Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Dec 1976, p. 2

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The Barrie Examiner SaturdayLIchmberJtt I976 Housing grants sought by council at Alliston ALLISTON Staff In order to help local housing needs the town council has agreed to participate in the On tario ministry of housing pro gram resolution which received voted approval from the members referred to the Cen tral Mortgage and Housing Cor poration municipal incentive grant program This will pro vide grant of $1000 for each housing unit meeting the re quired criteria to provincially designated municipalities it wasnoted Councillor Elmer Hawkins and Reeve Peter ameron moved the motion which specified The council of the town of Alliston hereby makes application to the minister of housing for certificate of eligibility to enable this municipality to participate in the program and agrees that funds received shall be used to facillitate the production of housing ANNIAL REPORTS It was further agreed an an nual report will be submitted before March on the expen diture of funds received under this program for each previous year Mayor lakla Gray presided at the meeting and all members were present The housing resolution passed without re MAYOR GRAY back next term corded opposit ion After discussing about Stage Three of the Alliston Greenbelt project along the Royne river the council agreed to pick up $375 in extra costs of the over run of the project letter from the Nottawasaga Valley on servation Authority board ask ed the council to accept 25 per cent of the revised cost estimate which figured out to that amount Finance committee reports to the amount of $200118 were passed This included $l9titttu general $8344 salaries and $1023 for election officials and rentals The committee of statement amounting to 22246 was passed along with $l937tl for sanitation The police and fire financial report amounted to $22410 and town property committee cxpen ditures$tI7ti The council appointed Mayor Gray to attend an open house to be sponsored by the tlntario ministry of culture and recrca tion at Harrie on Wednesday Jan l2 the mayor giving the authority to appoint delegate if he couldnt attend himself tllNtILIIANGES Two members of the present council John Taylor and Douglas Taylor are retiring at the end of the year The former has served some 15 years on council and was former depu ty reeve and member of Simcoe County council New councillors who will be sworn in before the inaugural in January will be Gerry Moon and Joseph Heydon who were recently elected at the polls Returning again will be the mayor Reeve ameron and Deputy Reeve James Dickey along with ouncillors Elmer Hawkins and Aiden Whelan works MP asks winding down wage price controls By SINII IR STEVENS MP YorkSinicoel The time has come to begin to wind down the present program of wage and price controls If we do not we run the grave risk od deluding ourselves into believing that controls themselves are an answer to our economic problems when clearly they are not and of sut tering serious economic damage from the inevitable distortions which controls pro duce The only value of controls is the time they provide to put in to place policies designed to remedy the deeper problems The great tragedy of the pre sent govcrnments approach to controls has been the failure of the Trudeau administration to use the previous time bought by controls to deal with the more basic structural problems fac ing the Canadian economy Instead we find ourselves more than months after the imposition of controls with nothing but controls with not the beginnings or the sem blance of any longer term ec nomic direction for our coun try HAMMERHULD The governments hamlt merhold on the anadian economy may not even end with the demise of the AntiInflation Board At least thats the message JeanLuc Pepin chairman of the Alli left with us this month when be ap pearcd before the standing committee on finance trade and economic affairs Mr Pepin said the govern ment may introduce legislation that would freeze labor con tracts in the postcontrols period at the rollback level struck by