14 The Barrie Examiner Frid 21y December 10 1976 ARTICLES Ecti SAIE OFF ALL TRAND NEW ERCHANDIS EVEN OFF UNCLAIMED AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE 1968 CHEV door radio power steering and brakes condition and certilied 5750 Phone 7262785 1967 COMET door hardtop many new parts too numerous to list Best otler belore December 15th uncertilied Must sellunemployed Call anytime 424 0599 1973 PONTIAC LeMans station wagon Wood grain panelling lully powered gold exterior with beige vinyl interior Only 43000 miles asking $2800 certilied Telephone 7284265 1973 M68 good condition 34000 miles reasonable Phone 4361554 alter pm BEAUTIFUL car beautiful price 1974 door Galaxie 500 air conditioned tinted glass rust prooled AMFM electric rear defroster bumper guards remote mirror excellent rubber including snows 39000 miles spotless condition price $2350 Telephone 737 0939 after 1971 OLDS Cutlass immaculate condi tion Recently resprayed and reup bolstered Certilied $2000 or near otter Reason lor sale company car 726 0340 1030am 830pm or 737 2830 1971 LTD Country Squire wagon power steering brakes and rear window Ex cellent condition inside and out Must sell belore Christmas Best otter 7286435 1970 MERCURY Marquis 429 complete ly powered air conditioning snow tires good body As is $500 Call from 12 noon to4pm7281897 1971 DODGE Colt hardtop low mileage excellent condition radio snow tires 32 mpg ladys car Phone 4361049 alter pm 1989 VOLKSWAGEN bug good condi tion rebuilt engine last summer new paint 5595 Phone 728 4999 CARS WANTED URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dooler TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 TF JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Freepickup Telephone 726 8487 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towmg scrap metal cars bought over scales 520 ton 436 3677 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid lree immediate pick up anytime 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted tor wrecking Fast pickup Days 435 6322 Alterop 421 5949 TRUCKS TRAILERS 1976 FORD Econolinc 100 cylinder standard captains chairs rear tinted Windows AM FM stereo and speakers undercoated 9000 miles Telephone 456 3892 Lefroy 1973 CHEV ton standard as is good condition Phone 14167753735 altirop 1972 FORD ton with large cap standard good condition $2300 or best offer Call 726 9617 anytime I976 CHEV Silver ado equipped 454 engine all Telephone 424 0626 alter 1974 RED Ford pickup 24000 actual miles one onwer excellent condition Price 52800 Certified Telephone 3221781 1973 FORD ton camper special GVW 9000 lbs oversized rad blade tan batteries radio gas tanks appro imately 29000 original miles Excellent condition Telephone alter 30 pm 726 7173 I968 CHEV ton pickup with wide box 307 motor radio tires stock racks Good condition Sell as is Telephone 7372359 1970 GMC 14 ton speed good runn mg order 8800 or best otter Phone 728 8414 1970 FORD ton pickup tor sale V8 automatic custom radio certified will sell reasonable Telephone 726 0953 or EVERYTHING INCLUDING heavy duty new tires UNTIL SKIDOO Snowmobiles at MacDonalds Marine 73 Yonge St South Barrie 7282940 J3 LIVING ROOM SUITES EXAMPLE 329 LESS 33 296 ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES stock now at preseason prices SPORT HAVEN MARINE mile eastof BARRIE on Shanty Bay Rd 7261001 In D29 19ESKI DOO Olympic single cylinder asking $225 or bestollor Phone 424 6578 1973 SKIDOO TNT 294 for sale $395 Telephone 728 9438 1970 SKI 000 399 cc 24 new track and belt S380 Telephone 487 