Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Dec 1976, p. 23

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PERSONALS SUPPORT DON KOOPMANS FOR DEPUTY REEVE MAN WITH EXPERIENCE KOOPMANS DON FOR TRANSPORTATION TO THE POLLS ON DEC CALL 728837l PERSONAL PERSONALS HELP WANTED WANTED Mature person to look alter elderly lady Good home good accomr modations near west end plaza Phone 4362448 alters 7k VVVVV Lets CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Large international organixation require attractive outgoing representative to contact their clients in the Barrie area Car necessary Salary position For ap polntment call Mr Anderson 7373541 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Communicate for Democracy in Innisfil LlCENSEDMECHANICwiIIrepaircars In spare time Anything considered Telephone 71170947 evenings EXPERIENCED DAYCARE in my home References Other children to play with Must be over one year old Also New Years Eve overnight in my home$10AlIandale area Call 728 7086 Inches Slimmer BANOUET FACILITIES Book now for Christmas New Year Parties Weddings Cross Country Skiing Golf Tour naments ROYAL DOWNS GOLF TENNIS CLUB miles west of Barrie 4240241 or 4240246 DI9 DANCE bands available for New Years Eve Ballroom and general dance music Mr John Sisman 7260067 WE CAN turn your unwanted items into cash Barrie Orillia Auction House lo miles north of Barrie Corner of High way It and the IOth concession of Oro Auction every Tuesday night at pm beginning November 30 For intorma tion call 4872044 INTERNATIONAL Investigation Ser Vices civil criminal marital investiga tions surveillance Discreet and con fidential 737 2972 RIDE WANTED to Woodbine Steeles area Toronto Arrive am leave pm Share cost Telephone436 2097 PAT7S DIALEADATE we might be the best present you ever gave yourself 37 Jan PERSON WITH deep pleasant Voice for recording purposes Apply to Box $93 The Barrie Examiner DO SOMETHING NEW phone Rendezvous Dating Ltd iris 4531661 Brampton Ila All ages PALMIST The state of ones mental emotional and physical potentials is the key to ones personality character and Success in present and future Palm analysis reading by experienced Paintist EUGENE SiENKIEWlCZ might be the answer to those points Call tor appointment 705 445 5227 IOOA Robinson St Collingwood INSTRUCTIONS ENGLISH RIDING instruction Well schooled horses Indoor arena minutes from Barrie 7260192 LOST FOUND BROWN FEMALE puppy with blacki tace lost near Holly Reward Telephone 728 8093 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Princh Pattern HOME CENTRE MANAGER Our expansionminded chain I02182 is looking for hardworking experienced manager who is capable of running large volume st0re selling to both the retail and contractor market We offer an excellent salary profitsharing plans and fringe benefits This opening is within 40 mile radius of Toronto If you are the man for the job send complete resume in cluding experience and salary requirements to Baird Biltrite Cash Carry Ltd BOX I46 Newmarket Ontario Your reply will be kept con fidentiol D4 IMMEDIATELY Reqmred Parttime Christmas help in Barrie Work 1015 hours week No experience we train Must hava car 416 895 3532 BOOKKEEPERReceptionisl tor doc tors ottice Neatnessesscntial Previous experience an asset but not essential Send resume to Box S92 cvo Barrie Ex aminer Cleaners part time male and female hours nightly must be experienced top wages Telephone 728 9881 11 MATURE PERSON wanted to babysit in II my home Shanty Bay Road area Must 17 an have own transportation from to I2 11 weekdays elephone 728 4864 PERSON NEEDED FOR part time work in sales Must have transportation Telephone 424 6795 or 435 4672 for inter view WIG BOUTIQUE Parttimc help re quired Must have selling experience and be able to work Without superviSion Apply in person only to Roccncttis Wig Town Georgian Mail Barrie um WANTED Tflllhmfi REAL ESTATE SALES REPRESENTATIVES required by Energetic downtown Real Estate Office Experience preferred but not essential If your are am bitious and prepared to work you write your own pay cheque 42 DunlopSt 7371223 Assistant Plant Engineer with to years experience