motor Homes lor sale 7370027 SA on RENT or rent Holiday in complete home com RossBuwe 458 9248 Helen Burns 7262386 to game rem am Awnmg co IWig Rob Knapp 726 7294 Jerry McNobb 726188 Baytield St BEDROOM apartment tamin build kenMiiirr 487 3365 Bernie Blum 4876540 976 TOBLE home bedrooms ex 39316126 vamff 7° SUIIï¬be min at or or ier In orma on Hannah Pentlond 7288028 Clarence cannnq 7264676 sTovPc anrct lilidgIIIIQuirefaciailélchSSrtmgl please C3 737 775 can Dt moved Phone 726 5176 MISSISSAUGA COURT Modern office with 1100 sq ft FLORIDA Mobile home in Senior on main floor overlooking Kem Citlzcn park rooms and bath all tur bedroom Opdrimim Colored 613 ismdi 100 Sheri car part and garage pliances Drapes supplied Available pang BOY and muncpcI $11000 Largo Shanng La Park December 15 Telephone 726 3383 parking Recently decorated down payment of $1950 00 Florida Mrs Mat 2000 Rainbow Drtvv Lloarwrittr Florida 33515 FURNISHED One bedroom apartment Good view at with wall to wall drapes and fully broadloomed Call Bill MORTGAGES bay $775 monthly includes heat light Sakeris National Trust Co 728 water and cable central suit adults 920 Telephone 726 0988 weekdays TF REAL ESTATE LTD your only cost rs heat hydro FURNISHED union MORTGAGES ARRANGED Two getlynorn lapartrnttnt $225Tmonthly Incuesierliiw gtr an bl MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS Reasonable Rates Contra intuit icieénone 7223095 CARS FOR SALE 98 BAYHELD 51 BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 839 9487 EXisying WWWV 1973 CADILLAC DeVille Luxuriously OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL Morgoges Sï¬gï¬eniigwigwmm C°nd° Tee Purchased One bedroom apartment $150 monthly 1976 BOBéATw total Iaml Income ExcLUSIVE AGENTS tare be room Suitable tor working 2000 miles asking V600 Teephone 31118011 qualifies you FOR VViIIovV cLanding Mortgage Lilo insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES girl Central 726 0988 weekdays BEDROOM central location fridge Steve and parking No pets $200 month Iy Available immediately InOUIrc at 11 Victoria StApt 1aitcr6pm TWO BEDROOM apartment available January MidlandS269106 1973 CADILLAC FIEetWOod £885 Royal Blue Every conceivable option low mileage certiliedsrdjoo 7283004 1969 MERCURY Montégoflv doors power brakes power steering good can MIDHURSY 121 BAYFIELDST rigpraor 53073 hrpgpthl 11110095 dition Best otter Call 4589149 or Open Sci Sun noon til dusk an par ng BUS 779 3°70 slop lorrilion no DLTS please Telephone g7 Ofllce Hours 90 9p 1728 58 ww FORD FALCON Wm I969 301 by appointment ROOM apartment vvith private bath 17 speed good for parts Extra 4speed transmission Asking $330 or will sell Mary Strvet wary central Apply Valley Harold DOiIS 728 7543 Frank Hoooy 728 0676 Member Onono Morgog Om 58 Maple AW 6666 isteparatelyTeIei=gttifeflil7 271417 PaulArbour 726 3897 Fred Reynolds 7285333 iSUBLET tti 973 CHRYSLER Newpm Custom Brokers Association OUSI Ulableioscnor DOVcl steering brakes and air ex Norman McMillan 726 8957 Larry DeWilde 7283253 TF iCEWP TOW RON mammal cellent condition Call Claudes Texaco as nt BillEvoitsinotolli 3221575 Chuck Lamban 7288001 Iwithn£8wimp new MC sen cult 4067 Larry Brewer 7289745 on misï¬zssiizazznii sass 21$i°£ John Colwoll 726 