2737 1°73 SKIROULE good condition low mileage mowno must sell S550 Phone424 1334 1975 X8 440 cc tach spendo ignition likenewSIISO Phone7266338 WARTICLES FOR SAL RUSTIC CEDAR FURNITURE Made by International Woodworking Bruce Peninsula The CEDAR CROFT RR Shelburne Phone 5199253469 Watch for this Sign Rustic Cedar Furniture Onequarter mile west of Primrose On Nos 89 lOand 24 Highways DIB USED COLORED TVs Any reasonable oller Will be accepted We need the room for ITIW stock con tinuously coming in Como early for DIST selection of color and black and whiti TVs Barrie TV and Applmmrs 80 Dunlop st 718 4297 Conserve heat this Winter Hrrit Misir fits into chimney illictric Ian saves money 728 0755 PERFECT GIFT New wall mounted 11 day grandlathir lacks Regular $120 now SS9 Call 737 3955 FIREPLACE HARDWOOD seasoned top quality lace cord 16 $35 12 $30 or custom cut Freedelivery 726 4725 FIREPLACE HARDWOODS ctiuapir by the lull card free delivery Also logs and posts 728 1637 HAMMOND ORGAN and Leslie speak er like new Total $1525 Phone 728 6100 CONN ORGAN and bench automatic chord and rhythm ear phonLs $1500 ConSider reasonable ollir 728 9542 BOYS SKI DOO SUIT grren size 61 $15 Motorcycle helmet yellow and black BEDROOM SUITES KITCHEN SUITES STEREO COLOUR TV SEWING MACHINES ETC AD MUST BE PRESENTED TO RECEIVE DISCOUNT UNCLAIMED large S15 Motorcycle iackel black lined lor warmth size 44 $15 Also Hamsters months old FREE SALES 202 DUNLOP Justwest Of Barrie Arena Phone 7262900 OPEN 60 HR WEEK Please telephone 726 3654601 FIREWOOD split dry $85 bush iord Free delivery anytime Telephone 466 2320 atter4 SINGER Zig Zag brand new mriitIines from 399 Many Christmas savings on all machines and var uum cleaners Visit us at Singir Georgian Mall Barrie 728 7960 GERMAN Canadian lrrmer orders all regular cuts plus german sausage rouladen sctinitleln and Kassler etr Phone Haupt Meats 726 0586 PFAFF Sewmg Machine Christmas Special featuring bunt in extras lor that prolessuonal look 726 3773 728 4615 finest job possible CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Ravitollzo your carpets with AI carpal Itoam $999166371 CERAMICS WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling OndLOPCIIII 772662634g CNAIR CANING ANTIQUE CHAIR CANING Ovar 35 you ax porianca Talgphona Somars 4362299 CHILD CARE WEEKEND SERVICES 24 hour suppr vision meals antortoinmant Loving care Reasonable rates 4246731 COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST design art work layout otc Plus col colloct 416 936263 CUSTOM FENCING ALUMINUM GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Eavestrough Windows Doors Awnings Siding Soffit Facia Shutters AdditionsRoofing Porch Enclosures Stonework For free estimate Coll PHIL SPURLING 7266907 RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom LocalFamlly Busness wood Iancu lmprova your property Cdï¬A 7371507 77 raw ALTERATIONS DISC um LADIES AND entlemens alterations 26 Mary St Telepgone 7373432 or rasidonco mMSON TURNTABLES Music for all occu 728 8446 sionl all 090 Immediate bookings Hunts °9l°lf79 DRYWALL ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorixad sales and service 18 Alliance Blvd SPECIALIZING IN taping and textured spray Eilfg Cgl FW 7791397 ALL ELECTROHOME PRODUCTS EAVESTROUGIIING CAN NOW BE 236atgttgizljgtggg REPAIRED ELECTRICAL IN PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial NOSIdOHTIOI Industrial Installations and ur yearn4996 SIMCOE ELECTRIC Fast Dependable Service Electrohome Humidifier Accessories are also enable Industrio Commercia Residentiol Forms