lw BELFAST AP The Irish Republican Army strewed bombs across Belfast and at three other places in Northern Ireland blocked roads with hi jacked cars and trucks and killed cripple who couldnt move fast enough Mondays proChristmas blitz was the worst outbreak by the IRAs Provisional wing in sev eral months The Roman Catholic guerrillas said they were protesting intolerable conditions to which IRA men were subjected in the Maze prison southwest of Belfast Police said Roy Young 23 yearold Protestant paralysed on one side by polio was killed because he did not immediately obey when three masked gun men burst into Belfast brush factory and ordered the em ployees to lie on the floor Young was shot in the head and back The gunmen allowed the 200 other employees to es cape before three bombs wrecked the factory Other bombs went off at the Landsdowne Hotel bus depot and restaurant in downtown Belfast panicking Christmas shoppers Gunmen fired on em ployees fleeing the hotel but Young was the only casualty re ported in Belfast He was the 1678th reported death in more than seven years of CatholicProtestant fighting in Northern Ireland Convicted ROERMOND The Nether lands Reuter Dutch fac tory worker was sentenced to life imprisonment today after being found guilty of war crimes and crimes against hu manity while member of the Nazi SS Lambertus Loijen 58 admitted he killed sometimes with the help of others an un specified number of Polish Jews at forcedlabor camp at Bobruysk during 1942 and 1943 Gun battle ROME Renter police man and one of group of gun men were killed in gun battle today outside the home of senior official of Romes anti terrorist squad The police off cial Alfonso Noce was woun ded during the attack by the gunmen Divorce up BERNE Reuter The number of divorces in Switzer land has almost doubled during the last 10 years government statistics published here Mon day showed Last years total was 8917 rise of 724 over 1974 New hours EDINBURGH Renter Drinkers in Scotland the home of fine whisky and beer were able to consume alcohol in bars for an hour longer beginning Monday thanks to new licens ing laws government minis ter Harry Ewing has appealed to thirsty Scots for care and moderation and urged that the longer drinking time should not be made into an excuse for overindulgence On again UNITED NATIONS Reuterr Deliveries of mail and docu ments resumed in the UN Mon day after SecretaryGeneral Kurt Waldheim intervened to end work stoppage by 61 mes sengers They accepted his promise to upgrade their em ployment category and open up more opportunities for promo tion The stoppage began last Wednesday messenger with spouse and one child receives in pay and family allowances about $9000 year Candu issue OTTAWA CP Energy Minister Alastair Gillespie said Monday he expects that offi cials of Atomic Energy of Can ada Ltd tAECL can meet with investigators from Argentina in about two weeks to discuss the controversial sale of andu reactor He told TC Douglas tNIP NanaimoCowichanThe Islan ds that the Argentines want to discuss and review the sale which has become highly con troversial since it was revealed that $24 million was paid to un named foreign agents Tax boost OTTAWA CPI The export tax on oil shipped to the United States will increase by 85 cents barrel effective lan the National Energy Board says The rate will go to $460 barrel for light and medium crude and condensate $375 for Lloydminster blend heavy oil and $420 for other designated heavy oils Energy Minister Alastair Gil lespie said the adjustment in the rate reflects the decline in the value of the Canadian dollar compared with US funds Is legal OTTAWA CPI The gov ernment has done nothing ille gal in clamping restrictions on textile imports from South Korea says Industry Minister Jean Chretien The policy with imports from South Korea and other coun tries was to keep shipments down to 1975 levels the ministersaid William Jarvis PCPerth Wilmot suggested the govern END OF ERA Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is warmly wel corned by State Department workers and their wives upon his arrival at nearby An drews AFB Md Sunday from London After some 564000 miles of travel to 37 countries Kissinger has completed his final official overseas mission tAP Pho tot ment might be abrogating agreements with South Korea on some textile goods by impos ing its restrictions Rejected OTTAWA CPI Liberal MP5 rejected attempts by Op position MPs in the ommons on Monday to require Prime Minister Trudeau to make formal statement about the fed eralpr0vincial conference when it ends Liberals would not give the unanimous consent required to approve motions by Flora Mac donald PCKingston and the Islandst and Andrew Brewin NDPWIorontoGreenwoodi calling for formal statement Their motions followed con troversy over the fact that the first ministers conference which started