PROFESSIONAL IRCTORY JESSIE BRYSON Teacher of Piano Singing Theory Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto All grades and ARCT Modern Methods Studio 27 Bradford St The Barrie Examiner Friday December 197617 VOCAL LESSONS SUSAN FORD RICKETTS ARCT LRCT Registered Music Teacher Preparation for all grades ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory 72847L8 Rollo 33330 Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers MARJORIE HANES 20 North Park Road 29 he we Y° Teacher of Piano and Theory Barrie Gifts of Get YOUr es Egpglsgnggrrfigor 7232131 Enduring Beauty HOLIDAY llAlRDO FOR CHRISTMAS yExamination °F°ndue 59 SUEEggle Poinsettias ALL GRADES ALL AGES ANGUS R055 Igï¬ï¬‚ï¬gï¬ï¬ï¬me FASHION FLAIR 2221 cIoppeflon St 728853 Registered Music Teacher Flowerpoys and vases BLOW DRYER Cyclamen ALUMINUM FREPIACES PICTURE FRAMING Instruction in Plano ibmwi rn nn una Them 2113383 Christmas limit at Fl°r°l °°°m°ms GEO HG IAN illtlritrmvgglcarliirgym iii r23 3393 FIREPLACE lioRtngtiszil IBY2P£ it slicks slim rim ROY SCHUETT Also tutoring in French Elqonmgtuï¬sfli 1Rmiï¬ Wid Lenin and oher HAmSTYUSTS Boylleld Sl selections Factory price last Service Chartered Accountants school subiects 53 DunloP 726468 world livery HOL CANDLE AND iaï¬skgiglgugrarflfliifl 103 Collier St Barrie 91 Ross St Barrie 7285775 DUI°P 72639 728 56 IDAY COPPER HOUSE AWL Phone 7265100 RENTACAR SYSTEM GUTHREr ONT NEw wont and repairs drain and sewer at cleaning complete kitchen and bathroom asiding Eavesrough 1768 df renovations ceramic tile Bilotta POWELL JONES co and ASSOCIATES J2 958423 She wants 50 wd°ws Barrte 7267474 Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Facia Doors emuring FLOOR REFINISHING RENTALS 24 Dunlop St East TWSee BonlWPEY OUR MANYOPATRONS Wile Awnings Fine Chrysler produds HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and Barrie Ontario 49 Comer Barrie FOR CHRISTMAS Looking Forward AdditionsRoong Dal eliaishing oldanstlzzlgtghguaranteeded not see our peela er 99 up Telephone 728 746 728 4949 728 5584 Swim suits Shorts Tanktops soil suede handbag and mat 1° 573 You orgonnecvfcfrires CHAIR CANING ANDYMAN TagIEl Clidgsfdisllees 91225 BsTR werher SlaCkSal ching CIUICgEIUrssesg From all at For free estimate ANTIQUE CHINTICANING 35 Years at 95 esp US ore parlancoTo ephoneiJBisorEs406L2299 iver eserve ow RENIALS AUTOMOTWE of winter gift ideas ca 22ING Hub CARE Garages cleaned 7374 388 mm Trash hauled away SEM DSTOLCISZSDTO RENT flm and 85 Haggis Local Family Business visitFgigalisndlriffzoinmeztl ï¬lling JUST GIVE Us easona To es kitchen and living raoamTTghogggeriidrTS NG 125 Dunlap St 7372082 un op bl 421673 s27s monthly heated Available imme CERAMICS dtately Telephone 726 5047 alter pm mhng TEEDROOM name vati rotrtgeraror and stove Big Bay Point 3250 per seï¬gglhomggqggPurchase available 120 BRADFORD ST BARRIE ONT BEDROOM detaEhed borne tor rent 7281061 Fully broadloomed lenced yard Close to bus stop and schools $365 monthly 74 We 53 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes Windy Haugh Farm 7260192 ROOFING AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Free estimates 3224897 altero pm LADIES AND onllamens alterations 26 Mary St Teisp one 7373432 esgdence WINTERICK CERAMICS Floor and wall tIIIng 7283446 and repairs 72676763 APPLIANCES COMMERCIAL ART ELECTROLUXCaIiadale authorized sales COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo design art and servtce l8 Alllarlre Blvd 77783397 