Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Dec 1976, p. 13

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Lc The Barrie Examiner Monday December 1976 13 Just Like Christmas Present Classified Is Full Of Surprises 7282414 PROPERTY FOR SALE WILLSOII REAL ESTATE LIMITED TF OWN THIS DUPLEX Live in and subsidize yourself Asking $34500 Income from bedroom apt is $165 monthly Interested Make an offer Call Lee Benham 7261938 or 4245033 MLS No 2716 86 COLLETTE Well kept bedroom brick storey home attached garage Dining room with glass doors to patio Fireplace in family room Owner transferred Call Rita Scandrett 7261938 or 7284865 MLS 2527 CORNER SHANTY BAY RD Older storey home with bedrooms and large dining room and kitchen Partial basement Close to shopping and on bus route Priced to sell at $41900 Call Pat MacRiner 7261938 or 7263929 MLS2542 PLENTY OF FRIENDLY NEIGHBORS We know this area Angus mobile Home Park its an ideal location Weve sold some of the mobile homes and two bedroom awaits you on favorite street Call Wilf Vezeau 7261938 or 4246358 REAL ESTATE 119 DUNLOP 51 7261938 TORONTO 364 6636 APPRAISING AND FINANCING OPEN UNTIL D6 nn ED LOWE LIMITED REALTOR 488 Bayfield St BARRIE Ont 7263871 40IlI HlUUI 114 $34000 bedroom year round home in Oro Low down payment Excellent starter SOUTH OF BARRIE $47500 New custom built bedroom sidesplit almost completed Patio door off the dining area roughedin fireplace in basement garage large treed lot SOUTH OF BARRIE FiVe acres with three bedroom brick home enhanced by wooded surroundings Fireplace in livingroom baths full basement Needs some work Asking $49900 HOBBY FARM HILLSDALE Bedroom separate dining room old summer kitchen which would make an ideal family room Home is in good repairs and situated on acres of land with barns garage and other small buildings Asking $48500 TWO BEDROOM MOBILE HOME South of Barrie Included in pur chase price are stove fridge and drapes Asking $11000 NO NEED FOR TWO CARS In this handy location at Baker Crescent Featuring bedrooms famin room LShaped living dining room baths large front entrance quality broadloom garage and located on quiet crescent Asking $49900 For above ads please call Lenora Laycock 7285018 or office at 726 3871 D6 NORMAN 168 DUNLOP 7283293 EAST REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN 875 acres in Oro Township 50 workable 375 mixed bush Call Peter Shelswell Large Waterfront Cottage in Oro Station consisting of bedrooms large living and dining room and fireplace 55 concrete dock marine railway included $50500 Call Peter Shelswell COMPARE THIS WITH Condominium because its condominium priced However it is detached bedroom bungalow with car garage and in good location in Barrie Were proud to show it give us call Call Peter Shelswell DO John Crawford 4875955 Peter Shelswell 7282930 PCPId Shelswell 4875560 Roger Shelswell 4872920 Jim Cross 7262159 TF 89 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE Photo Multiple Listing Service 7263111 44 Maplehurst in Tall Trees bedroom bungalow brick and aluminum with professional built wall to wall fireplace and mat ching stone bar in unfinished family room Asking $50900 Wyebridge Older storey insul brick bedroom home lovely freed lot with 66 ft frontage garage Asking $29500 acre with 12 year old brick bedroom bungalow basement com pletely finished refrigerator stove washer and dryer Attached garage Pony barn Treed lot Mortgaging at 9i °o Asking $47900 Db Esther Kennedy 4245471 Marg Wood no toll 4873148 Leo Cavanaugh 728 207 Bob Saunders 7263883 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 ROSS Botstone 7263043 CHOLKAN CO LTD REALTOR Gllllhllfln 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 Direct Toronto Line 3646625 ZééiiFié TF INCOME PROPERTIES duplex and fourplex in downtown area S42500 and $69500 All bedroom apartments on prime in vestment land Don Allan 4872412 or 7284401 BEDROOM SEMI McGeorge Subdivision Angus Brick Semi $3000 down will handle Don Allan 4872412 or 7284401 FARM ACRES bedroom solid home large born car garage and other buildings Only $71500 Don Allan 4872412 or 728 4401 Db GEORGE WORRALL REALTY LTD BARRIE 110 DUNLOP ST MWFTF NEAR LAKE 9th Can of Ora storey