ELECTROHOME Lighing design CONSUMER SERVICE Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 49 Morrow Rd Unit CALL 7265982 ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure yOu of the IIANDYMAN SPRING CLEANUP Pruni mowing sod ding Loading general maintenance flowarbodu alc 7268552 HOME AND EOFAHMEIRIZABEST FER ting Plumbing Real and Chimney repairs 4364105 CARrENTERZRAINTEiZvou mm II do it Call 7263407 SMALL MOVING Ions th Raina r681 BELE°°flf9tl2911925Â¥7 HOUSE CLEANUPS Painting carponlry gunrill maintartfnco otc atc 4875389 IIoriiE IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchom in rooms Call Run 4363681 altar 630 pm Rolorancu available NEED MORE living to room axtra bodroam play room aundry oIIica storago space Also pointing wollpaporlng Murray Dell 7288906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complota be planning and duoroting privacy Kr and patios aluminum door Tho number lor flour hoods 7288906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pointing chim neys waterproofing brick and stony caulk ing windows and oxponsion ioinlWork guarantaad 4589346 LEARN ABOUT YOUR LOSS Most older homes lose 50 to 60 of your heat Stop Heating Ontario INSULATE with low lost Cellulose Fibre Insullation Returns your money within two years LOCAL AND MODERN INSULATION 7266392 J4 INCOME TAX INCOME TAX raturns prepared Angus Bar lo 000 S5 up Dobson 4245910 altar Seven910 CENTRAL DATA 024 7288234 PROCESSING AUTO PARTS EXCAVATING Complete Accounting ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage 2259512312159983 3211 3752 1521723 351132 °° B°°kk°er9 Sevces engine budget terms available Hours Mon BULLOOZING small and largo lob Emon YGOT end SEVVFEQ 13 3323051911 Pratt Motor Sup grid Sons RR Mln70$gtlfjg 7267638 Financial Sce garigbgaganoral lCaVOIIng etc Phon WE REPAIR British European and Japan 3E°°° 5° CONSTRUCTION Zripiï¬iir SEVREZTE 323222221 80ckhoe Excav riï¬lyyi72aliiu5r 512 hour Owen Racing 416 Trenching HOFIZOITTOl Augering LLLWflm 7289833 ESB Willard batteries anti Iroexe washer ariti ticere block hooters etc All at com prtitive piiios Mort to Fri to 30 $01 to ii iii Ptott Motor Supply Co Ltd 728 5911 BIRD NOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses lor sale Apply at 92 MUltOsc Ave Barrie or telephone 7285283 CARPENTRY FIREPLACES FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed II AND General Contractor Kitchen Inc 7307 35057 0° Runomb rooms renovations additions firoplacog Allworkmanship guaranteed MICROWAVE OVENS quataiiteud 737 1507 mm Spemmw mm PETER HENSTRA 7372871 teririi liflflodelllllg Irirri etc Please call 1F DELL MISCROWASVE Stryicu QUFIOTHOO 778 8884 alteropm nvv mono an Ivlcl rowov CEDAR DECKS lei mums extensions COLONIAL FIREPLACES all luul factory bu ovum 7264177 anytim luIly experienced 726 9007 726 2609 3°3 ll 77 °° DRAG LINE Work Wonlad Farm ponds 0T4s 0lncome Tax returns For an appointment at your convenience PHONE 4364952 IANDSCAPING PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING dosgm up pliod TVII romaval Custom Dproying Far tilixor IHSOCIICId Harbicida 4873401 7289369 LAWN CARE SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mowtng sod ding Loading general maintenance floworbodl etc 726 8552 MASONRY ac PLUMBIN NEW WORK and repairs drain and war cleaning complete kitchan and bathroom ranovalions ceramic tile Bilolto 4384233 WÂ¥i flmrï¬mï¬v RENTALS TIFFANY PARTY RENTAL Everything For Entertaining Tables chairs dishes glosses etc We DeliverReserve Now 7371388 248 Tiffin St Barrie RIDING INSTRUCTION RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horus boarded Barrio liva minutes Windy Haugh in 7220191 ROOFING AND ROOFING Now and old Repairs Froaastimatos 322TB70EIOI prm SEWING MACIIINES SEW TECH CO Specialists repairs all makes industrial dOMOIIIC sowing machinos New used Agents Brothor SowingMachinu 7371621 7371185 SNow BLOWING WE SPECIALIZE in snow blowing driveways For fro outimuta Coll John 72170966 or Don 797 SNOWPLOWING PAULS SNOWPLOWING commercial roosonable utimatu Call Paul 71173064 WRICNTs SNOWTLOWING Small omlnar resdenttol and rates free Ciol and ruidential Reasonable roles Qgporidoblo 7267757 FIREWOOD BIRCH HARDWOOD MIXED FREE DELIVERY Also SNOW PLOWING FREE ESTIMATES 7264813 7287375 MWFMyl GREAVES LANDSCAPING AND TREE SERVICE RR 18ARRIE SNOW REMOVAL TREE REMOVAL LOT CLEARING 7289369 4873401 DIO JOES SNOWPLOWING Roudantial Reasonable 726 7365 SIMPSON Ruidontiol and rommeruol Inowplowing Call 728 2386 or 726 7801 ACE SNOWPLOWING Residential and Corn mIFUQl Painswicii Stroud Dome 726 7191 TAILORS THE TAILOR SHOP Find Grant St Chamber of Commorca Budding Cusloth tailoring and ultorotions TELEVISION LEASING Commercial roles Phone MASONRY block and brick ItIplaLIS MUSIC INSTRUCTION CABINET MAKER European trained Kit th4lt UIIITIP Piriefurriituro renovations GUITAR LESSONS Clauical and popular Lillilotions Domestir Commercial Morclllotvin Guitar Studio 7261489 70 79s ACCORDION gunur piano organ begin LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes not and advanced months trial instru ulluqls innovations repairs Satisfaction merit loanad for home practico Canadian guuiuritwyd aiiitJCoristructiori 7267461 Acadlmy oIMusK I2l Boyfiold 778l799 CARPENTER will do rec rcioms renovations rriaIirig iir Nolab to small 7261271 GUTHRIE ONT OFFICE SERVCES GENERAL CARPENTRY rec rooms Tiling 4873442 COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING and typing iriimoirtig drywall built in clothes closets urvKn offered at raosonablq ram Pick utr Reasonable 726 3853 J2 up and dallvnr 4246731 GENERAL CONTRACTING Roofing tarpon try pointing Reasonable prices Call Bob an 6p iii 43¢ 4789 HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and WAYNE FOLEY POEOIIOMI polnQVI Ex NS UC ION mmd WPm refinishing old and now guarantaadod not tor lltllVUtht5 additions homes cottogos up put 42533 FILL NSIItttaIOS 43S 4995 CAR RENTALS Pm IITOLIDAY FREE RENTACAR SYSTEM 0009 crowd OI Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10 am and 530 pm 176 Bradford St Barrie 7267474 featuring Fine Chrysler Products 031 ARTICLES FOR SALE ICEBOAT DISTRIBUTOR CLEARANCE LOCkley Skimmer 45 Ready to Sail SPECIAL PRICE $295 while supply lasts ARTICLES FOR SALE APECO SUPERSTAT Photo Copy Machine number at copy control auto matic in excellent working condition Price 8295 Telephone 728 6100 BLACK AND WHITE Television con sole new lireplace set goteleg table walnut card table and chairs sewing machine Singer electric lloor pollsher 726 0270 GARAGE SALE 174 Collier St Frlg stove TV dressers beds Chesterfield suite various antiques assorted house hold Items Drop in evenings or call 726 7749 LANGE Stltl Bootssi1e11nearty new $60 Head skis with harness 220 $40 Telephone 726 1663 HP MOTOR torsaié phagnGetTeraI phone 5197424630 Electric 220 or 440 volt excellentcandi tion Best otter Phone 4662909 otter ICEBOAT Forestwood pm Drive KITCHENER Ontario OFTFICE FURNITURE aravTerEiiir D3 Slle tiling cabinet couch and chair with end tables adding machine Paymaster orig more 7371362igr7726 6479 evenings DESK 56 inches long 301nches high day bed