7726 Harry Magill 7263864 ffogfgjï¬j ggwmryt 9805 pmteiepnonemsszs ll Inc In 77 REGISTERED CONDOMINIUM Doug Baker 7283274 sirnoneeokhuizon 7373795 mum 2910 197 HONDA Citis 13000 miles ext Jim Hams 7267173 IF ONE BEDROOM apartment downtown ceenIrLonquq IgePIronersiilg Barrie available Imodiately $185 W72 FONTAIC 533 W390 Sale V8 Ii monthly plus hydro trig stove parking Powe 5190 and Draws radial 351 534 CdhomoAdmibweekdaygng 4776 $21000 miles Certitied $1595 Telephone BEDROOM apartment downtown 9268 Detprgs appm CHOLKAN CO LTD 1mommy mug Move parking Ca power steering and brakes automatic Huh iirtweenAandoweekna ys 728 4776 it 6150 radiï¬ls BEDROOM apartment With spaCious Tolephone 4553898 can in Barrie The builder reserves the right to concol or change linancing and prices at any time without notice LEPAGE iititiiiiItiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiulii iiillililii IIHIIiiliiiiillilllll WILLSOII REAL ESTATE LIMITED DHDLHIIII 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 Direct Toronto Line 3646625 4O MAPLE AVE BARRIE Ltn REALTOR Agent Ior Pinaview Estates of Midhurst Complete Realtor Service tgages for cash 7372101 MORTGAGES WE HAVE funds immediately available with competitive rates OI interest prompt com mitments and complete con lidenliolity Ibr first second and thirdmortgoges ALL TYPES OI property residen tial commercial and vocational WE ALSO buy existing morr OUR ADVICE IS FREE kitchen and dinette trig and stove In cluded parking Mnin lloor at duplex Rwadrntial area near Oat lay Park $225 monthly Room ms rn 726 2772 alter op 726 2023 Available Februrlryl GEORGIAN Bay near Ski hills tbedrooni turnishcd piece bath suit lcoupli year round or seasonal Phone iElmVJll 361 2260 or 361 1705 LONE BEDROOM baLhnIor apartment least and Barrie Retrioorator stove iryrr drava utilities and cabin sup lpltrd Limited parking $215 per month irInptmne 377 7013 IIWO BEDROOM apartment tor rent near east and plara on Napier Street Rolrigorator and stove $200 monthly rNo pets Talc phone 728 6980 ONE BEDROOM apartment 135 Well Innton Street Wosl Modern conveni 1968 CHEV door power steering power brakes radio good condition alsocertilied 5595 Telephone 726 2785 I973 CHEV Bel Air stationwagon Power steering power brakes radio new snow tires luggage rack certilied $1995 Phone 728 0886 Good cleancandi tion 1971 DAT SUN 2402 33000 Tape dociln good condition Telephone 726 8205 IT966 DODGE Polara or automatifiri taooa working condition Asking $150 as is Telephone 728 8428 new JUNR CARS WANTED Highest prices paid same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 Fl FT iTnClS including swtmming pool $225 iRACY WANTS carsrahd truck tOr 1w mutt 11 77 17 il Tl Pr ttilri v1 II JOHN COLE 7238017 PETER GUBBELS 7282425 Call TAN KERR monthly Available January Tole iyyreckinti ang lparhts 16 gorges pail TOM CAIRNS 7280653 DIIODl737 JNOaIIOr 5p lCLpIC up ierep one gt47 NW ARE YOU LOOKING FORAHOME MW Wm Bus 73 188 2BEDROOMTn Barrlotriplexavailnble StIAkELs WRECKING and Towing Try this bedroom sidesplitsit in front of stoneface fireplace rim tirilii HOME 4875355 dag Broéllfllnoyt inrtiyiliin Vooltrt triage lvscrapgtflfl cars bougntover scales $20 all OVI 050 osr 00 51m topping on WithabloztngflrelnaRosewood