Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Dec 1976, p. 15

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gt semiM12sss Rt HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESPERSON Barrie and Bruce Peninsula area established territory to sell giftware glassware and china Salary and expenses plus commission iWrite giving details to National Sales Manager CASSIDYS LTD PO Box 103 Station Toronto Ontario M8Z 5N7 HELP WANTED Dll CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OE COMMERCE CONSUMER LOAN OFFICERS The Commerce presently has rewarding and challenging Consumer Loan Officer positions available throughout Ontario for careerminded in dividuals who have at least onetwo years of con sumer finance experience The Bank offers you competitive salary and benefits program as well as the necessary orientation and training Opportunities also exist for advancement in general banking as the individuals ability warrants Please reply in writing including your resume in dicating willingness to relocate and salary ex pectations to Mr Baker Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Personnel Department Commerce Court West Toronto Ontario 011 INSIDE SALES POSITION Responsible person required for counter sales Duties include maintenance of records and related paper work Successful applicant must have mechanical ap titude and be able to work independantly An excellent opportunity for conscientious in dividual Salary commensurate with experience and ability Good fringe benefits Apply by mail only giving full resume All applications strictly confidential Mr Evans co Tillsonburg Pipe and Supply Ltd Box 13l Cookstown Ont LOL TLC on HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Key Punch Operators BARRIE Your experience as an BM 374T will be the key to your receiving an excellent salary for your special skills Call OFFICE OVERLOAD Mrs Cuthbertson 7264133 014 WELL KNOWN company requires am bitious lull or parttime help in Barrie or surrounding area Car necessary Earn above average wages Telephone I516 395 652 PART TIME service station employees lor weekends Apply in per son to Ernie McFadden at Miuhurst Comet 737 2232 AN OHIO OIL CO ollers PLENTY OF MONEY plus cash bonuses at home training for mature individual in Barrie area Regardless 01 experience write Read Pres American Lubricants Co Box 696 Dayton Ohio 45401 ACCOUNTANT 2nd or 3rd year RIA or CGA student re quired to assume responsibility for ac countinglunctiansincluding preparation and analysis at linancial statements and supervision ol part time stall members Applicant must be sell starter and well motivated as posrtion is new Excellent opportunity tor advancement with this medium sized company Loca tion in Stroud Ontario Reply in writing to Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Ltd Box 101 RR No Stroud Ontario ALL REPLIESCONFIDENTIAL AUTOMOTIVE PARTS Counter Person Sell starter experience helplul but not essential Apply stating qualifications and expected salary to Box 597 barrio Examiner GENERAL OFF ICE Worker Payroll and accounts receivable Automativr ex perience an asset Apply Box $9913arrie Examiner LARGE financial organizatmn requires sales and Services representative tor Barrie Starting income to $300 per lNllk il qualilied year training program Full company benefits No OVlIIlllllll travel Opportunity for management in luture Write brief resume to the Per sonnet Manaoer Box 10211 Barrie On tarro LIVE IN babysitter required nights and weekends oll Salary negotiable lllt phone728 6711 DENTAL ASSISTANT cunt IlnltfU capable person required riply in writ ing including all pertinent inlormatriin prevrous experience rlrsirobli but not essential to Box 598 Barrie xnminw MATURE housekeeper wanted lor prestige home excellent workrnu onrii tions and top wages Phone 716 R190 WARM MATURE person to work nights week in Brownrlali Home Allandale area Call 728 7731 PART tIVlE person to work an 1lit tionist must bi willing to work ilriy lll evening shift and bv available frl week Call 73 3771 NOTICE deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday furniture Consumer Lending Specialists Lets talk about your scope and opportunity at Barrie It you know consumer lending you know that this is an