NEWS ROUNDUP UK home rulcbill under attack LONDON AP Scottish and Welsh nationalists Ulste rites Laborites and Con servatives all attacked the La bor governments bill to give limited home rule to Scotland and Wales But political com mentators predict the bill will become law within year The Scottish and Welsh na tionalists said the bill in troduced Tuesday does not go far enough The Scots objected because it gives them no con trol over North Sea oil The Conservatives said the bill goes too far and threatens the breakup of the United King dom made up of England Scot land Wales and Northern Ire land About 80 Laborites demanded countrywide referendum on the legislation This would probably kill the bill since the 33 million English voters out number the 37 million Scottish voters and two million Welsh Sixto one Members of the House of Commons from Northern Ire land protested that the bill ig nores their homeland which once enjoyed extensive self rule but now is administered by the British government because of the Protestant Roman Catholic war there Engaged OTTAWA CP Claude Bennett Ontario tourism and industry minister announced his engagement Tuesday to Deborah Ferrier 29 of Toron to Miss Ferrier said she first met the 40yearold bachelor MLA for Ottawa South on blind date 32 years ago and that no date has been set for the wedding although it would probably be in 1977 Rollbacks OTTAWA CP The anti inflation board Tuesday called for reductions in pay raises negotiated for about 1000 laborers employed in utility construction throughout On tario The board recommended that firstyear pay increases be re duced to 12 per cent from 155 per cent and secondyear raises be cut to 85 per cent from 13 percent The twoyear agreements dated back to last May and in volved locals of the Laborers International Union and the On tario Itility ontractors Asso elation Benefits BELLEVILLE CP The Ontario regional centre for the Unemployment Insurance Commission has issued almost $750 million in claimant benefits in the first 10 months of this year LIC spokesman said Tuesday Centre manager Joe Dutkiewicz said in an interview 4852317 cheques worth $7470aroa2 were issued from January to the end of October this year The regional pay centre han dles claimant cards and issues benefits for UIC clients from 38 district offices across Ontario Mr Dutkiewicz said Routed RUSAPE Rhodesia Reuter Rhodesian government for Ces have routed big band of black nationalist guerrillas with series of air and ground attacks military officers said Tuesday Between 80 and 100 guerrillas were reported to have crossed in group into Rhodesia from Mozambique in midNovember They were sighted last week and since then 38 of them have been killed military spokesman said Renewed UNITED NATIONS Ilteuter The Security ouncil ap proved Tuesday sixltmonth re newal of the mandate of the UN peacekeeping force in the Golan Heights between Israel and Syria Admiral dies BONN AP Admiral Ar min Zimmermann commander of the West German armed for ces died in hospital here Tuesday night following long illness the defence ministry announced CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our hot fast delivery Free on orders over $700 In Barrio l0 Discount on PickUp Orders over 3700 Phone 72888l 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE PREDICTIONS Henry Mintrun has had string of successful earth quake prodictions that have earned him the cautious in terest of scientests and disaster officials Tuesday He has predicted an earth quake in the Solomon Islands area of the South Pacific on Dec and another in Southern California on Dec 20 The Southern Califomia bolt however will only occur if the Solomon Islands quake does in fact happen ac cording to Mintrun AP Photo Stabbed NEW YORK AP woman died Tuesday from wounds received when she was stabbed by her husband in amp ily court during an argument over the custody of their seven yearold son police said They said Nancy Smith 31 of Man hattan was stabbed 15 times Monday by her husband Leroy 35 as the couple awaited hearing before Judge Nanette Dembitz in family court She died after surgery in hOSpital Remanded BELLEVILLE CP Dr Mervyn Richard Whelan 26 of Kingston charged with first degree murder in the Sept 25 slaying of his wife was granted bail of $75000 when he ap peared at hearing Tuesday Whelan appeared in court Mori day and was remanded until Dec The body of his 27year old wife was found Oct in the Trent River near Glen Miller Ont Fit for trial TORONTO TP Johnie Bolden 60 Toronto construc tion worker charged with the murder of woman in 1975 was found mentally fit to stand trial by jury Tuesday Mr Bolden went to trial last January but was found unfit to continue in structing his defence lawyer and was returned to the Mental Health Centre Pene tanguishene where he has been held since his arrest May I2 1975 He is charged with the seconddegree murder of Man garet Fraser 53 whose torso was found behind steps near Boldens apartment Found guilty TORONTO tCPt Rywa Re gina Wertman 47 was found guilty by an Ontario Supreme Court jury on Tuesday of cori spiring to murder her husband Justice Samuel Hughes rcr mandcd Mrs Wertmari to Dec for sentencing Mrs Wertman and Manfred Baron were convicted in August 1975 of conspiring to kill Isaac Wer tman 55 and were both srnv tenced to years in peniten tiary Sears CORRECTION on page of our circular where Christmas ideas begin there is on error The illustration for the cot ton flonnelette pyjamas is incorrect The table cloths Item on page l9 are not available of this time We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you our customer HlVIEW CATERING AND BANQUET HALL AVAILABLE FOR ALL OCCASIONS 50221 PERSONS WE ALSO CATER