bedrooms well treed lot year old Ask ing $61900 Vlc Donor Vlau Real Estate 726 7423 or 7261771 DOWNTOWN Commercioi MLS REALTOR OPEN DAYS WEEK FOR MIDHURST EXCLUSIVE AGENTS TVIIIOIT Latzdiqg PROPERTY FOR SALE APPRAISALS 9e BAYFIELD $1 BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 WEEKDAYS UNTIL Open Sat Sun noon till dusk Harold Davis 7287543 Frank Hooey 7280676 Paul Arbour 7263897 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Norman McMillan 7268957 Lorry DeWilde 7283253 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Chuck Lambert 7288001 Bert Cuff 7284067 Larry Brewer 7289745 John Colwell 7267726 Harry Magill 7263864 Doug Baker 7283274 Simon Beekhuizen 7373795 Jim Harris 7267173 TF noulti in 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE EXCLUSIYEAQENTZSFérigéRANDTHOMEs Ross Miller 7260563 Al Rose 7288116 Harvey Weber 4363815 Ron Jones 7268997 Percy Ford 7287930 Gerald ONeill 7267733 Ross Burwell 458 9248 Rob Knapp 7267294 Ken Miller 4873365 Hannah Pentland 7288028 MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 Ron Sproule 4873715 Mike Lysabild 7266054 Cec Cook 7283036 Ron Thorne 728B714 Les Lovegrove 4241289 Nelson Garrett 7266096 Helen Burns 7262386 Jerry McNobb 7261881 Bernie Blum 4875540 Clarence Canning 7261676 gtmfitlflttg ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIMITED REALTOR Residential Farms Acreages Commercial Investment Industrial Properties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER I49 BAYFIELD ST BITE IltV PROVIDING COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SE 180 DUNLOP ST 40 MAPLE AVE BARRIE REALTOR Agent for Pineview Estates of Midhurst JOHN COLE 7288017 TOM CAIRNS 7280653 LOOK FOR OUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Bill McCreary Manager 7281865 Dorothy MocQuarrie 7286358 Corby Adams 7286829 mi VCNM Complete Realtor Service the home follies who cat about people 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 7262611 7269262 APPRAISALS MORTGAGES mu PERSONALIZED RVICE 1169200 ARRIE MWF TF 7372101 PETER GUBBELS 7282425 TF SIGN FOR ALL YOUR Helen Hopkins 728I662 Audrey Marshall 4362880 Barry CampbellNash 7371324 TE 79 BAYFIELD sr BARRIE PHONE 7261405 LIMITED PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES Bill Rawn 7268999 Collin Nelles 7265208 Charles Brown 7282624 Frank Nelles 7266696 Russel Carson 7266161 IF norm FOR SALE PROPERTY roii SALE 11 INESON PERSONALIZED SERVICE 7284294 MWFTF LIST BUY on SELL WITRI LEON ARRICK inn 726382T MWFTF Location Ideal retail or office setting 10 per cent financing available Bob Urry Vlau Real Estate 726 1771 or 7285811 $3000 DOWN FOR QUALIFIED BUYER This brick detached bungalow ls lust reduced for quick sale bedrooms llv ing room large kitchen full basement with rec room built In bar laundry room 4th bedroom car paved driveway 834 per cent tlrst mortaage Must see this one before you buy Con tact Representlve Taurus Real Estate Harry Jalns737 3000 MIDHURST AREA Large new un finished brick home double garage fireplaces $39000 Also to acre lots $5000Tacphone Toronto 494 8292 even ings BEDROOM Home large living room and sunken family room back split could have income apartment Georgian College arca Will trade for small house or cottage Available immediately Telephone 436 3897 evenings BEDROOM BUNGALOW 1V2 baths fireplace in family room den garage completely broadloomod $5000 down and carries for $450 monthly PIT Phone 728 6340 $33500 TWO BEDROOM Aluminum siding bungalow Big Bay Point Im maculate condition Garage Attractive grounds Bob Urry Vlau Real Estate 726 1771 or 728 5811 BUILDINGLOT whom 100 181 with septic permit Located in quiet village near Barrie Terms Bob Urry Vlau Real Estate 726 1771 or 728 5811 LOTS FOR SALE BUILDING LOT Innlsfll Township Asking 312000 Make an offer Viau Viau Real Estate726 1771 or 7261603 IzACREPbulldlng lot near Hiltsdale spring fed on county road $1000 down 7154977326 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SIXPLEX nothing down to reliable pur chaser or will consider trade of mort gages or property May be seen by ap pointment only telephone 728 0485 bet ween9 and 11 pm BEAUTY SALON Fully eiuiiiped showing good returns Downtown Ioca LOT°¢PIEO917QIEKAPJP WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 REAL ESTATE Automobile Franchise Opportunity BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Because of our expansion program we have an opening in the Barrie area for an already established domestic or import dealer to represent I70 Burton Ave MAZDA MOTOBSOECANADA LTD and its full line of automobiles Interested principals please call or write Purdy Regional Manager cO Mazda Motors Of Purdy Regional Manager co Mazda Motors of Canada Ltd 55 Milner Ave Agincourt Ontario 14162912138 Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlanders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South MORTGAGES MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS RUSSELL CHURCH 7289866 MORTGAGES D9 MONEY vlity Ltillltl IIIIII equipment financing home improvements land mortgages 01 st 2nd and 3rd mortgages prime rates builders interim loans lease back Call collect to Ill li ll TF solve your refrigerator and stove Located trailer park south of Angus on 150 50 rental lot 8x10 wood shed Price reasonable 424 1319 WE KNOW its not spring but why wait let the Hitch House Ltd trailer problems Call Harold for ap pointment 728 9700 COUNTRY LIVING Quiet park South of Barrie New homes Used homcslrom $11000 728 6875 Open Sunday alter 456 Mooney Cres 71885 ItziLIM ttl Orillia Ont 7053254334 IJI Illfll Second Mortgages 10005 1974 MOBILE HOME I2x68 bedrooms partly furnished dryer MOR WE HAVE funds available with competitive rates com of KINZIE LIMITED interest prompt GAGES immediately mitments and complete con fidentiality fbr first second and thi rd mortgages ALL TYPES of property residen tial commercial and vocational WE ALSO buy existing mor tgages for cash Bu HOME OUR ADVICE IS FREE Call IAN KERR One and two bedroom apart ments with nice view and many 13 Open ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Barrie Shopping Plaza Call Paul or Norma 726 829 COMPARE our rates third mortgages Syvokas 4872700 Pat Quinn Ltd 737 I414 MORTGAGES houéht and sold imme diate action Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 First confidential Barries Finest IMPERIAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 Adults second appraisals Gerry PARTMENT HOMES THE MAYFAIR Barries newest building features 7371881 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage MORTGAGE LOANS Open Daily am 530 pm Brokers Association camp LTD 95 LOANS Ist MTGS at 11¢ 2nd MTGS at 13 Sat evenings by appointment Win Summers 91 Bayfield St Barrie 7373451 First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYFIELD ST 7267130 KAN Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association 4875385 WELLINGTON PLACE and bedroom apnrtmrnls adults on ly For more information call 726 3827 or 726 7153 anytime BEDROOM apartment family build ing available Novembor 15 for suitable information TF applicant MISSISSAUGA COURT Colored ap Drapes supplied Available bedroom pliances 7370027 MWFDBI For further pleasr call 737 1295 apartment December 15 Telephone 726 3383 FURNISHED One bedroom apartment Good view of bay $225 monthly includes heat light water and cable central suit adults Telephone 726 0988 weekdays ONE BEDROOM apartment available immediately $211 monthly includes ro lrigcrator stovo heat and parking Bus stop loltatiun No pets please TOICDhOITI 728 5816 FURNISHED Two bedroom apartment $225 monthly includes hoat light water and TV cable Central Adults only Telephone 726 0988 weekdays FURNISHED One bedroom apartment $150 monthly includes heat light water and TV cable Share bathroom Suitable for working girl Central 726 0988 weekdays HILLSDALE HIGHWAY 93 Attractive one bedroom apartment Sun quiet girl of couple no pets Negotiable rent for ac casional babysitting year old boy 835 2031 ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment Big Bay Point area Privato4 piece bath and entrance heat and hydro $190 per month Adults only Available January Telephone 436 1657 BEDROOM central location fridge stove and parking No pets S200 month ly Available immediately Inquire at 11 Victoria 51 Apt alter6 BEDROOM Apartment available im medlately Bus stop at door $230 month ly plus hydro References 728 1035 ONE