Wolr IOYDU 05 PIES all OIIGCI 4875525 7263441 between IO am and 530 pm SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mowing sod ding seeding general maintenance llowerbedsetc 7268552 Ctlénd 7286501 Give her lovely lingerie for Christmas by Kayser Molycloire Van Raalte and Darling Body Fashions also Hosiery By Hanes John Street CATER TO THEIR HOME AND COTTAGE Maintenance Pain 9362631 gt WHA Mu ting Plumbing Root and Chimney repairs giatgeaple lmmedtately Telephone Green door hardtop green KOYSGI and Can Can ALL ELECTRUHOML CUSTOM FENCING 139595 ELLA LLLL iacoï¬ontaoszoni acre lot °h9 CYm PRA IT °° PRODUITS CARPENTERPAINTER vtw name it 5°°°° Stwicopsgggwler 3379 tier automatic owe steam mil RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom ï¬Ã©ojlgcgllngSiql °P °°r V°lt9gt 5333 zmssgggorécmgggxoxm power brakes pond window For the F0 wood tomes Improve your property SMALL MOVING JOBS trash hauled roofs callMELbdimnbsesa ï¬replace heated garage and workshop SlPPers Baylield Mall 7372661 REPAlRED 737ISO7 92551899SWEEPKRIEMSt 63391 SEWING MACHINES mawr applrances 5300 month Leasc ra to ereo rear sea shoes HOUSE CLEANUPS Painting carpentry availabls7l217flr 53m speaker rear window Show 3005 wmll BARBIE garjsqlaameagvssgigglcg17flL SEW TECH co Specialists rapairs all NEAR GEORGIAN College bedroom at THOMSON TURNTABIES alI makes industrial domestic sewing house Immediate occupancy $325 per defogger WhlewalsMwthel I23 Dunlap St Evening Shoes Fast Dependable Service 550m at ages mmeï¬fgmmmï¬fj HOME IMPROVEMENTS machines New used Agents Brother XETTE7éP€9aQe3 bedroom rSTlTIISUOSFeTeCOOrItTtoel celfnï¬elg 726832l Hand 3°93 Give Electrohome Humidifier °V°°ble was rr INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec wmgMMhmsnnwnuws broadloomod throughout available now in excellem conduion Glft Certificates Accessories rDRES MAKING looms Call Russ 4363681 after 630 pm SNOW BLOWING S325 monthly Telephone 7286256 after Relerences available ï¬bwiA are also available CUSTOM MADE clothing specializing in NORMAN FAMILY Drm with only 37 000 miles Licence NEED MORE living space rec room extra WE SPECIALIZE 500 blOWlng diVBWOVS OF ART leather suede denim wool pattern dral For tree estimate Call John 7370966 or Don eBEEyQOOM townhousebtlor rJent with at HRV 445 Bank linoncing Oils ELECTROHOME ting and alterattons 4562976 SSOEZTTXISZOJaEmTQ °2 7413 7372859 BC garage aval anuary CLiCLv 1977 Cemrat location dose schools available Call for demon CONSUMER SERVICE CUSTOM MADE ClOTHNG 58°° 5° 728399 Lo SNOWPLOWING and shopping at $290 monthly phone Smi do 74 UuNmpgT 7283881 walerCOIOrS lWlW 5U9d9 dammr W°°lv 999 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement Bil337439915 prnrn Ladies Fashions oPrints 49 Morrow Rd Units lHQOVIdDIIGOIOM 56 7776 plodnning andI decorotijng givocy sgregns PAULS SNOWPLOWING residemiut and OLDER BEDROOM house tor rent I975 Buick Century $3975 oEtchings CALL 7265982 9mm °° commercial reasonable rates tree $150 monthly Apply to Guys lrom Bar Handbags gloves allwyout needs 728890677 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pointing LL estimates call Paul 7373064 Silver grey door sport coupe rie Bargain Barn 487125739 VlSlttheartstudto WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small commer Scarves by Echo 024 SPECIALIZING IN taping arid textured splay with matching interior Cylin Holiday Meals Are at willow C0 Tony7781107 neys waterprooï¬ng brick and stone caulk 95 APARTMENTSWANTED der 