Reed project benefit for peOple report TORONTO CP An envi ronmental assessment report prepared for Reed Paper Ltd on its proposed forest products de velopment in northwestern On tario says the project would have substantial economic benefits for the people of the area with relatively minor im pact on the environment The $400000 report prepared by Acres Consulting Service Ltd Toronto was released to the government Monday and discussed at company news conferences at Toronto and Red Lake Ont The report recommends that the pulp mill and saw mill de velopment costing $400 million be situated on the Wensaga River about four miles north east of the community of Ear Falls 75 miles northeast of Ke nora and 40 miles southeast of Red Lake The report fulfils com mitment made by Reed in memorandum of understanding signed with the government in October Premier William Davis an nounced Friday that Mr Jus tice Patrick Hartt will serve as chairman of the environmental assessment hearing into the proposed development of the al most 19000 square miles of land Billingsley president and chief executive officer of Reed said at the Toronto con ference he is enthusiastic about the report which he called major step but only the first in the development He praised the appointment of Mr Justice Hartt saying it would assure thorough public hearing under an impartial chairman The hearing is scheduled to begin in the latter half of next year Atkinson manager of the engineering and environ mental division of Acres said the study proved the project would be environmentally fea sible He said eff luence discharged into the river would make the water somewhat more brown than it is now but added he would make tea from the wa ter and eat the fish from the river after the mill is built Mr Billingsley said his com pany would make every effort to hire native people in any new project There are three Indian reserves in the area Iikangi kum Cat Lake and Os naburghwith total popu lation of 1900 He said con tractsoifor cutting would given to native people Mr Atkinson said Indian groups were not consulted in preparing the report but said his firm had gathered iiiforma tioti from the federal depart ment of Indian affairs and from officials of the Ontario govern ment involved in Indian affairs CoOperation seen in attack on mercury poisoning issue OTTAWA CP Ontario and Ottawa appear to be on the verge of putting together con centrated attack against the so cial and economic problems created by mercury poisoning in northwestern Ontario Federal and Ontario officials will meet this week to discuss what to do about the con taminated Englisitlabigoon river system and how to help the people suffering because they live or work on it THE ODD SPOT Invlswle dwarfs don like Henry WESTERLY RI AP If invisible dwarfs are causinga ruckus in your kitchen and basement Henry lennniaker may be the man to lay down the law and send them packing Wennmaker Westerly policeman responded to call Sun day to mans home where the occupant was complaining of invisible dwarfs in his kitchen and cellar told the one dwarf in the kitchen to leave and went to the cellar and told the others to leave Wennmaker said in his report The dwarfs left without incident The repo rt also said the man who seemed satisfied the tiny cellardwellers were gone thanked the policeman and chn maker returned to his rounds TOWSON Md AP Baltimore ounty police are handing out about 30000 tickets they hope will bring some holiday cheer The pieces of paper bear the word summons in big red let ters but theyre not parking tickets Motorists who turn over the summons find seasonal message on the back Summons for happy holiday Seasons greetings from tho Baltimore County police department Police Chief Joseph Gallen developed the idea which is in its second year EPPS La AP The HoganHarris Christmas card thc one Myree Hogan bought for 10 cents in 1941 has just completed its 36th annual trip between the two families The Hogans mailed it to the Harrises this year the 18th time they have kept alive the family tradition which grew from joke Mrs Hogan said she sent it to Moise Harris of iulfport Miss He was my husbands sisters husband and was always at cusing him of being stingy So next year we get card from Moise and said Why believe thats the same card mailed Moise last year and it was and its been going on since GARDEN CITY Mich AP Garden City policeman foin Swider lent his car to his 17yearold sister and then ticketed her for driving with broken brake lights thought it was kind of funny said Annette Swider who borrowed the car to take some friends to play She said she wasnt aware the brake lights didnt work Miss Swider said she was returning the car Sunday afternoon when she noticed her brother driving behind Both cars pulled over and Swider asked her to test thc di rectional signals and brake pedal then wrote the ticket Because of provision for cancelling tickets if vehicle dctccts are corrected before the court date Miss Swider wont have to pay fine Her