BEDROOM unfurnished apart menl self contained right on Highway 27 one mile south of Midland $160 monthly Includes stove refrigerator and utilities Telephone 526 5912 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES WIT YOU NEEDMONEY Immediate Ist and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans farms I29 DUNLOP ST EAST Anywhere on all homes cottages vacation and commercial properties To consolidate debts low monthly payments rll ARRIE ONTARIO 7260981 24 Hour Call Anytlme Phone Service Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc Home improvements anyworthy reason To pay off existing or maturing mortgage Construction funds free advice try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING rl Ilei MIJIIIOAJI TF F1 David 231 RENTALS APMNEJEBEL KANEFF No pets 347 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT 3633421 RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT BEDROOM APARTMENT at Mid hurst available immediately stove fridge laundry facilities parking Ist and last months rent Phone 7266725 after4pm SUBLET BACHELOR apartment all utilities included Close to shopping $185 monthly Available December 15 Tele phone 7266046 RENTALS ARTICLES FOR SALE ACCOMMODATIONS TOSHARE WANTED Business person 20 to 30 years old to share townhouse Bayfield Mall area Please phone after 630 pm orweekends737l294 COMMERCIAL FOR SALE OR RENT PUBLIC BEDROOM apatmeritselfCon15ined downtown Adults only Available Jan uary Ist Stansfield Real Estate 7282419 SUBLET ONE bedroom apartment in Cedarwood Apartments behind Barrie Plaza Newly decorated Available after January Telephone 7288653 after pm NEW LUXURY TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT 17 ST VINCENT ST Three bedrooms two bathrooms large kitchen with sliding doors to balcony overlooking courtyard Garages with paved parking into and throughout courtyard Close to schools churches shopping and transportation overlooking the lake For more information phone Collect 4166331215 anytime 7055267998 am pm 7057283030 pm pm DB BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT view Large bungalow in Cm Appliances drapes and broadloom Suitable for ex ecutive family Lease references 416 2499528 4875788 weekends WATERFRONT bedroom bungalow in Oro Spacious rooms appliances drapes broadloom $400 monthly Lease and references 416249 9528 evenings 487 5788 Sundays BEDROOM semi Georgian College area $300 per month Available Dec Telephone 1416862 3727 collect from to 5Monday to Friday BRAND NEW bedroom townhouse for rent in exclusive location For more in formationrcall7371981 BRAND NEW bedroom townhouse for rent in exclusive location For more information call 737 1981 LARGE bedroom luxury townhouse conveniently located braadloomed tin ished rec room appliances intercom garage with private driveway heat util lties cable TV included 726 0293 BEDROOM house dining room large living room plus family room with fire place baths Available January $300 monthly 260 Bayfield Telephone 728 3236 LOVELY HOUSE beautiful trees and surroundings Dunlop St Telephone 73726009r1416 635 0637 NEAR GEORGIAN College bedroom house Immediate occupancy $325 per month Call 726 4958 TALL TREES large bedroom broadloomed throughout available now $325 monthlyTelcphonc 728 6256 after pm BEDROOM townhouse for rent with at tached garage available January 1977 Central location close to 5010015 and shopping at $290 monthly Phone 728 3274 after 5pm OLDER BEDROOM house for rent $150 monthly Apply to Guys from Bar rie Bargain Barn 487 2539 BEDROOM HOUSE available Jan uary 15m in the Cundles St area with tinishcd rec room and laundry room also garage 726 3257 between BEDROOM HOME miles west oi Barrie acres with largo barn 5375 per month For rent or sale Telephone 487 2412 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY bed room bathrooms lamin roam garage In very desirable residential area Broadloom drapes month to month or month lease $335 plus utilities call Willson Real Estate 7261938 BEDROOM homo with heated garage excellent condition Just outside city limits Ist and last months rent $285 monthly plus utilities January 0c cupancy 726 2683 WABUAUSHENE bedroom bungalow oil furnace fireplace Adults preferred