the AIR under the wage and price gunklines This would be necessary he said to prevent the great temptation to simply revert to the original labor settlements once controls were dismantled This observation points to serious deficiency in the governments war on inflation By Mr Pepins own admission there is nothing which now per mits the AIR to permanently alter labor contract once it is enacted by labor and manage Don Gluon Pam Manager IN SIIIR STEVENS calls for changes merit The AIR may order rollback under the guidelines but the settlement as far as wage strurture is concerned is still legally binding Should controls be lifted this would lead to massive increase or bounceback in wages as cori tracts seck their prerolfback levels When asked what was the expected fxiunccback or postrcontrof adjustments Mr Pepin said they would be con siderable and that legislation might be necessary to prevent it The following day can fronted Wllh this possibility the prime minister did not dis agree ICXIIIEITEI Expressed simply the pro bfem is this Let us assume there is two year contract in which the employer and the employees have agreed to 13 percent raise the first year and further to per ccnt increase the second year Then the AIR steps in and rolls back the contract to be it per cent Ill crease the first year and an eight per cent increase the see cond year Under present legislation the rollback only depresses the wage levels it does not alter the contract Accordingly in the first year there is rollback of seven per cent Let the GM Infant So be your Baby Sitter and in the second year of two per cent Once the Alli program ends however so does the rollback Without further legislation its likely there would be bounceback of seven per cent plus further two per cent on an average salary of $100 That IS latent increase ofsle Spread across the nation this could act like time bomb growing month by month There are tWo serious ques tions Tan or for that matter should the government be given the right to intervene in labor settlements retroactrvcly And secondly as it is now clear that the longer the controls are in force the greater the prcssurc or bounceback will he shouldnt the government dis mantlc the wage and price con trol program as soon as possi blc Slides shown to Rugby WI RIGRY Slides of local sccncs showmg flowers and animals and also pictures taken on different trips were shown to Rugby Womens Institute by Miss Helen Johnstone of Forest ffomc at hristmas party at St Athanasius Anglican church hall The ladies of the church scrv ed ItlltlollS turkey dinner to thc Institutc members and guests Mrs Finley Mctallum and daughter of falgary are spen ding hristmas holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs Dave Hull Hig cdar Estates Mr and Mrs Hurt Bray of tlrillia visited Mr and Mrs Hernal Johnston and Wilfred Johnston Visitors with Mr and Mrs Bryan Johnston were Mr and Mrs Hill Ilark of Barrie and Mr and Mrs Hill Alexander of Norval 726 233 Bradford St BARRIE IN SANTA CLAUS PARADE AT COOKSTOWN This floppyltcared puppy with Darlene Davidson hiding behind the black eyes and whiskers was part of the ookstown Santa Tlaus parade in Cookstown The dog clowns and Miss Fall Fair Louise Harvey all Wm Ponder future of Craighurst RAIGHURST tStaffi Proposals for projected population of 1000 people for this ro Medontc Flos and Vespra border community dur ing the lit to 15 year planning period were considered ex cessive according to letter from the plans administration branch of the Mario ministry of housing to the township of Medonte An amendment had been pro posed in Mcdontc and the letter was reply opies of the letter were sent to other township councils concerned The earlier Simcoc Georgian area task force report rccom mendation of 600 was con sidered more suitable ro township council placed its copy of the ministry letter on file for future reference Projected growth depends III large measure to feasibility of extending necessary services GIFTS PRESENTED SIRUII thildrcn were given gifts after members of Stroud Presbyterian church held their thiistmas supper in the church on Sunday evening arof singing was