couch set of skies It Telephone 728 9626 DIAMOND RING Howl I4iiifiryriite HANGING BASKETS Now shipment at real bargain prices mm baskiIs With philodendron etc at only $7 95 livmg gilt lor Christmas rIrIy Garden Centre 26 Ferndale gold centre and shoulder diamonds MW 726 2951 Certified evaluation quality included 8176 or best offer Phone 728 3912 ARTICLEs FOR SALE ARTICLES F0 SM ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERSFARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINAIRIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 35 009 THICK 30° EACH AT THE BARRIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 tenor and lntartor guaranlood 7267389 DON SIESLING Profouionol painting in loriot OITOHOT papar hanging untom work Satisfaction guaranteed 7266808 HILLSDALE DECORATING Intarior ax taror wallpaporing custom IQqutId walls and coiling Telephone 705 8355387 local PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St Eon Custom framing of all typm We stock many nus Phon 7283270 ARTIFRAM CuTIom plCUO Irorning Wide lociom Factory price last sorvico Sgtislaction guaranteed 7288633 Frau outimalu Work Barrio only House of leasing Loose your now color from S3 75 per week cit Barrie TV NDunlop 51 7284297 TWOWAYRADIO CB Commercial way radio Sales and service Shop on premises DUCKSIDE COMM 53 Owen St at Worsley 7267310 er NOTICE deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday ARTICLES FOR SALE NEW FURNITURE Tuesday at 730 pm at 331 Baylield corner of Boyfield and Ferris Lone This new furniture all top name brands and guaranteed by manufacturers will be sold by auction and Auctioneers and Jobbors Chargex and instore financing 72663 7370879 TF MOVING SALE 30 range $150 automatic washer $225 dryer $150 dishwasher $225 upright lrldge $300 side by side fridge freezer mos old S550 7370936 WESTINGHOUSE 23 color console TV Overhauled in August Ilke new $250 or best otter Selling as owner won new TVPhone7266176 alter pm STOVE AND refrigerator piece bedroom suite including box spring and mattress piece chrome kitchen suite small chrome table chair vanity and Stool studio couch Telephone 726 9106 DOUDLE Béaimaiireis DDT box sprint used week $120 Telephone 726 9814 01 737 3382 NEAT CHRISTMAS breinis wall clocks pine shelves and mirrors Tele phone 726 3936 COMPLETE séi oi SIEvvriï¬ 070m is highhat 22 cymbals all excellent con dltlon $350 or make oller Tele hone £00630 PAIRVOF Raichle skT boasused MT slze $75 Humanic ski boots slze hockey equipment tor age 1214 Hockey skgtes Tack size 7268205 CHESTS ol VerWers one antiqUe Oak and childs cherrywood Best otters Phone 72840I6 UPRIGHT PIANO in working order WOrmworth approx 75 years 010 $200 ngest otter Phone 721149131 FROMTNE eErtti to tiiii mooii by Juiés Verne 1874 Illustrated uni ue orl lnDl 963k Telephone 424 1660 HAVE AN antique Christmas with from Beacocks Antiques 112 Yonn St 74 mlte south ol Barrleon Highway 11 Save with 1096 oll every Item now until Del Dropgln or call 37 1210 GUITARS one wiinkarrylrio case ldeal tor boglnner Also electric will with amplller Reason to 0683 le Telep gï¬tiiilmï¬iyiyiove wmi tTinRTJs inn can it on Like hone vacuum FLEETWOOD console atacii and white TV like new 75 72642ng 71 Telephone ARTICLES FOR SALE TERRIER Fridays from 430 to pm Every Saturday am to 430 pm 331 Bayfield corner of Bayfield and Ferris Lane TF sNoviraLowEii 11 1787 SubbedID elec trii deluxe with 100 power cord Perfect condition $100 Also Trappeur ski boots mens Size used one season sell at price Phone 456 91 I9 evenings HOGSTROM 11 electric guitar