Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Dec 1976, p. 2

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Familiar to travelers along old Yonge Street Highway jll is this building on the corner of the 15th Line of West Gwillimbury Among Gilfords oldest buildings it GILFORD BUILDING DATES BACK TO PIONEER ERA was originally tavern but has served community hall for years It was originally Creemore rink outlook stirs local concern By BRIDGEITE JORDAN CREEMORE The local arena is still hanging in there but the outlook does not look good second engineers report iwas received by Creemore council from Reid and As 50ciates regarding the arena This report was based on recheck of the calculations and other pertinent information of the first report by another firm for Reid and Associates This report states that the truss webb members are over stressed even under extremely light load conditions and the truss joints are inadequate even under the weight of the building alone It further states that repairs to remedy this would add an other $50000to the $22250estimated for repairs in the first report bringing the total cost to around $72000 In summary it states that the arena is structurally unsound even with no external loads and in view of the considerable expense and the age of the building and the possibility of other nonstructural de ficiencies that the expenditure that would be incurred to bring this building up to the requirements would not be justified If further points out that other buildings of this type have been known to collapse suddenly due to the failure of one of the 360 truss joints starting chain reaction They advise that use of the arena cease immediately They allow that the sum of approximately $10000 and minimum of three weeks time could bring the arena to minimum point of standard where the building could be put to monitored use with no snow loads or wind conditions Council met on Tuesday Dec and discussed this latest report at length This report was to be in the hands of the ministry of labor by November 30 Council decided that meeting with the ministry regarding this issue was in order Councillor and reeve COUNTY GLIMPSES CREEMORE MEETING CREEMORE The M0 thers Auxiliary to Creemore Scouting organizations will elect president at meeting to be held on Monday Jan 10 at 730 pm at the Nottawasaga and Creemore Central School HOLIDAY CHANGES ALLISTON Staff The town council has passed resolution authorizing the observance of Boxing Day on Monday Dec 27 and also declaring Monday Jan as the official New Years Day holiday in the town SENIOR CITIZENS COLDWATER Staff Senior Citizens of Coldwater and district will hold their first 1977 meeting at the Lions Riverside Centre on Main and Mill streets here on Thursday Jan 13 TURKEY WINNERS COLDWATER Winners of the Coldwater Lions club turkey draw were Murray Townes of RR Coldwater John Caston of RR Barrie Jim Hunter Jack Greenwood and John Narroway of Cbldwater HILLSDALE WI jHILLSDALE Staff The Womens Institute will hold regular meeting on Wednesday Dec 15 at the home of Mrs Iom Morrison when the annual Christmas program will be held MINGLER FINEI MONTREAL CP bar maid has been fined $300 for mingling with customers in suburban bar court was told that she held customers fin gers touched the arm of an other accepted pair of shoes from still another customer and drank beer out of their glasses one evening elect for 1977 Ralph Mac Donald will be going down to meet with the ministry as will some of the other councillors as the ministry confirms an ap pointment time Building permits were ap proved in November for Quinn on Edward St and for Montgomery on Col lingwood St The outcome of the election here saw Ralph MacDonald top the polls with 252 votes Mrs Ruth Gator garnered 201 votes and Carman Gowan trailed with 95 votes Council has set the date for filing nomination papers for the four available council seats Nominations can be filed from January to January 10 1977 and election day if necessary will be Monday January 31 LIONS ANNIVERSARY Creemore Lions Club held their charter night anniversary on Saturday Dec 11 Guest speaker was charter president John Ney of Burford Ont Mr Ney is very familiar with Creemore having been the bank manager here for several years before being transferred He revisited lot of old friends atthe Lions Club The Lions Club is also planning curling party for Dec 27 this being subject to whether or not the arena is still in use PARADE PRIZES Winners of the Santa Claus parade prizes are as follows Best entries Jim Adam of Dunedin Santas Disaster Singhampton Broomball Club Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Creemore Figure Skating Club Christmas Morning Comic Morby Tran sport of Banda Corners Banda Zee Religious Our Lady of Assumption School of New Lowell Children in Other Lands Original Creemore Cubs Christmas 76 Horse and Rider Stephanie Griffith and Hitched Team Bob Lloyd Honorable mentions were Jim Richards with Junior Tow Leslie Danko with Santa and Rudolph and John Miller and Bob Curran with their Mobile Home In the Legion news Pat Waldrum of Creemore won the draw for the $1000 bill which