Mothers is fun place to eat says manager and evidence is all around at pizza parlor By PAUL DELEAN ExaminerStaff Reporter Lindbergh Confident of Flights Future screams the frontpage headline of the house newspaper Mothers Ad vocate the newspaper that tells Canadians whats cooking In dining area dominated by pressback chairs and Tif fany lamps men in bowler hats and women in checkered aprons tend to the customers Side by side on the wall are pictures of the Dorsey brothers Their music and that of their contemporaries is audible in the background On screen in the centre of the room the protagonists in humorous silent movie take their prat falls All this and more is Mothers Pizza Parlour and Spaghetti House Roaring 20s oasis at 312 Raylield St which opened its doors to the Barrie and area public Tuesday Mothers is fun place to eat emphasizes manager New system for library Representatives from Georgian Bay Central Ontario and Midwestern Regional Library Systems met at Barrie city hall Nov 25 to find better and faster ways of making new books available to the public tonipiiters have entered the library world to speed the technical processing of books Before new book can be borrowed from library it must be covered with protec livc plastic jacket be classified and catalogue cards prepared cardboard pocket glued into the book and code labels put on thespine Iraditionally these time consuming operations have been the main reason for delays in getting new books on the library shelves With the development of computerized systems for handling book cataloguing and processing much time should be saved making books available faster Libraries in all three regional library systems have an op portunity to use the computer centre operated by the Mid western Library System The program is planned by the midwestern region local arrangements were made by the Georgian Bay Region and Barrie Public Library and Barrie City Hall rpovided the meeting room GIT presents Christmas play it thristnias presentation of the Nativity will be featured as part of the hristmas carol and candlelight service Dec 12 at 730 by the Canadian Girls in Training and the Explorer Group at ollier Street United hurch Everyone is invited to this family service RefreshmenLS will be served in the fellowship hall The JIT is group for girls ages 12 to l7 Members take part in crafts games discussions and listen to guest speakers They also serve the community and church by taking part in recreational ac tivities suchascamping Kinsmen plan skiathon lhc Kinsmen Iub of Harrie will hold skiathon Jan 27 in cooperation with Molsons Breweries 25niile trail is set up begin ning at Molsons for cross country ments at the checkpoints The day will begin with registration from to to am and pancake breakfast dance will be held in the evening Irom8 tol am For information and pledge sheets call 7370798 or 7207304 ins service will be provided for thosc who cannot complete the trail Proceeds will go to cystic fibrosis research Floor hockey topic of speech The floor hockey program for the mentally retarded offered through Harrie Iarks Lesley lordon of the depart mcnl anadiaii iarric Ilic tcam will compete in the Winter Huronia Regional ames for the handicapped Some ti nanciat program Mrs Lesley said Tlub members voted to spon sor sweaters for the Barrie Floor Hockey lcam ERA ENDSAICIIRISIMAS TORONTO TPi Two of Torontos most steeped restaurantsw the Round Room in Eatons College Street store and the Georgian Room in the companys Queen Street stort will cIOse good hristnias Eve The Georgian Room opened in 1924 and the Round Room in mo Neither restaurant ll be rcvwed when the new tons Centre opens Feb skiing with refresh and Recreation was the subject of the speech given recently by when he spokc to the Irogrcss Club of assistance will be needed to maintain the tradition for Lawrence Campbell and the evidence is all around him The menu features such delicacies as Mushroom Madness spaghetti plate and the Mother Nature pizza no meat with licensed beverages coming un der the heading Mothers Patented Remedies and Libations Then theres the myriad of company catchphrases and slogans which includes such memorables as Come Home to Mothers and Be Mothers Boy We like to say were not in the food business but in the people business states Mr Campbell His Barrie restaurant is the 18th Mothers to open in the province The company so keen on the Roaring 205 itself dates back to just 1970 when the 52seat flagship of the Mothers chain opened in Hamilton EIAiESIZII The onelevel Barrie restaurant has an area in ex cess of 7000 square feet Its an averagesized Mothers though Mr Campbell adds that it could grow to one of the larger restaurants in the chain if third dining room seating 54 is opened next spring At present the restaurant