GIVING BLOOD was breeze Monday night for Janet Marsh who was more 209 units of blood engrossed in her book that in the whole process She was one of 209 to donate Monday at the Trinity Anglican Church blood donor clinic sponsored by the Red Cross iven in first session of clinic Cold weather didnt stop Bar rie residents from coming to the Red Cross blood donor clinic Monday evening at Trini ty Anglican Church parish hall There were 209 units col lected with another 100 hoped for today The clinic today runs from to pm and again from to 830pm Equipped to take blood from one person minute there is staff of 100 people including nurses and volunteers at the clinic held four times year closed clinic at Georgian Col lege is held each year in March Anyone between 18 and 65 can give blood says organizer Mrs MacLaren if they are in good health Blood wont be taken from people with such problems as heart conditions allergies and medication or if they are new mothers she said Barrie collected 2850 units of blood last year taking just less than one pint from each donor What we take is about 115 of the average body content of blood Mrs MacLaren ex lained with the fluid portion ing replaced day later and the red blood cells building up in three to four weeks The blood is not directly sent to Barries hospital for use Mrs MacLaren said all blood is shipped to central dis tributing organization in Toron to with Barries share being returned Donors who have given be fore have for the most part already been notified of the clinic through series of over 1000 calls made by 35 vol unteers manning telephones Members of Calorie ounr ters the May Court Club and the Christian Reform hurch areonhandtohelpotit EVELYN LENNOX took it easy while volunteer Anja Lehenkari kept watchful eye on the latest unit of blood to be donated at the Trinity Anglican church blood donor clinic sponsored by the Red Cross Examiner Photosi Top level theatre the gift at The Many Faces of Love By MURIEL LEEIER Top level theatre was the gift that Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy gave to about 500 people who attended The Many Faces of Love last night There were many intensely dramatic moments during the twohour show in which the husbandwife team acted segments of memorable scenes from famous books or plays In deed one could safely say that seldom has there been such an abSOrbed audience at Georgian College Theatre Beginning with an extract from play by Dostoevsky moving to zany and brilliantly humorous performance of Tea for Two doing part of Shakespeares Henry VI and section of The Fourposter the two versatile experienced and loved actors entertained the crowd with gamut of emo tions It was moving ex perience Albees Delicate Balance was the apex ofthe evening The ex tract taken from the play in which they starred and won Four stay on feet for dance marathon Only four of the eight starters in the Angus Leo Clubs dance marathon for muscular dys trophy last weekend managed to stay on their feet for the full 24 hours Club president Terry Binns said this morning thaa Donald Semple and Karen Barker of Tottenhain and Miles ollicr and Paula Boylan of Angus were still dancing when the marathon ended at pm Saturday While the final total wont be known for about week Terry estimated that the marathon which attracted 20 dancers raised between $100 and $600 for the fight against muscular dystrophy Terry said he was very pleased with the results of the marathon and he added that the club is thinking of holding another one in couple of months The marathon was held at the Angus Lions Club Hall from pm Friday to7 pm Saturday critical acclaim illuminated the rapport between the actor actress They seem to respond to each other instinctively each acting as an interrelated catalyst ne seems to trigger an attitude of delivery of lines and emotion that changes con stantly and no doubt is ap proached differently from pro gram to program The two artists of stage films and television love their theatre Their technique and skill was joy to watch and to this was added the inspiration of the two experts of theatre memorable part of the evening bit of Welsh ts wife Caitlan Thomas Le tover Life to Kill were literary magic Quotes from Benjamin Franklins letters pre sumably to his son brought im mediate reaction and spon taneous laughter from the amused listeners Bits of Dorothy Parker and Phyllis McGinley added spice to the program Tilbits from Ogden Nash and Robert Frost kept the marvellous pacing the uptempo always pulling the audience towards them The famous couple chose their selections with re markable flair Airport concerns residents of Oro By PAUL DELEAN Examiner Staff Reporter GUTHRIE Proposed de velpment of an airport in Cm is major concern of township residents to judge by questions and comments of the 80 at meetthocandidates meeting Monday at Guthrie Public School The 11 running for Oro Township council were asked to clarify their positions on the airport issue immediately after introductory presentations Only council candidate An thony Keene and candidate for deputy reeve Paul Hansen clearly favored the airport believe development of an airport in Cm will be good for Oro said Mr Hansen Mr Keene commented that the only way