350 en the automatic PEre cordm Extra Special Auto PARIS muga wmdows End 90mm lomswork EPLPE€7I7JLLSOM To RENT Evenln Accessories FRANKS ARTISTIC Ayisrpoucumc romeemsa 9349 WTm Power sleermgl Power brakes AND ACCESSORIES INCOME HREWOOD FURNISHED bachelor apartment ur Jewellry belts FRAMING 3O Tillin St 7262800 radio rear window delogger whitewoll tires wheel covers This line car has only 41000 GRAHAM EAVESTNOUGHING FACTORY RE 8m ENGINES 1° Eavestroughlnginstalled Coll7786628 and trucks lorllltles to rebuilt your own ELECTRICAL engtno budget terms UtOlluhlt Hours Matt gently required Contact John Bruce at 7266110Beasonable ROOMS TOLET At SCHNITZEL HAUS And Hat Scarf Set Felt Hats BIRCH HARDWOOD MIXED INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bark FREE DELIVERY rte area 25 up Dobson 4245910 alter and we skends miles and is economicall HonesHosiery F8 337°9lf PmMOW SUp up ATTT Also FURNSHEE ttMsd°°wszwl°a priced trade or rem 27 Dunlop sr 7286085 SCHULZIE STEAK PIT surprise her will it mm mm lANDSCAPNG snow PLOWING crién gnitatlamirlammgneREantiiilotio available Test drive today 930530 27 DUNLOP 726383 in 5m 49 PROFESSONALLANDSCPNG 59 FREE ESTIMATES DOWNTOWNFrrFhEdroOTnsTlinen Licence JRP 124 Fridays til Fully Licensed gurnas REPAIRS CONWRSIONS Eng Rebmld SIMCOE ELECTRIC plted Trec removal Custom spraying Fer supplied with kitchen lacilities and rec room privileges 726 6392 BRIGHT newly decorated luirnished OLeather Goods Fine Paper ttltzer lilsecttcude HerbiCIde 4873401 all small cats Import Dotttosltr Safety 7259369 checks Labour $12 hour Owen Racing 416 Industrial Tilllrt 726 l745 Karl and Sylvia Schulz 726v48l 7287375 1974 Chev Van $3275 Commercial rrrResidential Farms VLAWNWCANE rooms in doan tocarron sham kl Blue and while finish cyllnder khanpronto SPOONOClS we mm rump and tape GREAVES LANDSCAPING ht chenTaurus RealEstate Ltd 7373000 350 en Ine automatic radto octal Stocktn Stuflerslrom on Coronal Auto Setv l7 Mary St mg eSIgn SPRING CLEAN UP Pruning mowin sod LLL FURNISHED ROOMS Central park white wall res bucket seats 726 5441 Eectrlca consu ting flIng bsgedlng7269805lterol maintenance BARRIE ing kikhen pmneges compmon room Certified and in excellent all MOTlVE 2075 experieme OWN 52 bl 59 SKI Ws LASTS ALL YEAR and GIFTS AUTO City Masters Llc 118 MASONRY SNOW REMOVAL adU£Rl9999 round condltlon Licence M10 WINTERIZING BEDSTTNG ROOM Cemra ll BDunlopW 7285128 7288234 MASONRY block and brick ï¬replaces TREE REMOVAL maladt 9303 NS NY Witha lasting giftfor the home E58 Wlllarrlbrltlorlu cuminmo wasltal N0 lob 00 no Reosonoble rules LOT CLEARING 99190 38 WWW 37073 1974 Ford Van 52975 an l°Y unmanned09 urt trt block twatrs or All at EXCAVATING 7373357 able 17262900 or Yellow and white finish in way to pollltve plltl Mm ill to 30 50 CLEAN ROOMS blroazlolom lllchen elegantlight remember pin PinttMaltlI supplyro lltl 7785911 poem ammo Mammg haulogo AEALLLL rv amp ts re erred er ou oma lC ra IO Icence CelntllreaTelzcaTign Telephonc 7373931 or QIXUVEOI ri on nd sppht svsletnrs ancth loader wort DELL MICROWAVE Services Authorized 05 msiNIOWZLOWNil C0mm9r=lal 7231922 MO 15 Your en 90 36 53 36 75 Amatta Salas Setvtce to all Microwave 76 765 eosona rules Plume AA lfLT relatives this Christ BULLDOZING ll dl ens 7264mm time wi ELVL SEMIVFURNISHED room on Dusrropte Ltcence M10 112 Tilt PURllI MARTIN unitsu to sale Apply may 7535931971753758 5° SIMPSON Residential and commercial Lzlgazll52llle ImmedIBICl Call 727 Mr or 1974 Chev 34 pickup $3 275 mas is to so hng su MIlltutAvt an ttt77tl 5m DRAG NE WM Wamd you ponds MUSC NSTRUCT0N sngwplowinigCafl728g69L737801 scri tionso True LLLAL FURNISHED ROOMS to rent Frlendly White and gold finish cylin 1h are egg CANPENTRT 772360399mm °9 PM ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin TAILDRS atmosphere CookinglaCtllties provided omne nor and advanced months trial instru 525 weekly Telephone 726 6271 alter def 350 engme Speed Sim to order They lastoll year ddl dl hers AND thltml WWIIl IM wt WEST GROVE we lemma to home pron Canadth THE TAILOR SHOP2FredGrantSt pm es es mum mmmm OHhm lmllmu Acadont OlMuSICl2l80 lleld 7781799 ChamberafCommerceBullding LAW or onsmssont Power and the cost Is small compor 7371507 CONSTRUCTION CLEAN lUVmShed 100er CGTVB brakes radio This unit has °Boots Helmets °8lankets uslomtalorlng andateroitons Chen and living room Close to down 68 DUDIOP Cd lhe PlCOSUre 9W0 EOCh Linimens ond Accessories CARNNTER SFIIHOIIHQ IWM Backhoe EXCOV town Bus stop at from door Telephone never een use on Is In 7263100 gift win he announced in your tvm Wm TELEVISION ASING 723733 728 8884 tilttap Tr COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING and typing mFiéLb MALL area bflgm dean outstanding COIIdIIIOnkCerlITIGd name With beOUIIlUl card in CED DECKS mm WWW eDC ng WM THEM reasonable rams Pick Barnes House anew unturnished rooms private bath re and readt 90 WO full rich colors mailed to arrtve Fully trpnnrtvrd 716 9007 7161609 Horizontal Augerlng iddr 673 new 00 Jam 33 75 per weei uï¬gfï¬fw trigerNalor Ilsalit one siggle gglsprglcrr D4 WS me right me before CPABIIITI MAKIR proppin tramnl Ktt BODunlop El 7284297 re cm ren or De on PII vut Putt tttntnn tnttnvnttmti wr 7267735 1976 HONDA Ctvtc hatchback 6000 Christmas DUNLOP ST alIrlattotts ownnu cttrnl PAINTING TwoWAy RADIO ROOM FOR rem working girl prefer miles certified asktnq $2795 lirm 72 Order now 7762948 WAYNE FOLEY Proyussmmy pom Ex red kitchen privileges parking laCll LTD DOWN SIWFIWTPOWC hm DO BARRIE LchNrID CARPENTle llslulil homes ALv AWLL terror and lntcrror Free estimates work meslwesendTelephone726 5437 door hardtop new poll lot CCYIIIILd canarys letlftvnlllfliï¬ Itllnllt Sattsluittrrt guaranteed 7267389 395 197 VOWSWWW 00 9W 90 IT at mutt RnilrllCrlstI IIIII 727 7461 ATTENTION BUSMSS Grls W9 iat certttied $850 tirm Daytime call DON SIESLNG PIOICSSOW P°ml9 If 2wa radio modern furnished house to share wrth 7265869 nigmng 50m Samsonite Jetltner BY CARIENIIR Will It tor room lililuvfllllntls tenor exterior paper hanging custom work other girls Alllactltttes available Close 5k nukeneon orrurittg ttr Ntttrlllltlmttlll 1271 Satlslocllonguaranteed7266308 sales and service to bus and matl5 Call 726 9319 alter 1968 MERCURY Parklane convertible YWCY Writinglol eciolizin in In good commmn new rmp Asking $800 somehln CENTRAL Apperpy of IUDIIIr tiling na ura one HILlSDAlE DECORATING Interior ex Sho on tavEL Cgrmmry Trumpan 726 6265 N776 5383 ep 70711V0ltltg dry wall built lllllllll1tllilllt antique brick leréor wallpaperlttg custom textured walls premses Ome 8r F19 lurnlshed bedroom with Sim Rooms MUST SELL 1967 Mustang 28 stock Leather Suede Vinyls 0l TheEXOmlner tor HIS car mt Rtmmmlrl no 3853 Custom bum dd 9s T°eph°e 705 335 5357 DOCKSIDE COMM cleaned linen changed weekly kitchen new tires body excellent $130 19169 WALKrs crud7266537 GTNERAI CONTRAINC Ruttllllq tltplllt es PAVING facilities Free parking Central 0049 DE SWIngTr 340 aUmmalCt mum Niftmlhlh