in the plant engineering function of manufacturing facility Successful applicant will have drafting ex perience and proven through on related design construction and maintenance Apply to GORDON MCLEAN DECOR METAL PRODUCTS 141 Bay Street MIDLAND THE BARRIE EXAMINER HAS ROUTE OPENINGS fil VERY CLEVER the way hip seaming 0n the diagonal ac cents leaner inniywaisted effect Zip up this Inches Slim mer Style in hurry Printed Pattern 11651 Half Sizes 10 14 16 18 Size 14 bust 371 takes yards 60inch fabric $100 for each pattern cash cheque or money order Add 25¢ each pattern for first class mail and handling Ont residents add 70 sales tax Print pIainIy Size Style Num ber your Name Address Send to Anne Adams Pattern Dept 03 The Barrie Examiner 60 Progress Ave Scarborough Ont MIP 4P7 150 styles lots of Quick Easies in our NEW FALL WINIER PAITERN CATALOG JumpSUits tops pants plus Total Wardrobe patterns Free pattern coupon 75c Instant Sewing Book $100 Sew is Knit Book $125 Instant Money Crafts $100 Instant Fashion Book $100 capability of follow fililiilllitl Irir rrriliiiil wnril itllfi in IiillVliliIii ilriy riiiiiii Gziiiirilir Ontario li SHOREVIEW GARRETT AREA SHANTY BAY ROAD DUCKWORTH AMELIA AREA VANCOUVER BLAKE AREA WELLINGTON OAK AREA BLAKE RODNEY ST AREA BLAKE ALBERT ST AREA Please fill out the application below and return it to THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayfield St Barrie or Phone 7266539 $500 maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Card of Thanks 25 words $500 Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse $500 Verse per count line extra 2i cents per line Coming Events BIRTHS Mondays Child is lair of lace Tuesdays Child is full of grace Wednesdays Child is lull of woe Thursdays Child has far to go Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the Sabbath Day Is fair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important inlormation for your childs future Barrie Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year ol birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for Barrie Examiner Birth Notice is only $500 maximum 40 words Additional words cents per word PHONE 728 24l4 DEATHS HOLLYWOOD Doris Ruth Suddenly at her home November 29 1976 Doris Hollywood Beloved wife of Garry $322 per column inch COMING EVENTS TURKEY SHOOT Sponsored by Thornton Arena will be held on SATURDAY DECEMBER I976 beginning at noon Half mile south of Thornton on Highway 27 I2 gouge shotguns only D3 BINGO REBEKAH AND UODFELLOWS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 800 pm l00F HALL FERRIS LANE Jackpot $100 refreshment booth ThTF Hollywood at Midhursl Loving mother 0t Debra Mrs Leighton ol Barrie Dear daughter of Mrs Elizabeth Mapes and the late Herbert Mapes oi Cookstown Dear sister of Audrey Eileen Mrs Thompson and Helen Mrs McGralhl Resting at the Jen nett Funeral Home 152 Bradford St Barrie Visitation lrom Wednesday December at pm Service in the chapel on Thursday December at pm Interment Cookstown United Church Cemetery MYERS Alice Anna At Barrie on Wednesday December 1976 Alth An na Cadicux beloved wrle of Gordon Myers dear mother at Kenneth and Leonard grandmother of tour griiand children and sashr ol Delia Mrs Frank Murphy Evalinc Mrs Henry Lavignci Donald Cadicux Marioric Mrs Ray Bolton Doris Mrs William Dynus Kathleen Mrs Gordon Kan Margaret Mrs William wiir Morlcy Cadieux and Theresa Mrs Ah Mollatti Resting at the Simklcy Funeral Homc 30 Worsluy Strccl Barrie alter rti Friday Servrce in the ctmpiI on Satur day December at ll lntcrinvnt Si MarysCeinulerr BiTlllt 457641 NOTICE TOCREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH DEMBERLINE of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Widow deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Elizabeth Demberline late of the City ol Barrie in the County of Simcoe Widow who died on or about the 24th day of March 1976 are hereby notified to send par ticulors of same to the un dersrgned on or belore January 1977 after which date the Estate Will be distributed With regard only to the claims of which the undorsrgnod shall then have notice and the un derSIgnod Will not hr liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have lIOlI DATED at Barrie this IZth day of November I976 LIVINGSTON MYERS 8i COCKBURN 89 Collier Street Barrie Ontario L4M4Y5 SOlICllOly lor llll Ad minislrotrix Velma JeanBecht NI825D2 DANCE t0 the iriiisn Il ANDY ROSS dlill Ilit Blue Niiliis llllSliIlll31 ll BARRIE LEGION Open Dance Viet refugees not encouraged in Philippines MANILA Reutcr Local and international authorities in the Philippines say the country has begun to adopt harder line towards the arrival of refu gees from Vietnam Aside from having limited funds for resettlement the gov ernment wants to avoid diplo matic entanglements As matter of principle we are not accepting refugees and we do not encourage Vietnam ese refugees to come here said government official If there are refugees here its purely for humanitarian reasons and because we cannot throw them back into the sea and drown them The number of recent Viet namese arrivals in the country is hard to establish Govern ment officials put the figure at only around 400 but it may be higher and does not include those who got away before the fall of Saigon 18 months ago Most of these 400 are in the metropolitan Manila area awaiting the processing of their papers by embassies 0f couri tries that have agreed to have lhcm settle eventually particu larly the United States Officials perhaps conscious of the fact that the Philippines 02 and the newly rcunificd Viet Writcs book on youth Hy Pllfiltltlilll€ lrlCItlll Ihc iinudiiin Press Jacqucs llcbcrt the well kllOWll publisher and globe trol lcr llulll Montrcul who irt his youth was Prime Ministcr Picrrc lrudcaus lrzivcl cunr panion in hinii illlll other far away places has just wriitcn book on Canada World Youth nonprofit organization which camc into being six years ago and Il which hc is prcsidcnt Canada World Youth is in cx clizingc priigrmn liming at bringing liigclhcr young pciiplc in their lillf tccns from court trics 011 Third World and Canadians the manic age group so lllill hiy cam work in gelhcr first Ill zlntirlu llllll an African mi Asian or Latin American uunt lhmugli llllIL mrl wiirkinLI togclhcr young pcnpli bi crimc ziwurc Of the contrasting rczilitlcs Ol lhclhiril Wurlil lllll the developed world ltlillll Mlchzlcl Oliver prisiilcni ll tlllctnn Inrvcrsrty who wriiti the introduction Iii lliibirls book lhc World Is lliiunrl llic llOtlk is writlcti Ill lllt Turin til lllllL llllll diary ad dressed In it unmlirin girl who is hcrsclf lelHllllllll Ill Imi Eldii World Youth It mnkcs for good inliirmu tivc llllllL llebcrls writiin slylcisciisuzil21anlively Trim sltiliiin by Sheila ll$lllil£lll srr vcs it well Royal garden topic of BBC documentary LONDON illi Although the ccrcmiiny of the changing of the guard attracts thousands of visitors each year in Buckingham Palace only comparative fcw cch arc in vltcd bcyiinrl thc wroughteiron galls into Ihc vast prlvulc gar dcns beyond Now thc ltlt in ii color tclc vision documentary itllrs ll vivid study of thc mystcrious 4Zlztcrc garden that is hidden from public VlfW by high brick walls Marc than just garden it is an oasis in thc llllllll of Lon dun il nalurc rcscrvc and bird sanctuary says the ltlts London lctlcr It took the WW 21 year to make the film prcscnting it chronicli ol the changing sczr sons of life on the lukc and the park and the garden in thc sharpness of winter the iiwuk cning of spring the ripeness iif summcr and the golden me lanchiily of autumn The garden with its widc grccn lawns and expanses of woodland is well Cilll for by Fred Nulbcam hcnd garilcncr for the last 23 years and his assistants zistiifloleiglil LOOKS NAllltAl Though skilfully tamed by Fred the grounds retain much of their tialuralncss and fret dull Ol growth IIic film nurratcrl by film and stage actress Virginia McKcnna could have been taken in nature rcscrvc It shows shots of flamboyant Ila mingocs wild bluchclls and bright yellow daffodils in the spring Rare geese and water fan of evcry variety hrccil happily in the garden disturbed only by the occasional bird of prey mulberry tree planted by James from cutting taken from rec in Shakcspcarcs garden at