ARTICLES FOR SALE BARRIE TV SAIIS Et SIIIVIIII lti lIii Barrie Examiner Saturday QIIIIHI l8 l97ti ARTICLES FOR SALE DOGS ETS EDGEHILL AQUARIA Aquariums tlsh plants all accessories Lowest priceya Ardagh Rd 7260094 BARRIE POEESEBFSHSranooirE and clipping at all breeds Sophia SIreet East 7264t4i kkmlss II COMMERCIAL FOR on RENT OFFI SPACE Modern ottice with l100 sq ft on main floor overlooking Kem PERSONALS CANADIAN WI SI Come in and pick up your free brochure on British Colum biaAlberta for holidays next Em ESTATE MORTGAGES IF YOU Miro MONEY Immediate ist and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms HII IIIINIIlI SI POODLE TiilTliMiNo Eoiï¬slonal flroomlpgélglgle bIIiIreegséI lickAup and de SUMMOT YSIXI L¢1e HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE vacation and commerCIaI properties penielt Bay and MUHICPOI MAYS POODLE PARLOR 90 45 DunIo St next to parking Recently decorated Slonal clipping and grooming reas PTh To consolidate debts low monthly payments wim we to wall drapes and gngggsiAIqileP£3S72flgEmm semi Home improvements any worthy reason fully broodloomed Coll Bill pedlgreeI Bred go WWI Dlsposmon 08 22 To pay oft existing or maturing mortgage Sakeris National Trust Co 728 gï¬Ã©gsasfzteed CKC feOIStEFEG Call Constiurtionlunds tree OdVlCO tly us 920lr TI STIIHTZU pUPPEs 7hemales °° te and brindle one lte and tan III We have ready ash to purchase morlgoges VAAUT°MOTIVE GIIIS OI Ge your gueggrssogk In ImIgzgogï¬mlflmuI no £LE4L Enduring Beauty CuDDLY TOY pomeranlnan puppies ovyloomng 39° and low CARS on SALE and win ready tor homes at Christmas Can be SWImmlng P°°l dlnlng room Fondue Sets SUPER PRO Soxsgllaos eggsterea Evenings or weekend 436 cockgoil bungeI week i973 CADILLAC Devllle Luxuriously urns apnomtud Showroom condition Tele Sh c°°° worm FASHION FLAIR IRISH SETTER puppies tor sale CKC wa °p°m° no tumor Si LASI ull Armin 347 BAY STREET nlwnvn89°29 GOUm°W°° BLOW DRYER 1° Read dewormed and shots ready to go chenette bath includes air lORONiO ONT BOBC W9° WII 5i Fl0werpols ond was CYCIumen C°5°Ies QUF5EWEY9E Tflgwni79909 tare for only $541 Per Person BARRH 0N1 Aklo ulli to an onorlionen custom interior on plus Meeuws pewter Drawing Homlormngememg from CHIHAUHUA puppies tor sale HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 735 00m ph 363 34 Iy 2000 inilvs asking $4600 Telephone Quinn temales weeks old can be registered Midland 526 mo and Raphael Jewellrv Phonelzegug II II 45 Dunlop St Member Olitui l0 Mm tquql Brokers Assoc l972I VOLKSWAGEN augI new paint Id PUG PUPPIEslalsaWzyearoldtemale game OMI rnltlnls gas heater lCClrlC Windshield 0Y alo lbs Registered Ideal tamily IF erï¬ltts Ocelle condiionr WI 53 Dunlop St 7264683 HAIRSTYUSTS World Wide Delivery pets Boston terrier and Pug breeder DIOH LIIIIV Telephone 737 2iI28anIytiIme 726 89I2 728456 33367930 was rono Falcon 5300 or best otter on 0p DALMATIVONHPVUTPTEE isTéreB MORTGAGES RENTALS lelupttonr 5586 alter pm Why dewormed ready to go nicelyegmarked mi DART toor lutomatc slant lively Christmas gin $75 each and NM liltlio new tirls extra rimls tor snow Maple Ridge Farms Novar Ont Tele tins only 57000 original miles lady E02370 