panelled Family Room orthrowa IF KINZIE LIMITED WOW 1677798570 68594493 SCRAP VEHICLES wraméd Yep Dim barbecue in the summer using back yard All this and more the gas barbecue in the fenced in plus mtge rate of 92°o Price ATTRACTIVE THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOW basement Saunders muhm 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE FURNIsHFD bedroom apartment available now Suitable tor working cou paid tree immediate pick up anytime 439 7900 For more mlormam IGDhON ICOLE BROS Cars and trucks wanter $591000 CO Verna MUHm 7282875 07370011 Franklin Iireploce iii living room new bedroom addition partially Membe CHAOHO MOIIQOQe 7786570 10 WGCking F351 DICKUD DaYS GOOD NEWS finished acres fronting on lOOdS Ideal retirement home Call Bro ers ssociation IF gagasiElgithgllihlygglliliefirarhwnm flwfmi you can move your family into semidetached storey grey brick Wilma Bidwell 7261938 or 7269135 No 1036 7k TRUCKS TRAILERS and siding home for $3000 dOwn Choose your carpet color for all bedrooms plus living and dining room combination Easy access to back yard by way oi patio sliders in DR Asking $44900 Try on of fer for one of the last two available Call Verna Mullin 7282875 or SOUP TO NUTS Grocery store business in thIIving community all brick building large paved area for parking Vendor Will hold mor tgage at 10 Call Will Vezeou 7261938 Or 424 6358 MLS No TiAYlllllJ ST BARRIII 72631 11 MORTGAGE LOANS HOUSES T0 RENT BRAND NEW It bedroom townhouse tor rent in exclusivrr location For more in Int ihation call 737 1081 1973 FORD 34 ton camper special GVW 9000 lbs aversized rad blade tan batteries radio gas tanks approx imately 29000 original miles Excellent 3172 Ph 59 35959010515roses omn om 00 is In 737 00 D22 GOOD SOLID CONSTRUCTION good location Peel Rose oruo 4fl32Xmijf 71°3557Eidiefldiyaigimé 1975 TON I°W rvck P°Wer brakes duplex with bedroom apt and bedroom opt Garage full 55mm Kennedy 4245471 Morg Woodno toll 4873148 pm Egofflgge igioggigfnggboheig£23 basement good income supplement Call Leo Berham 7261938 or 190 covonaugh 7281207 Bob Saunders 7263883 ROOM newly decoraifélr $31516 Telephone 728 1096 4245031 MLS NO 2650 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 Ross Botstone 7263043 bnlgiTIIIIIIyOHIICITIIIIIISSOlgglgcflldlc Avsatlable SNOWMOBILES 355 Bayfleld ST BARRIE OnTOFIO PRICE REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE Driyu by 243 McGeorgu St we 30233ngfglf0535335mm Angus You wanl be sorry Beautiful bedroom side split in A1 PROPERTY FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE diam 3775 per month For turthcr in condition extra large lot Must be sold Asking $44900 Call OVï¬ï¬‚ig flï¬ï¬gglggrflfl 770 MW SNOWMOBILES Maureen Maier7261938 or7286294MLS No2172 FEDERAL TRUST pg 95 LOANS iS1OpREYitgtwonv 0UNormmen flock new preseason NORMAN WWW 7R wes at st3$riIiiisi2 INIlt15 2nd MTGS at 13°70 allnro p111 SPORT HAVEN MARINE 168 Open Daily am 530 pm TWO BEDROOM tiousr in downtown mile east ofBARRIE gt PERSONAL RVC sm evenings 2352siiJemima nit onShontych id 72874294 EAST IF by appointment woekdays77i1 4778 726400 Wnl Summers BEDROOM newly decorated houso 029 Bayï¬ed St Available immediately central IOCrTIT DOWNTOWN Co ninLr iril Location