10 The Barrie Examiner Thursday December9 1976 Bob Harrington left owner of Leatherdale Marine Sales in Orillia makes point about problems facing the boating industry with Cal Martin of Bracebridge the BOATING INDUSTRY DISCUSSED new president of the Ontario Marina Operators Associa tion Mr Martin was chosen Tuesday to succeed Don Strobridge of Port Dover MONTREAL CP Ma nacled prisoners and warden whose hands seemed tied Wed nesday identified guards as the source of many problems in prison Warden Pierre Goulem of the Correctional Development Ten tre where 100 prisoners spend 23 hours in cells daily said the lhe OMOA concluded its twoday annual meeting Wednesday at Barrics on tinental Inn Examiner Photo Department closes its books on Washington sex scandal WASHINGTON lAPi The Capitol Hill sex scandal of 1976 is fading to an end The US justice department has closed its books on the case and will not prosecute anyone involved Six members of the House of Representatives allegedly were involved in various incidents of sexual misconduct but govern ment prosecutors investigated lm08 criticized OTTAWA tCPi Cree and Eskimos living in Quebecs nor thern James Bay region were accused Wednesday of selling their birthright for shortterm goals and neglecting their brothers in the Metis and non status Indian communities The criticism came from Frank Oberle PCHPrince GeorgePeace River during debate on bill which would give federal approval to land claims agreements signed year ago by the Quebec govern ment and natives representing 6500 Cree and 4200 Inuit Eskimos The agreement already an proved by the Quebec legisli ture provides for $2 mil payment to the rec and certain fisning nunting and trapping rights but gives nothing to Metis and nonstatus Indians Mr berle said that for years the federal government has neglected the Metis and non status Indians and that now some of their brothers have forgotten them He also accused the Cree and Inuit of forgetting their de scendants While each free and Inuit Will receive about $10 Ottowhich goes to native cor porationsthis money will soon bespent he said Doesn know if radiation death cause DELORO Ont lCPi The wife of man who died last if pneumonia brought on lung cancer says she still has not heard from the provincial health ministry whether her husbands cancer was caused by 12 years of living less than 60 feet away from heaps of radioactive slag Mineworker Edward Gallo way 53 his wife Sylvia and their six children were among 50 families in this village 35 miles east of Peterborough who were exposed to radiation levels 133 times higher than normal The slag heaps were left he hind by Deloro smelting oper ation which used materials from Port Hope another area where the dumping of waste produced radiation problem The day after Mr Galloway died July it the health ministry ordered his body taken to To ronto for an autopsy and exten sive radiation tests Results were promised within month and Mrs Galloway ex pected an inquest to be held But she still does not know for sure if exposure to radon gas caused or contributed to her husbands death Dr HR Iotnam Ontarios chief coroner said Tuesday that despite constant pressure on the ministry of health he did not receive the ministrys report on the findings until three weeks ago The results he said contained only scien tific readings With no ex planation of their significance Both Dr lotna in and lifford Lax Mrs Galloways lawyer would like to see an export in terpretation of the ministrys report Health Minister Frank Miller said Tuesday the test results were deiayed because bone marrow samples were sent to special laboratories only allegations against former representative Wayne Hays of Ohio and Representative John Young ofTexas Justice department sources said Wednesday that both cases were closed after concluding the prosecutor lacked evidence strong enough to support crimi nalcharges The scandal broke last May when Elizabeth Ray said that Hays kept her on $14000 gov ernment salary to act as his mistress She insisted that she did no government work sel dom showed up at the office and couldnt type Hays finally admitted to relationship with Miss Ray but insisted that her job with his House administration com mittee was legitimate Under pressure from his col leagues Hays stepped down as chairman of the committee then later resigned from the House ACCLSES OLI BOSS