7221729 AM RlALrES ARRANLrLD INNII IIIIIltI ItliIlIltI IWII LIIIVOII and in immaculate condition sh CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES Ready 00 Ruusoltdllkt Ritlm Illlxihllllul Inp1 ILL Uimmi377 37 Swan per wk with or without registration beautilul IIIIIII IIIItIIIII IIIII IIII WM PLYMOUTH Bulvedem Momr 0x To colors Telephone 4450446 George illurit hotly good 95500 miles Uncer OUR MANY 76 models mus HEIQIEIIEIIEPIIQOW Yes we 09 Planning trip to kn gng IIt itiully IiIIIiIiIiI IIlIIlIiIIIItl lv1IIIIilIIll IIIILIIV $500 Iar best otter Telephone POODLE cue 2m pï¬ppy mg p0 sap With tlv 37 wrim oo in orwar ale7weeks nee sown omean ami Im 355 l5I Avmm was CHEVELLE Malibu excellent can see Specal Offer To $925 You BUYERS LHiLK ilSI ChISmas 93995 50 days L°nd°n b°l°re dam IN II iiitinn with snow tires cerlitiert $500 Swim suits °Shorts Tanktops soil suede handbag and mat IN Wm WHIHIIII IIIIIUM ptheZ6253I motor coach tour l5 days con My mm In mm ilousss to arm IIOIIPTRD LYA FICIIIWIIOII swan Warm WeatherSlacks hing clutch purse kit FIOIII one VNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM JIIII iTAJIIESHAND CQIItiL tinenlol breakfast dinner Mfll inl town mum Royal aiuu Every conceivable option DressesPll55 °5l°V°IUI iltiilltiitilllililyllilllvilly CANADA COIN C°°° mm on tour ca for further FINANCAL ll rrimn IowrtiliorlgrI curtitltd 34700 3004 olwimergm ideal II WI WWI wIIIIIWI IIII mgxgh gpiriIagIsédpJgfugegszagflmprze demiISI Vitt is ye RI DATNUN 9° da °s exceeding sioooo Will sell tor $6300 or HAY TRAVEL SERVICE tuier insinnr luxury land qootl DINIIIIOIT Crlilled last April Thread needles an in be 4746460 III RAW JUL ltill ltlllliiu 54 hw mun ltCtds somv work Phone 487 3927 or srucflons included 72847 in oil elrrl 37 iiinku For rn 7150M l85 Dunlap 7285ISI CHRISTMAS TREES D20 16 in wt All twill to il in 710 736 WSI CHEVROLET deluxe sedan as I25 Dunlap St 7372082 II II II II II II II We MW Oltrt xi it it ltt ll 35 055 sltiï¬ or host Ollll Phone 689 2749 Sivnrii Bl II9l i972 VEGA 2100 5T hatchback speed Itrtflilttlritl rartlo good tires snow IIFIX on rcllr Must go no reasonable at tel fiIllSid Can lJL seen at ill Owen St Nov MERCURY Montigo doors IVNI ll lliillitilll limnliousl tor limit on Illxlxl Iii itmn tTtUTt in to ult III Nlil lit IVRiDJ llOllfiI islir IF In it tint IV 7286501 Christmas Trees Large Selection of Scotch Pine Spruce TuSTF STEREO Quad 40 watts AMFM track and phono speakers Stereo amplilier so watts RMS all modes Give her Iovelylingerie tor Christmas by Koyser Molyclaire Van Raalte and Ieltli lltn uMurtqug iIViIIrlltll loll lll lint iilliiliu it irrd Vtlll liwii lllit lilliliiy mom HAWAII Bi ikl Xxxut titlinli John Street II Darling Body Fashions 050 SnI litters Telephone 4246358 alter and Up VI31mg IIrdhI it powir llritktS power steering good can MC7RTGAC mm 80 01W can 89 Hosery By Hones NEAT CHRISTMAS pesenst nghis COIumbus Ha Maui for weeks First class Rum ltl iV iiu Grillill tully 778 890 KYSG and C0 C0 mksl W39 99 PI SheVLS 95 Berczy SI ltIlitIliri IIOl wt Liylirllrl St SJUO 1w RAMBLE 0de $295 Si OHO orsrcandle homers Telephonenb 3936 hotels escored March worm rlilr rnlurltn