NEWS ROUNDUP RCMP aske OTTAWA tCP After five weeks of fruitless efforts to find out who got $24million com mission on the sale of nuclear reactor to Argentina the fed eral government has asked the RCMP to help The police will use their inter national contacts through Inter pol to try to follow the shadowy trail of the money that now en ds in Swiss batik account and Liechtenstein office Energy Minister Alastair Gil lespie said Wednesday he had run out of patience trying to track down the agent through Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd governmentowned company that paid the $24 million in April 1974 without knowing the agents name He turned the matter over to the justice department which in turn placed it in the hands of the RCMP AEtL said its partner in the reactor sale to Argentina Ital inipiaiiti of Genoa Italy made the arrangements for an agent and then asked the Canadian company to pay half the cost IN SWISS ACCOUNT The motiey was paid into bank account in Lugano Switv zerlaiid held by Inter continental General Trading Establishment of Schaaii Liechtenstein There have been newspaper reports in Buenos Aires saying two former Argentinian cabinet ministers are linked to the pay ment In his annual report this fall AuditorGeneral JJ Macdonell criticized the payment to Inter continental on the grounds there is insufficient documen tation showing what services were provided and who got the money The report also says there is insufficient documentation to back $81 million of the $154 million already paid to tnited Development Inc of Tel Aviv on sale to South Korea But while Lnited is still mak ing efforts to provide the mate rial iieeded by the auditor the government has had little luck with Italimpianti Two representatives from AICtl met with Sicuri presi dent of the Italian firm in Mon treal Nov but said they got little of the information they sought Dies at 46 LONDON Ont Ii Don ald Kay 46 recentlyelected mayor of Clinton town 30 miles northwest of Stratford died in hospital in this city Wed nesday The mayorelect had been in hospital here and in Clinton for the last two weeks He underwent surgery for can er two years ago Rejected TORONTO itli The On tario Housing Corporation Olltt has rejected proposals by the Federation of Ontario Tenants Associations to revise rent programs for public house ing tenants The association said in statement kednesday that it made 11 proposals in cluding recommendations that rents of tenants on strike be re duced cost of utilities he in cluded in rent and twoycar freeze be imposed on rents Not guilty TORONTO WI 77 lohnie Bolden 60 was found not guilty by reason of insanity Wediics day in the tirstdcgrec murder of 53yearold Margaret Fraser Bolden was arrested last May Tuesday were charged in an Aug ti 1073 fire at the luniivlllc public school damage Cayuga is 23 miles east of Sinicoc HONORED French architect Roger Taillibert designer of the controversial Olympic Stadium in Montreal has been awarded Frances na tional prize for architecture It was the first time that the purely honorary award had been presented for architec ture CP Photo 12 after police found Mrs Fra sers dismembered body near his residence Mr Justice Pat rick Hartt of the Ontario Su preme Court remanded Bolden to the Mental Health eiitre in Peiietanguisheiic Detectors TORONTO Ii All apart nient buildings should be equip ped with smoke detectors Coroner Margaret Milton said Wednesday feel that smoke detectors are must and hope you will agree she told coroners jury investigating the Sept 29 death of 62yearold Toronto invalid in fire in her apartment The jury was told Tuesday that Sit smoke de tector might have saved the life of Mariam Ellen Salo confined to wheelchair siiicc suffering stroke 13 years ago Successor TORONTO PI 77 Rev Ic ter Swan Basilian priest will succeed Rev John Kelly as president of St Michaels ol lege at the tniversity of To ronto effective July Witt Far ther Swan former principal of Thomas More ollege at the University of Saskatchmvaii will serve as college viceprcsi dent until his sixyear presiden tial term begins Remanded CAYLGA Ont Cli ltob ert Bell 19 and his brother Jet trey 18 of Dunnville tiit have been convicted of arson by county court jury and re manded in custody until Jan 21 for sentencing Milan Ostric 18 also of Iunnville was acquitted of the charge when the jury returned its verdict The three youths which caused satth Increase OKd THOMAS ttfl St Thomas ptilic utilities commis sion has given approval to 252pcrcent Ontario IIydro Three help in comm New chief rate increase effective Feb for monthly bills and March for