mm Allworkmonship guaranteed Owen OT WOrSley Gentlemenonty 723 0595 $400 Also I968 Super Sport Mercury BuxtonTllleyRoll Gilllbp 435 allot CONTRACHNQ pane ROOMS for rent large country home in omhl 302 aUlomfICr IUSI had body Anacherccses briefcases CB Tronsaflvers CONSIRUCIIOII Itrtsltttrl Utpllrlttt sidewalks steps chimneys curbs New 86 MSW 737 3495 lot excellent condltlon 3450 Apply 51 Tu Bded lar ritttuvattnns Oddllllnlt hollltu LnIIrIQt work and Iopalts Free estimates Eufigifles Shamrock Place Angus gloves scarves evening bogs Ftltnlsllrttrflrls 435 4995 TF 458 4233 alltrtop MWFDl3 room are tcle an ML I969 VALIAN Stt cyltnder automattc 9303825 weekly Teleptlonene 5198 OFFICES STORES rt door rIl Snow ttrn very clean CCr Spo bags loebogs glfls titind Call 717 0966 Car Racltos AllOI lites OUIIIUllll FOR NT 370 mgfifwï¬agg123 33235 BARR Omfmlmd AUTOMOTIVE ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES EOR SALE ARTICLES EOR SALE rv ine urntturo can it rVvï¬iviwoc SUSPMSO 50000 WW Cm 53 PFOTT MOTOF SNOWMOBILE SE COLO TVS SKIIS AND guitar Skiis IBSCM Kastle Phone 16 377 1313 lor Roger by Tidy mm GHQ be ARMY SURPLUS libreglas and laminated Chore without The best at modern store or oltice space 1915 EANUTO mile gtlonl HUCIQS SU CO WT nrmidlottr room tor new styorkpmn Artny sweaters pants down binciimg usgd 535 OaséchlélllM°le Cy tn cr aU Orrin tC powers eertnq an sue rea noug ew £2229slmsziexwlami522343 7265297 We at High st 2322b insistsDammit sleeping bags vii saw Tmphonenwna Boot otter Telephone 726 1755 0Wasll Stands 72869 Snowmobiles TVS 8mm and Appliancns so porkas army iackets gloves Rhineflgliiitinytvimim FORLEASE Industrial space and 69 DODGE DART Winger dell Wall Units DunlopSt 778 4797 overalls other articles too SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS Ceramic wgehousing 7726 3400 Angelou VONOE STREET location Painswtck area suitable tor professional person Ln 2291 or 723 Slim SRACE FOR RENT PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 195005q ltluly sprinkleretl trancpnrt and light truck loading docks lit It clear part at large expandtnrl tndllslrlrtl mall 726 7130 SPAVCEAIN Alliandalerarea 1200 so It Ideal tor mechanics garage radiator shop etc Considerable parking avail etcTelsnntnezza 302 alter RESORTS MILE LONG larm with bitdroom house snowmobile run and ski run near commercial ski tows Short term or am sonal rent Phonel 549 7326 COMMERCIAL EOR SALE OR RENT OFFICE SPACE Modern office with 1100 sq it on main floor overlooking Kem penielt Bay and municipal parking Recently decorated with wall to wall drapes and fully broodloomed Call Bill Sakeris National Trust Co 728 9201 TF AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE 75 MERCURY MONARCII door SllVel gley Wllll rttaltlllll Vanl IUUl automallc power Sleellng power brakes all very low mileage excellent condtltnn Call SMllH 7261098 726 3600 U3 1971 PONTIAC Catalina door tn good condition Top vinyl roct radio HY conditioned snow tires CLrtilimt itterd class Telephone 726 9143 rIrIlttrw I973 MERCURY Brougham all equip ped In excellent condition $3390 Wlll consider trade Lorne Hay 728 4700 alter 6pm 7267680 1975 CHEVROLET Caprice Classic con vertible Excellent condltlon Soon to Dr colleclors Item Direct inquiries to Box 592 CoBarrIe Examiner coupf 340 radio automatic loch vinyl root other extras New tires bat tery exhaust system stilrter S695 Telephone 728 0999 73 TOYOTA Corolla Tudor Full Price $685 1600 CC engine speed Lic FCC 053 