seats 174 The premises are fully licensed The rustic character of the restaurant is enhanced by several thousands of dollars worth of antiques Mr Camp bell said an antique company which is subsidiary of Mothers was responsible for the elaborate decor It includes bucks head fireplaces and antique clocks Mothers Barrie staff totals 175 These persons were chosen Mr Campbell said from 881 applications and 690 interviews The staff went through two days of dress rehearsal training prior to the Tuesday opening serving guests as it will the general public Submarine sandwiches lasagna and of course spaghet ti and pizza are the specialties of the house According to Mr Campbell Mothers pizza is tinioue in that the extra items are placed on top of the cheese and crust so you know what youre getting Wednesday is Noodle Night at Mothers one helping of spaghetti costs 99 cents and second if youre still hungr is free Monday is Fathers Night at Mothers an eightslice threeitem pizza medium sells for $249 Though most of Mothers customers eat on the premises takeout service is of fered There is also deliver albeit fora 9iicent fee Were very family oriented restaurant Our aim is to provide good favorable at mosphere and moderate prices said Mr Campbell Mothers is open from 11 am to am Monday through Thur sday 11 am to am Friday and Saturday and noon to The second Sunday in May is am Sunday Its closed only understandably among onedayayear Christmas high points of Mothers year HOW MOI is Mothers piz za Lawrence aiiipbelL manager of the Mothers restaurant in Barrie gets some firsthand opinions troin Leslie Haiiict left and Iilllllt Hotniaii during staff training dinncr earlier this week The rcstauraiit which is licensed and seats sopfs LZLZ went The Barrie Euunincr Thursday December Hm Ji rueaw mum itiij wv tm it ll ififli liliiiiii INVIH LITTON MOFFAT DELUXE MICROWAVE OVEN NJ LAm $689 BONUS WlIftIlfIllf NIH MOHIII CMII iii IN iif ItVAftf il flttliilti 1r ltlIIl3lIn1iI thrill tliII iii in Hm Ziti our navii Ilfllffll Vin lfirimiui itiniv iiiii IIIifffttlf umll li Illilll 15Olf iifuiflt lt film iiVIIIleIII LlTTONMOFFAT STANDARD iIltIItfi Htlfllli gm nt ititlllil MODELS MomI Mllt LAid Hot Sblt litltIJiIl iii Pt too iiiq 34m siltt MI MICROWAVES OF THE FUTURE ARE HERE NOW my IlIleilitiiy Lint In Hi wli Iiiir ii Iltllltlw ilivjitm tli It lilyiit tony ilI1ii ir iyi lIlltIlliI mill alumni tIiIIli ftilui Mir IIItrtlfI liIIPIlil Model MIMI 2446i Mil iiuiiiy tit tio ituit $599 EXTRASPECIAL 1976 MICROWAVE OVEN iflurry wtiilr lilfy ii till iii stink Ilrlftflly hunted litloii Mothil mliil filtitu Jitauiwu Iv NIH iowavc Jttl Motht Showroom open Friday nights to pm onsmerslflas 165 Ferris lone Barrie 7266558 ADMIRAL DISHWASHER won Hui iyi mi lift SPECIAL $449 Delivered HARDWICK 30 LUXURY GAS RANGE Mtlill PM iiitt 1ii it fitditty tillt itll iIiiI IIlIilltIlI iltltlll Itltl III ytillf kill lwii rim iii lii lv thin ttlll ltl tllIl ifitt ii my lllfltilflli liltlllllIIHlxl itdllllltl ivvtii ilvluy illIl tiitiqmin mount Willi tony tIIItl fltlltl Littllly Hm tthIl itt tiliiw il ilan fitIII tiiiir til tiliiiil il iiricttia Lilpl Iliiill iii MUIJI to Mltltll lit loit IfifltlJvlt lluliiti lliiilt lll Moon 5399 00 trlii iiiikiiiri flintI Itii ytllll $599 mi $14900 illiilllltllt ltl WIIII Avrii itm tiiiiiwi Illillttl tiiiiiiiv III will lum lllllltt tiltllllfl lllIlWtlllI illt ilm IvilllJllli Free coffee donuts Hi trim And who wouldnt expect the the company to be partial to Mothers Day 174 specializes in Illt lasagna spaghetti and sub inarinc sandwiches Its located at 312 Hayfield St lllllliltl Ihotoi Sears Barrie Georgian Mall 509 Bayfield St hristmas Reg and Was refer to SimpsonsSeors Ltd prices Good manners dont change Dear Ann Landers Im an unmarried girl who needs to know something simply cant ask anyone else because this is such an unmentionable subject You would be doing me and large number of other unmarried gals big favor if you could an swer question that has us all baffled Does girl lose her virginity if she uses tampons during her period Some of my friends say yes Others say no My knowl edge of anatomy is not all that good need to know if the by men must be ruptured in order to insert the tampon Also do tampons cause cervical cancer Will you try to rearrange the wording of this letter so you can put your answer in the paper million IhZIITkSLde In The Dark Dear Lady Tampons do stretch and sometimes destroy the hymen However this does not violate womans virginity Virginity means no sexual intercourse While the tampon might eliminate the proof of virginity it is not related to sexual intercourse The increase in cervical cancer is attributed to more frequent intercourse at an earlier age with inulliple partners infection lack of education failure to get pap smearsvthus