Abut A35 students represen tilg 16 secondary schools frm Simcoe and York Coun tie the District Municipali ty of Muskoka and the Ditrict of Parry Sound VISIed the Barrie Campus of Gecgian College recently By AARGARET STOLIZ ALIISTON Many Alliston relatiiei and friends of Mr and Mrs Eator Lloyd of Mansfield gatherer at the Lions Hall on Boyne on Saturday evening to congltulate them on the 0c casion otheir 45th wedding an mversar famy dinner had been ar ranged and followed by Open House Iernice and Hector have fQII sons and four daughtes and 23 grand childrm Besides many from Allistot 1nd surrounding com munitis were relatives from Owen Sound Midland Shel burnegBurlington Barrie and New Lwell Also calling to of fer besvwishes was George Mc Cague MPP and Mrs Mc Cague ho had four other com mitment the same evening The hapy evening concluded with bufet at midnight The carteria staff of Banting MemoriaHigh School had their annual hristmas Party on Friday eening and welcomed Gladys Fterman Bea Cum berland Iuriel Cox and Ethel Graham ho are now retired regretting that Mrs Hilbert Robinson ould not attend due to the srios illness of her hus band Follwing lovely dinner at the Dminion Hotel the group movd on to the home of Mrs JohnKing for social evening folbwed by the serving of more foot CHILDRENS PARTY The Lion club building was the scene of another happy event on Tuesday evening of this weer when members of the Alliston volunteer fire depart ment arranged their annual Family 2hristmas Partv Some Cross Count Horseshoe Volley not They were shown film on the college operation and then visited the various classrooms and labs while classes were in progress Areas visited were the Ap plied Arts Business ALLISTON 2530 children enjoyed the hot dogs movies and the visit of Santa Claus who distributed gifts and candy Residents of the Good Samaritan Nursing Home were among the group of handicap ped and shutin people who en joyed the opportunity to browse or shop at Sears Store in Barrie last Tuesday evening Congratulations to Bill and Dorothy Bell who won $10000 in recent Wintario draw Mrs Bell remarked that they scarce ly had looked at the cheque before it was deposited in the Bank and have no immediate plans for their good fortune number of groups have been having successful Bazaar and Bake Sales during the past few weeks Last Saturday the Alliston CoOp Nursery School held one in the Hall and in the afternoon Knox Presby terian Church ladies had full house of buyers in the building next to Pennyworth store GOLDEN AGE LLB Members of the Alliston Golden Age Club accepted an invitation to dessert Euchre party sponsored by the Everett Keen Agers recently and on Wednesday of this week their choir conducted by Earle Magee with Izena Long as pianist entertained at the Good Samaritan Nursing Home Their Christmas dinner will be at the Arena on December 20th The annual CoOp dinner and dance was held at the Not tawasaga Inn on Saturday evening December 4th Receiving the Sacrament of Baptism during the morning service of St Johns United Church on Sunday were Andrea SEEING HOW COLLEGE OPERATES Technology and Health ciences divisions of the col lege From left Frank Min nings Elmvale District High School Don Neville Barrie Central Collegiate Debby Boucher Penetang Secon Jane Thomas daughter of Mr and Mrs John Thomas and Sarah Jayne Wilson daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Wilson Mr Kenneth lnkster and Mrs Jean Hand attended the funeral of the late George Dun can held recently in the Dun dalk United Church Sympathy is extended to Mrs Melville Little Wellington St on the death of her husband who passed away at Stevenson Memorial Hospital at the weekend Besides his widow Mr Little leaves tWo sons Bruce of Everett and Bob of Rosemont 13 grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren The funeral Service was from the John Thomas Funeral Home He seeks dead crows LEAMINGTON Ont rP Richard Cawthorne is looking for 1000 dead crows to add to the nine live ones he has raised from dayold chicks And barring assistance from Essex County crow hunters he is prepared to spend the winter in cornfields with loaded shot gun Mr Cawthorne is not starting some sort of strange collection because of any affinity with the first syllable of his surname He wants the crow carcasses for science He is working on his PhD in wildlife parasitology and grant from the National Re search Council was sufficient to provide for the purchase of shotgun GEORGIAN COLLEGE SKI SCHOOL AT HORSESHOE SKI RESORT Down sessions at Hor seshoe Valley $6450 Fee in cludes one hour lessons lift fees complete rentals transportation and hours to practice or relax Tuesday Afternoon Start January I977 Weeks sessions at $5250 Fee in cludes one hour lessons troil fees compbte rentals hours per day free ime on trails from Georgian College tronsportction Tuesday Afternoons Start January II I977 Week Barrie Oitorio Fee $5250 Included in Down Hill and Cross Country Package is ski seminar on preski conditioning clothing and equipment Tuesdays December 2I 76 and January 477 700 pm at Georgan College of Applied Arts and Technology AOI DuckNorth Street Fee $6450 