Lt Imtwin Innrnrr TV viva TI REAL ESTATE rilnesdriy Itemtuber I976 gemsram it 517 mewtom away Mam ha fly It DESCRIPTION SMART FOLKS EVERYWHERE READ THIS PROPERTY FOR sm REA ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE TOWNHOUSES 2T0 GO Registered condominium Huge oversized townhouses Separate dining area Finished recreation room with IO toot ceiling finished in tudor style Laundry room and twopiece washroom ad iacent to kitchen Private back yard Gas fired heating and water Interior Garage and own private driveway Enormous living room and master bedroom Garbage storage room Only I7 units in this development Fully broadloomed NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED 10 ST MORTGAGES 237 STEEL STREET BARRIE OR CALL 7372041 OR 7261740 7264651 ppraisals mitt the homefoflrs who at about people Luzon with den and 84 000 lTrltitjdlflltj rm lllflllll Hl Ask $351700 but 72 Atrrjl rrrgaun ll rl rlaublr lIlHl toolrr urtlv Hulk Askmr Urilulu built bungalow an hugr Int Old Asking $67 500 Call lIr IN urlr quail buildings varlltnt retreatrurral or ll 77 JOIN lllr irHlntalir litrII ifll lmutrrl 17lVllll 71 IM Alljll 17 dunI Ulll at lmttrr Ill Illlll 16 46510143 rll MAI 311 tli lrrrrlrtrlyrrrmrrtrrl Irrirrltry Myriam lquUUIBUITII largolrrn lll Itvrllurrrrr lrmq quartrrr try illiIlll ttySl XXNlowrr 37 Val rrr 451 450 DI BIRNII ROTH 73700I7 mum SIMPSON 7261952 JlJlIlIIT llITLE 436I992 ern 4362305 4I IIIITRJ HIIHILOIIITRSTREETS PR 72 261 III7 2th OR All YOUR ll HIIIJa IIrlrrr llrltllll urlr iy Mm slrull Illrrr urnplrnll Nash I662 416 2880 737 I324 TE REAL ESTATE LIMITED llTl brautrlul ustom burlt Iron has rust it VT UJttt 7414 li litu Hm In TF IIUUVII MIDIIUPil about mm yllnnr you nrrrl Irn rlrqant living and Is lost to Barrie Lot nv W0 200 donblr garage Incplan lrnltl and roar Irk bloudlnmmrl rur I500 sq It all Im MarRmrr 726 I938 or 726 Til7 llr IrllJ AIll If rlJlI lot in luluy rrrrrrll tuer Hill lurnrwor qoorl torm all Irrlv Swrl yrr pumps blrlrrmm ltrrUsr srtrrntml on larqv Illl Ilrlllnt Alli IrII Ml Ni QIVKI IIIIH TOP tlARIIR HOMI OR RIIIRINC COUPLE lllIS lrarnr r4 IM rrtirl rntrally and lost ll rlrrwrrlown yul rimurns qirml arrl Ullllllllllll rm Turintrio St IIIIN Irirlrrrams Iltllttlllt slaw and Irtrlrl rrInrrm all raw Bunlmm 716 l9le or 414 5033 MLS NU 733 IAIMIlthll lurluyilnn ttturlrrrl rirnrnir rm rr dotp Itoml llrl lumrly rrmm wtlh IIIfIIIT baths Irrrrarllrrrrmrrl Irn ml Iltltt all Rita Srarnlrtll 7W IIlll Ht 486 Ml Hit nr lot yrnrrsiII rr vrly wrll kvpl II Innlnmm DI IO Ross St Beside Woolworth Exc usrve agents for Bovis Homes bedroom bungalow Imrslrnrl rm roam attalliud garage and lt bullts Many nxtrns IOU mortgage Int 24 yaals Cymry Syvakas 487 200 bedroom hrirk sum dularlmrl bungalow wrtlr extra bedroom and bath downstairs Closi tu Gaorgran olIrge mortgage Garry Syvnkus 48 2700 storey bedroom llama In Shanty Bay Double lot Curry Syvakas 487 2700 $5000 down lose to downtown plLlely broadlourned on deep tread lat Iiiinn Wlmlan 16 1334 beautrlul nuw bungalow urn sm thesr many extra4 main Ilaor larnily rooms Iiroplares glass walkouts quality broadloom Bust bid take them Bornrrc Whelun 726 7334 Dl BERNICE WHELAN 7262334 LOU KELLY 7264930 GERRY SYVOKAS 4872700 JAY DECAle 728354 For Best Results Examiner Want Ads Jud Looking Ior thr nrrust home in BarrioI Youll be sorry iI you dont REAL ESTATE 02327 fromm FOR sm Emilie n1 mam st stouffvrllc 0R0 4873437 it JIUTTIIIUITT TWO WELL KEPT SIdlng homes In Orrllra on some rlose to downtown Front housr has bedrooms room kitrhun and DUMP bath SUI 0nd housr has one bedroom and is presently ranted Must be both Ior lat lrvrng seen Sarrrlru 526 900 EXECUTIVE ORO home an l00x134 It buautrlully bedrooms kit Innplaris odor illk and Call on this IH watellrrrnt landscaped lot bathrooms rarnplitu Iiiits storm walkauls to HlUtlt more today JUST RI DUCLD large aluminum sided rattagc