lack of early detection The chances of getting cervical cancer from using tampons are extremely remote Dear Ann Landers Recently my husband and celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary Our daughter and soninIaw in vited us todinner at very fine restaurant It turned otit to be surprise party They had invited 30 of our good friends Many brought gifts It was beautiful affairr until saw the waiter handing out cheques to each couple There were many astonished faces felt like crawling out of there on my hands and knees My husband was bewildered We would gladly have paid for the party had we known When we told our daughter the next day how upset we were she in sisted that this is the way they do it nowadays Are we wroiig Iliiniiliatcd Hear You are NOT wrong When people are invited to party they have the riglil to assume they are guests Some things HA VE changed but good manners and good taste never go oiil of style Your daughter has few things to learn When people are invited to party they have the right to assume they are guests SAVE MONEY AND TIME SYRII RECYCLED Instead of throwing away 51 leftover syrup frorii can Christmas cards this year cut iicd fruit to sweeten punch off the decorative lroiit panels make dessert sauce or as ml Hum 111115 PM liquid in jcllicd desserts or salr years gifts ads ll HlVIEW CATERING C2716 AND BANQUET HALL ABLE FOR ALL OCCASIONS AVAIL 50 mi PERSONS YOUR HOME Conodion Scandinavian Style Cold Buffet Danish open faced sandwiches our specialty IIII ll PHONE 7268979 ashes ideas begin IllIll PEOPLE PLACES HORTICULTURAL MEETING The Oro Township Hor ticultural Society isholding its Christmas meeting Dec 13 at pm at the Oro Township hall There will be competitions in the junior section of the Christ mas show as well as senior show Conveners have planned night with singsong door prizes and corsages for the ladies CHRISTMAS PARTY The Kiwanis Club of Barrie is holding its annual Christmas party Dec 13 at the Holiday Inn There will be music singing for the festive season NEW MEM BER Rick Adamson was inducted recently into the Kiwanis Club of Barrie at the clubs meeting at the Holiday Inn YS MENS LUH The Barrie Ys Mens Club is holding its annual Christmas party Friday with friendship hour beginning at pm at Steele St followed by dinner at 730 at the Nottawasaga Inn In duction of officers will take place at this final meeting for the year LUB ELECTIONS The Barrie Huroiiia Rotary Club is holding its elections Dec 14 at its noon meeting at the Continental Inn SOCIAL FOR PCs The Pcnetang Progressive Conservative Association held social and lance and pea soup supper at the Baymoorings in Ienctanguishene recently About 35 people were in at tendance including the can didate for Simcoe Centre George Taylor Mrs Bea Stewart president INTRODUCTORY OFFER SAVE on Our CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL of the association thanked the ladies of the association who prepared the food especially Mrs Etienne Marchildon of Tiny township who prepared the pea soup for the group People from the MM Barrie and Bradford areas at tended the event PENNY AUCTION BAZAAR Ladies section of the Stroud Curling Club is sponsoring penny auction and bazaar at the StroudInnisfil Recreation Centre Saturday from to pm Refreshments and kid dies comer will be available Organizers emphasize that people should arrive by pm to participate fully in the penny auction The event will be held in the community room in the downstairs area of the com plex ELECTED PRESIDENT Cy Gaskins was elected president of the Georgian Bay Branch of the Canadian Forces Long Service Pensioners Association at meeting recently Others on the executive in clude Joseph Lank vice president Wally Jones treasurer Regina King secretary Harold Hook secretary MARK AIR CLEANUP LONDON CP This city will celebrate 21 years as the first cleanair city in Europe and the Commonwealth next month The city became smokeless zone Oct 1955 and since then it has been an of fence to burn oil with sulphur content of more than one per cent 25 Have professionally shompooed and steam cleaned carpets you can be proud of this holiday season of price you can afford We are fully bonded insured and can provide you with both daytime or evening service SOUTHERN CARPET CLEANING 7289881 off Charge it Enioy it now Use your All Purpose Account Our entire selection of ladies prestige opulent furs Superb coof luxury in genuine fur Unbeatable for that lasts year after designed sfylings warmth versatility and fashion year Sears brings you this solepriced collection of cleverly dyed natural muskrof some minks included All greatly reduced 40 off days only while quantities los so hurry in Personal shopping only please Christmas Store Hours Monday to Friday 930 om930 Pm WW Saturday 930 om530 pm