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT GEORGIAN COLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS TECHNOLOGY 40I DUCKWORTN STREET CONTINUING EDUCATION DIVISION BARRIE ONTARIO 728I9SI EXT en ontoPrEr 1p¢wvlf gt dary School Poland Bracebridge and Muskoka Lakes Secondary School are briefed on the col leges Law and Security Pro gram by Bill Lee program coordinator and Mary By non cumuE LONDON CPI James Cal laghan became prime minister of Britain in 1976 but successive economic and political setbacks gave this Labor government bleak outlook cheering Tory opponents who boldly predict its days will be numbered in the new year The sudden resignation of Harold Wilson opened the way for aileadership battle with Callaghan finally emerging as head of hardpressed govern mentï¬beset by economic woes and Withia dangerously slim majoritan the Commons Cyntcsï¬aid Wilson now Sir Harold get out because he couldysee no more opportune time fur agraceful exit in the near future as Britains plight worsened4 Thus Callaghan inherited bad situation that soon grew worse with the value of the pound plunging dramatically record unemployment and in flation again on the rise The Conservative opposition under Margaret Thatcher was further heartened by victories in two of three recent byelec tions inï¬former Labor strong holds SUPPORTED BY UNIONS Although Mrs Thatcher as serted that the government was already in its death throes Cal laghan pledged to soldier on comforted only by the support of the trade unions for the vital social contract Under this compact union leaders agreed to wage re straints in return for lower in flation rate But as inflation again got out of hand unem ployment rose and the own ment slashed social spen ing in an effort to negotiate vast over seas loans rankandfile union members grew restive More than 40000 marched on Parliament in late November threatening to withdraw their political support unless cuts in education local government and hospital spending were re stored In Parliament itself the gov ernment was humiliated when the Torydominated House of Lords chopped and changed bills that were vital to the fulfil ment of Labors election prom ises of 1974 And in one important Com mons vote the government was An eventful year 1n UK defeated when two Labor back benchers rebelled by ab staining and the combined op position of Tories Liberals Welsh and Scottish Nationalists and independent Ulstermen un characteristically united TORIES LEAD POLLS In the background was series of opinion polls showing the Conservatives with lead of up to 25 per cent over Labor Some observers suggested this reflected public disillusionment over the social contractand the feeling that while wages re mained tied prices continued to climb Although the Conservatives remained jubilant in anticipa tion of soon gaining power they were not without their diffi culï¬es The old antagonism between Mrs Thatcher and former prime minister Edward Heath whom she displaced as party leader remained near the sur face despite calls for unity and Heaths modest gestures of friendship at the partys annual conference Then in November he openly attacked present party tactics saying the Tories would The Barrie Examiner Monday December 13 1976 not Win an election by cam paigning against the few who cheat on social benefits or the minority of Labor leftwingers alleged to be subservient to Moscow What was needed was basic constructive policies he said but some Tory backbenchers accused him of sour grapes claiming he could not face the fact that the Tories were doing well without him at the helm Dancing is Fun politics The incident was sideshow to the uproar created in the Commons by Tory MPs alle gation that at least 30 Labor MPs held views similar to those of Communists assorted Trot skyite groups and Marxists LIBERALS PICK LEADER In the Liberal party David Steel mildmannered young Scot was elected leader to suc ceed Jeremy Thorpe my Learning is Easy Theres still time to learn few basics Whether its the modern Disco Dances or more traditional like New Years Waltz Whats your interest Lets make this your most exciting Holiday Seosonever We yourself Coll 73736 Where Christmas ideas begin Leather lace up Mukluks Synthetic fur trim em bossed design Orlon acrylic pile lining crepe sole Medium width Mens Boot Womens 9fiBoot 99 Reg Ill 99 R09 2999 Mens Dress Shoes Genuine leather Suppers with platform soles heels BroWn Tan Er Black Not all sizes available in all colors Reg 2999 to 3999 SimpsonsSears Ltd SEARS BARRIE GEORGIAN MALL 509 BAYFIELD ST Nylon might be the best Christmps present you ever gove PATS DANCE SOCIAL CENTRE LA LA LA L4 ML Sport Boot Lace trim polyurethane coated uppers treaded vinyl soles Foam lining Navywht trim Redwht trim MENS Sizes 7I Misses Sizes I4 Boys Sizes 36 99 Reg 2799 99 Reg 1999 99 Reg 2599 Women Dress Shoes variety of styles colors with leather uppers with man made crepe soles Brown Tan Black Rust Not all sizes available in all colors Reg 1499 to 2999 ersonal Shoppin Only Please Charge it in iw in Enyoy It now Use yourl All Purpose Account 499 749101499 To 929 Christmas Store Hours MomFri 930 om 930 pm Saturday 930 om 530 pm JvAA some