Monday was closed to both the press and the public It is to end today Few answers OTTAWA CPI Consumers in the North might not get much immediate relief from the latest round of Northern Canada Power Commission NCIC rate increases Nor thern Development Minister Warren Allmand indicated Monday He said in an interview that government inquiry into the rates has not found many an swers to reducing the rates Its report is expected to be made public this week The inquiry group was estab lished last July to study Ntf PCs financial structure and to look for ways of alleviating rate increases which Wally Firth NDPA Northwest lerritories has said are between 40 and 1100 per cent Delayed MONTREAL ttTPI Hear ings of the Quebec police com mission inquiry into organized crime scheduled to start today have been delayed until lan 111 because commission president Denys Dionne is ill commis sion spokesman announced Monday Dr lMarc Julien said from Laval Hospital in Quebec City that Judge Dionne was admitted to the emergency room late Sunday suffering from diabetic condition He said the judge may be released in about week Killed MONTREAL CPI 69 yearold man who had testified before the Quebec police com mission inquiry into organized crime in 1973 was found shot to death in his parked car Mon day police spokesman said Julius Erbstein was shot sev eral times in the head He had testified before the organized crime inquiry about loanshark ing operations and said at the time he still owed about $4000 To India OTTAWA CP Canadian Christmas present of 500 purebred HolsteinFreisian calves will leave Toronto for In dia Wednesday the Canadian Hunger Foundation announced Monday The sixweekold calves have been picked from 100 farms in Ontario and Quebec the foundation said in news release $500000 con tract from the Canadian In ternational Development Agen cy paid for the project Zarb resigns WASHINGTON Reuter President Ford announced Monday the resignation by Frank Zarb Federal Energy Administrator and several other lowcrranking ad ministration oflicials The an nouncement did not say when the resignation would take ef feet but it was thought Zarb would relinquish the post when the Ford administration makes way for the forthcoming admin istration of Presidentelect Jimmy Carter if AT TALKS Alberta Premier Peter Loughccd sits at the con ferencc table at the opening of the FederalProvincial Premiers onfercncc in Ot tawa Monday before it was adjourned to another part of Ottawas Conference Centre ttTIfhoto Dies at 75 TORONTO 1711 Ir Ar thur Kelly former generalsecretary of the Canadian Medical Association died Monday after collapsing at his office He was 75 Since retiring to years ago Dr Kelly had pursued his interests in writing and in medical history Dr Kelly served for eight years as deputy secretarygcneral of the anadian Medical Association and became general secretary in 1954 When he retired in 1966 he became managing editor of the associ ations publications COLOR Moving Exciting BEEPLWE STARTS TOMORROW Roxyav Oll DANISH PASTIIIIS at 700 930 DEEP IOVE at 830 Ind Tonight MATTER OF TIME GOIDINROD Polio victim dies in IRA blitz Indicted TEL AVIV Reuter Asher Yadlin chosen by the Israeli government earlier this year to head the Bank of Israel was in dicted Monday on charges of bribery tax evasion and fraudulent land transaction Yadlin 53 head of the powerful Trade Union Sick Fund until his detention two months ago was chosen earlier this year to be chairman of the National Bank one of Israels most important economic posts Locked in PORT ROBINSON Ont CPI ferry that crosses the Well and canal was locked in ice Monday for the first time in 212 years of operation Ferry Cap tain Richard Gorham said six canal crossings Sunday were made difficult by sheets of ice five to 12 centimetres thick Neither seaway authorities nor officials of the city of Thorold which operates the service can recall the ferry being locked in ice before Great hopes WINDSOR Ont CPI Leonard Woodcock inter national president of the United Auto Workers says he thinks US presidentelect Jimmy Carter will make many mistakes but he appears to sup port the union Mr Woodcock told the 44th anniversary of the unions Local 195 that he has great hopes for Mr Carter who was supported by the union in the November election Inv stinctively he is with us Mr Woodcock said Saturday Winners SIRAIFORI HIP lyvo thirdyear acting students at the National Theatre School Montreal have won the fifth annual Leo Ciceri award Robert McClure enrolled in the schools English program and Raymond Legault enrolled in the French program will re ceive the $73 award estab lished by Canadian actors Probation LONDON Ont ttlr provincial court judge placed Daniel William Bell 22 on probation for three years Mon day Bell had pleaded guilty to stealing typewriter and taking part in lorngchcque ring which netted more than $3600 Bells crraccuscd ltbbo Albert Meinen 22 was placed on twoyear probation He had pleaded guilty to passing four forged cheques and to possession of altered cheque forms OHIP probe TORONTO tP An invcsr ligation into the Ontario Health Insurance Plan tHllt has un covered 25 or 30 cases of sus pected fraud Health Minister Frank Miller said Monday The report due to be released this week was prepared by pro vincial auditor Norman Scott Mr Miller said in an inter view that he has read the report twice but could not recall how much money was involved in the offences He said he did not know if any of the 812 doctors who billed OHIP for more than $100000 in 197475 were cited in the report and refused further comment until it is made public IMPERIAL CINEMA IMPERIAL CINEMA TOP MONEYRAISERS HONORED The progress club held an awards night for top money raisers for their Bikeathon during dinner held recently at the Sheltered Workshop on Ilayticld Street Acting prcsi dent Gary Rolston at left aboch presented the Best Agreement OIlAWA lt The Public Service Alliance of anada tPSAtI announced Monday it has rtachul tentative agree mcnt with the federal govcrn ment on contract for 49000 clerks and other workers The agreement reached Fri day would provide flper cent pay increase to employees in the bottom scvcn pay cate gories The bulk of employees now earn bctwccn $7708 and $11364 year The contract if ratified by employees will expire Nov III It JK Wyllic executive vice president of the PSAt said 02 per cent was the maximum in crease permissible under the antiinflation gtndcs based on Ihcgroups past experience Name change ltlltUNItl llI hrlSt mas trcc salesman says he is changing the nainc of his busi ness to Loving Trees from liv ing lrws bccaiisc too many customers took the name of the operation literally Mark State in his first year in the business said Monday he realized he picked the wrong name after losing 50 trees over night from two lots Mr State said he picked the name living Trees because it seemed to go well with the spirit of hristmas last Showing starring with COLIN BLAKEIY LEONARD RUSSITER LESLEYANNE llllWN Animation by RICHARD WILLIAMS STUlllll Music by HENRY Associate Producer ComeTo Me Sung by TOM Wilton by and BLAKE Produced and Diroced by Tonight Fighting Mod at 715 Po Government behalf of Natural Resources tbelowr brazier ITIE NEWEST PINKESI PANTHER OF All UAC GHIFFNIV IImployccs trophy to Terry McManus on the Ministry of Ilikc athon chairan Rrian Mollit prescntcd awards to the top youngsters the who included Paul Fred rickson Scott Graham Don Bell lanett DcWilde Bevere ly Ann Blundell Everett Barrett Chris reswicke and Cathy Sutton tExamincr Photo Big brazier just PRICE pm cloth I03 IIADTOID 7109792 IAIIII In 1o Com Laura 11s or two THE AllNEW ADVENTURES OF THE WORLDS MOST BHMBLING IIETEGTIVE The Barrie Examiner Tuesday December 14 I976 Power pools suggested OTTAWA CP Regional power pools should be set up so provinces can share more ef ficiently their surpluses of hydroelectric power spokes man for the Association of Ma jor Power Consumers in On tario AMCO said Monday JK Shurie AMCO vicepres ident said the Canadian bent for regional masochism has resulted in waste and dupli cation in the planning develop ment and use of energy Canadians can no longer be provincial in their attitudes electric power included Mr Till WE ALSO CATER TO YOUR HOME tonadion Scondinovion Style Cold Buffet Danish open faced sandwiches AVAILABLE FOR ALL OCCASIONS Our specialty Shurie said There is just too much at stake He said in speech to an Ot tawa service club that the lack of federal energy policy is re sulting in inefficiency in the use of power at time when the economy is dragging its feet and Canada can ill afford to have such waste He cited provinces developing sources of hydroelectric power without taking into consideration the energy needs of their neigh boring provinces HlVIEW CATERING AND BANQUET HALL 50 221 PERSONS ï¬llIII II PHONE 7268979 Why Spend Another Evening Alone Phone now for your FREE Brochure SINGLES on llh crj wr will an Im or atan tu lrlc ltltli whet Ewiw wel Ir arrqncsl vlnh W7 illfftILAO 0E TIE MOST BEEN NAVAL BATTLEIH IIIIHISTIIIYI Witt WWIAIION PESINIS SOCIAL CLUB Some of our more popular ac tivities are dancing with people 2070 yrs young din ner dances nightclub outings Social club dance parties popularity sessions and generally breaking the trend of being alone Hot Sex in Bangkok at 945 Wide Open Marriage 825 Midway at 645 only Swashbudtler at 910 only Biggest grandest action died pirate movie ever NW Universal Picture Technicolor Panavrsum Held Over 2nd Week 705 905 IF YOUVE GOT TASTE FOR TERROR TAKE CARRIE TO THE PROM Based on the runaway bestseller If only they knew she had the power pwu ronltOll 000 at APAUL MONASH nan BRIAN DcPAtMA raCARRIE ttlritnnll JOHN lRAVtIllA in PIPER LAURIE eper at pm