near schools and downtown ROBERT ARMSWONO mum Hun Ideal mm 01mg 50th to per int Barrie iontllly Telephone 726 001 evenings or Hawtwoekdoflqyoq llnanrlng available 801 Urry 737345 all day Saturday Saturdays t05 WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN Residential Farms Acreages Commercial Investment Industrial Properties Viau Real Estate 726 I771 or 778 5811 $33500 siding bungalow Big Bay Paint nlaculate condition Garage Attlai IlVi HE DROOM Aluminum I111 1W0 Res Creemore 4662136 TF EXTRA large bedroom townhouse tor rent Angus area 8194 per month Phone days 726 6591 evenings 42A 5246 BEDROOM HOUSE Two baths tami Snowmobiles at MacDonalds grounds 10b Uiry lel 890 Iy main with lireplacv and walk out BEDROOM BUNGALOW on Napier Street in east end of city finanr Busmesses MOFIQOQGS 00d APPIOIIOIS Estate mt I771 or 7211 5811 double gIriigt twriilaoTlt1 immLdialoly 73 arslnse ISO in mi tly Larry aliipson riip an ou cing can be arranged on this attractive home asking $46500 BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER StiltOTISJTSTIIITOlotlzliEgoilloglllTFIIIIIIZIIQI lllillllilIu aunts Real Estate Limited egorrie near Barric Terms Bob Urry 737 3000 WELLINGTON and BERCZY streets in central location new home by Simms $42500 first mortgage available with maximum of $7000 MONEY Vlnu RciilEstatI726 17710r72l1 5811 ONTARIO lands to he sold tar tax or rent 10 house tor Highway 11 OLDER bedroom Modern conveniences 7282940 GEORGIAN COLLEGE AREA nls norlli ol Bariil $150 monthly down SPOCIOUS level Side Spm large enrone hon bedrooms when I311rSI1100mpdfllghghloblkloIhï¬libheh for any useful purpose ITIIIIIptlone Guys From Barrie Bargain J3 FRANHS DUNLOP WEST Storey Smccoy bedrooms baths With walkout to deck Inaln Iloor lamily room recreation room Den 30 6613rockvitteon Barn4i17 2539 W73 NORTHWAV M0 for sale in ex tario NEAR LAKE 9th Con OI Ora storey bedrooms well tread Int year old Ask ing $61900 Vic Daner Viail Rtfll Estate 726 742 or 726 1771 SI BEDROOM House lor Hll $300 monthly in Angus aria lose to SItoll and shopping Available January 15 TLICleOlItCOIILI487 584 Ora BEDROOM home Situated on acres equipment financing home improvements Oland mortgages study double garage pool sire lot $65000 8856M Wayne Dob son 7269262 or 3222838 IDEAL INVESTMENT WATERFRONT low down payment needed to move in this starter home close to pina and downtown asking $37500 COMMERCIAL retail outlets available on Dunlop Street East rent cellent condition 8550 Telephone 778 7974 tor luitltei ihlni malion I973 SNOJET 318 In good condition Telephone 2388 MR BRAD WATTS vailgble Pair at semi detached bun alows full furnished each has Iar L95 Wainwrghli 50 NEW HOME Hitisdale bedroom 151 2nd 3rd mort es WlIIl large Dillll llilfS wastol Bdfrlc 97ISN0 AW we varies and long 13 GOV5 so mom mphonc 87 pleti ly rt boilt 111i Pho living room kitchen ieco wosltroom and bedrooms Safe sand Manager Federal 051 com Im an ar 990 FOR ACTION INFORMATION on the above call Cross 7283293 ane r0195 roughed in llreplactr well built with host THREE BEDROOM lully brondloonwd OI materials Can linance with small beach tread Iol $39900 8828M Wayne Dobson 7269262 or 322 pony is pleased to announce 1975 440i shown and lat II aiblde Or 7262159 builders