Terms arrrtngetl Bay City Motors 45 Bradford St 728 2220 75 DART Swinger Hcltp Full Price $3385 lTnt ongtnn automatic power steeringbrrlkrs rddIO Vinyl root snow tires benUtiIul condition must be seen LiC KXZ 611 Noaown payment 135pcr cent bank trrms $28 38 weekly over 36 months Bay City Motors 45 Bradlord St 728 2220 I928 MODEL convertible In running order good sound lrame party and tun der Best Otter Telephone 728 4421 alter pm 1965 CHEVY VAN in good running can tltlon S175 1970 Sunbeam Arrow also in good running contlttion S275 Telephone 737 2048 alter 1972 MERCURY MARQUIS power brakes power steering 400 V8 excellent mechanical and body radio new ru dials $1750 llrm Telephone 726 8655 alters 30p 1974 GREMLIN Speed Slick shill steel lleltnrl rarllrlls disr brakes radio $2195 Telephon0737 3258 Lvrninlis 69 PONTIAC hardtop sale price $965 Automatir radio power steering and blrtklS salot Checked Lic JVD 380 Bank terms arranqcrl Bay City Motors 45 Brridlurd St 778 2720 I973 UDA Ior srtlr tinted windows newly painted betort certilied Snows in Clutter Talcphone 776 8247 alter 530 pm 1970 DATSUN 510 door 58000 miles certitietl Al throughout Radio tires extras Must sell $950 Telephone 726 9560 l97l VOLKSWAGEN Custom excellent mechanically gas heater radio and block heater No reasonable otter re tused Telephone 737 I639 I972 AUSTIN Marina excellent condi tion WIntcrimd Michelin tires 30 plus mllesto gallon $975 Telephone 726 I245 I967 VIVA crash victim many new parts Could be ï¬xed Runs well All or parts Otters Blue House Temple Ave behind Belle Aire Store VW PARTS 1970 VW Stationwagon parts everything but the motor is in good shape $75 tor the whole car or thl spll in parts Telephone 728 0539 llltl pm 1973 CAPRI V6 LILcor group speed Sun root AM FM radio Winter radials excellent condition asking $7400 Alter 6pm call726 3112 I971 VOLKSWAGEN one driver only snow tires radio telephone 3690 I970 MAVERICK new brakes clutch iust tuned up tor winter Best otter Telephone 424 I334 liiw llll lilll llttlll llltl TOWN SHOP IQ Where smart women shop 24A Dunlap DOWNTOWN Import from around llll rllllll 7281521 Its The Season To Advertise 72824l4 ll AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE I968 ROADRUNNER ltlr sale tlrtrtlttlp speed original owner certilirl E895 Telephone 7276 9798 I963 VOLKESWAGEN for sillo Calitar nta car gas heater $500 or host nllvr Telephone 726 2647 1952 FORD door Sedan anrl 1953 Cth Continental door hardtop Both cars In mint condition Only interested people mfg apply 72670068 1973 CADILLAC DeVille Luxuriously appointed Showroom condltlon Tale phone 728 9929 CORVETTEm Custom made Phone Bill Tidy at 7266961 Reasonable prices LIVING GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS TROPICAL PLANTS Dracaena Beniamtmo Oleandet Torrarlum plants Cactus Brays Garden Centre to your design WAYsum rOId English Sheepdog zPoodle Lhasa Apso MOIIFTI til 530 ptn Sal III pm Attractive buys on all auto accessories Nl9 Christmas Puppies Boxer OPomeranian oschnouzer BARRIE PET CENTRE Bayfield Mall 26 Ferndale Rd 726 2951 7286302 AuTOMOTlvE AUTOMOTIVE CARS WANTED man TRAILERS IRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Frnr pickup Telephone 726 8487 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing scrap metal cnrs bought over scales $20 ton 436 3677 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid tree immediate pick up anytime 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted tor wrecking Fast pickup