youre going to stop an airport is to go out and minethe runway He related the story of farmers group formed at the turn of the century in Oro to fight the automobile Any blind rejection of an airport in the township is exact Iy the same kind of thinking he stated Mr Keene suggested that persons working at the airport would bring businessmen and business to Oro Stating their definite 0bjec tion to the proposed airport were candidate for reeve Charles Simpson candidate for deputy reeve Allan McLean and candidates for council Mrs Barbara Tiffen Ross Bradley and Paul Kitchen FOR BARRIE Mr Simpson commented if Oro needs an airport Id be for it He expressed concern that the facility would definitely grow bigger and would be for Barrie people Mr McLean said that he op posed the airport but if they the federal overnment want it here they put it here Only the public can block it According to Mrs Tiffen an airport wouldnt add to Oro She also doubted that industry would use the facility Mr Bradley reiterated his belief that the airport at Camp Borden could accommodate both commercial and military aircraft as US bases often do recent letter by Mr Bradley to Simcoe North MP Dr Rynard on the airport question elicited the response do not believe the transport department would go ahead in view of the problems and dis agreements that would arrive suggest its to you to let your federal mem know how you feel Mr Bradley told the audience Mr Kitchen said he looked in to the issue with three con siderations possible employ IIARLES SIMPSON if needed MOUSE £40 THE FLOOR CANDIDA TES THE STA GE The candidates had the stage but mouse had the floor and curtains at Mondays niceHhocaiididates meeting for ro Township at Guthrie Public School The rodent made his first appearance early in the meeting scurrying across the floor in front of 80 spectators some less than enthused with his sprint An hour later the candidates sitting on stage caught sight of him performing what one described as an aerial act on the curtain rod above their heads He then proceeded into the curtain from where be viewed the rest of the meeting He made his last appearance at its conclusion when can didate for reeve liarles Simpson responded to the concerns of few of the ladies present and dispatched him with his shoe ment created tax contribution and disruption of the environ ment Its not going to provide us with much employment Under the existing tax laws Barrie pays no land tax on the property just on the buildings standing on it and then only if theyre used Surely it will affect ople in onomile radius ut also people five 10 miles away HERE FIRST Granted you might get used to the noise dont think we should have to We were here first An airport is not going to make this better place to live stated Mr Kitchen Council candidates Charley Sanderson Clarence Smith and Dave Bull and candidate for reeve Howard Campbell didnt take unilateral stand Mr Campbell siad that from what can gather can not see that its an advantage to Oro but ad ed that he didnt have all the information that he felt was required to make decision cant see that Oro is going to benefit from an airport but feel we should go into it with an open mind Things that used to happen in five and and 10 years happen in one year today stated Mr Sanderson Mr Bull commented an air port may not be particularly necessary to you or my life style but Im sure there are some who like to fly If the federal government says theres going to be an airport theres going to be an airport He said he was impressed with the airport presentation and suggested that the town ship would have better control of the facility if it enter tained the proposal rather than object to it Mr Smith said he wasnt in favor of the actual airport pro posal on the grounds that it would get out of control too large But if we could zone it and keep it small like Barrie that would be another story Mr Smith said he would visit other small airports and talk to the people who work there and live nearby so as to develop better awareness of the im plications OLR MISTAKE In Barrie Examiner story Saturday Chris Kaszuba was incorrectly identified as an aldermanic candidate in Ward Mr Kaszuba is actually seek ing election as alderman in Ward Oro candidates cant agree on industrial development The candidates for ro counr cil couldnt agree on the desirability of additional in dustry for the township The type and size of that in dustry was cause for further disa reement at the meetthe can idates meeting Monday at Guthrie Public School Oro needs to maintain its predominantly agricultural and recreational atmosphere said candidate for council Mrs Mary baraTiffen She said new tax source isnt justification for allowing just any industry to start opera tions in the township Keep ro rural and look after it in that matter was candidate for council larencc Smiths position Weve got to keep very careful look at what kind of development we let in andidatc for council Paul Kitchen said that he understood the Guthrie industrial park has received Ontario Municipal Board approval think its important for council that we get the best of that industrial park he stated Mr Smith responded to uestion from the floor about type of industry that