brother fixed the lights Sunday may Beef warning issued by meat inspectors MONTREAL tCPA small group of federal meat in spectors has sent report to agriculture department of ficials in Ottawa warning that the level of antibiotics in beef is becoming excessive and could seriously threaten public health Daniel Chene veterinarian for the depart ments meat inspection division said Monday Mr Chene said the report was based on an informal re search projectcarried out by himself and two or three other inspectorsthat resulted in the unprecedented con demnation of five steer car casses in Montrealarea slaughterhouse believe that this was the first time ever in Canada that animals were condemned only for excessive levels of drugs he said adding that the car casses were barred from the marketplace in two batches be tween Nov 30 and Dec The action constitutes prec edent for stricter application of article 4a of the federal Food and Drug Act which prohibits the sale of meat containing ex cessive levels of toxic sub stancesincluding such anti biotics as penicillin and tetracycline he said OSTOMY SUPPLIES has IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIIlllIllIllIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII BREAST FORMS AND SURGICAL BRAS YEARS FITTING EXPERIENCE HARPERS IllRM or 11 II Penetang St at St Vincent Barrie Ont 7285407 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE ACTEI ON SILIDY The decision to condemn thc steers was based on study carried out in Montrealarea slaughterhouse between early June and inidOctobcr which showed that 39 per cent of group of 100 suspect niiiials contained illegal ammounts of antibiotics Mr Chene said the result was less alarming than it seemed because the sample rcprcscn ted about seven per cent of total of moon cows and stects that passed through the slaughterhouse during the 41 month study But Mr Thene and another government veterinarian who preferred to remain unnamed stressed that the increasingly uncontrolled use of antibiotics on sick animals could create major threat to public health reducing or destroying tlic cf fectivcncss oi penicillin tct racyclinc and other drugs foi treating human illnesses When drugs are used cx cessively cattle develop re sistance to disease which they transmit genetically to sue ceeding generations Resistance or allergy to élllllr biotics develops gradually in human beings becausc of slow but steady increase in quanit icr of drugs in their meat and milk SURGICAL fiftile IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE Such meetings have been held before but there arc iii dications that more direct ace tion might come front this round The difference now is that Ontario might be willing to close the river system to sport fishing an action that could cut deeply into the regions profitable tourism industry Ontario steadfastly has rc fused federal requests for clo sure or lishrtor fun law say ing these would kill jobs and would be tough to enforce lso tourist OIXIHIOIS would create political heat for Leo ltcrnicr the Ontario natural resources minister and member for thc Kcnora riding Warren tlltnand tcdcral lit than affairs IllltllSItl said II in intcryicw Monday that Ontario has agreed to consider closure it Ottawa will come up with dc velopiucnt projects to offset the economic damage DEMANDLOSlllli Indian leaders have do iiiandcd closure because thcy say they cannot stop their people from eating the poisoned fish oiiiincrciul fishing has been banned for about six years but some Indian dont belicyc the fish are dangerous because they sec white anglers catching and catingthciii The Indians have ycar round access to the fish and build up high blood levels of toxic nicr cury which leads to liiiiiiiiti disease irrecrsibtc mercury poisoning White tourists arc exposed to the flll for only vcck or two and any illilt my they pick up is paswd oft Ottawa has been urged to Ill iiorc Ontario and tilclosi thc rivcr systcni iinilatcrally iiiidcr the fanada Waters Act lr linaiid said his officials say there can bc no closiirc without pro uicial zigriciniut morï¬Ã©rï¬ color portrait only 38 Prime Michel Mrs Minister Trudeau on kneel Justin lrudcau and Sacha CHRISTMAS POSE pose for their annual Christams photograph at their cottage at Harrington Lake north of Ottawa The photo will appear on 8500 Christmas cards the Prime Ministers office will be mail ing during the next few days CP Ihoto Taxandpower talks session finishes in neardeadlock llAl tili Provincial premiers and Prime Minister Trudeau bargaiiiml late into the night Monday but came away frotn day of taxandpower sharing negotiations iii near deadlock Illr lrudcau tiicd to break Inquest held hierash LINDSAY Ont tflt Wil ham laul Iillllrll the pilot of small plane winch crashed last Sept fl killing all three occu pants died of multiple injuries suffered in the accident corn ners Jill investigating his death as told Monday Patrick Michael Hill of flame illon and Martha Iiclrosc of Jilttloiiia In his passcngcrs