Avrillrtllli hm aummdm radio door DRAPES FOR SALE open Weave Lot opened daily Untll April 9th Includes airfare illii twill irl piiiirw no vio Ttihiptionultdytttnl135 637 allLrpr For Ihe Foml orange color Barrio oilice remodell 10 lil immth ilollsi rvnrinrul liiiiil 04 WW SI Ina Four lengths Asking $700 pm oe II mm mm Who BU ICK Skylark Ior SGIIII door ppers Boylield Mall 737266l lor whole package or best otter Drapes Proceeds for local airport tax Wardmr and Hay $He tll Hlw iInNMH 19 ftiwii tldrittotr uttcvrtitivd 3350 Telephone Shoes up on wmwhg 000 cleaning 726 336 HAYS Ava SERVICE nva millllr nososj agnow Boots II MILITARY MEDAL ist and 2nd charities 728 4700 ma it mum inn till rent on tom Lr MANS Powvr SILQVUI owvr l23 DunlOP St Mm Worlil Wnrs Wonder Lounge exerciser Evening Shoes Ilt ll 33 IWllhl VMm broken riiitlil rear CllIrOSIlr Six WY vtuuuin Lane pus lawn om LTQ ml st lvh Kill twirlile MW 33 cyllnriir dutottlatli 51600 Cirtiticd Handbags Givea mow era longhorns Black and tlr jail lttil tn 28 0943 Decker Ji saw Coleman heat Id rn wanted items into OGiItCertlIicotes WEC you on lhcchwi llttllyl IltllllllUIIIil II LASTING GIFT bottles 776 0834 WA IORD FALCON wth I969 30 ash The Auction House to miles north TRA 4i at Barre corner at Highway ti and the N5 vr asszzgssliniï¬fiii WWW NORMAN FAMILY OF ART w33£t65I2i£22iï¬iitzn Christmas Tree Lot mm mm rn in nu ll uni no y048 rtiironrsings375 773 7735 Id Bread Bldg Auction every Tuesday 00 OY le night at pm For rntormatton call iI its Iu III NYSLE WWII Cusom FIREWOOD tor sale spilt mined hard II AI WI will tilt ilrIt NI mm Mal HUI VI IIIIIINIIIPSI 8388 0Watorcoors 3430 1th core dclivcrcd Phone arge eectlon INENAY OIUI Mï¬hwhw SeIII II mt mil 1mm Cilll LlilULil toxar LodIes Fashions oPrints Cultured Scotch Spruce 1915 mrre marital rnvestvoar to ill it nl WW OEtchings ANTIQUES Balsam Trees e1° BM ipvwf um in annulus ir In llr rlrm ii $1300 xtlirr Hondbogs oves Visit the art studio Oak pt dining room set round table is it esb Echo tiirir iohlnsbobiirt ou °° pm rw sl Ilksll irrr lv Otlc mas any rl lll co HOIIdaY Meals Are box WBJIiIrtntIOB lamp Iblll butternut WP 018 II lt humus 9ILiIiIyIIIltoryrmIIriaiulaii Pierre Cardin Extra Spock an mm WGHI mum rr inn mm Everllng Acessores Al Will btnrh torridr Lupboard dentin CUT your Cum or nr vlrr Im but trsink hall tables desk rtks It in til in SI Hi all Vlrt Jewe olrturc trlimrs decoys etc Pint Rivrr Ln Hfl MW UN Hats Scart Set Antiques 76 king St Angus 474 5473 553 P5 wvtr eoe 52 30 TtIlln St 7262800 OIIIIII sun MIMI Mn OW OFelt Hats And it including Smears Eare elv II eHones Houery FIRL PLACE HARDWOODS heaper sygniimtig393315r0493t 739135 II $0132 27 Dunlop St 7288085 PIT Surprise her with gzIIlgIIJKIC73ItJIW °V AMIW CHFIISTNA roses v2 tg Douala Fir Sow6 as Ea uni rlkm 9305 30 29 DUNLOP ST 7263831 Erys9l HAIIlIIMOND IonoAINJSnopIcesirgglzIzt oassmmnor Bar es alral lgUrlne IHW Old on gt it DUO Frlda sti9 II Licensed CHWlSTrA TFEE 2111 II illilv 12 Duatur 340 4891 IF via Schull Leother Goods CONN OHGAN and bench automatic Spruce ar 1e 51 BHIM 519 Kar Fine PO er chord and rhythm ear phOnIS 50 icon at eaeag no In Consider rrasortattirotlIr 