an lull Inundalran and partially SIIUUTLLI on at ornvr lot in Ola Arlosran Asking $33 900 NUMBER OI Butldrng Lots slat ting as low as 0000 WITtllTllOLI well DI II INICSON IERSONALIII tI RVIL 718 4194 II LIST BUY on SELL WITHl LEON Lilli riiiiiiiil MWFlTF NE AR AKE9ttr on or Dre storey tmrlrrxmrs wrIl Item lot year old Ask Ina H900 Vii Duner Vinu Real state 776 742 or 726 I771 DOWNTOWN Cornrnercral Lorntlnn Iaian retail or attrr setllno to per rrnl Ilnanclnq rvmluhlo Bub Urry Vlau Real Estate 716 Hit or 778 58 3335 TWO BEDROOM Aluminum siding bungalow Btu Bay Point lm marulntr condition Garage Atlrarlhe grounds Bah Urry Vrau Real Estate 726 171 or 723 Still BUILDING LOT $12000 IOO lBl with sewn permft lorated in quiet village near Innu Irrms Bot Urry Vrau Real Estate 176 1771 or 718 Still MIDHURST AREA Large new un tinlshrd brrrk home double garage tinplates $39000 Also mm lots $5000 telephone Toronto 494 819 even mas REAL PROPERTY FOR SALE Pay only your heat and for months STILIIIIII REGISTERED CONDOMINIUM SKOPIT townhomcs in Barrie The bullder reserves the right to cancel or change Irnancing and plICOE at any time withoutnotrce urulh GEORGE Saunder REAL ESTATE BROKER HE HA Yll III ST liAlilLl 7263111 Photo Multiple Listing Service CONCESSION IO Vospra approximaton miles Irom Barrie l0 yrars old birlirmm brrrk bungalow lull basement garage Irrrplari Ill lrvrnq room trrrrrd lot I25 500 With spring Owner Wlll hold mar tgaqv With good down payment TO DUNLOP ST Camnwrrrol properly I47 Butlan Avenue room bungalow with lull basrmrent lat 33 165 Excellent exposure Good existing mor tgaging $3I 900 DI Esther Kennedy 424547 Marg Wood no loll 4873l48 Leo Cavanaugh 728 I207 Bob Saunders 7263883 Larry Wood no tall 487 3148 Ross Batstone 7263043 NORMAN I68 DUNLOP 7283293 EAST REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN GENERAL STORE SITUOltd 50 at sandy beach on Lake Courhirhrng other lots ITTI with log cabins This is an excellent FOR an MIDHURST Open Sat Sun noon till dusk Iamrly business in good lULOlIOIt lhave vmarrt lots IVOIIUIIIU rn Oro Twp rall 7283293 DI Jll COWIUHI 17 5955 Peter Shelswell 728 2930 Id 728 7543 Duvtd Sholswull 487 5560 Roger Shelswell 4872920 PgrfArbgvf 72633897 OM 759 If NotmanIlllrlldri 37268957 Bill Evans no toll 3221575 Bert CuII 7284067 John Calwell 7267726 Doug Baker 7283274 Jim Harris 7267I73 Realtor 87 Bayfield St 7372300 Toronto Direct Line 3620332 INQUIRL ABOUT OUR GUARANTEED nVVEblMENT CERTIFICATES IOA°u YEARS AND REGISTERED SAVINGS PLANS CALL ANY 726262l REAL ESTATE LTD BNKER DIIDLIIHII 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 ter Brings White Snow Classiï¬eds Bring Green Cash 7282414 AGE FOR VALUES IN THE HOME OFFICE AND ON THE FARM DIAL 7282414 FOR THE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE MOVES YU IN hydro and save your down payment total family income qualifies you RM LdWE WSTF HWUEHEALJL REALTY LTD BARRIE MWFTF MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 9B BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 4T6 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL EXCLUSIVE AGENTS VViIIoW CLaniILg Frank Hooey 7280676 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Larry DeWilde 7283253 Chuck Lambert 728800T Larry Brewer 7289745 Harry Magill 726 3864 Simon Beekhuizon 7373795 TF ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIMIT IV Ill ALTO ï¬grmstrmtg Residential Farms Acreages Commercial Investment lndustrlal Properties 7269262 ï¬li nu Direct Toronto Line 3646625 AGENI DI Anne Spenrm 458 92 Andy Melnyk 7267369 LosWatnwrrght 4116 23 Bill Purvis 7260452 Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals Dorothy Trtrsinrnnns 456 2620 Tom Frtzsirnnnns 4562620 3RNGNG PEOPLE AND HOMES IQGEIHER H9 BAYFIELD ST APPRASALS CHOLKAN CO LTD MORTGAGES REALTOR VV VD IHOVIDINUACUMIIITI PIHSIINALIZED RE AL STATE SERVICE TBODUNLOP ST HAHRIE Vt