Soon after the Hays scandal broke olleen Gardner said that her former boss Represen notified Creotive Ceramics Centre ltd 33 Alliance Blvd Unit 13 Greenwore Supplies Afternoon and Evening Classes Register now Ask for Noollo Artistic Decorating Commercial huff Residential Interior Pointing Wollpopering Antique Finishing Angus Barrie 4240949 7371556 NOW OPEN Borrloc Own Corner of Anno St and Dunlop 7372351 NOW OPEN Phils Garage Phil Bernier Snow Tire Time With Every Service Tune Up £2325 7260695 Superior Ructprooting lustre Guard featuring Olnterior Shampoo Engine Repointing OEngine Washing °Carpefs Upholstery Oirunks Repaintod 7371712 I50 Bradford New Furniture SAlE Every Tuesday pm 331 Boyfield St Buy Your Furniture of YOUR prices Auctioneers and Jobbers 7370879 726634 tativc loliii Young chin lcx required her to have sex with film as condition for keeping her staff job at premium pay Department investigators looked into this case too but concluded last August that there was no evidence to sup port criminal charges Serial ri Dancing is Fun Theres still time to learn the modern Disco Dances or more traditional like New Years Waltz Whats your interest Lets make this your most exciting Holiday Season ever We might be the best Christmas present you ever gave PATS DANCE SOCIAl CENTRE yourself Call 7373610 or Beauty ER Career Wittdo in months Learn on Live Models Mannequins For facts on beauty culture coreer send for free in formation regarding qualifications cost etc Barrie School of Hairdressing 46 Mary St 7283962 Licensed by the Ministry of College Universities Ontario Energy Saving HEAT PUMPS GlENBRAE ltd Heating Air Conditioning I33 GrovoE 7289228 Enterprises mm mm 14 Builtin Vacuum Cleaning Systems installed or DaftYourself I0 Yr Warranty more information call Winona For 7265579 Woll to wall broodloom OUpholstery oAreocorpets ln your home or our plant Free pickup and delivery Featuring Steom Valet todays most modern cleaning equipment Nw to Barrie Nome Delivorv 50 ICE car iviTiniimned Grocery Variety For information call 7370971 284 Dunlo Welt on lessons for Only $750 guards include small group of goons who frighten their cohorts into line dozen prisoners also testi tying before special om mons subcommittee into prison violence accused guards of using violence to achieve desired pay increases The Public Service Alliance of anada currently is negotiating new contract for the guards Inmates and guards are the same prisoner Rolland Groleau testified before 11 MP5 in crowded room in the con crete block jail We have subculture among convicts and they have subculture among guards If one of them gets too friendly hes beaten up in the parkinglot Mr Goulen said the union last month forced him into put ting maltreated prisoner in the Iiolc as solitary con fincment is known by threat ening to refuse to serve meals unless he met their demand IIINOIIOIIC Mr Ioulcin twice described it as an act of mutiny but said he had no choice The prison ers out of their cells for only an hour day for weeks were in an explosive mood that might Seefor yourself invitation to MPs MONTREAL Pi MPs who want to know what Can adas prison system is like should spend month behind bars in maximumsecurity inlt stitution the ommons sub committee on prison violence was told Wednesday The invitation to spend 10 days of voluntary in carccration was delivered by Marianne Roy in brief by the Quebec Ilunian Rights League Reeling off list of prison riots hostagetakings and other violence going back to the 19th century Miss Roy said the problem is not lack of funds or poor administration but the na ture of prison life itself Miss Roy said 80 per cent of prisoners not conwctcd of vio lent crimes should be released immediately She cited Sweden Learning is Easy few basics Whether its AkinAxLAlkAL FREE $5 BOOKS OF WlNTARlO TICKETS PLAY WINTARIO SWEEPSTAKES Each week the word Wintorio appears in several of the advertisements on this feature flood the ads carefully clip the advertisements in which Wintorio appears and forward your entry to The Wintoio Editor The Barrie Examiner Each week draws will be made and winners CHDUS comes root imwiumn If If it it IakeOut Fitieseltvtionof Orimitol GIIIWUIC 7281823 53 Collier St Delivery Wintodo Eliminate High Fuel Costs Call ENERGY SAVERS UNLIMITED FREE ESTIMATES Phone 7263l 78 and The Netherlands as exam ples of countries where man datory