oAooA Va ur in BA The Banie Examiner Friday December I976 VMay the peace of llllS Holy Barrie Delicatessen oystmo WOO JUWCOR Season bring joy to all 0J0 auVï¬ WW send in gill ul mirs from Natural Decor for Christmas The use of fresh rowln plants around the house for color and decoration has in creased in almost stagggeringgnumbers and theres really nothin lovelier to make house look lived in Combined with dried natural flowers and frui they are perfect for the holidays Here are few ideas you may not have thought of including some using traditional evergreens and mistletoe in not so traditional ways With little imagination theres no end to the unusual Christmas decorations you can put to gether at home If you are lucky enough to have bay or wide window try massing pots of flower lng plants together poinsettias azaleas cyclamen on window seat or small table covered with pretty cloth Decorate the pots with Christmas cutouts from your favorite ma azine or with holiday deca Polish your best sliver bowl and fill it with dried Lunaria Honesty is its more commonly known name and fresh holly The silverwhite translucent Lu naria is perfect foil for the vivid red holly berries Your beach basket lying idle in the pant makes charming rust holder turned on its side and filled with cgreen apples and shiny red hristmas balls Sprlgs of evergreens in and around the apples add extra color The Legend of Befana Families of Italian origin are familiar with Beana In these days of womans lib it is interesting to hear about this legendary lady When the Three Kings were on their search for the Holy Child they passed the house of Befana as she was sweeping and cleaning her house In answer to her in quiry they told her of their search She asked to go with them but they continued on their way without wait ing for her to finish her chores When Befana tried toovertake them she failed and so was unable to wor ship the Holy Babe with them Since then the woman Befana wanders the earth seekin her lost opportuni tg Ita lan children believe efana rides through the air on broomstlck on the eve of January which marks the Feast of KinFS still seeking the Chr st Child She goes down chim neys leaving ggesents for the girls and ys as the Wise Men brought gifts to the Holy Child Grandmas old butter churn will be rejuvenated gng ï¬lled with bittersweet cat OW Make hanging mistle toe ball for doorway by It sticking sprigs of mistle tails and evergreen toe into round potato in which you have pierced SURPRISE CENTERPIECE made from loaf of bread ngs Canadian General Shoes Carols and Christkindli of Candles Carols and candles bring added spirit and luster to Christmas The word carol comes from themlddle English carolen meaning to sl ioycusly The majority our most familiar carols date from the nineteenth century Some researchers believe that carol sin ing could be carryover rain the Roman songs of the Satumaiia Francis Scott Key noted lawyer and au thor of The Star Spangled Banner also wrote carols It is little known that the comedian Harpo Marx of the famous Marx Brothers also authored popular Christmas carol Caroling on Christmas Eve is tradition brought to America by our English forbears that delights us all at holiday time CANDLES Special light ing effects as we now know them elaborate and colorful at Christmas started with the romantic glow of holl day candles Placing lighted candles in the window on Christmas eve is believed to have started in Boston There are elaborate electric light shows in almost all large American cities but candles still sell in the mil lions showing that Ameri cans enjoy their soft glow and assoc ations Lavish Feast At Christmas in the year 1492 when Columbus was spending his da in the ew World King enry VII gave one of his most sump tuous feasts The Kin 14851509 the Queen an members of the court dined on no leSs than 120 diflercnt dishes with peacock as its climax He observed hol iday customs lavishly to say the least serving among the many delicacies pop ular dish called frumenty made by addin sugar and 0° holes with nail Add In Russia the same cus Jo IImmorrmmin today perky bow at the t0 and covered wnh greens tom was once familiar hang The moisture the though the lady there was Burrios lUdtlll Downiim gaggequ keep the misue mm mushka 23 Flower Shop For unique surprise cen ir J3 telpiece insert1 ï¬nal 1cuts HollyDhay gum ivlllru muim Il evergreen 0n