also were killed 11 stiinony showed Mr IIhnat was tho owner of the plane and diicctor of the Ontario Sky diving fluli located about six inilts north of Lindsay ltic jury of tlircc women and two ticii worc told that the plane had litfll used earlier iii tiic day and in good work tiigoiilcr itiiiw tcstitutt that after circling thr atrstrip the plane pliingcd to the ground hitting sotiic liytlio wires on its way The chit llffl grass landing strip ipptoycd by tho depart incnt of ti tll port the Jury was told Lindsay is about 1th west of lctcrborougli miles Create yom own special portrait from our new selection of scenic and color backgrounds Tues Wed if We Nirvav Stop it on itil iii Ililititvv ti mom ohm iittovi iv on on with mu ti nonimt pininsional imiimus tlmuw iIIf uctviioni on mm wlcit lfIfIllttHil lililIlJIIv uttered ii ivnwiinhle ill illflhlflltltlltllltllllt minim Iliill oi money livciinfly II iiitiicd No Ildlldlllli linige Photographers Hours Tuesday tliru Friday l08 Saturday l0lt4 Christmas time or anytime Color ltlrtJlftlt1lte wondet of gifts Savuin You Money towers Barrie Brampton Ookville plus ill Metro Toronto Strives thins Hi Sat ll lfl Drummeraway the impasse at smoked salmon and veal dinner for the 10 premiers at his official resi dence but few provincial lead ers held out hope for an agree able end to the dispute over new methods of financing health costs and social services Nothing is settled yet were still negotiating Pre mier William Davis of Ontario said shortly before going to bed at midnight Premiers would consider the latest federal proposals to help pay the costs of social pro grams at meeting early to day and would respond to Mr Trudeau before the conference ended later in the day Premier Gerald Regan of Nova Scotia conceded that Mr Trudeau offered something Simpsons$ears Ltd ltog and Was refer to SimpsnrisSears Ltd prices at the dinner meeting but ad ded It aint very exciting He suggested that efforts to resolve the sevenmonth finan cial wrangle advanced little during the evening They came to stand still during earlier formal sessionswith and with out officialsat the cavernous downtown government confer ence centre CONFIRMED VlEW Premier Rene Levesque of Quebec said after the formal talkshis first since winning the Nov 15 provincial election with his separatist Parti Que becoisthat the stalemate con firmed his view that federalism not viable and represents for us handicap The session was an exercise if not in frustration at least in wasted time He said he looked forward to the time in three or four years when his province would be out of the federal system and operating onitsown His remarks followed an ear lier exchange with Mr Trudeau behind the closed doors of the conference room Then Mr Trudeau who slipped away from the meetings without commenting is said to have in sisted that federalism means diverse cultures can propser together He was replying to Le vesque argument that Quebec Canada confrontation will only end when his province leaves Confederation Sears Barrie Georgian Mall 509 Boyfield St Main Perfumes Imported from Spain the feminine fragrance Gift available from $300 to $1 50 The Barrie Examiner Tuesday December 14 1976 Ore carrier SAULT STE MARIE Mich CP 1000footlong ore carrier blocked Great Lakes shipping traffic Monday when it became stuck in ice at the en trance to the Sault locks The Stewart Cort ran into mass of ice when the 105foot wide freighter approached the 110footwide Poe Lock spokesman for the United States Army Corps of Engineers said The vessel swung sideways also blocking the adjacent Mac Arthur lock the spokesman said and was unable to back up because of an ice jam at its stern coast guard spokesman INTRODUCTORY OFFER SAVE on Our CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL said 10 downbound freighters were anchored in Whitefish Bay waiting for the Cort to be freed Temperatures in the area were below zero Another ore carrier the Thomas Wilson ran aground early Monday about 20 miles from here NEWS QUIZ ANSWERS PART lSt Lawrence Winnipeg Jets 3a 4Syria 5b PART II 1d2e 3b 4c 5a PART 111 lb 2e 3a 4c 5d PICIUGRE QUIZ Mount Royal Quebec 25 Have professionally shampooed and steam cleaned carpets you can be proud of this holiday season at price you can ofiord We are fully bonded insured and can provide you with both daytime or evening service SOUTHERN CARPET gr CLEANING 728988 iiii coil it Lessons for Only $750 Dancing is Fun Learning is Easy Theres still time to learn few basics Whether its the modern Disco Dances or more traditional like New Years Waltz Whats your interest Lets make this your most exciting Holiday Season ever We yourself Cull 73736I might be the best Christmas present you ever gave PATS ANCE SOCIAL CENTRE r1 LAL LA 14 LA LA MALL sets Iucquelle Cosmetic purses or holdulls stylized range in variety of fabrics and patterns that include everything to trendy priced from SI 98 to $698 Cosmetic Dept Christmas Store Hours Mon to Fri 930 om 930 pm Saturday 930 com 530 pm