Sirzitlir1umnAAViiri is what started it all cen turies ago Near the mulberry free there now are two English oaks one as old as Prince Charles the other planted when Princess Anne was born SIIII OI PARTIES Several times year usually in late July th Quccn holds garden parties where she entertains guests at tea Giant marquees are set up the lawns become full of little while round tables military splay liver tunes formn Ilcnicn in morning ilriss and ladies in lzincy huts iuists llOlll siimi ll thi lllllllOlleilllll ciiunlrics arrive in llillliIilill Illllt Oncc your Ihc Oiiiin also gives il spcciul gurilcn party In war veterans and iilhirs wliii llilYl scrvcd lllt llllllilli in runny IiiIds Othcl lliilll Ilicsc grithcririigs thc seclusion mrl ltllli ll llll garilcn isscliliiiiirlislurlwil Itiil policctnzm is illil plcstlll t0 kccp in eye III for mlruilcrs Famous wall threatened AltIJSIJI IInglunrl illl Hadrians Wall buill llt with stand the menacing licts illll Scots of ancient Ilrlitiiti now is mcniiccrl by the Iict if mirrc him10000001iillrlsls WlllHlllSH ll cvcry your survcy shows lint tlic 1000 ycarbld wall and its ilclcnsivi forts crossing IInulanil Iriim Tarlislc lll lhc wcsl In New castlcnrrlync is SlllthllL signs if lrrcvcrsiblc wcnr Iillil tear And lhc LlilllSl pressure is on tlic ccnlrzil sci lion whcrc 25 mills 01 wall sur vivcitlmiisl intact This sccliiin llllflS impriiviil lriilnugc illlll tlic surliicc should be limdcncd says report by thc lillllllllll Amcnily Itcscurch Trust which has just ciimpIilcrl 10 month sutvcy nl lhc Willl at it cost 01121000 Willi proper curc lll wall its forts and iirchcnlngiczil silcs could lakc 1500000 tourists ll year in 15 years time The report recommends that more could be lonc Iii piipu Iarisc the custom and wcstcrn flanks of thc wall Also lllOlIl mcndcd re Ncw tourist ccntrcs for the outer scctiuns and more Iiziismt between museums along thc wall Impmvcd bus road and rail access to the wall in cluding ii wall road tiir Sllllll drives ltctlcr footpaths Vl routes and signposts and more wardens Appiiinlmcnl if Iullrtimc education officer in conduct liaison Wllll the schools which provide quarter of the visitors nam established diplomatic relations only last July and have yet to set up their em bassies cvcn decline to disclose the size of lhc flow of refugees Informed sources say that more than 78 were brought by navy ship to Manila in recent weeks from the offshore island of Lubung miles southwest of the capital which they had managed to reach by small boat Officials of lhc United Nations High iimmissinn for Refugees in Manila say the Philippines is not alone in Southeast Asia in its hardening attitude The same feelings were being registered by Malaysia Hong Kong Brunei Indonesia and Thailand The best news about the ref ugees is no news at all said Werner Blatler Swissborn representative of the UN group who described the matter as very delicate He works closely with the Philippines government for the eventual resettlement of those who do get here in countries ready to take them like Canada the United States France the Netherlands West Germany and Australia FACILITIES LIMITED Our funds have been ex hausted and drained to the maximum and we now dont know what to do said Phil ippines official Of course we have the Red Cross and social welfare people helping us but ourfacilitiesarelimited Its problem we are trying to solve as silently as possible Frankly would prefer that nothingwassaid atall Asked if this had anything to do with Philippines efforts to strengthen diplomatic links with Hanoi the official said Maybe thats one considera tion Recently President Ferdi nand Marcos told his cabinet that he was anxious to establish an embassy in Hanoi It is un derstood that Vietnamese del egation is due soon to discuss establishing diplomatic mis sion here At time when Southeast Asian countries are trying to reach new equili brium with Indochina they are not eager to have refugees rocking the diplomatic boat Two paper companies could face charges lllill IAP Noel and Marie Murray havc been sitting in the shadow of Ilic gallows for stx months Ilic ter conlcsscd anarchists occupy