Spri sot oliys ould be loaf of bread covering placedln beehivesa Christ 03 Humps completely Choose your mas So says an 01 En lish lr ll loaf to suit your table sha Christmas tradition is and length As with custom stems from the leg lll llmilsulilvuluplIlnutrsurnumlluImrIl ll1900C b8 the greens end that at the Manger Stay 95h 1° er because bees gathered to hum if uml lvlirrr Imlilh RH J8 of the moisture nthe bread hymn of Joy Add two otiéthlree cgndles ttit EOeWhavrï¬fggka3 ï¬nger rgt°r lL your cen rp ece pus oYOO ï¬g gem Igownt ï¬rmly at tee orna GREEN APPLES AND sumi RED Christmas bulls men can be added spill out of peach basket for unusual decorative m=ChrISTWaS Have fun Hope your hol iday is merry arrangement 71 5f cwgt minim Switzerland Reappears at Holy Season Christmas has unique significance in the German and French speaking re gions of Switzerland be cause the Christklndli or Christ Child is believed to walk on earth during this season Instead of Santa Claus the Christklndll repre sented as beautiful rad ant angellike being with wings carrying magic wand and wearing shining crown distributes Christ mas gifts and Christmas trees glittering with fancl iul decorations Although the Christ klndli is commonly be lieved to personlfy the ChristChild he is some times represented as an angel bearing light or star just as an angel her alded the birth of Christ at Bethlehem On the other hand the Chiistkindli has some of the character istics of sprite as sug gested by the wand and the wings which can be linked to proChristian beliefs Same suggest he may stem from the pagan custom of representing the New Year as radiant and beautiful child Like Santa the Christ klndii also arrives in sleigh drawn by reindeer so there would ippcur to be iHll lntlrmlnpling of hilsmius legends hrre St Nicholas is represented in Several ways lil llflcrini parts of watzerland In some ht is called Father Christmas and comes with his Wife Lucy representing St Lucy whose feast day is December 13l to distributv gifts He wears thr tradi tional Santa Claus costume while Lucy wears round cap over her long braids ll laced hOdle and Iéill apmn In the central pull of Switzwriand St Nicholas is represented more realisti ca ly in his bishops regalla complete with mitre and crosier On St Nicholas Day which falls on Decom ber 6th there if lllfitllllï¬ cent parade in which wintr bearded masqueradcrs clothed in long white shirts carry huge thrmuioot mitresha ed lanterns over their hea Those lanterns are perforated in mirlcaix religious designs similar to church windows and when the candlelight shines through them as their bearers execute stately dance they are an impres sive sight indeed ln iln village of Urnaisch in the Canton of Appinzrll llll men and boys go Siintu ilnusmg Sonic wen ild Santa Claus costumes wth nghng hells while tllmh dressed Liid illilskld fls lzir dies wear enormous elab nmiv picture hats decorated uith panorama of Alpine scenes Starting early in tin lny on New Years Eve the group procrcds through the illnizv with an unusual hopsrutih gait stopping at each farm in share their merrimcnt and partake of refreshments When darkx nch inlls they all head for the Valley to pursue their New Year revelry ASS ESSENIIAI IU lzl ER DOMAIN Although the ass such as the one ridden by Mary is sometimes des cribed as lowly beast ï¬t for those of humble station there is consid Mable evidence that the docilr and useful ass was ridden by many rich and prestigious people as well as the poor The Bible oten mentions the ass as common part of many households EXTRA TREATS FOR YOUR HOLIDAY DINNER HOLLY WREATH SALADS Uslng chicory make wreath shape on individual salad plates Scatter cherries or cranberries on chicory to look like holy CANDLE SALAD Roll half banana in colored sugar and set into ring of pine apple Take half of split unsalted almond and stick into top of banana The almond will actually burn for minute or two when lit it PEPPERMINT RANGESu Roll fresh oranges gently on table top to soften and cut small hole on the top of each one Insert stick of grppermint candy Small fry can suck the juice through the candy stick making dou treat FROSTY SNOWBALL MOLDPour into large mold cranberry sauce that has spices b0 huued been thickened with gelatin When set remove from mold onto salad greens and deco Wheflt rate with tiny snowballs made of softened cream cheese 24 Dunlop 7283881