was made at the dance in the Legion Iiall on Saturday Dec SCOUTING MOTHERS meeting of the Creemore Scouting Mothers Auxiliary was held on Wednesday Dec IV IN DUI Service Mgt Mrs Holly Hughes was elected secretary and MrsMillie Jones remained as treasurer Election of president was deferred to the next meeting which will be held on Monday Jan 10 at 730 pm at Nottawasaga and Creemore Central School Only five mothers were in attendance and better turnout is expected at the next meeting Members present agreed on the need of Mothers Auxiliary to help raise money for the Cubs Scouts and Venturers and put on Father and son banquet for them but majority attendance is needed to outline this years program andgoals There are presently 21 families involved in the Scoutingprogram Retiring members praised for county council service built in 1867 Photo by Brian Baker Santa visits at Hillsdale By LEA HILLSDALE The United Church Sunday School and Youth Group are holding candle light service in the church on Sunday Dec 19 The first Santa Claus parade in Hillsdale on Saturday proved popular event It was gratifying to the sponsors to see so many interested youngsters and older people enjoy the event vote of thanks is due to all who put floats in the parade or helped in any way to make it success baby shower was held at the home of Mrs Joan Vogel assisted by Mrs Nancy Mun phy in honor of the Copeland twins Many lovely gifts were received for the babies The United Church Women entertained the women of the village to Christmas party Iastweek Santa parade floats enjoyed at Coldwater BySIlIRLEYJICNNETI COLDWATER Almost dozen floats interspersed with walking units fire trucks clowns and of course the grand old man himself delighted old and young alike as the Santa Claus Parade wound through village streets on Saturday in Coldwater Floats were entered by the Brownies Cubs St Georges Fairvalley Young Peoples Archers Sunoco Station Coldwater Journal Telerock Exchange Curling Club Coldwater Lumber the Agri cultural Society and the Santa Clausfloat Coldwater lluronia Womens Institute entered delightful maypolc walking unit and the IJlmvalc School band provide the sounds of Christmas Lloyd Dunlop provided the sound car The parade was led by the OPP and car carrying dig nitaries such as Reeve Earl Brandon village clerk Julian Tofts and councillor Barbara lyrrell along with the parade marshal AI Brand Although it was difficult task thejudges at last came up with following winners First Agricultural Society with their float depicting the Nativty second St Georges Fairvalley Young Peoples Group portray ing The Creation and Celebration of Christmas Broke Inspection until Dec 3lst Good Brakes Save Lives 80 third prize Coldwater Brownies for their efforts in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Parade marshal Al Brand commented on the good efforts of all and felt the parade had been very successful lie outlined few changes he would like to see implemented another year He felt Pip Archer and Lorraine rr should be commended for their or ganilational efforts and said vote of thanks must also go to the Orillia OPP especially Bruce McIntosh who appeared as Treveor the PP Safety Bug also to Medonte and Tay Townships and Wauhaushene for the additional of their firetrucks along with Cold waters own and to Lloyd Dunlop of Moonstone for the soundcar As for the star of the parade Al Strongitharm it was learned he had been under doctors care all week and put forth supreme effort to be thereatall Following the two passes down the main street anti around Gray Craddock Harriet and Eplett Streets the parade wound up at the Com munity Centre where Santa and his helpers and Mrs Clause the passed out children treats to 726I 81 233 Bradford St BARRIE MIDIIURST Staff Simcoe County council with 53 members representing 33 mu nicipalities extended good wishes to departing members today who wont be back for the 197778 term Among those retiring at the end of the term are Warden Orville Hughes reeve of West Gwillimbury who will be suc ceeded by the incumbent deputy reeve John Fennell as head of the West Gwillimbury council Mr Hu es was commended for his eadersip given the county during the past year with frequent mention made of the countys achievement in holding down its overall levy against property taxes some thing few county or regional administrations were able to do this past year Former warden Edgar Cur rie who is retiring in Nottawasaga and Reeve Harry Cross of Tecumseth retiring were among others iven special metion for their ong county services Mr Currie was warden last year and Mr Cross headed the county social services com mittee during the past three years 1977 PROSPECTS Propsective wardens for 1977 were given chance to say few words Three members of the general government and finance committee Reeveelect Allan Glassford of Tecumseth Reeve Alan Johnston of Vespra and Reeve Morris Darby were prominently mentioned along with Reeve Ingram Amos of Medonte chairman of the county museum and archives board and others also Reeve Bill Gibbins of Innisfil chairman of county finance which is often stepping stone to the wardenship