rlcnlh luw cclls in scpii rzilc prisons watched round the clock by guards who sit in thcir cclls willi lhcm Niwl 23 ll Olll cnginccl and Marie 27 wcrc scnlcnccd iii ricnlh Iunc by Dublins spa cinl critiiuiiil court ii llllll jury tribunal liil kllllllL polici ciirislg lilc turnip il bunk hiilrlup yiur up She admitted sliiiiil IllLllltllllllfllllilll Nit ini Iizis licin ixcculcrl in IriIriiiil sinii 1031 Hill it WOIIIJIII has not been scnt In the gallows Sll1 1027i llic priispicl Ol llllllllt hunginLl has ziriiusiI widcspriuil Ill triivcrsy lmill ovvr capital punishminl and llic cflcct spzirmpy lhc Murruys might lllet on thc giivcrnmcnls illll paliin against llic cxlrcmisls of llll Irish Itcpulilicun Army IIIIlSIIVIIIVCIC IIic Suprcmc iiurt is lltll In rulc sriiin II In couplcs nppcul against thc ltillll scntcnccs Ihiy conican tlic cupiliilpunishmcnl priivi siiin llll murrlcr police will ccr should not apply to lhcm becausc their victim was off duty was not in uniliirm 1an llicy llll not know hc was it p0 lllllliill In lrclzmil lhc lfillll pcnnliy zipjiliis only In lll murder of llt£ll Ol slalc diplomats policc mrl prison officers 1an killings by mcmbcrs iii illegal organ iluliiinsliirpiilillcnlunits lf Ihc Sillllllllt iiurl rcjccls lhc Murriiys zippczil lrcmicr limi iisgrzivc illll his cubinct ciillld spuri lhcm by tccullr mcniling prcsirfcnliiil rcpt ltui iwu political murilcrs slurc lhcii lllill biilh blamed tll llic IRA may huvc hurt their chimccs for rcpricvi Ilic Iamrl mmc killing 01 ltrilish AIIT bzissziilrir lirislnpliir IIwart Riggs on July 21 illlll lll booby trup killing of police officer last month Public opinion against capital punishment illillS In bc growing chlists liberals churchmcn and the Iriin oun cil of ivil Lilicriics mnvcmcnl bascd among the students it Dublins Trinity Willigo arc campaigning for rcpricvc for the Murruys MAR Itllll ll IIARS Noel and Marie Murrin wcrc marricrl Ihrcc yours ago They mcl through mutual inlcrcsl in iiiclic lrclands uncicnt lnnguc IS well as Irish llilllOll llllSlllilllllLlVll rights They driflcil into Ichwing politics and cvcniuzilly intii lrc lands tiny anarchist cummir nity lioth had minor bruslics with the law over robbcly Iinkcd with their political ac tivities llul they didnt become public figures lllllll llicy held up it Dublin bank in Scptcmbcr 1975 The robbery was $00 by pi Iicc iilficcr Michiicl Reynolds whilc hc was taking his wife and yiiungdaughlcr fora drive He chased the getaway car down dcmltntl street and jumped Murray Mrs Murray shot the policeman in the back of the head with pistol The Murrays were arrested Iivc wccks later with another man Itiinim Stcnsnn llc had nervous breakdown during the 26day trial and still has not been tried EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72829414 The Barrie Examiner Thursday December I976 23 19yearold Brenda Surles stands beside dead black leopard which she killed after it attacked animal trainer Ross Kananga at the SeminOIc Indian Village near Hollywood Fla Brenda shot the animal twice with 44 LEOPARD SHOT rifle and then killed its mate which had escaped into the touristfilled park and at tacked dog Kananga was treated for numerous wounds in the neck and back AP Photo New Quebec mandate discussed by Rynard lly DR It RYNARI MP Simcm North It is hardly news now that Itcni Levesque is premier of Qucbcc It is not news huwcvcr that Mr Bourassa had two more ycars to go before he hurl IO call an election Mr liourzissus excuse for calling the election was that he wanted new mandate He wanch the new mandate so that he could stop lhc strikes which were bcsctting the pro vincc and particularly hc Wélllltfl new mandate for the budch which he planned to bring down within the next few months This budget might show that lhc finances of the province of Qucbcc were little unhealth icr than was desirable Mr ltiiurzissa had little to point to in iccomplishmcnis even with the hugc majority of members he had behind him in the Legislative Assembly He could not piczid that the Opposition was holding up measures that he would like to get through He hail 1i record of increasing the burden of debt of thc