778 9542 SppUCE QIU APARTMENTS T0 RENT punkMo Spoonracks rmcwooo Splll on us bush In II MIPS5 LZFEzIfIFIldJfli Special 50cking Stuns from ZiegamrteIinery anytime Telephony my rolr Tn II Mom LE YeleprerMAf WIIII GIFT THAT stATlUNERY 0mm latctllr lnr garden or yard All Feta ll IrIrIE ruï¬tu wvll made Idtal Ctirlstrrrrtsgll srrrs l7 wmamrii in iii 75 tr HER BDunIopWI 7285i28 or so ll mos my lens 7w Cf WI with lasting gilt tor the home AIIGO so Be 7H lolly mm WM Suwm Mammy WWII new Select an WO to Spot ial ltaturing limit in extras tor that elegant light Die Iemernber pronsalami look 776 2773 GAR DE SU PPLI ES HAVE AN antraurChrrstmaswlhag it Iz IX Youlllends and IYOVVIBIBtotkSAnIlQUtS H7 Vongs thschyist millsouihutBarrreonliigrwa rt Sm VI CARS WANTED es wrth i0u oil every item now 09 MOSISIO SGndgillsub 19 Droplnoriall737 12in FARMER75 Alta StUFlOS Ollhe Bome MINK COAT and lace so HE anminer They are easy Muskralcoal lrxmm i2 to 72s 33m LIVESTOCK FOR SALE CLEAN USED CARS REVOX A77 tape deck Mary rm rece ec me 305 Oder lheY 05 Yar eSoddIes Bridles Halters amplrtwr ThOIPHS 125 tr retaoe 16 View andthecostis smallcom ar arm Audra 03 or oSC rv 300ls Helme5 Blcnkels artrnigo Dynaro XL25 suesv Szri 75 08 68 Dunlop ed me preosuregweh EM Llniments °ond Accessories 377 Mix ter Everyth as in 2655 99 93991 ON OPS 7263300 giltwillbeannouncedin your witlrpncimglarmns 25 sex Work Borne Noï¬h nomewithobeautilulcardin CC 715 39 lull llch colors mailed to arrive IIIIO DIIIIIIII an II II colego at lust the right time belore rm 95 Complm Gwyn Starting role 5452 per II mum Christmas SI DUNLOP SI lcl7DIIIItIla DIBaInItsS IIIlIctIeIiII gigs ii ltOUF Lt Order now BARRIE Flrriunluolw 35 95 33 do Duties to commence as III DO PHOIO COPiER am to stare at camlml ittn lill lvttt and lega RE SVEQED rue 56 soon as pOSSbIe Ar SOnerFiilc Jetlltlet BY lpihlglrun leltlogltapilltclttlt3nibjtf Vase he 32T€Li In resed person DVMMVM nr brorrrto Slyway Wutlngto tho pH III II mu gnaw $8 please apply in writing on rt aw is HANDBAGS c°°D°p somehng ulrltivorkaroxmho most wrapsr ff 333°9éo 3321 BI or before December 23 N1 lcs Leather Suede Vinyls OI The Examiner IOt HIS Of gmlIIIISIfIIItIzI1IUIIIIILIIIOIÂ¥ 86 mew 244 IO Personnel 07 wum or Dial 726 6537 Willi tier Kill Mom can do me ma POULTRY AND CHICKS Iicer tOtlSlhUlii tasks with Pde and tintc let alum hle R0 nhn OCB Ilaiisteiveis READY to pct ets Also term 95 SIMCOO 71 14 Attmhe roses brlelrases Wflmm my MM or WW 57m egg was Mable Ml Boo dot Ed ullï¬tfluhtz min IIIIiil service we Nnver letry Farm echo glrl 44 5111 yenlng baggI AITIOIS rflll so taliuloLis Kirov ltuvs IKSYI ittheilest spirlthuqs tutohogs gills Ot Rtirlms HIllIllsntliiinll iylttkljtsn ammonia FEED SEE AND GRAIN Ir itiimigli tlmqil rtc the it got Barrie 0M Hutttl Ciultml In 71 Id lWIt Wk7 NC FOR ulhrgdlecsloéironejlgggg giur are apprka tolliri Mint tiniire no inmmoooos IHIIUITW Pratt Motor me suiiirotikl Also slimhot Ir FRUITSANDVEGETABLes A7 7W BA IIhnhus SU Co Illyvtktil amt ttiipomrti SJL or oext ut nr in lli below IIIII oblIIs AtPLE Apiiys Kooea dSOn CoCI Ii 39 Hi mu in 9550 Oro 726 I907 778 8489 CIOSC Wusli Stands pm Mix ll useti months 3N0 also