HyRange Mobile Transceiver 11 With Delta Fine Tuning if Tune in lollcs who are not coming in clearly on channel ltdtillts include switchable NI automatic modulation plugriii microphone with preamplilier illuminated 33 cliaimcl selector and SRI meter PA on channel selector and eternal speaker lilkilvl $22995 ego 23channel has RF Gain Control thank mobile liztllscclVCl with the lrillsl RI lain adjusts Regular cut domi distorted signals trom nearh stations and noise blanker switch Delta line tune Squelcli control fiiomitic modulation Illuminated SRI meter Iransmit Lillti recciw lamps PetCB switch and external speaker Viriclcs Detachable mike Attractixe looking SQ YEAHME MEGA TUNE Vgt Puls in the Great Sounds CB FIBRE GLASS TRUCK ANTENNA opliased dual mount on op pusilc iiiiirois 13 with lllfult coaial cable Vitli connectors CB FIBRE GLASS ANTENNA Shakespeare 45 trunk mount l5 It cable No holes to drill Mounts on root or trunk lip With trunk mount adaptor With 8Track Tape Player Stereo 8Track Tape Player c3 BASE ANTENNA 95 Big Sticlc needs no ground CB COMBINATION ANTENNA Youxe ltt3CF heard it st good Stereo unit features Youre on the right track to enjoyable trarelling locallong distance switch for FM balance con music ict sterco balance with lelt and right Iml Mml lS Illh Wnl trol channel selector Ijlll volume controls lone control AMFM UNVERSAL MOUNT able sham About ll4 712 Illuminated indicator Automa 11h l7r neg ground Instal ticmanual selector Abt 5111 SI 5mm clcticls to 7t leadlit cable litN 137V neg piouiid laiion Lit extra SURFACE MOUNT SPEAKERS Automatic Radio Ocean Cassette Player Luggagestyle Tape Caddy Mammy 395 Stereo 8Track Tape Player with Fast Forward control holds 24 tapes beautifully round speakers I2w input JENSEN FLUSH MOUNT SPEAKER KIT welcomed gilt for the tape enthusiast or for ireat sounds on deck for you Stereo unit has Economy priced for slim Christmas budgets Iea yourself Has smart looking black alligator grant chromed slide controls for tone balance volume tures include sliding controls lor volume balance and Two coame speakers each With wooter complete with mounting hardware for under dash installation OPEN NIGHTLY UNTIL pm SAT pm NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS or repeat Indicator lights Aht 4046000 Hz 25watt input 5V2 l2V neg ground ing hasp and key nly Iine tuning Pushbutton eject tone Pushbuttoii eject onies linishRedinteriorwitli flocked tape 99 tweeter20ozmagnetDurajen separators Luggage handle Lock grilles 48 ohm impedance Extra Savings In Cash Bonus Coupons Your Canadian Tire Store has Catalogue Orrlrir Desk where you may order any item that may not he in stock No deposit required Fast Service In No xtr clarge AJ BROWN BARN mo M4 IAYFIELD MALL IAYFIELD ST HWY 11