important part it ilfy frillll busrness This rs certainly the case With our bank and from here on going to 2w more important still Right now we can use your skills You WIlI have every opportunrty to demonstrate your ability and gum surgacs lllllr Will be host of promotion opportunities open to you Essentially were looking for candidates who are p6pllrlllllztrl irril protrtmrnded who have consumer lending experience at supervrsory level Blrilll tr Manager or one level below perhaps It Barrie appeals to you and its got lot gorng tor it let titlk tlrlllii wriir can enjoy thereand apart from the JOb that means Please send your detailed resume in confidence to Garry Bowler Employment Supervisor Bank at Montreal First Canadian Place PO Box Toronto Ontario The First Canadian Bank Bank of Montreal SHOREVIEW GARRETT AREA SHANTY BAY ROAD VANCOUVER BLAKE AREA WELLINGTON OAK AREA OUEBEC LOOP Er CLEVE LOOP AREA IN BOROEN THE BARRIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS Please fill out the application below and return it to THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayfield St Barrie or Phone 7266539 rn consumer lending at our Billle lry illltrll good salary and ltlrtlllt package including relocation assrstance also great future if HELP WANTED LICENSEDMECHANICwillrepaircars in spareytime Anything considered Telephoneyafgvu evenings EXPERIENCED DAYCARE in my home References other children to play withth be over one year old Also New Years Eve overnight in my home 10 Allondale area Call 726 7086 FORMER TEACHER will provide daycare In her home any age welcome Davidson and Ottaway area Phone 737 2652 RELIABLrE LADY Sllklng rive in posi tion in Barrie to are tor elderly person Experienced Light housekeeping Relerence Telephone 7373837 or 7265864 lEGAl OTHERS In the estate of WHITFORD PERRY GILL Retired Farmer deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of whitford Perry Gill late of the Township of Vespra in the County of Sim coe Provrrico of Ontario who died on the 7th day of May l976 are hereby notified to send particulars of some to the undersigned on or before December 31st I976 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the unr dersrgnod shall then have and the undersigned will not be liable It any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice Dated at Barrie Ontario this 61h dayofDecembor 1976 Howard Melvrlle Gill Arthur Irigrohom Exerutors by their solicrtotPAUl VVESSENGER Box 544 39 Boyfielcl Street BorrieOntorruL4M4T7 0101724 notice INNKEEPERS LIEN ACT OF ONTARIO Take notn that Diriiron Mai Tovrsl formvrly of Flhll form is irrilirlilwl to UlllIltl For ms of RI Cirrrkstirwrl Oli tUIIt llt tli utrrlly UI SlIIttOO of $6600 for board and brooding fees and III that Urirtwl has IflllOlIltd imprint lul IO llllrllllli Ior thi BUyIllllltr fool Milli to Wool erisi owl Llllllltq by IOIU Rood Suli of sclril hurw vill ln hill at Urritiil FUIIII It mi Jsulirrr l3 vvixl wrllrtlrlrllly SUItlllltly Don Ill lilyl Iii 197 I0 Olltl rr vtlll II lly4Llll AlllllflCJVIIIH AIIIIIIIIHII SCI Nw 451 Atzrli DC l0 III the orrmirrrl valltl llllltl rirrirr errly ltt Mini Cliotnul Vrltjirriir frriririii Ill lcrOl to llllili Salt Hi AUCTION SALES BILL BARR AUCTION SERVICE Antiques household estates industrial mortgages consignments and appr or iils HONEle INTEGRITY AND COURTESY OUR MOTIO Successor to Jerry Coughlin CALL 7280744 FVTI for ills EM PLPYMENLWANT ER Engagement rt maximum 40 words additional words cents per ward Card of Thanks 25 words Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse $5oo Verse per count lino extra 21 cents per line Coming Events BIRTHS DYKSTRA Ralph and Hilda wish to announce that the Lord has graciously blessed them wttn the blrth of baby girl Angela Helka on Wednesday De camber 81976A sister for Jellrey Ron nie Gerald and Brian REVE LL Mr and Mrs Dale Revell of 15 Glenecho Drive Barrie are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Cynthia Elizabeth on mommys birth day December 71976 at Royal Victoria Hospital lbs 4V2 ozs MARSHALL Joan and Scott Marshal nee Mumberson 64 Eugenia St Bar rie wish to announce the birth of their daughter Selena Frances on Monday November 29th 1976 Proud grand parents are Vernon and Beatrice Mumberson and Ted