Sundays Your containers io 72359 IIIIIIII III WM POTATO NO OnIaIIo WMst wrth 3Iyears relo edi Idus WullUtlllS IHJr Wm Man in MI lop rrr I33 WWW WM 7789 expenence om us big us inn mm um lrllxvs JK lussbon raw 728 7677 and moinenanceI Sol til iii no vv form and road related Hir Il lrl Altrucllvu lm III ulI lk mm airialia like new band Ir IIIIIIIIIIBI IIIIY IIIIIOIIIIIIYIIII is reitvcclllx lamvs vw blueprints Must have Ontario IC yi rig 44 iI It III IIIDW Ho OL I4 HI Um 1765 NW IIInitlaluItillg rrrmiriruss orl bur BANUUEI IACILIIIES Depgrlmzil oLLdbor licence rr TI burly do VJY Hiriisririiitiln prrrirs nu ilxxlojluuv OHm PM Book now for ChIIrIidsItmascNew APP II H141 pm 5r rm NI Mm IIIIIII IIIIIIII NW mmorI Year Parties We ings ross ItlIlll CIIIIINIIOS WM mi ielrphuml 087 Country Skiing Golf Tour Decor Mela Pmdumo Wllme siiimi wmnuri sliop hmwnnu MA Dunlap 725 im VINO Wm BOATS AND MOTORS °°5IIOYAI DOWNS 140 Bay St 173 ri DJWIIOWN OR CHRISTMAS °o°°ai GOLF TENNISCLUB Mdmd II mm in dutltll tiiill iylinilei Chrys or in can ltt Imp Ilg norm In Oll EIngllsh Sheepdog IIIIIIIIII mnmmn Asking 1500 mues wesI of Barrie 526 545i III IIII II AUTO ACCESSORIES IIIIIIIIIIIIIuIIIIIIIIIImm Pooc Olliaso Apsa ionpilorrails 4245 attir 10p in 42402 OI 4240246 DQI II II III II IIIII III II uilnarrow lumemmun Stllilouwi ARTICLES WANTED m9 yfl li rlt all lII tn art rijlmirrqHethullirI nmn hm mm ANH 0R Um mrnnuyeI nooksI dishes ill llr 73 talks odds init ends Pro TELECAREV Why light your problem Irv WI SPACE FOR RE NT élOlIItIIIL no 8234 alone Let triend help Call Tolocnri time PAY cristt tor olii turnlture glass 726 7922 any 4437 or Iv nrr ur amt Gordon INuIrlpir llrrlss old laltlL lamps out cvil ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 729 am ii Gruwuig minpnriy will hire and IIIIIIIIII IIIII IIII IIIIII 34 in r4 in JWM uu mu ï¬xtures and any othirIunusual old you drinkIthats your guinnossI it you om mmimimntly ilkIllud rrrl Mir In rm Hr Mr iRAILERS altiile PliontirinTyftigii73zAl21 be In garaxasrgghaLioiérstanosps 1th INIth Mu ho mid wniliora It II AllIii hill ltllfyvlial vlr mmllvlhll FOP SALE It 295 BYl°dM lelfsgiaolywuwd condition Prepared to permanently meiliially epprovoii Ly and limit in appoululue Rapid III II III IiIIIlIIIII IyI II IIIIIII rII IIII IIHW nlr WrrIrrrvi rrlIIytI1r Biol tllIW erIilhIr truilllsésd l0 6flttldu um 728 6302 rillnisti agncébié mechanically sound 2IenchukI Common Etuctrnloglst inummn Id mhm man ill rill in rlill ir li VIWim llit Ir lei ti t8 swwo Ielcphom 11 ll lltll rial rtlliilqltlrll allilrt mm 279 9r do Min Mhï¬ï¬‚nflflw hï¬kkkwm FOUR SCOUT mumnsmrn Mum DANCE bum Imam NM light pauplo MUIIINSVUIINI We III II II II IIIIIIIIIIII $21 IIII maintain 14 pm 17 Lilli i4 on new group PhoniAitl 2503wrttlcostand YearsEve Ballroom altituuilrinltifllu will ttnlli you tell HA 7407 illwt BARR MOIO CROSS Auromonv ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES POR SALE WSCWJ°5°°° Mmhluy on tmm to rpm rrrr It litrwlu lr lwi ll lil il ill WiPI llIUii Iil till Hill at CENIRE TDI IIIIIIMIVA¢ IIiiï¬IIIWA ll il Iltrl lrr lttI ii II llllr Ir rll Will 7gt 389 Buyireld St some suovmomus MARKET ARTICLES roaIIsIALIi II