said earlier he would not be warden can didate for 1977 but would consider standing in 1978 He said annexation responsibilities would be taking too much time during 1977 The new warden will be elected by colleagues at the inaugural meeting of Simcoe County next month New com mittees will be chosen right afterward with members of finance and roads committee elected at large The finance committee then usually acts as nominating committee to select other committees with choices sub ject to change when re commendations are presented tocouncil Along with the warden there will be two other members of the current finance committee who will be missing next year They are Reeve Arthur Turner who was defeated in run for mayor in the recent Bradford town election and Reeve Lionel Dion of Penetang who also lost in mayoralty campaign when Vincent Moreau was reelected Ken Wood will succeed Joe Magani as mayor of that town The Penetang representatives on next years county council will be Arthur Stewart as reeve and Clarence Lomas as deputy Besides Reeve Gibbins and others mentioned Reeve Earl Brandon of Coldwater is an other member of the finance committee returning next term Members of the roads committee who will be back include Ken Knox of Elmvale Lloyd Pridham of Sunnidale Reeveelect Stewart of Penetang and Reeveelect Fennell of West Gwillimbury WASAGA CHANGE There will be number of other changes on the new county council Wasaga Beach will have new reeve in Ernie Thompson who will replace Duane Patfield Marjorie Dyer is expected back as deputy after winning reelection by slim five votes over Duncan Govan The town of Midlands new member will be Sam Ancio and Bill Ogilvie who will replace Moreland Lynn and Catherine Don Mr Lynn will become the new Midland mayor replacing Harold Boyd Alliston will have the same members with Reeve Peter Cameron and Deputy Reeve James Dickey back and Col lingwood also will have the DISTRICT NE WS The Barrie Examiner Tuesday December 14 1976 III complete numbel Wins 51 million In complete numbel SERIES same representation in Donald Spooner and James Belcher Stayner will have new member in Reeveelect Eldon Bell who will succeed Harry Mathers In Medonte township Dave Walker will replace Horace Vasey as deputy reeve Oro will have two former members back in Howard Cam bell and Allan McLean who wi replace Wal lace Key and Charles Simpson TWO FROM ESSA Charles Pridham and Earl Williams will be two new members from Essa replacing Eu ene Smith and Maurice Mi ler as county repre sentatives Mr Smith is re turning from Essa council while Mr Miller was elected councillor Bill Gowanlock is retiring as Orillia township representative and Bill Calverley will move up from deputy reeve The new deputy reeve will be Jack Hewitt Peter Forbes and Muir Dack will be back as Mara rep resentatives Innisfil will also be unchanged with Reeve Gibbins and Deputy Reeve Blake Constable Huronia WI helps Santa By SHIRLEY JENNEII COLDWATER The candy bag assembly line was in hitg gear when members of Coldwater Huronia Womens Institute did their duty by Santa Claus at the lovely new home of Mr and Mrs Jack Sallows Packing 500 bags of treats is no little task but with delicious pot luck supper just under your belt and host of good friends around you it becomes an adventure and not chore Besides where would Santa be without his helpers In the business meeting which followed the motto was Its loving and giving that makes life worth living The roll call was answered with the donation of gift for shut in and stamped Christmas card It was decided to donate $1000 to the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto and to send cards to shut ins and give Christmas Poinsettias to the ill Marg Galbraith won the monthly draw and following an exchange of gifts among the members Eileen Sallows served her renowned two kinds of Christmas cake and tea ESSA ELECTORS Thanks to all who supported and worked on my behalf Season Greetings Maurice Miller WINNING NIIIIIEIS HI BMW IF llll EINIIIII IEGEIIIEI 57 I87 SERIES BODEQQQ gnfimmma wms 3100 000 in complete number anammmfi wms 3100000 llckfill endan by gamma am is 000 Ilckell ending by Elm Win $5000 Ilckels Ending by gamma win 35 000 tickets ending by win 1500 tickets endno by win 8500 tickets ending by wm $500 tickets endan by win H00 tickets ending by wm 3100 tickets endlnq by wrn 3100 2nd complete numbw wins 3100 000 2nd complete numDvt wms 2nd complete number wins 3100000 tickets ending by win 000 tickets ending by win 35 000 tickets ending by mo 35 000 tickets finding by mm mm 1500 lichels ending by ampjg win $500 tickets ending by mflifik win $500 ItchPls ending by 3133 me 00 tlckels K1an by me 00 ticket ending by 1631 van $100 3m template number wins 3100 000 30 complele 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08908 El El 1838 Hanna El banana IE assess to Etienne 93 El Qatarm mm Special $1 Million prizes one prize only for the exact series and number 31 07 as musicamp El BBQBBEIB Tickets on sale now for the second draw With 12 1599929 hes sIMillio in Loto Canada prizes and up to 9115 series

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