province Inflation had run wild lovcrir mcnt spending had gone up by Available power cut TORONTO II The pros pcct of holiday season elcc lllill shortach faces the province Ontario Hydro said Wednesday llydrii said in statemcnl that technical problems at the Nanticukc thermal generating station combined with cold weather and lOW water levels at hydroelectric generating sta tions have cut available power to the bone Industrial customers with in terruptiblc service contracts have already experienced cuts Ontario Energy Minister Dennis Timbrell asked con sumers Wednesday to curtail their use of power especially during the peakdemand period of pm 07 pm Ilic llydm statement said sales of electricity to other utilities have been stopped and Ontario is considering the pur chase of electricity from Quc bcc Michigan or Manitoba However these areas also face tight supply million kilowatts of gener ating capacity at Nanticoke on the shore of Lake Eric south of Hamilton was shut down ear licr this week LPGA It EFORI SET NEW YORK AP Three members of the Ladies Protes sional Grill Associatioanudy Rankin Donna Young and JnAnnc Tarnerwpassed the $100000 mark in official win nings this season the first in history to do so The LIGA an nounced Wednesday that over all purscs were doubled this year with the ladies playing for $24 million compared with $12 million in 1975 Rankin led the money list with record $150 734 and was named LPGA Player of the Year leaps and bounds and unemployment had increased There was also multicplicity of strikes In other words he was faced with climate in which many of the induxtrial concerns were becoming anxious Some of them were moving out and Mr Bourassa was doing little that was constructive without out side help from Ottawa FAR MORE GRANTS Quebec is wealthy province wealthy in minerals electric power agriculture and in dustry but it is still listed as havenot province You lm mediater ask yourself why Quebec receives far more in LIP grants DREE loans and other financial help than the province of Ontario All of these problems with the economy of the province and government administration up set the people of Quebec but the crowning insult was the in troduction of the language bill Bill 22 making French the compulsory language for all immigrant school children who could not pass at English profi ciency test that now appears and admitted to by Mr Bourassa to have been far too stiff and apparently creating the suspicion that it was set up to failthe children Many of these immigrants had looked into this condition before coming to Canada They realized Quebec was French speaking province but they also realized that English and French was guraranteed by our constitution They felt they were being cheated and denied their rights They felt that the mics of the game had been changed Some people of Roman Catholic persuasion even left the church rather than send their children to French school The Englishspeaking people who have been in the province of Quebec almost from the time the Frenchspeaking arrived and who always voted Liberal could not take it any more and were also upset and many of them left the Liberal party MANY QUIT To cap it all many of Mr PUB Bourassas own members did not find it to their best interests to stand for reelection REAPEI HARVEST On Monday November 15 Mr Bourassa reaped the harvest of his folly Just three years ago he won nearly every seat in the National Assembly but it took the people three elec tions to catch up with him and then they dealt shattering blow Mr Bourassa went down to defeat The democratic process can be cruel indeed What Mr Bourassas future is only time will tell We will have to wait and see how good is Mr Levesques judgment with his power to bring in legislation which is honest fair and equitable This is question many foreign in vestors in this country will be asking Many of the industrial people in Canada will also be asking themselves whether they should expand or just wait and see what happens Township of Oro VOTE SANDERSON 42 years experience OR UTILITIES COMMISSION Dedication Involvement and Concern

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