cnjoycd with solo parts by Lorna tampbcll SPECIALSERVICES MIDHIFRST candlelight service will be held at Midhurst church on Sunday licc 19 at in place of the usual llIitl am service The choir and Sunday School childrcn will sing carols Another cane dlclight scrvrcc will be held on hristmas Eve at Mincsing by thelgroup NEW0INIIIR NORTH RIVER Staffi Lois Laughlin who headed the polling for council candidates in the recent municipal clcc tion Will start her term as Mat chcdash councillor at the RESERVE NOW SPECIAL HOLIDAY MENU TREAT THE FAMILY BUFFET CHRISTMAS DAY I976 Chilled Tomato or Apply Juice RELISH WAGON Stuffed Green Olives and Black Olives Apple Rings Crabopple Dill Sweet Pickles Cottage Cheese Pickled Boots HOT DISHES Roast Turkey with Sage Dressing Giblet Gravy Baked Canadian Ham Orange Madeira Sauce Roost Ontario Prime Rib of Beef Natural Gravy Scalloped Potatoes Green Peas Forestianu COLD DISHES Cohoe Salmon Mayonnaise Sauce Smoked Oysters Crobmeat Sardines Baby Clams Anchovies Tuna Pickled Ox Tongue Loin of Pork Applesauce Brisket of Beef Roast Leg of lamb Mint Jelly Baked Hom Roast Beef Turkey SALADS Waldorf Chef Cole Slaw Potato Apple Raisin Cucumber Sour Cream HOT DESSERTS Plum Pudding Mince Pie COLD DESSERTS Chocolate Eclairs Cream Pulls Vanilla Slice Pineapple Slice Assorted Pastries Christmas Coke Scotch Trifle Jello Parfait Fresh Fruit and Nuts Mixed Candles Mints Milk Tea or Coffee Adults $750 OST Children $400 No OST ontinental Inn 7264834 augural meeting here in January olleagucs include ounciflors Peter Shaw George Yagcr and Peter flan cock along With Reeve Gordon Iricstman IlllxIER UINIII ttlJWAIER Stafft The first meeting in l977 for the new oldwatcr village council will be held on Monday Ian It in the council chambers with Reeve Earl Brandon presiding MAILIOlNIII HRIXHIN Staff Mara township council for the l9777tt tcrrri starting in January cludcs Reeve Pctcr Forbes and Deputy Recvc Muir flack both reelected and ountillors Thomas Garry liff Martin andGrahamMcGillivray RETIREMENT PARTY tRIIIIA Staffi Aftcr scr ving 23 years on the riflia police force Len Litstcr native of tlro has retired from the force Previously he had served With the Mctrojmlitan policc He was honorcd by col leagues at retirement party at the Governors Inn recently wnh representatives from the Royal tanadian Mounlcd Po lice and tlntario Provmcial lolicc joining in praising his scrviccs tllttl NI IIEIING tht SIAIIt iN lStaff The closing meeting of the year for Uro township council has been arranged for Monday llcc 2t starting at It Itccvc Wallace Key and ounciflors Ioanric McEwcn and Paul Hansen Will be retiring at It end of the year along with Deputy Reeve harfes Simp son totincilfor Allan McLean wrll mch up to deputy rccvc and Howard ampbcll will become the new rccve oun cillors ncxt vcar Will includc If To paraded down the main street ahead of Santa riding the town fire truck tEx arnincr Photo Charley Sanderson larcncc Smith and Paul Kitchen lNIRI IJXIIINIlIIl ltllttiNlti tlt lcrcncc Wardrop representing the board of directors of thc Io ronto Symphony has an nouncrd that Andrew liavis contract with the company has been extended to Aug Ill man Mr Ilavis now in the second ycar of the fiveyear contract was appointed music director of lllttlltlltSIfil July I974 ouuuuuuou This CHRISTMAS Give Peace of Mind for we tJl CII utiiiti Mt tril II Puikoqc 7261 803 it uvlll iffitiOl lfiaDom if Btiitn lirp DC It gct IMPERIAL CINEMA 5C that Will on to liiisttiitis Nails as way of liclpinti tlitist ll It illltlltllt Illttll titiistltts SC to rcmnnl its III that Illtlt nc still some good times left that dont cost fortttnc Plan Christmas events at churches in Ivy By JEAN JENNEII IVY film will be shown in the Presbyterian church this evening entitled So Long Ioie and it is hoped it will be well at tended film games and lunch with cake and ice cream are in cluded at Christmas party program at Thrist Ihurch on Saturday afternoon starting at oclock All children are welcome Soft toys will be col lected to send to the Huronia Regional Centre formerly known as the Ontario Hospital at rillia lver lot attended the recent township