and Evelyn Mar shall at Barrie and greatgrandparents Mr and Mrs Karl Marshall Barrie and Mr and Mrs RobertCoe Stayner MARRIAGES GRANT PAYNE On Thursday December 1976 at Barrie Victoria Ann daughter of Mr and Mrs Payne ol Barrie to Mr Howard Norman Grant son ol Mrs Grant ol Barrie and Mr Grantol Bracebridge DEATHS whivx BROWN Donald Egbert AtThe Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Thursday December 2nd T976 Survived by his mother Henrietta Brown Mrs Am brose Brown and his aunt Edith Mundle both of RR Ora Station Private interment was held at Barrie Union Cemetery Arrangements by Ar nold uneral Home Barrie BEAMISH James Nathaniel At the Royal Vil tora Hospital Barrie on Wed Der 1976 James Beamish Beloved husband of Mary of Barrie dear lather at James of Barrie and Calvin at Toronto Grandfather at Michael and Daniel Friends may call at the Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worsley St Barrie StrVILQ in the chapel on Saturday Dec ll tit 11 ClITIltrl Bolton In lieu of llowers nTIIIIOVIiII donations to Canadian Cancer Society would be appror rated MURPHY Mary Alter lengthy ill new at Royal Victoria Hospital on Thursday December 9th 1976 Mary Miirrih Ilirloveil WIIl of Lynn Murphy or Burrit Lovrnq mother at Sandra Mur ptiy iIIIlI Robert and predeceased by John Dear grandmother of three grand rtiilurin Dear sister of Maggie Mrs PiIlowl LllllL Mrs Grintonl Min nw err Draper Dave Bill and Drrtllrldfiltl by John and Robert Routine at the Jennott Funeral Home Is Bradford Barrie Visitation from Frrilay at in Service and committal crrnllillffl in the chapel on Saturday Dlfirlltlf II at rn Interment Barrie Union Cemetery In lieu of flowers llflllitltOni to the Canadian Cancer Socie ty wrgttrlltt blapprer raftd ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel I27 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MWFTF ciiiipsordrnrimrsg rillMi IN Wl would like to thank ttii prtyplv iii the Antin Mills community for 1th shower and lovely gill They yviri Llrrytlly appreiiiitod Thank you Adam llllllil int GrnuCquhlin WA TON WI would like to Sincerely thank ill oirr lrrnnl neighbors and riliitivrl lrrr their thoughtfulness cards plum tll lrll and visits to us while wr ri vi rm hospital special thanks It it Illrill Point and Fire depart nt tor llTllT hilri The staff of IACv At mi Board or Dirnrtors and stall of lii Mutual Insuraan rrtri and Wilbur Walton ALLEN HORNER Auction Service BARRIL iIMLOl COUNTY Household Approisols RR NO BRADFORD ONT Phorri 4H 17 365 or rots use Arvin ll WHICH DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to ridvortiso Each day new wants oriso bringing new readers as od oier satisfy their wants we recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to ad vertise in The Barrie Examiner Classified Section llllllll WITI Form Antiques EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72824l4 AUCTION SALES Aucnou SALE FARM AUCTION SALE SATURDAY IIIé George Ptfher 1N willows no stirrIiy In loving memory at ti tlirt minimr Shirley Loretta Rolfe mm ritiylfl iway December IO l970 vvi vll all God children from the Illlttrrfll trorrrol brrttt it liar Irvi amt laugh and love in 70 ourdny on earth Ill illrir1 us through the alternoon IIII Irlil raysare cast lltll mii try one wrtti gentle words Hi tll lr home at last mriry nmsvrl by lthirley Pat Richard rIIIrIVJI irrty Norcliffe Canada lap horse IrrltilNIi WIN Norclilti llllll ot this years Queens Ililll has been named zrn iirlris 1970 Horse of the Year in it poll lttlllIthllfl by the Daily Itiicinglrorni The three yearold olt illlll by liiirlvs Baker chair lllilll of the Ontario Jockey Iuli received It 01 21 votes itli lllt other live going to VIC loriiin Irinto Norililli also got all 21 votes III the category for threeyear tilll UIIS iiiid gelrlings while six year old Victorian Prince llllll by the irovetree Stable illltl ltl Stable was named llIlIIllplltll older horse and top grass competitor IIiis your the racing forms poll was combined with the Sov ereign Awards instituted ear lier this your to honor the top iinztdiziiibrmt thoroughbreds TitrcrionsALTSTT Auctioneer Appraiser 7264841 We Invite Your Trust DEC 11th at 12 noon sharp for ALLEN CRLLK nt lot on IA Vespra twp miles west miles