Days 435 632 After 424 5949 speed loaded I969 8t certilied A150 1971 Mustang Fastback V8 automatic new body and Centari paint F60 Renegades 650 Roadhugger Keystone Astro mags and slotted mans 726 6673 or 726 6066 CARS WITNTED URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barrios Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS I76 BRADFORD ST 7284272 7L 1968 GMC CURBSIDE Van possible camper new paint iob 900d exterior Must sell $1200 Telephone alter pm 4875276 1973 FORD F250 Pickup 52000 miles 360 V8 standard transmission radio undercoated excellent condition Cer titled $2695 Telephone 726 9275 1974 GMC van short wheelbase ton V8 nllltlrnntir qauqrs ruslprooletl nev or worked certiltetl Sm Illlt 5750 ltrm ltItptlone7261755 SNOW PLOW 1963 Land Rover good hydraulics runs good Telephone alter pm Asking $1000 728 4589 CHEV VAN tor sale 197 ton 350 power brakes not cerlltled Best otler Telephone 726 l059 alter Saturday all day 1975 DODGE Tradesman winrlow van automatic power steering power brakes heavy duty alternator high out put auxiliary heater deluxe seats radio low mileage No reasonable otter rnlus ed 424 0821 1976 GMC 14 ton pickup with can double cab with Awhecl drlve trailer hitch and brake control Telephone 728 066 1965 CJ5 JEEP Canvas and steel top new4cylinder engine and newtires Cer titled 51650 Telephone 445 6748 Call ingwood 1966 GMC 7gtton7pickup tor sale Stan dard $700 or best otter Telephone 726 2647 1972 FORD 72 ton pickup with cap 48000 miles Clean Phone alter pm 7283274 T976 FORD Super Cab with cap new snow tires and rims 6500 miles Asking $5400Telephone 4736 I200 alter pm A9T° ACFES°WES REBUILT MOTOR 3404 barrel 4000 miles l25l compression Holley 780 dual pumpvr Weber Clutch Gray speed with Hurst shiltIr and posi trnc rear and Call Dave alter pm 416 775 2756 MOTORCYCLES I976 TURISMO 49 CC Moped $535 new Asking $375 or best otter Telephone 73738724 MacDonalds Conserve neat this winter Heat Miser tits Into Chimney electric Ian saves Marine money 728 0755 stvsoUth PIANO suptr sale New Mason and 98 Relschapnrlmrntsize$895with bench Baffle Simply dial 377 1802 30 Queen Elmvale PITAFF SEWING machine Christmas Special Innluring built in extras tor that 7282940 prolessionnl look 726 3273 728 46715 PERFECT GIFT New wall mounted 31 day grandlather Clocks Regular $120 now $59 Call 737 3955 NOWMOBLES FIREPLACE HARDWOOD seasoned top quality lace cord 16 $35 12 $30 In 03 Preseoson or custamcul Free delivery 726 4725 PFICOS FIREPLACE HARDWOODS cheaper SPORT HAVEN MARINE by the lull cord tree delivery Also logs and posts728167 ml° moi BARRE HAMMOND ORGAN and Leslie speak on Shanty Bay Rd er like now Total $1525 Phone 728 6100 CONN ORGAN and bench automatic 726 100 chord and rhythm ear phones $1500 Consider reasonable otter 728 9542 1971 SKIWHIZ model 500 SST with cover Excellent condition Seldom used 8495 Telephone 728 8080 I972 292 Male Ski electrit start ex cellent condition $395 includes cover Telephone 487 2774 TWO SKI DOO snowmobilns I971 Nor dic 399C motor iust rebuilt new track carbide runners $400 tirm 1968 Olympic 371cc twin new track good condition 3250 737 0470 1971 PUMA 400 tor sale wttlt cowr Al condition 3450 or best otter Telephone 726 6843 TWO SKIDOO snowmobiles 1970 and 197 with trailer good condition $650 complete Telephone 728 7031 or 726 2316 19757340 SKIROULE RTX like new tully equipped Only 210 miles Best OI tor Telephone 726 7382 between and 10 pm 1971 Ski doo TNT 440 excellent condi tlon low mileage