rel linish with maple neck Asking 6100 also be ginners omplilier with Tremmolo con 01535 both for S125 Call Steve 726 8902 LADYS brown leather coat with racoon collar worn year size 16 to 18 Best at for Telephone alter 6p 7281059 CCM EXERCISE bicycle sss Nearly new lloor polisher 510 Telephone nit3659 USED ELECTROLUX AP too vacuum cleaner in good condition TLIODIIOII 726 0953 CITIZEN BAND 23 channel has mobile with hand mikes 20 mast an antenna only months old $250 7201781 FURNACE IRON Fireman olt lire 86000 BTU output good working orde and 200 gallon oil tank and piping $125 166 ll at to steel cable in one piece per tool long 20 high curve snowplow blade and tilt piston 365 100000 BTU oil fired construction heate S95 regular truck tire and tube 7001 and used 750 I6 truck tires Phon 728 6298 ENGLISH PRAM $35 Swing matic 38 change table 310 walker all in goo condition Phone 726 3795 UPRIGHT REFRIGERATOR Ireeze Frigidaire white years old S200 Also baby carriage converts to car bed by Grendon S25 Phone 720 6706 SKIS pair Dynastar plus Marker bin dings 45 Dining table with chalrsSJo Mothercralt baby stroller S6 Phon 7372m VIOLIN Mathias Hornsteiner 187 Nornberger bow Case Prolesslona equipment 5350 Phone 322 2698 GIBSON ELECTRIC range 30 inch good condition $175 reason lor sellin moved to home with gas Telephon 720 44358lter530pm CABINET 26 INCH color TV need tuner 90 dinette table and chair brown and 9010590 Drapes green 120 95 $60 Excellent condition Telephon between and 11 30 am or after 726 1202 ARTICLES EOR SALE KRAZY KTE KOLOR KRAZlNESS have reached the time of year when we must do everything within our power to meet 1976 sales quotas To this end we faring any prior year models one of kind and demos at incredible prices Due to large shipments arriving almost daily we are faring 77s of Krozy Prices Phone tonight defer payments til March 77 Franchised or not we continually strive to be more than competitive We are probably the only television specialists in Barrie ie no furniture appliances etc We Everything we sell is backed up whole point is we want to move some televisions and we want to do it now If you were at all considering is the time SOME SAMPLE PRICES 25 MOTOROLA OUASAR 11 Spanish works in drawer 21 RCA XLIOU COLOR full five year warranty 1976 models in boxes I977 Colorfrok Preview Special 18 SYLVANIA PORTABLE 100 solid stair 28 ZENITH CHROMACOLOR Console to the floor 21 COLOR SUPER BUYS RCA Accucolor demo ZENITH CHROMACOLOR lslightly marked 26 COLOR STEALS Philco Spanish RCA Accucolor General Electric 100 solid state 20 TOSHIBA BLACK STRIPE 1977 models lull 30 month warranty Phone Tonight Take instant delivery No down payment No KRAZY KELLYS Barrie Shopping Plaza 7371182 ARTICLES i611 SALE LLYS TV LIVESTOCK FOR SAL SPECIAL CLEARANCE of Used and New Trailers Several makes Also lease monies2261551 HARNESS REPAIRS hockey equip ment repairs saddles and tack Hender sons Saddlery 222C Yonge St Pains wick7372982 HORSES BOARDED 3nd trained7 Echo Spring Ranch 10th line ol Oro Phone 4875842 HORSES BOARDECO $65 monthly Box stalls good paddocks Private stable West olvAngVus 424 5538 INNISFREE VALLEY Highway 11 Stroud Some very line quarter horses lor sale from lines of winners Tack Shop open and lull of bargains Telephone 436 1729 BOARD WANTED for winter months 12 head of young cattle for reasonable price Also 34 Charloais bull to let out to responsible party Phone 728 6656 POULTRY ANDCHICks are of also of toke instant delivery and by warranties and service The new television right now ROCK CORNISH hens lor