ARTICLES roll slur ll iiillll lvr twirl Illi II III II II 02 mm Mr ï¬wr rilltrtrl or rmrn liitt lIlIvltlil llHr limit Iii tuti HI ll rt gnu rirll iiill ll illl Ill lllrlilli tiirt lull It rr IilIlll li ttrtril Irlrl lrir millmin nanny trltltrllllt ll pig in rtr ll llll lIltrllllt pnlkiilii Snowmobiles it Hr lliiii llllllhh PART AUIESSORIES Mrr ll ill Allill lll llillllllilS Mac one lllh cl dlor the IBSTPOI °° is Intelliutiuiiul Wlllillwmhliiu unsung season mt Mk rt limit lion Bosch lu Bl yr it III II Kohlmp 73 or nse Ih BCUIYIIH Ru Opening January I977 ul Itlil lI lt Ir IIII JIilIr lllly iiirlmliri Will Ilir II 07199 II DU 0182224 notchnu nll 965 0t WWII liirirlt iii liilwuirl tirllI In liiip gm Ban9 RR Shuunu GUI Hill nu 7x it in or ttlttllltiII tr llll lllllltlIIltt ti DUI Banana um or tlmtilor xalot similarmakc In RANK lltl lwdu 2mm ii llllrllll7I nu uiuipt tlll J3 II SI iiowrnntilllon Ptiolie7261587 It lirut lrm II III III AIR ioniiiressor service station model Iilllll tr II Rustic Codal lilliiltum onmswm°°°d°°° II II IWI trl Iltllllitl tit III i97l640 TNT Newskls newcarblde run II Asking H75 or beat otter Phone Ir ll rW it il Iy li5lllll ll nersand studsnewclutch new springs Equal all 7M9 Sever Brldoe nhmflmy MrMm mummy rt in 728I0737 lront and rear completely rellnlshed Primrou 5st Aluminum runabout boaI 33 III II II III III IIII II II it lui Illlllllttl tii It IUII IttI S500 telephoned 3608 II on Nos 89 oond 24 HI hwa IpI no pong ableI complewI ROYOIVIMHO Horlm tl frrriqlrll Ir llvrurili rilliii III IIhSM l8 l97l NORTHWAY 340 tor sale In ex Qualums sund OCH game MINIMUM DIB Iota stereo multiplex system nynuI lllrvlmwv Lllenl condition 5550 Telephone comp III App NMII ymi II AT 778 7974tarlurttier intarmation everything 2W CO II II ffldï¬ï¬‚ Jlyrlr W70 SNOCRUISER in good condition INDOOR SHOWROOM Hullslmdpwls KITCHEN suite round white arbourlto N0 Hm an guilty mi NOWMOBHES $750 Alsosotol5nowtlresDunlopwldc dlsplavComelntodar MW 460 pedestaitabie5pedestalchalrsanthuc lt lt hone7377767 track Goo l5 no the pair telephone tor true 9000 bookllt Inormmd Mt pinball machine 1933 chicaoo World mum lrtrrrrt art Ill iIl lIli it Ill stark now at preseaoon 728 349l ab0vc around pools Pioneer Pools Falr gold plush Sklaar tllb chairs ItlIiII ftgvï¬eoaitdzabfcutv lllrlutlel Ir pkIes l9lJ STAR lot 338 in good condition BanaP binfsï¬mkey Teepwne mummybmfm rnmm Available Jammy rm in will lil SP0 HAVEN MARINE hhnsoItELrVphonoan use USE COLOR TVS Hum 723 etterSD R1lcl£s FOR SALE Id Conserve heat this winter Heat Miser BEDRbOMBflnrtmcrrt with ilw wt mile uonlol BARRIE GITreeeadsï¬g2bigggï¬oxugxesggffpwnj in into chimney eleCIrIc tan saves II Mr mm $111227 LIllrildolfi1r WWW Iill SlunlY BY GUITAR and case beginners Royal tlnuousty coming In Come early tor best mm 075 rea near Oakley Part htme9 to 26 771 0073 weekends 717 13 lliiilIl finillliliiy 726100 standard typewriter both in good candl lion reasonably priced 776 4l55 Telephone selection ot color and black and white TVs Barrie TV and Appliances 80 Dunlop St 728 4297 FIREPLACE HARDWOOD seasoned top quality lace cord to $35 $30 orIIcIustom cutIFreo delivery 726 4725 ASK FOR MR NEAR no 6537