TO YOUR HOME Canadian Scandinavian Style Cold Buffet Danish open faced sandwiches SPeCmW PHONE 7268979 CINEMA 91000 People yIMPERIAL Sears Barrie Georgian Mall 509 Bayfield St Held Over 3rd week pm 905 pm 33 Exit sates tine Sniper ADULT CNABLTUN HESTU JOHN CASSAVETES murmurs WARNING MARTIN BALSAM BEAU BIIIDDES MARILYN HASSETT DAVID JANSSEN JACK KLUDMAN WALTER IIDGEDN CENA IIDWLANDS IMPERIALV CINEMA Hit iii1r BRDCK PETERSDAVID GNDNANINDNV UAIIS JIII KMP Now Playing 710 900 pm 0lm IIECbube cuirier starts meshm around Classry sis decides She plies blankets and food Wil liam Brace chairman of the Red Cross national executive committee said in statement Payments OTTAWA CP Supply Minister Jean Pierre Goyer de fended on Tuesday fees paid to agents by Crown corporation for the sale of aircraft to Vene zuela He told the ommons the Crownowned anadian om mercial orp paid $500000 to agents tor their services in the sale of the 20 aircraft nearly five years ago The fees were reasonable and justifiable and the agents were competent bonatide and people who did not use dishonest mezins to do their work he said PETITIth Mrs iordon Iirld wile of the Watergate delvndniit talks with reporters inter presenting petition lt questing lttllllt rIoriititr for her husband to Laurent lraylor Iardon Attornr at the Department ofJustiie Prisons tll ill special omnions subcommittee will lklt three maximum security tediral prisons north of Mon tltfll next week chairman liik Marhogan Windsor Walkervillei said in an inter lt Iursdry The committee goes to Mon T110503 VISIIIHHUH lliul Monday and during the lraylor will ltHIHIHI IIH IN ttl Visit Iiil Arch tion to President Ioid iinbililt and small Ihotot ltiilsIIllIlllinirlllll prison north ol Illktll oiirmittirinrrtilitrsireonti rrossiorintry tour of max imums to look tor solutions to risinp number of liostagetak tints and violent incidents About Show damage was done to liil Sept 27 when its 200 pritonirs riotid Aids Lebanon ItlltthltllII ltul rim tian Red ross said luesita ll Stnl $10004 to support Irlml programs III Lebanon The money Will buy lllttlliitl sup UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT The Clansman Manor Residential Home Big Bay Point Accommodation for seniors SelllIIITVOIltlS clietu planned For further iiiirir motion please call Mrs Sheila Collins 4363252 The Ilginsinan lzinor Big Bay Point Rd RR Barrie TURKEY SHOOT Turkey qhoot will be held on Saturday December I976 BEGINNING AI NOON The shoot takes place mile south Of Thornton on Highway 27 gouge shotguns only Sportwwrucl by TIuHlIlt Artilllllltltllty Arena mmv Your portrait in lovely natural colour Lin itori other Hm IityS only j$ 30 ltEa faï¬Ã©s°ï¬â‚¬$ï¬s¥¢ 333 aDXT natural colour mly Irrut input 335N4ï¬551 sf pmurlilr til IIIIII ES it ittinq No illllitlllllflrtll nr roundly Illlllt tan ollrrr poi Iiruily TIt tiviw ririt Iflr Ioi lttill Itltlllltlllill iIIIlltII photographed in it group portrait $190 for Htltll other illlltttl pliotorptipliod watchman separately Additional print available It reasonable prices AI5 tilvi rrmrt lVIII IHt IInr To 5676 Boytield Street downtown Barrie IIIOIIIr illIIll Itfi Hill Jilly 930 Lin 800 pm ygggafrrsze em Meat plan OTTAWA or Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan says he favors national plan for meat in spection with uniform health standards in every province He told the Commons agricul ture committee Tuesday that although there is trend to greater federal jurisdiction there still are many dis crepancies in inspection stand ards between federal and pro vrncial agriculture depart ments Mr Whelan also criticized the meat packing industry for what he called its reluctance to provide special cuts of meat to restaurants hotels and fast food outlets Some packers are more interested in the large AMIONO smcol WW mmm mm no no on If IM iti our itlltill writer lit rrw trerrililrruwu or it and river in itryr yIIn ri Ititvi ii t1ltli You IR iiw Ill rt rrr us run In or Iv III or riverimgs ran Call Home im in vo is TH URSDA Why Spend Another Evening Alone Phone now for your FREE Brochure SINGLES SOCIAL CLUB stores than in the hotel and restaurant trade which often places smaller more specific orders for beef he said Gas study OTTAWA CP The federal health department has con tracted out study on levels of dangerous gases in cigarettes and expects report by Febru ary department spokesman said Tuesday He refused to identify who was conducting the study ex plaining that the researcher would be swamped by press queries The study will test cigarettes for levels of the gases carbon monoxide hydro gen cyanide and acroline which could pose potential health hazards Some of our more popular ac tivities are dancing with people 2070 yrs young din ner dances nightclub outings Social club dance parties popularity sessions and generally breaking the trend of being alone PATS 73736l0 pm pm Mon Fri HAPPY BURGERS at this price you can feed the whole gang Get bag full every Thursday at The Barrie Examiner Wednesday December I976 for great entertainment SIMCOE HOTEL At the Points Daily Buffet for under $200 12 noon to pm entertaining this week JEREMIAH PEABODY OW PLAY was nevgr like this SHWTNTITTM Jaye Arturrunq COLOII ll gt4 95 Utwti of SHOWING FOR DAYS ONLY SECOND FEAT UIE Complete Show at 700 pm Daily Emmanuelle at 700 728 abet Window Cleaner at 900 dSDUNLOPST Dramatic 1269944 3le STARTS TOEle Examwa WARNING CERTAIN SCENES AND LANGUAGE IN THIS FILM MAY OFFEND SOME The Manaer WILLIAM PETER BIAIIYS THE EXORCIST Queue 1554 23 gt an Harry Wzlter ITS only DriveInat only recommended or ADULT ENTERTAINMENT NOTES nothing but aCtIOil at DriveIn And some 900d Sthf on the screen COO recommended ADULT INIIRIAINMENI Picrumts IRSFNTAI io