sale also roosters good for eggs or meat Tele phone 728 6668 tor lurtiier inlormation FEEDSEEDANDGRAIN $543 or 2000 BALES clean oat straw Telephone 424 0326 alter pm PERSONALS BANOUEI FACILITIES Book now for Christmas New Year Parties Weddings Cross Country Skiing Gall Tour naments ROYAL DOWNS GOLF TENNIS CLUB miles weslol Barrie 4240241 or 4240246 $466 $493 wri $366 s688 wi 09 MONECA CARD READING Wl °Counselling Psychic Parties Call 7288868 wt Monthru Fri MWFJIO TELECARE Whylight your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 726 7922 anytime ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581lf you drink thats your busmess It you wanttoquitthatsoursCallanytime UNWANTED HAIR removed salely permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrenchuk Certilied Electrologist 737 267l 77 DANCE bands available lorr New Years Eve Ballroom and general dance music Mr John Sisman 726 0067 WE CAN turn your unwanted items into cash The Auction House 10 miles north ol Barrie Corner ol Highway 11 and the 10th concession of Oro The Canada Bread Bldg Auction every Tuesday night at pm For information call 487 2044 INTERNATIONAL Investigation Ser vices civil criminal marital investiga trons surveillance Discreet and con lidential 737 2972 PATS DIAL DATE we might be the best present you ever gave yourself 7373611 DO SOMETHING NEW phone Rendezvous Dating Ltd 416 453166l Brampton 11a 9p To All ages GENTLEMAN Companion wanted by $439 s588 wit $693 wt payments til March 77 7371182 MTThFTF ARTICLES FOR SALE ELECTRIC SINGER sewmg machine lor sale portable SIthltClTY super twin washer spin dryer Kitchen bullet Telephone 726 0300 Dofls AND MOTOR 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler Inboard motor A1 condition Asking 2500 Telephone 435 4245 after 30 ARTICLES WANTED TYPEWRITER WANTED In good con Oman and reasonable 728 5305 CASH FOR old lurniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950items 7286234 WHITE PROVINCIAL bedroom surte wanted with or Without canopy Single bed new condition Also drapes or drapes and sheers tor 12 toot wall Reasonable 7370725 WILL PAY cash tor old furniture glass copper brass old table lamps old ceil ing fixtures and any other unusual old article Phone anytime 7371218 GOOD used desk style typewriter Will ing to pay uptoSClo Phone 728 8013 FOG98 PETS EDGEHILL AQUARIA Aquariums lish plants all accessories Lowest price 143 Ardagh Rd 726 0094 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampoomg and Clipping ol all breeds Sophia Street East 726 4141 POODLE TRIMMING prolessmnal grooming all breeds pick up and de livery 726 8798 Pet Studio MAYS POODLE PARLOR Proles sional clipping and grooming rea sonable rates Telephone 726 0061 DOBERMAN PUPS Excellent ped igree Bred tor show Disposition guar anteed CKC registered Call 835 5556 COLLIES and Shellies sable and white tattooed dewormed puppy shoots weeks at mas Balantrae Kennels registered Port McNicoll 705 534 3349 or 534 7911 DOBERMAN PUPS weeks regis tered black and tan Schaullelein blood line 5200 Telephone 4451545 Co1ing wood SIBERIAN HUSKIE pups tor sale champion sired Registered with papers SISOand up Ca1737 3480 REGISTERED Himalayian kittens blue point would make excellent Christmas gilts Telephone 8352913 toll tree alter SHIH TZU PUPPIES females one white and brindle one white and tan weeks old will hold for Christmas no papers Alter6 726 2714 LHASA APSO puppies ready Christmas CtltC registered shots$175 Telephone 728 2759 FREE week old puppies Collie mix ture Telephone 436 1257 516045429 CONS MUST SELL German