references reasonable Tole phone Torontol 416 239 6025 BEDROOM BUNGALOW for rent kit chon dining room and liVing room near Barrio Plaza oil heated $200 per month Available immediately Tole phone 726 6300 Two BEDROOM home with third bedroom or family room Innisfil township area 728 2291 or 728 9850 BEDROOM home with third bedroom or family room Innislil township area 728 2291 or 728 9850 BEDROOM bungalow attached garage fenced yard east end of Barrie Available immediately $325 monthly Telephone 728 9460 ROOM newly decorated fully broadloomed house on Baylield St $300 monthly utilities included Available December 15th Telephone 726 2910 BEDROOM HOUSE available imme diately $275 per month For further in formation telephone 728 7204 between and weekdays only APARTMENTS WANTED TORENT FURNISHED bachelor apartment ur gently required CORIOLI John Bruce at 726 6110 Reasonable VROOMSTO LET FURNISHED ROOMS Downtown loca tion Clean bright modern Shared kit Chen and bath Hamilton Realty 7371000 DOWNTOWN Furnished rooms linen supplied with kitchen facilities and rec room privileges 726 6392 BRIGHT newly decorated rooms in downtown location Shfirtii kit Chen Taurus Real Estate Ltd 737 3000 FURNISHED ROOMS Central park ing kitchen privileges common room linen supplied weekly Responsible adults Telephone 7267186 CLEAN ROOMS broadloom kitchen privileges responsible adults preferred Central location Telephone 737 3931 or 728 I922 SEMI FURNISHED room on bus route Available immediately Call 727 2699 or 726 2551 BAYFIELD MALL area bright Clean unfurnished rooms private bath re frigcrator Suit one single girl prefer red No children or pets on bus route 726 7734 LOVELY CLEAN homo large bright furnished bedroom with sink Rooms cleaned linen changed weekly kitchen facilities Free parking Central Gentlemen only 728 0598 ROOMS tor rent largo country home in Barrie 18 25 only 737 3495 FURNISHED ROOM for rent re frlgerator and linen supplied $22 week Iy Central location Telephone 728 8484 or 726 4882 ROOM 959939 furnished ROOM AND BOARD for young gen tleman central location Telephonor7287568alter pm OFFICES STORES F°R BENT parking FOR LEASE Industrial space and warehousing 7263400 Angeloff YONGE STREET iocationfeainswick area suitable for professional person 72872291 or 7289850 SPACE FOR RENT PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 19500 sq lt fully sprinklcred transport and light truck Ioadinn docks 18 ft Clear part of large expanding Industrial mall 7267130 SPACE IN Allandale area 1200 sq ft Ideal for mechanics garage radiator shop etc Considerable parking avail able Telephone 1288302 after pm NOTICE deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday NOTICE KRAZY KELLYS TV and STEREO $50000 COLOR TVs and STEREOS MUST BE CLEAREO CHOOSE FROM OFFICE SPACE Modern office with 1100 sq ft on main floor overlooking Kem penfelt Bay and municipal parking Recently decorated with wall to wall drapes and fully broadloomed Call Bill Sakeris National Trust Co 728 9201 TF RESORTS MILE LONG farm with bedroom house snowmobile run and ski run near commercial ski tows Short term or sea sonal rent Phone 15497326 AUTOMOTIVE 25 INCH OUASAR ll CARS FOR SALE ONE 1971 PONTIAC Catalina door in good NOW condition Top vinyl roof radio air or $550 weekly 28 INCH RCA SPANISH Now or $550 weekly 20 INCH FICA XI 100 Full yr warranty $466 or $400 weekly 25 INCH ZENITH $699 or $550 weekly conditioned snow tires Certified Tinted glass Telephone 7269143 anytime 1968 ME RCU RY Parklane Convertible In good condition new roof Asking $800 Certified Telephone 7266265 or 7265383 1975 CAMARO 32 miles per gallon cylinder automatic power steering and brakes radials excellent condition Best offer Telephone 7261755 1928 MODEL convertible in running order good sound frame body and fen ders Bestofler Telephone 728 4421 after LPm VW PA RTS 1970 VW Stationwagon parts everything but the motor is in good shape $75 for the whole car or will sell in parts Telephone 7280539 after6pm I968 ROADRUNNER for sale hardtop 383 speed original owner certified $895 Telephone 726 9798 1973 CADILLAC DeViIIe Luxuriously appointed Showroom condition Tele phoner7289929 if CORVETTE 427 speed loaded 1969 certified Also 1971 Mustang