bimonthly bills Approval of the increase was announced Iuesday Rate hike ST THOMAS CP The Median Natural Gas Co Ltd has received approval from the Ontario Energy Board for rate increases effective Jan The board said the increase ap roved Tuesday will be 40 cen month for the first 1000 cubic feet of gas and 16 cents for each additional 1000 cubic feet The companys request for an additional 12 cents effective Feb was reduced by the board to 10 cents It becomes ef fective Jan forareaproduced gas and Feb for gas supplied by Union Gas Ltd Mercury SAULT STE MARIE Ont CP High mercury levels have been found in pickerel caught in Batchawana Bay on Lake Superior 60 miles north of this community Dr John Bur ns medical officer of health for Algoina said Wednesday The fish contain 16 parts per million mercury Dr Burns told the district health unit board The maximum count per missible in fish to be sold is parts per million Authorities will likely sug gest that pickerel not be eaten by pregnant women or children and that others restrict their in take to oneqtiarter pound week Dr Burns said Its warning rather than prohibition No prayer QUEBEt lI lhe prayer traditionally read at opening ceremonies of new legislature at the Quebec national assem bly has been dropped by the Iarti Qucbecois government Instead of reading the prayer the president of the assembly formerly called the Speaker lciiicnt Richard inr vited thc deputies to remain silent for period of meditation The decision brought pro test from the Liberal ope position Iarty spokesman Jean Noel Lavoic pointed otit that the move as break with tradition Mr Richard IMont morcncyi said the house rule providing for prayer only called for moment of meditation and not prayer He added that by dropping the prayer he was respecting the religious belief of each dep uty The members ap plaudcd On crime ItilttiNlt It is bloody nonsense to suggest there is more organized crime in Ontario than in Quebec Ate toriieyGencral Itoy McMurlry said in the legislature chnes day Mr McMurtry intcrjcctcd with the remark as Liberals pressed Stilltttitlltliii John Mzichth for an inquiry into or ganilcd crimc Mr Macltcth said he is stick ing with previous decision against an ittlll based on in formation from senior police of ficials who warned that holding an inquiry would do more harm than good The police Mr MatBeth said know the names of per sons they should be watching for in organized crime 717141 THREE EATHERS var use Arlr 1L4 WV GERALD FORD professorship Accepts WASHINGTON tltcuteri President Ford announced Wednesday he has accepted visiting professorship at the University of MiChlgilliivhiS alma materafter he leaves of ficeJaii20 The president made the an nouncement at the annual White House party for r0100 ters covering the capital Previously the president had not disclosed any of his plans after he leaves the White House and lid not say where he would be living after handing over presidential duties to Presidcntelcct Jimmy artcr Ford did not say which sub ject his professorship would concern New 1977 Elan 250 ssion issue KITCHENER CP Syd Brown president of the Metro politan Toronto Police Associ ation since 1961 has been hired as chief of the Waterloo Region police force Gerald Martiniuk chairman of the Waterloo re gional board of police commis sioners said Wednesday Constable Brown 51 suc ceeds Wilfred lleiiricli who died Sept 21 Seven other applicants were considered for the job Mr Martiniuk said Deputy Chiefs Clare Kunkle and Ilarold Basse had been in charge of the 425mcniber de partment since September onstablc Brown began his police career in 1954 and has been on leave of absence from the Metropolitan Toronto police force since 1962 He has headed the Ontario Police Association Canadian Police Association and the In ternational yonfercnce of PoliceAssociations TV warning OTTAWA tIi The con sumcr affairs departmciit war ned consumers Wednesday that electronic video games may harm their television sets Prolonged use of the games could cause the game pattern to remain visible as dark outline on the television screen the do partment said This could produce cuniula tivc effect that is noticeable during regular viewing and cannot be corrected except by picture ubc replacement The department advises that video games should be turned off when not in use and sets should be adjusted to low brightness and contrast while beingused with thegames Court plan TORONTO tCP Ontarios plan for unified family court will create much more hu mane way of dealing with prob lems that re of very personal nature Ian Deans NDI Wentworth said Wednesday Members of both