south of Erlenvnle oirt Sole ol lull line of farm machinery inc Haying cultrvolioir hoi vesting equipment Int tractor Int T5 run socd lITl lllllllllJt drill Bolirr No 268 MR Bar side rake 42 ft Bole elevator now form wagon and rack etc etc Choice Beef cattle irtr cows heifers slot kvru llll calves mostly Hereford 3000 Boles ITOlfl mixed hay ton rlioiir mixed grain etc housefurnishings inc Elvrtr IfII ripplrurlrr and some antiques Telrns Cosh Nr rumor vl At the close of mother yuor Furm sold we welcome this opportunity to thank you all for your FRIENDSHIP Our Best Wishes for Joyous Holiday Season and ll and GOODWILL Happy ind Prosp erous New Year GEORGE PIFHER Auctioneer Phone 72048 10 Nelson St Barrie Ont D10 Interment Laurel Hill COMING EVENTS ALLISTON Rod Gun Club CHRISTMAS TURKEY SHOOTS Saturday December Sunday December 19 at pm At the south of Alliston Thonrorl T5 days leaving Jan 1522 and Feb 26 1977 23 days January 30 1977 Parkview Tours 4167753331 ANGUS LIONS FLEA MARKET Highway 90 Angus every Sunday 12to pm BOOTH RENTAL Call 4246986 or 4241862 after pm FTF OPEN HOUSE for MR AND MRS LEWIS CARR on their 501h ANNIVERSARY at Craighurst Anglican Church Saturday December 18th 14 pm EVERYONE WELCOME BEST WISHES ONLY Now 2Pc Dress Printel Pattern TWO PARTS are newer than one thats winters fashion message Lean overbouse glides over swingy 6gore skirt with elastic waist Printed Pattern 4907 Misses Sizes 10 12 I4 16 18 20 Size 12 bust 34 takes 23a yds 60vinch labric $100 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 25 each pattern for first class maii and handling Ont residents add 7v sales tax Print plainly Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Deut The Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Ave Scarborough Ont MIP 4P7 150 styles lots ot Quick Easies in our NEW FALL WINTER PATTERN CATALOG Jumpsuits tops pants plus Total Wardrobe patterns Free attern coupon 75¢ nstant Sewing Book $100 Sew ltnit Book $125 Instant Money Crafts $100 Instant Fashion Book $100 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such replies 31szBosnia EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 $500 $3 22 per column inch Club House located Lot Con 13 Tecumseth Twp miles NT2I9DIOI7 DIOl315 WARDEN Wash AP When Municipal Court Judge Robertson looks you in the eye you dont take itlightly He and his wife are professional hypnotists And while Robertson says he has enjoyed most of his clients he admits hes also had some of the meanest people in the world to treat ELMTRA Ont CP Noah Brubacher has boyhood memo ries of selling roasted peanuts for five cents bag outside his fathers store on Saturday nights Today Mr Brubacher and his brother Clarence run Brubachers Country Store in Broxs Old Town Village new shopping centre in this town 10 miles north of Kitchener The entrance is copy of the origi nal turnofthecentury shop with which the brothers were associated for more than 50 years The store is lined with bins of wheat flakes spice dried ta pioca rice and pretzels On dis play are custommade four drawer cash register made in 1904 oldfashioned scales coffee grinder cheese cutters and the original peanut roaster My father used to tell us he sold the first bananas and the first tinned salmon available here Mr Brubacher said That was about 1904 We found some old invoices when we cleared out the office and in 1905 my father paid 12 cents pound for butter and 16 cents for cheese selling the produce to customers for small profit SOLD GREEN TOFFEE Mr Brubacher recalled sell ing green coffee to customers for roasting in their homes We had threetier glass VANCOUVER tCPr new program for controlling drink ing which teaches the Skills of setting drinking limits and staying inside them has been set up by the Vancouver health department Lynn Alden professor of psy chology at University of British Columbia said the approach refutes the conventional idea that the only sure cure for alcoholism is abstinence The program avoids the con troversy over whether con trolled drinking is an answer for alcoholics who cant quit be cause it aims at people whose drinking is just beginning to be aproblem If heavy drinker who orders straight booze and gulps his drinks changes his style so he sips orders