would be accommodated in the park He said that discussions have been ongoing with Convertible Pools for two or three years about possible erection of hint the value of which could possitilysl million SMALLINDISTRIES He added however that small dry industries are what he would like to see in the township andidate for council Ross Bradley who opposed the in dustrial park said that to make it the best park possible appears to be the only alter native iiow that it has received approval In his intrixluctory address be indicated his support for the Georgian Bay Task Force re commendations that all class 12 land be reserved for agriculture and that there be no further development of lands affecting the Nottawasaga Valley onservation Area Candidate for council An thoiiy Keene doesnt like the iii fercnce that developer is dirty word If we dont have industries in this township what are your sons and daughters going to do for jobs he asked the 80 per sons in attendance In his opinion industry will feed small business in the township and he welcomed it One member of the audience said she understood that Vespra and lnnisfil Townships with more industry than Oro also had higher taxes and wondered if there was connec tion Planning body urged by ratepayer group The Big Bay Point District Association which represents ratepayers in the Big Bay Point area says proposals contained in its submission to the Ontario Municipal Board OMB hear ings on Barries proposed an nexation of lands in Oro Vespra and lnnisfil townships concerning regional govern ment in Simcoe County have been misinterpreted The association says it did not urge Simcoe County to con sider regional goveniinent system such as those in Niagara or Sudbury in its OMB submission Rather the association quoting its OMB submission said Perha instead of an nexation orm of regional government is now due One planning body is needed to con trol the haphazard develop ment of the Barrie area and to protect critical recreational and farm lands in Simcoe ouii ty Our association is not pro posing Simcoe County or Bar rie area regional government in total but we do feel regional or Simcoe County planning should be considered the ratepayers group said urging the develop ment of county master plan for growth and zoning OVER OUNIY If such plan was made the association said development could be spread over the entire county instead of concentrating it in one area Growth is forced on us the association said Lets spread the benefits and the ills throughout the county by re gional planning The ratepayers group self proclaimed watchdog de dicatcd to preserving and hav ing voice in future planning of the recreational lands and waters of Lake Simcoe said it will not back down from its stand against Barries annexa tion proposals We make no apologies nor compromises in our stand against Barrie politiciaiis amibition to lead the city to the uncontrollable urban sprawl the association said lnnisfils very existence is threatened by Barries annexation propos als DISAGREE IN TAXES Mr Bradleys opinion was that industry wont necessari ly ease the tax burden Mr Smith disagreed He cited as example Vespra where understand the com mercial strip brings in half their tax base They dont want to lose it thats why theyre fightingannexation Relaxation of the regulations regarding individual residen tial severances was seen as desirable by most of the 11 can didates Candidate for reeve Howard Campbell said he favored this procedure over allowing large residential develo ments to spring up but adde that some regulation was needed Candidate for deputy reeve Paul Hansen said he favored the relaxation in certain areas Mr Kitchen agreed adding that preservation of prime agricultural land is the priori ty Ive got to believe if Ive got the right to do what want with my pmperty you should have the same right said Mr Keene The severance of lots creates real hardships for some people said candidate for council Charley Sanderson who nonetheless supports more severances Mr Smith defended the ac tions of planning board and noted that severances fell under ministry of housing rul ing There are in the neigh borhood of 368 lots in the township at the present time Its not because we dont have lots Farmers wanting to severe lots is the problem Mrs Tiffen proved of more individual buil ing but wanted no semblance of suburbia created LOCAL GENERAL FLU CLINIC The Simcoe County Health Units swine flu vaccination clinic will be held Wednesday December from to pm at Parkview Centre for Seniors on Blake St The clinic will be open for seniors 65 years of age and over for travellers 20 years and over and for adults with chronic conditions not served by family doctors Several hundred people have already been vaccinated at three earlier Barrie clinics and at one in Sandy Cove Acres last Friday with no reactions re ported yet MAYOR DORIAN PARKER was called to task along with the other two mayoralty can he Barrie Examiner Tuesday November 301970 didates for annexation pro ceedings and waterfront do velopment policies Monday night at the Barrie Optimists Club Annexation waterfront issues for candidates Annexation and waterfront development became thorny issues at Monday nights mayoralty candidates