opposition parties in the legislature ap plaudcd the bill introduced Monday which creates an ex perimental court for period of three years for the Hamilton Wentworth region AttorneyGeneral Itoy Mc Murtry has said that if the ex periment proves success the legislation could easily be amended to make it apply throughout the province He said it would mean for the first time that one judge in one court could deal with such re lated issues as property sup port and child custody Found guilty TOtTllltANE Ont tCP Ernest Turcottc 27 of Tim mins has been lotiiid guilty in Ontario Supreme Tourt of discharging firearm dangerous to the life of Tim mins police constable lurcottc who was convicted Tuesday was remanded in cus tody to Dec 22 for sentencing charge of attempted mur dcr was withdrawn when Tur cottc pleaded gtiilty to the lesser charge charge of hav ing weapon dangerous to the public also was dropped The charges were laid follow ing July 16 shooting incident involving Constable Carmen Locke Constable Locke was not injured Cochrane is about 45 miles northeast of Timmins Sentenced KITCHENER CP James Todd 25 of Cambridge was sentenced Wednesday to 15 months definite and six months indeterminate after he pleaded guilty to armed robbery Court was told he held knife at the throat of taxi driver and took $15 County court Judge David Mossop said he will recommend psychiatric treatment Parachutes OTTAWA CP Will Can adas crack paratroop force the First Canadian Regiment have to send its parachutes back to Edmonton for repacking after each jump at its new Ontario bases Conservative Steve Paproski Edmonton Centre raised the possibility in Sommons ex change Wednesday suggesting the regiments parachute pack ing unit is to be left behind when the troops move to On tario from their current base at Edmonton Defence Minister Barney Danson denied the suggestion saying the unit would be moved However the regimen tal transfer would be done in phases Mr Iaproski has been press ing the government to reverse its decision to move the regi ment arguing that it will un dermine the economy of Ed monton and create havoc with regiment morale l6 The Barrie Examiner Thursday December 16 1976 To trial SUDBURY CP Three Sudbury regional policemen have been ordered to stand trial on charges of procuring fe male for the purpose of illicit sex Judge LS Geiger of provin cial court ordered Constables Pat OGorman David Peteryn chyn and Grant Shaw to stand trial after prelimary hearing on the charges concluded Tuesday Shaw will also stand trial on charge of obstructing justice fourth policeman Con stable Fred Kirk was discharged following the hearing The charges arose froma stag party held July at the Sudbury Armories in which mmv or sweet mum umrd to no on 1289111 Come in and meetyournew SkiDow dealer If normloo ¢M RR NO STROUD BETWEEN THE 10th llth CONCESSION ON THE 25th SIDER Come in soon and meet Ted Dollimore and his friendly staff at Sandy Cove Marine Theyve had years of ex Thc fullsize fun machine Lightweight and easy to handle Superb munechrability on the trail as well as in fresh deep powder At price like this its too good to miss Now SkiDoo offersan alternative to second hand snowmobile with low priced fully warranteed machines Up to Christmas your SkiD00 dealer is featuring brand new 1977 SkiD00 snowmobiles at prices below what youd pay for good used sleds Look at the features above And remember you get all that RR Rushs Sport Centre Midhurst Ont 7263458 Sandy Cove Marine OAD ew 197 Olympique 300 4362357 perience in the business and are ready to show you their 1977 Skidoos Theyre open seven days week Sudbury housewife using the name Candy Love was raffled off to 19yearold man who said he thought the ticket he bought was for liquor prize Quota issue OTTAWA CP delega tion of 10 South Korean clothing manufacturers met with trade department officials Wed nesday to ask for changes in quotas announced two weeks ago limiting clothing imports next year to 1975 levels Tong Sik spokesman for the group said the quota was set without any prior notice and many Korean producers are caught with raw materials and finished goods made on con tract to Canadian importers The proven dependable one Quality and comfort and economy from the frontmounted fancooled Rotax engine That performance at value you cant reSist new machine plus full one year warranty Make Christmas last all winter with SkiD00 TSuggeated retail prices at participating dealers while supplies last BOMBARDIER 53 ubrlds tisellingsnownmbile lhidciiiarks of Bombardier Limited David Sales Service snowmobiles 20th Dunkerron St Wasaga Beach Ont 4293549