interim loans No pets one child available Janllaiy D22 2839 16 appointment of Mr Brad payriiaeargt7lltinsl$139337sgnflélzl lirst TelepllnitL7J7011i14 I$133irovimgozmim 50 0U no it lioom home John Crowlord 4875955 Peter Shelswell 7282930 D22 rim 35 S°I°5 Agar Real rlDrewnlinu Lorne Hay RIHIESMD easecolcl 78 85 IIIgnuIltttthildnliTIisISTT01onlarge lot 197 ISkiI 000 Illyliilitiiuflsiyi until0503 81019 lvision CHRISIMAS BONUS Clberlrnombrick co ec wmgadn in painswirk Manama ovvrviau it it ui Druid SheIswell 4875560 Roger Shelswell 4872920 Located me Companys bunqaowv Fireplflcpl Mm mom Mme January Mlvphomqn 29 mo miniunionInimitmltttt 0650 Jmcro 726 2159 IF lot SIOV relrlgoriitor washer dryer WUMQHT mindlmltd LARGE BEDROOM owmouw ml lice 87 Bayfield Street Barrie TV lower dishwasher large lot all in rent Finished lainin room motor ap Vdflï¬lWï¬WlVé Brad can be reached by calling MINI Mr 4000 TN Y0r 0W WY IUIIIIIIII Cilliliiirlililll Ham gully bromitoonmt Gram INDOOR SHOWROOM Moms men can camou 835 Steele Street Telephotll737 1576 on display mile in today 01 ill no 06 737 2300 tall or 728 1566 representing Lorne llay IE BEDROOM dammed homo Milly tar Illt 12 page booklet at tllilld and 79 D22 OH 10 bmadluomeli tented yard Close to bus above ground pools Iilil Pools 774fl 777 LOTS FOR SALE 726786 Barrie stop and sctloolls l5i1 zllonill2l1 thy3 BIIYIWIIIIN ablnimitietliatv Op lulll do NITRIC LIST BUY on SELLWITHI BUILDING LOT lnnlslil township FOR SALE 0t rent oiitroniii diiriiliI USE COLOR TVS COLLIER ST ASIIng 0000 Make an Ollcr VIaU Sldl split house lully biomtlnnineit WIII1 CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS LEON VIW Real 559 776 I7 or 776 03 hiill basement large pnrliiilly liiLil lot Any reasonable oltm will be rentid cAcron FOR RENT Ideal tor thllLlrin 101011110110 7209711 we ion the room to new stock on LIMITE BARRIE 7262611 FARMS PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ext 60 or 47 0960 FULLY Illrl1lSIlld home tor $100 per month telephone lltliry Maglll Lou Goellvmondl Real Estab tintlously Liming ill Come em 1y tor best Selection at color and blunt and white TVs Barrie 1V and Appliances 80 Dunlopsl 728 4297 ARRICK LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL 55 no REAL ESTATE NEEDS 50 ACRES and house tor rent Garage rm or and barn Available Ilnlltldldltlv In and 20th llilo COMPARE out rates First second Emory Miller Ltd Realtor Slr url 9th concession thirLl mortgages appraisals Gerry Rep APPRAISALS MORIGAGES Bi McCreary Manager 7981865 99 H°pkins 7284667 70201009416 743 1567 301 Syvokas 4417 7700 Pat Quinn Ltd 728 406701726 31164 ï¬gtsï¬rtlc izléictfrktliiaont Mixers 737 1414 AVAILABLE imltiedlalely bedroom Bl R°wn 726F999 C° N°H°5 7295203 Dorothy MorQuarrie 7286358 Audrey Marshall 4362880 EXAMINER MORTGAGFS bought and sold tinine home ineostend 112 baths garage up 101191473 0755 Charles Brown 7281624 Honk Nelle 7266696 Corby Adams 7236829 BJIY C°mpb°N°5h 737l32 My WANT ADS diale action contidvnllill David pllnnces call Gerald ONeil tor more FIREPLACE HARDWOOD seasoned Russel Carson 77666 MWFTF PHONE 72544 W655 Real Estate 8mm call no 4651 details 7733 or 7261881reprtiinllllo top quality lace c0rd16 335 no evenings or custom ut Free delivery 7264725 Was