Fastback V8 automatic new body and Centari paint F60 Renegades 650 Roadhugger Keystone Astro mags and slotted mags 726 667730r7266066 1973 PONTIAC LeMans stationwagon Wood grain panelling fully powered gold exterior with beige vinyl interior Only 43000 miles Telephone 728 4265 1968 cites 442 rebuiltmotar no miles 20 INCH ZENITH CULUH Only or 350 weekly NO MONEY DOWN £12 Tol83flns 882 No PAYMENTS motor $150436 4133 I77 CARS WANTED PHONE TONIGHT URGENTLY REQUIRED DELIVERY TONIGHT For Barries Newest Car Dealer Zenith Son hib RCA QuasarlGEs aCoIl GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 TF KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA TRACY WANTS cars and frocks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 SHAKELS WRECK INC and Towing scrap metal cars bought over scales 520 ton 436 3677 SCRAPVVEHICLES wanted top prices paid tree immediate pick up anytime 4362900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted for wrecking Fast pickup Days 435 6322 After pm 424 5949 TRUCKS TRAILERS 1968 GMC CURBSIDE Van possible camper new paint iob good exterior Must Sell $1200 Telephone after pm 487 5276 SNOW PLOW 1963 Land Rovor good hydraulics runs good Telephone after pm AskingSILOOO 728 4589 1975 DODGE Tradesman window van automatic power steering power brakes heavy duty alternator high out put auxiliary heater deluxe seats radio low mileage No reasonable offer rotus ed 424 0821 CHEV VAN for sale 1973 ton 350 power brakes not certified Best otter Telephono7261059 after Saturday all day 1965 CJ5 JEEP Canvas and steel top new4 cylinder engine and new tires Cor tilied 51650 Telephone 445 6748 Coll ingwood 1972 FORD ton pickup with cap 48000 miles Clean Phone after 728 3274 1976 FORD Super Cab with cap new snow tires and rims 6500 miles Asking $5400 Telephone 4361200 after 1972 CHEV ton 350 speed automatic new paint good snow and summer tires In good shape Uncertified $1800 Call 726 6948 or 728 2028 GMC JIMMY wheel drive approx imately 38000 miles with snowplow $3500 Telephone 728 4522 1976 FORD Econoline 100 cylinder standard captains chairs rear tinted windows AM FM stereo and speakers undercoated 9000 miles Telephone 456 3892 Lefroy SNOWMOBILES SKIDOO Snowmobiles at MacDonalds Daily till pm Saturday till pm Closed Wednesday 7371 182 MTTF USED COLORED TVs Any reasonable offer will be accepted We need the room for new stock con tinuously coming in Come early for best selection of color and black and white TVs Barrie TV and Appliances 80 puniop st 577284297 Conserve neat this winteh Heat Miser fits into chimney electric fan saves money 7280755 PFAFF SEWING machine ChriStTnaS Special featuring built in extras for that professional look 726 3273 7284615 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Granada TV Games only $6995 FIRESTONE STORES 88 Dunlop St 7266585 DB PERFECT GIFT Now wall mounted 31 day grandfather clocks Regular $120 now$59 Call 7373955 FIREPLACE HARDWOOD seasoned top quality face cord 16 $35 12 $30 or custom cut Free delivery 726 4725 PLACE HAR DWOODS chéapEE by the full Lord free delivery Also logs andposts 7281637 73 YOHQO 51 SOUl HAMMOND ORGAN and Leslie speak Barrie er like new Total 51525 Phone 72136100 EONN ORGAN and behch automatic chord and rhythm ear phones $1500 Consider reasonable offer 7289542 SKIIS AND guitar Skiis 185CM Kastle fibreglas and laminated chore without bindings used season 535 Guitar Mat suoka Dreadnought new excellent tone and action with deluxe case $300 Tele 7282940 J3 ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES phone 728 1114 anytime In stock now at preseason prices SPORT HAVEN MARINE mile east ofBARRIE on Shanty Bay Rd Fridays from 430 to pm 726100 Every Saturday 9am to430pm 331 Bayfield corner of Bayfield and Ferris Lane IF D29 1975 SKIDOO Alpine Like new 640 cc with reverse geared down to pull groomer Also 54 inch Bombardier groomer Telephone 728 8069 ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERSFARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINAIRIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 35 009 THICK 30° EACH AT THE BARRIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 TF

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