cocktails and spaces drinks his consumption can drop dramatically We arent aiming at hard core drinkers at people who have lost their jobs or their families and are on downward spiral Miss Alden said Nor are we after those who are ab stinent We feel someone who is abstinent should stay that way TECHNIQUES TAUGIIT She said she hopes the pro gram will attract people who dont think they are alcoholics and are reluctant to think they may be headed in that direc tion The program which has been operating since the beginning of November in 12 weekly ses CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 728 2414 Classified advertisements and notices for those pages must be received by pm day preceding publication With the excep tion of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by two days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $5 00 Additional words ts per word CARD OF THANKS 25 words 35 00 Addi tional words cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse 55 00 With verse par count line cents per line COMING EVENTS $3 22 per column inch 24 WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Dis count Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions 9c per word inser lion Ihroo consecutive insertions cont per word insertion total $6 12 Six consecutive insertions 8c per word per in nrtion total Sll52 Multiple insertions may be ordered subject to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbrevia tion set of numbers etc count as parole words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accopted convenience to the advertisers Thoroforo the Classified Advortising Department requires ad advertisers to kindly rachock their advertisement lm mediaton after first insertion in order that any Orror or omission may be reported bolaro am in order that some may be rortlllod for the following day publication The Barrio Examiner is rosponsibla for only on Incorrectly printod insortion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion al ad that involves the misprint Errors which do not lesson the value of tho odvorjinmont are not uquiblo for error tlons by make goods The Barn Examiner reserves the right to clauify IVtSO or re ioct any want ad PHONE 7282414 young omery boy with criminal tendencies was sent to me by authorities who asked me to try to keep him from get ting into trouble again the judge recalled After some hypnosis therapy the boy never was in trouble with the law again and went on to become one of the best wrestlers this state ever produced Oldfash ioned the word here candy counter and on Friday night we were allowed to select one thingan allday sucker popcorn ball or whatever Most of the other children came into the store on Fridays with penny or two allowance to buy candy Popcorn balls as big as your fist used to sell three for five cents We had peanutvending machine out front where you could get whole handful for one cent can remember one boy who used to sneak behind the counter and steal chocolate creams My father got tired of losing candy so one day he filled piece with red pepper and left it near the edge The boy took it spat it out and we never lost any more chocolate creams Israel Brubacher estab lished the store in 1891 and 0p erated it with the assistance of his five sons until his death in 1939 In addition to the country store Olde Town Village in cludes an oldfashioned ice cream parlor and coffee shop gift shop greenery Country Cheese Haus and balcony wood shed The ice cream parlor offers sundaes homebaked muffins and tea cakes and gift packages filled with unusual cheeses jams jellies maple syrup homemade pickled baby corn and apple butter sions tries to teach techniques to strengthen the drinkers will power The first step is to discover why the drinker drinks and then skills are tailored to fit the drinkers motivation If the drinking is to relieve tension he is taught relaxation and meditation techniques if the problem is relating to other people he is given assertion training if the reason is in somnia goingtosleep tricks are explained Everyone is taught to calcu late his blood alcohol content based on body weight and the number and timing of his drinks IIOOSE OWN LIMIT We teach them how to stay within limit they choose