dinner held in Ivy hall when wives of members of the Orange Lodge catered They served hot roast beef dinner which was tollowwf by lance WOMENS INSIITITE Constable Irosser spoke about fraud as it exists today and what to watch for at meeting of the Womens In stitute hold at the home of Mrs larcncc Hoggarth Barrie The resolution committee was in charge of the program The next mccting Will be held at the home of Joan Wright hristmas carol service will be held in hrist hurch on hristmas Eve at pm Ivy hockcy girls defeated Allistori last Saturday night by to score Mr and Mrs Ilon llamrrioiid cntcrtaincd all the folks on thc 8th Linc at fart wcll party for Mr and Mrs Iirri Icacock and family on Sunday afternoon They are moving to Ilrtlllt fitst WlSlltS wcrc cxttiitfl Mr and Mrs Hob Kcir ptir chased the farm formerly own ed by Mr and Mrs Jiiii Peacock Mr and Mrs Jack llirons and girls Scarlwrotigh spent lIlt witkciid with Mrs liiiit Ifirons IIIRIlII IIIll€li ffoly communion and hol baptism was tlltltrl Ill lriut liurcli last Sunday lclissa Collin Davis daughter of Mr and Mrs Larry Davis Douglas Peter Gamer son of Mr and Mrs Garner and Thomas Joseph Money son of Mr and Mrs Keith Money were baptiz ed All entertained friends at dinner afterward Laura Applegate lit the third candle on the Advent wreath representing John the Baptist Rev Bruce McCallum Mildred Smith and Jean Jen nett attended the Great Chapter meeting held at Tot tenham on Wednesday Mr and Mrs Neville Jamison and Mr and Mrs Ken Elliott of Thom ton also attended Mrs James McDermott spent couple of days in Toron to this week Visitors with Elwood and Jean Jennett this week were Mr and Mrs Ivan Caldwell of Thornton and Heather and Bob Lawson and also Mrs Doreen Miller of Barrie New officers elected by ACW at St Pauls By 0le PRATT ST PAULS The afternoon ACW ladies of St Pauls Anglican Church held their an nual Christmas meeting and dinner at the Brookdale Inn in Barrie There were 24 members one visitor and Rev Walter Lee present to enjoy the dinner The state of officers for 1977 clcctcd were president Mrs Ihomson past president Miss MacKertcher first vicepresident Mrs Charles Sproulc second vicepresident Mrs Bailey secretary Mrs Holycr assistant secretary Miss Daisy Wright treasurer JOHN TO someon JOHN AT THE NOW AT SAMS Why Not Give even to yourself Mrs Leo Gibbins dorcas Mrs Richardson and Mrs Neely birthday box Mrs Bailey sick and shutin visitations Mrs Richardson study book Mrs Hunter Mrs Emerick Mrs Strang Mrs Dora Beamish and Mrs Holyer social Mrs Rix Mrs Leo Gibbins and Mrs Sargent quilting Mrs Rich ardson Mrs Green and Mrs Hunter delegate to ad vistory board Mrs Thomson Richardson Rowe New foundland spent week with Mr and Mrs James Madel and family HART you love HART ORGAN Are you planninga New Years Eve club III on till the lllll tll tlint inuniiuts to be one HI lllt most wuntlciltil liiiutiiinu riitiitaniincnb Party for your office or social You can have the room CAll THE EVERYBODYS INVITED TO THE PREMIERE OF NICKELODEON The man who now its Wt ll llt Tlll LAST lltvll JRI til It lltli lltU tituttc llltllltl nut iiitttiic show about tlic titttcnttnc commit tllltl tillttflit lAll MUt ll tlltl Ilatt ttlll lllll making tliu first picture shows Wednesday ictttiltn SIlHHlllll til Mt til if mil begin across tlic tilllllll lint is sint tliristnias iiiuscnt ltirstltit tlic prcinicic of NH fo ll MN is ENS NICKELODEON The nickel Is for Christmas Seals The premiere in for you RYAN BURT TATIIM BRIAN STELLA JANE ONEAL REYNOLDS ONEAL IIEITII STEVENS RITTER HIIEHCOCII lit lel lt lxl lttttl Rt llltltlt ltlt lll lltlltlllt iitt ititt lhl RYAN ONEAI 30 WWII TATUM oweu BRIAN Kl listen mmiiAmwcirs WILRHINDEIN tosMRRINt LSTEILA STEVENS JIRIN BITTER ititu it it JANE MCIKXKJK IllthItlttt tiniot moo ASZLII KIWACS ltl lttn II RICIITIR 8i ASStxitAll ltttllltltttt FRANK MARSHALL moon Ititti IRWIN WI tltttltiltllfh PETER IRISHANNIE II Opens Tuesday Doc 21 Au sms PETER mummwca NKlfll margin autumn tits It1ttRRIHSHHUN tMl Tt fRlt tt MN RE ran DETAILS AND RESERVATIONS CONTINENTALINN 47261834 On Tuesday Doc 21 ON

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