2TThe Market Place Wednesday Dec I976 STROUD By MRS CAMPBELL STROUD Plans have been made to hold the 4H leader training school here in Stroud on Jan 19 and 20 on the course Cotton Reviews Announcement also was made at meeting of the Stroud Womens Institute that sum mary day for The Club Girl En tertains will be held at Chur chill on Saturday Dec 11 The Festival Dairy Food summary day will be at the Consumers Gas Blue Flame room on Tuesday Nov 30 star ting atlpm Mrs Campbell president presided at the meeting at which the Womens Institute members voted to send donation to the Mental Health Salvation Army and Sick Childrens hospital ve mea va ues on the recent area convention held in Orillia The district £i° lm 5° At Loblaws we believe that you should be able to purchase mm by wide variety of meat at conSIstently low prices everyday Mrs Carter Welfare converters mm reports sending 0m get every week We believe that you should be able to choose well cards and also sympathy cards and mm Mm what you want when you want it and know that you ll Goodfellow Tweedsmuir curatori ind her committee receive good value for your meat dollar that why Loblaws arranger rogram The motto imiiimme the offers you everyday meat values rust that crumbles civilization wasremi by throughout the entire meat department prepared by Mrs Ross CHANGING SCENIC Mrs Goodfellow spoke on changes taking place in Stroud it the disappearing historic sites and the llt ones llklng their place Mrs lynne VtJUlï¬ikl who has since itit to an an wsi was given an llsllillt plate lll applmlitltl to im in handling the lueisniiiir We make your shopping easier by identifying new lower prices every week When we further reduce prices from our everyday meat values well show you what the savings are The new low prices stated in this ad are prices that have been reduced within the last 21 days by tnepackage includes chops centres ends mixed fresh predressed hash quartet Canada grade pork tom 2t03lb sue tryingor roasting pork chickens lb chops 1b Books Mr ll wrathline showed filmsiitiitterent Stroudevents freShIY ground mcorjmm such as parades in Innisfil boneless Park ttntennml Park and other local scenery lie was thanked by Mrs tampbell torliisizxttrvstingpictures Tim meeting was closed with the Queen and ttn institute grace lunch hostesses were Mrs Spring and Mrs Ayers lrs Helyn Ri Lind Mrs Jessie timpbell attended the gt Sinicoe tountj Regional workshop in ollingwood reten tly lht theme thiu Will Hate it Day examined the care of old lociiiiienis and ar chives the role of the library in maximum beet bone in braising ribs the LtlllllllUllll and how to UJCV i¢iftl make nixtor lliltltslilltl Mitts Cam mm bee chuck £49m tiiblaw pure pork 079 S3U sea brand were toiiipared by libraries unnerigim blade bong Out sticed 14 402 looking zit resource material and question and answer Young 2552 cooked meat cocktail ham pkg period followed roriding dclcgatvs with an ltllitltthtlllg ID and tgiiiszt riietire day Flt ill sUtfllIlY Strontl members ot the Pain swiek Horticultural Society had special treat on lhlirsday t€ttmil when Mrs elthuis of liniidas talked on houseplants and exhibited number of strange varieties In cluded in the plants shown were the lip stick plant the finger nail plant and numerous cacti Her interesting and in formative talk was filled with humor and she added in bits of her own philosophy of love religion and life in general Brown ol Barrie Judged the man entries in the flower show entered by juniors and the cooked dried flower arrangements and terrariums entered by seniors smoked hams 179 The next meeting will be held December in the new Stroud complex The speaker will be Mr Bill Hortonold and the meeting is the annual one St James UCW held most uicesstull luncheojn bazaar and Red Rose orange pekoe OOmrmsm sae in UICI rooms 2rup SUN Samurai tea bags 60W DentuCreme Loblaws ALICEROBERTSUN sliced Mrs Mathew Robertson died wtiitr thtlid JiCthlYiQ on swam 1976 at Billy Bee hojneyritiiï¬j Egihfeesdiapersï¬it penfelt Manor on Owen Street inglziiggiehjdna Webb was the OUWIQGHXBB 1008 home like deem the Mr mil garbage bags 19 95 Bufferin tablets Webb and Mary Montgomery of 26 it Stroud Ontario She married in Mathew Robertson in Stroud Jam 100 Ulqmj WWW NHL iv whcre they lived for many vi rotiiriiatiiebtle fresh meaty pork side fresh are chicken beef pork loinl CUbe 68 rt lb breasts It roastsib steaks in fresh rib end 312Ib average Swot sugarplum Loblaws Family $iiper Specials years They moved to Barrie in 1924 and resided at 19 Poyntz St The no be of at SOIMCW mom twrnbladeiaitririqw av We 1m rs 70 my Likelind Andrews Presbyterian Ihurch Mrs Robertson had been StarRISt tuna paintinimit resident at Kcmpentelt Manor knittiiiocoas tltifjjiltll Zliitjlttu litiiitrtirairitlltzarlnr for several years She in tit titullt celebrated liri Jiirtl birthday in in MW JII July of this year She leaves sister Jessie lltfwi Maxwell and nieces Mrs It Dobson Sr and Mrs 147 Manhunt lieu yltltfl that Alaska Ice mllk no1 scouring pads 39 Ross She was predeceased by her husband twu sisters and HJldilpmflg wlflbmymww three brothers Service was conducted by pkg extra heavy roll boy Rev Stuart at theSteckluy Funeral 01110 on Kept Ht Pallbearers were lint It Iitl Ni indiwdual pizzas foul ra 69 Metoiikey Ii Robertson Burial um imm rnmn Savarin dinners lw mtu and Mr Nitt umkty Cemetery is Pavingr clubs if tt Pauleyaima pcmes Harrie lax my clubbed 199 lauleyanna ill in ldtiiners 3v all ilavouis Charlies soft drinks 24tOfoztins Hockey League JILlloll this weelneiirti thelllroyirtni in Grief Gléllit ti Kl Saunders tried hat MM trick li ry Saunders lohii Whole kernel Gibbons and NIH Kmth seor iiigsiiiidts liilttui vvttfl9tl riggiixgtirat ACH Wilson 1ttltt tie 80 shutout tor lauleyanna in the cenohag 7ltltilttltl alumni third period Theothcr two games ended in DilitNJJ In Syru Chunk ties ltadio Shack and Sears playing to draw and tutti thl till Giliord holding thi Sharks to ï¬lthWe J8Jljrulrll lton Miller had pair for tor tilts Radio Shack Ken Bray and ti Brian Shanglirwssy smirkt ire hitKnight scored ViLp tur Spins Sliiglts going Iii Frank King and arl Nelson iatry Masters had hat trick for liltord