tlnean netry value FurnitureFaShion TABLE MODEL Glamor LOW Low ERIC Model WT5580 l00°o Solid State works in drawer 4995 CONVENIENT FINANCING 1v WP3802 lOO solid state works in drawer SALE PRICE SERVICE audi ma er BAYFIElD MAll BARRIE You dont have to use Baytietd St to get to Baytield Mall Just follow the Guide below and save time avoid traffic jams THESE STORES it you We west of Baytteid St use either Sunnidalc Road or Anne it noitti to Iiindtes Hoait follow Candles Road east to Gtonwood ltlvtf Turn rtgbt on Slenwoott and enter Bayttetd Mall via the Sleewood entmnre It you liw eth nt Baytietd St us St Vlllt unt St north to Cundles itoatt lnilnw uiutltr one block lltlll left onto Ferris lane follow terns am to the liqbtf at Btiytiild St inI then ran moss Baylield St Willi lltt ldlllf hunts and into Hayfield Malt it leiJ luv smith ot Dunlop St use either of the above routes to sttvt yiltl lllllt and avoid tmtlu Imus fï¬j Exciting Christmas ideas for everyone on your list the choice is yours at Graysonheld CANADAS FINEST 20 piece Service it Ill Iill ultlll Illl ml lxt vll ll lllltlv otnplctc with Presentation asc iiitc national Batting Beautifully finished in moulded MARVOLITE ABS Plastic strong and durable lxrguliii ii600 Regular $720 Christmas Special cioats 15 on OLESLIE SPEAKER CABINETS FROM $399 inualled ilrutitgr Ill titanium tltttlnl or addition untpanyttt Minimums your organ FROM $295 installed tmT minim outusm nooxs oussou PACKAGES prl 31 8540 Mouse of Qttagsottlteld Daytield Mall Barrie 7262380 Qttotyxiulield ilutin vQDMaple Barrie 1371319 Barrie leathergoods ltd GAN CENTRES VICES EASY CREDIT ill 7373572 SIG CNRISTMAS WEEK DElIVERIES BAYEILElD MAll 7265291 The Barrie Examiner Thursday December 16 1976 Ben Mizerit 25 wanted in connection with the attemp ted bombing of Vancouver department store sips on cup of coffee in downtown T0 SURRENDER MONDAY Montreal restaurant He says he will give himself up Mon day in Halifax where he would like to visit his parents first lhotm Government facing challenges OTTAWA IPJ At time when it is beset with domestic problems sufficient to occupy most of its attention the gov ernment is about to enter its most challenging foreignpolicy period in years The challenge starts lan when Canada takes over Western seat on the United Na tions Security ouncil for the next two years prepared to deal with problems involving international peace and security Concerned whether his own country will decide to split apart in those two years new External Affairs Minister Don lamieson will have to worry whether Israel will be allowed to live whether Palestinians may have home whether Rhodesia and other areas of southern Africa are about to ex plode into bloody warcfarc to name few problems ENSLRII POLICY lie and William ll Barton ambassador at the UN will have to be sure that their every move on the lFrcountry council conforms to anadian policy and more to the point that there is anadian policy to deal with every situation on which they must vote Mr Jamieson put the sitti ation this way in recent To ronto speech which noted that anada is the first Western country elected to nonper manent Security ouncil seat four times Election is great honor but one which imposes extra challenges and burdens abinet realized that we could be faced with the need to make policy decisions in areas of foreign policy which had not received recent detailed scru tiny or which we had been able to leave comfortably vague OIICNItHRITICISM We knew that these deci sions might lead to criticism both abroad and at home from people holding different and of ten mutually contradictory views Nevertheless we concluded that anadas place in the world required acceptance once again of the important respon sibilities involved in ouncil memlwrship anadas place in the world will require more than sitting down scores of times in spe cial seat in New York It also will mean its usual NAIt re SpOIlSlhllllllS participation in 7otninonwealtit heads of government meeting at tending an economic summit seeking better international safeguards against use of nuclear reactor material for ex plosions continuing goodwill trips to Latin America fighting to make meaningful the struggling NorthSouth economic talks in Paris Prime Minister Trudeau will almost certainly participate in winter or spring economic summithpossibly in Asiarrsuch as the one he at tended in Puerto Rico this year AVUII BtlYlUTl He also will attend the Com monwealth headsetgovernme nt meeting in London in June ne of the major topics there will be overcoming the possibility of an AsianAfrican boycott of the 1978 Com tnonwealth Games in Ed niontom problem that has bothered the government since the boycott of the Montreal Olympics this year Aside from that the prime minister who made two trips this year to Japan and to Cuba Venezuela and Mexicois ex pected to stay close to home to deal with problems related to potential Quebec separatism and the economy Mr Jamieson will visit Bra zil Peru and olombia in January an extension of the prime ministers trip this year aimed at getting to know an economically growing South America better CHECK THIS VALUE Brand New I977 MINI $2995 Plus transportation PDI and licence SIMCOE SPORTS CAR CENTRE lTD 94A Tittin St 7181505 Skiing at it Best Rentals and Groomed Trails AllANDAlE GOLF COURSE RR4 Barrie 72853l3