S425 lirm Atter6 pm cal726 3m 1975 SKIDOO Alpine Like new 640 CC with reverse geared down to pull groomer Also 54 inch Bombardiel groomer Telephone 728 8069 ARTICLES FOR SALE Flea Market Fridays lrom 430109 pm Every Saturday am to 430 pm 331 Bayfield corner Of Boylield and Ferris Lane TF YAMAHA SKIIS with Solomon binding and poles boots size 10 hardly used wortll $250 will sacritice tor $130 Telephone aller6 pm 737 I297 FURNITURE PIANO beds oak bullet chairs 9piece dinette suite Chester ticld electric lawn mower silver Ilat ware lirst love old colony Telephone 776 1302 ARTICLES FOR SALE 23 35 ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERSFARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINAIRIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 30c EACH AT THE BARRIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 Christmas Tree l6 inches high with two tune music box in base Has 82 lights $65 Phone 72131077 numerous to mention These army items cannot be compared for warmth and serviceability ALSO FROM BANKRUPT SALE Levis imported suits tine sweaters and shirts socks also Childrens ierseys sweaters etc unbelievably low priced HOUSEHOLD SALE China sllver ware glassware ornaments paintings French provincial chair Danlsh bed room suite 96 maple china cabinet many other items Everything In ex Ccllent condition Best otter accepted Phone 7263959 alter Saturday all day E072 CHRISTMAS Hand caned roc kers odd Chalrs and sets at Chalrs retlnished parlor tables oak sideboard with bevelled oval mirror walnut kit NORTHERN SURPLUS Chen table 30 42 with 312inchleave$ 430 Dunlap St and oaflgljtfltd1efllhone 7284707 7372600 BEEF FOR SALE approximately 350 lbs Cut and wrapped Telephone 728 9204 ORGAN MAGNUS Izchords Ideal tor youngest Excellent condition 40 Telephone 7260E alter pm ACCORDION Hahner I20 bass music course books and case $80 also mm Holiday movie camera turrets and tillers 35 Telephone 43623 alter pm RUSSIAN Broadtail Jacket also Black Persian Lamb Coat lull length silver mink collar Both site excellent cond tlon Estate sale Telephone 7284084 DOUBLE Snowmobile Trailer tor sale Telephoneevenlngs4362674 AIR COMPRESSOR Webster model 55 producing 175 CFM Completely per table powered by gas engine Regular price $1150 Special to clear at $900 Pratt Motor Supply Co 7285911 POOL TABLE Boston and snooker balls cue rack cues Small bar and stools Counter top Sunbeam Mixmaster Telephone 7260022 alter pm BASEMENT SALE Toys games baby Clothes books Coleman stove and lantern Saturday Dec to pm Florence St PHILLIPS 26 Color TV needs tuner $100 Dlnette set high back Chalrs brown and gold In good condltlon 8100 Phone betweena and 1130 am 7261202 FIREWOOD split try 585 bush cord Free dellvery anytime Telephone 4662320alter4 pm NEW FURNITURE Tuesday at 730 pm at 331 Baylield corner at Baylield and Ferris Lane This new furniture all top name brands and guaranteed by manufacturers will be sold by auction and Auctioneers and Jobbers Chargex and inrstore financing 7266314 7370879 TF TF D4 BASEMENT SALE Friday December 3rd to pm Saturday December 4th 10106 Roar at 47 DravlgsonVStreet GREY PERSIAN lamb coat with mink collar size t2 $250 26 inch round maple $519375Telephoner728Â¥42213r7280738 RADIAL TIRES tor sale tour GR 78xl4 very low mileage between 3000 and 5000 miles 3125 complete Tele phone 424 5049 COLONIAL STYLED dark pine table and two benches tor sale approximate size 42 77 Telephone 4354547 alter 315 pm ARTLCLES EOR SALE 009 THICK