meeting held by the Barrie Optimist Club All three mayoralty can didates came under fire during lively meeting in which Op timists ignored early campaign promise speeches for direct and critical questioning Incumbent Mayor Dorian Parker and Ald Ross Archer were both asked why proposed annexation of Oro lands were dropped after two years of planning were erased by secret council meeting Mayor Parker came out strongly against the use of the word secret and maintained the meeting was simply con fidential one in which the citys counsel gave advice unani mously accepted by council to dro Oroplans reminded Mr Kinzie the decision on Oro remained in the hands of the Ontario Municipal Board Asked by Optimist Peter Frans if costs could be cut by swift proceedings all three candidates maintained expert legal advice was needed and that advice costs Mayor Parker said com promise between lawyers rep resentin Barrie and township involve in annexation had been attempted to save cost but said those attempts had failed Mr Kinzie who said he favored annexation rather than regional government ques tioned Barries handling of the issue and said it was not in the best of taste OPEN PROCESS Referring to annexation done during his term as mayor Mr Kinzie said both townships and the Barrie public were con suited during public meetings on annexation plans to keep the process open We approached it with much greater openess and let ALD ROSS ARCHER came under fire Monday night at the Barrie Optimist Club over possible favoring of special interests Approval by council of the Canadian the people affected have say he stressed He referred to the issue of land he has been alleged to own in annexed areas and said at tacks on him were unfair Now suddenly Im evil because own land he stressed saying there were conflict of interest laws to pro tect the public The two candidates sup porting waterfront develop ment with roadway came under fire from some members who questioned the esiiiiiated cost which Mayor Parker set at$700000 One man asked why existing Tire pit stop without official application and the involve ment of owner Arch Brown in Ald Archers campaign be came particular issue parklands were not used to save money while others asked why the work had not been done earlier when costs were less Mayor Parker came out op posed to development of road along the proposed front that would stretch to Mulcaster St but Ald Archer said people will not give up bringing their cars to parks until it is no longer economically feasible Ald Archer also said the $700000 cost quoted by the mayor was based on crash program drawn up at city hall and said regu ar program covering longer stretch of time would cut costs Archer hitting below belt inzie says of land remarks Ross Archer is attempting to hit me below the belt on ridiculous issue says Willard Kinzie candidate for mayor in the Dec election Ald Archer also mayoralty candidate said Monday Mr Kinzies holdings in lnnisfil could be critical issue Examiner only one at meeting The Barrie Examiner was the only Barrie news or anization at the Optimist Clu meet thocandidates meeting Mon day night And Optimist Club members were upset reporters from The Barrie Banner radio station CKBB and television station CKVR werent at the meeting Id like to tear strip off the back of the press for their poor attendance at the meeting said Optimist Ed Jennings who asked if the press is no longer interested in candidates and their policies He asked how the public could kee informed about issues if media does not cover debates and speeches Ive had that farm for 11 years along with artner and it is being activey farmed said Mr Kinzie Monday after noon Most of the farm is not included in the area Barrie hopes to annex says Mr Kin ZIe In my opinion the part of the farm that might be anneXed should not Barrie is taking in more in Mr Kinzies farm is between the 9th and 10th lines of lnnisfil west of Highway 400 Saturday Mr Kinzie said his partner is Dave Brubacker Ald Archer said if Mr Kin zie former Barrie mayor is elected the land holdings could be very touchy situation because of annexation discus sions It would be incredible to think the mayor of this city would be impeded in giving leadership at this critical point in our history Ald Archer said Annexation says Mr Kinzie is now before the Ontario Mu nicipal Board which will decide the issue not Barrie council land than what should be taken Sure will declare con flict of intenest if that item is brought up said Mr Kinzie wonder where Ald Ar chers leadership has been asked Mr Kinzie noting that Ald Archer has had seat on council for the twa years Barrie has been considering annexa tion Barrie has spent over $40000 of the taxpayers money mostly in consultants fees The consultants and Barrie council decided to annex 2000 acres of Oro land Then in halfhour secret council meeting council de cided to drop the whole thing after putting Barrie tax ayers and Oro taxpayers to al that expense It would seem to me they didnt know what they were do ingin thefirstplace REPORT AVAILABLE critical report on the Orillia centre for the mentally re tarded written for the Ministry of Community and Social Ser Vices is now available at the Barrie Public Library WWWWm