supervision and therapy are used more often than prison terms of rehabilitate coiiVicts She suggested the public would be prepared to accept such reforms it the government promoted it effectively Iuc Gosselin another reprc scntative of the Iluman Rights League told the committee there would be little danger in releasing nonviolent prisoners Every day prisoners arr freed oii parole or when their sentence is over ILSJIISI mat ter of when to release them We dont think its worth it to spend $200 million year to keep people in prison who should not bothere Whitrid The FISHER is the most versatile most ef ficient highest quality wood stove you can buy FISHER Wood Burning Stoves inï¬me to beautify HWy 93 Coshwov Rd 7264237 VIRGINIA urnomrnmc Specializing in Antiques Custom Made Furniture Free Estimates Free Pick Up and Dolive 4240193 Were Not Magicians But If we dont IIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIII Wreckers 7268487 Highway 90 between Barrie and Angus flawxix Minusl Jmi IAAA Quality Workmanship Complete Auto Body Service 46 Ferndale Rd Barrie 7267951 our home or this Christmas IMMEDIATE CUTTING installation guaranteed jï¬ï¬i WARDEN PRISONERS TESTIFY Goon guards prison problem hearing told have been touched off by miss ing meal Prisoners in separate ses sion described themselves as targets because they were on the prisoners committee at nearby Laval Institute when its main block was destroyed Sept 27 in riot that caused $500000 damage The prisoners said 95 per cent of the hostagetakings in prison are in segregation areas where men have become desperate If men werent left in 7x10foot cells for weeks there would be far fewer hostakcrtakings they suggested Most men at the IIXI prob ably will bc returned to Laval Dec 17 once the cell block is repaired The centre supcr niaxnnum that was closed after mnu or sweet oumom WNW WY noun 97 WHILE YOU WAIT AND YOU CAN TAKE IT HOME WITH YOU Bad Boy Carportgt Guaranteed Delivery NORTH YORK WAREHOUSE 3150 Duttenn St 787110 SCARBOROUGH WAREHOUSE 480 Lawrence Ave 7595688 OTTAWA EAST WAREHOUSE 1221 Cyrville Rd 741 8523 BARBIE CARPET SHACK Hwy 26 8t 27 7267053 fiveman escape in 1973 was reopened in October to house them The centre is being renovated and the prisoners get only an hour in the exercise yard be cause at weak perimeter secur ity The two towers and front entrance are guarded by armed troops REQUIRE REPORT ClaudeAndre Lachance Montreal LafontaineRosemon said the centre is in an emer gency situation that may re quire an interim report by the committee to Parliament The committee is making crosscountry tour of federal prisons Kenneth Robinson LTo ronto Lakeshore said the guar ds have little training yet they mm nus nor PRESS SILK REM VMM SIGN MISSISSAUOA WAREHOUSE l855 Dundas St 910 seem to be running the peniten tiary Bruce Halliday PCOxford said the situation is ap palling and indicates problem throughout the penal system Later at public meeting in Montreal the Quebec League of Human Rights called for aboli tion of prisons leaving unas wered the question of how to deal with violent men LANGUAGE DIVIDED The language breakdown in Canada is approximately 673 per cent English 192 per cent French 132 per cent bilingual and 13 per cent other Have some fun with your family at Christmas Choose and cut your own tree You and your family can choose and cut your own Christmas tree from our new crop of Scotch Pines We will wrap the tree for your convenience open weekends only Drysdale Forest Farms ALLlSTON Go west on Hwy 90 to Con at ï¬rst turn left south miles to farm Cut out for directions sudeï¬liiu snoring nose BUY NOW NO PAYMENTS TILL FEB ON OUR DEFERRED PAYMENT PLAN BETTER VALUE PRICES Our prices are guaranteed in writing to give you better value Bad Boy Carpefs 90day lowest price guarantee plus the high quality of allour carpets gives you BetterVatue Prices SELECTION We stock over 1000 bales for you to choose from Luxurious wools 100 nylonsjust about everything you could ask for Y0ull find shags plushes sax onys loops lthIS and more Weve got itall BRAND NAMES Weve got the Brand NamesHarding KrausCeanese Barrymore Coronet Venture and Caravelle Buy the brands youve heard of the brands you can trust and youll be sure youre getting Better Value Price couvrmeur HARI auncn TERMS ARRANGED for Christmas wmriv BRAMPTON WAREHOUSE WARENOUSE 190 Clarence 3t AQSB7TQ iMQl SIIIPi ya