Bullion Mark CDln largest coin minted museum piece350 Telephone 424 M60 GARDEN SUPPLIES TROPICAL PLANTS All varieties Big plants our speCIalty Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 726 2951 CHRISTMAS TREES WILSON Christmas Tree Lot of Baylield Mall Large Selection Cultured Scotch Spruce Balsam Trees floors 10 am10 pm MWF DIB lor first Christmas Trees Lorge Selection of Scotch Pine Spruce $300 and up Knights of Columbus Hall 95 Berczy St Lot opened daily until 10pm Proceeds for local charities 018 CUT YOUR own Christmas trees llve miles north ol Hwy 11 Weekends only Follow signs Herman Gillespie ms 466 5424 CUT YOUR OWN 9th tine Oro Twp miles north at Hwy 11 follow signs SCOTCH PINE and spruce large sclec tion all sites Open am to 10pm dai ty Including Sundays Blake St exten slon 11 miles past Grove St 726 9135 SPRUCE CHRISTMAS trees lor sale cut your own Hawkestone Village south tram highway 11 at County Rd 20 Leigh Telephone 487 2645 lady in Angus No seniors or married please Divorcee in late 40s enjoys movies dances music Attractive but very lonely lor compatibility Box S95 Barrie Examiner 60 YEAR OLD Widow who enioys danc ethics MARK FARM FOR PROFIT ing is looking lor male companion of same age Please reply to BOX S96 Barrie Examiner SMCCOE DISTRICT PERMANENT lingernails done any OOP length Telephone 726 4621 FLORIDA Anyone going to Florida by car and FTF would like male rompanion early 405 LL LLLL single for the month 01 January February for 2or weeks Help with gas FARM MACHINERY and accommodation Can share drivino Telephonel 705 429 2998 EASTVIEW STRING Orchrslra is BROWN AND BELL holding Christmas concert in East view Cafeteria on December 13th at pm AdmiSSion$150 INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH RIDING instruction Well schooled horses Indoor arena SmInUIes trorn Barrie 726 0192 LOST FOUND SIBERIAN Husky lost Belle Aire Beach area December Male 23 high black Form Dairy Equipment DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Complete Line of Dairy Farm EqUIpmenl and Supplies Barnes Holly Hwy 27 1260338 or 7286766 MW TF llr Winter Repair rates at ATTZWIIFQIYOBLrTSiaTglgphconi f5 2236 BOB DIESEL EQUIPMENT WAND LEYLAND Sales Service Bookkeeping See the new leyland utuND °° Machine Operators RR Barrie NCR395 NCR3200 Highway 27 miles BARRIE Ioutliof Barrie Your expertise and experience 705716ll will secure lot you this MVWFJa challenging position You will be paid an excellent salary for your speciol skills Call OFFICE OVERLOAD Mrs Cufhbertson 7264133 SNOW blower auger type lor paint hitch S265 Apply Robertson Angus 424 0306 DH ORDER TAKER Sales career male or female or couple II qualitieo $300 per week Late model car For personal lnllerlW write Box 587 Barrie Examiner VFRUITS AND VEGETABLES APPLES Apply Koole and Son Cori cession Oro 7261907 728 8489 Closed Sundays Yourcontainers POTATOES NO Ontario potatoes Delivered Telephone 728 9378 or 728 7677 FARMERS MARKET FEED SEED AND GRAIN PURINA dry cow conditioning pays off ways Fed the Purina way the production efficiency that has never been more important to your dairy business is virtually assured Your Purina fed dry cows that must put on 100 300 lbs more body weight and develop an embryo benelit ways Less udder trouble Fewer breeding failures Fewer calving troubles Reduced Ketosis not to mention 1000 to 2000 lbs more milk per lactation Come on in or give us call and learn how Purina can help you improve production efficiency PARTRIDGE FEED SEED RR Shanty Bay mile north off Hwy 11 on 4th lino Ora 4873929 NI916DJ10