themselves Miss Alden said Most people set level of about 06 The legal limit for impaired driving is 08 We also teach people how to refuse drinks Many just dont know the words or attitudes to use People are willing to say they are controlling their weight but theyre reluctant to say theyre controlling their drinking Dr Fred Bass medical health officer of the Burrard Health Unit where the sessions are held said the department is supporting the project in the hope of cutting down death ill ness and injury resulting from excessive drinking NAMED DIRECTOR LACOMBE Alta CP Mike Achtymichuk of Lacombe has been named Canadas band director of the year He was presented the Elkhorn Trophy at the annual convention of the Canadian Band Directors Association in Edmonton Mr Achtymichuk has been active for years in community music programs in Lacombe Nor has his offthebench practice been limited to juvej nile delinquents He said 43 stu dents at Eastern Washington State College in Cheney more than 80 miles away came to his Hypnotic Therapy Clinic when they feared they might flunk out of school ALL RESPONDED After being hypnotized and told that their interest in school would grow each day and that they would no longer let outside pressures hinder their concen tration Robertson said every one of them passed In fact he said hypnotism can cure just about anything obesity alcoholism chain smoking even corns If person has an ailment somewhere tell the body to create the chemicals to heal the wounds Robertson recalled nurse with corns all over her feet rubbed her feet and told her that her body would create acid to dissolve the corns and within few weeks they dis appeared Robertson 65 said he was busy building contractor and was handling 500 court cases month when truck accident left him with broken back The doctor just about gave up on it ever healing and said would be dead in six months unj less put my faith in God or learned hypnosis to try to heal it Choosing the latter course Robertson and his wife trekked south to Los Angeles to attend school of hypnosis That led to new careerthe clinic at which he saidhe has treated thousands of persons from all over the country However he quit accepting patients recently becauSe of stroke all the while maintain ing that even the stroke might have been prevented If had known even is min utes before it hit me that the stroke was coming could have stopped it through hyp nosrsf Controlling drinking new programs aim He said between two and eight per cent of the population are problem drinkers hernia jor health problem assocPated with alcohol is not alcoholic debilitation but injuries suf fered by drinkers and innocent people in traffic accidents Prefers dogsto 9p snowmobile GRANDE PRAIRIE Alta CP Lee Morin took look at the smoke along the trail he had just travelled one day on his trapline and decided to trade his snowmobile in fur dogteam That was 10 years ago and since then he has maintained that dogs work better It was just not safe ma chine on trapline he said You would spend at least couple of weeks getting sup plies into camp with lot of it being fuel for the machine Then if the snow was deeper than you expected you could find yourself short of fuel If your machine quit on you you could be stuck deeper in that bush than you could walk outof He said he has to nd twice as long on the trai with his dogs but he enjoys it great deal more There is nothing like the pleasure of having team working with you It is beautiful watching how well trained dog understands you TRAINS OWN DOGS His eightdog team is made up of Alaskan malamutes Sibe rian huskies and samoyedes They are the type of dog that wants to work Its in their blood ESSA TOWNSHIP Vehicles parked on streets and roadways during snow removalReference Township of Essa Bylaw 864 and the Highway Traffic Act Notice is hereby given that any vehicle left on street or roadway during the snow removal season will be towed away at the expense of the owner All persons are requested to govern them selves accordingly Y0ur cooperation in this matter is respectfully requested in or der to eliminate any inconvenience which may otherwise occur Truax Road Superintendent Township of Essa

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