l2 The Barrie Examiner Tuesday November 30 1976 so 2132 TELEVISION GUIDE BUFFALO 3BAItItlE BUFFALO TORONTO BUFFALO TORONTO II HAMILTON 000 2471 l22News iOceans Alive 524 flours 9Definition 12Evening Report 6230 DAdaml2 2+7A9News 3Baboons of Gombe ltParty Game lZCharlies Angels 700 22Odd Couple 2Bowling For Dollars 4Concentration 5Muppet Show 9Bobby iinton 7To Tell The Truth lIAudubon Wildlife 730 22Laverne and Shirley Muppet Show 35Wolfman Jack 4Strikes Spares Misses NHL Hockey 9Stars on Ice llCountry Way 12Zodiac Keno I00 250 Grand Slam 3Leave It To Beaver 17 News SBob McLean 9Uncle Bobby Show 12 Noonda Report 22 News l221l 12 Fann News 1230 24 Gong Show 37 News 4Search For Tomorrow 7tiAlll1ythildren 9Flintstones l2 Party Game 45 117 Movie illong Rongi 1235 Iagazme News 100 47 ross Wits 37 Ryans Hope Dick Van Dyke ll Enjoy Being Beautiful 12 Marcus Weltiy Canadian tavalcade 61 News Til News Moxie Soul Soldieri 37721 Hours Definition IZr Exening Report iitii Adam 12 14779 News ll Party Game l2 Lawrence Welk 700 rzodd touple IvBowling for Dollars Concentration 37 Barrier Reef Frosty the Snowman fiTo Tell The Truth Il Jonathon Waiters 730 22Shoulder to Shoulder 23100000 Name That Tune iReaeh for the Top sirSLTIKES Spares Misses 3Bluft 7Gong Show 9Funny Farm 12 PETERBOROUGN BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL TUOAY EVENING moo ll 20 222Baa Baa Black 359l2News Sheep 1130 35712Happy Days ZOpposite Opposite +tITed Knight Special Sexes 986 Million Man 2Johnny Carson 8m 4Kojak 3512ng 7aynlillzrilrtman Mary of Kensmgton nLany Soway 900 1135 22War Years 5430 Minutes Live 2Police Woman 50 34512MASH tiRich Man Poor Man 9The Practice mMovie Call Her Mom 1200 22Movie Battle of El 930 Alamein 3512pmh Estate H3MoVie tPuisuit of One Day At Time appmess 9H 7Movie tTo Sir With 10 Love flNEYS 9Ironside Police Sm iiMerv Griffin +9SWitch 1230 IagoP 3m it Movie iHouston Weve 3512Barney Miller Gm problem 00 l200 22Mary Hartman Mary 2Tomorrow Hartman 9BIOVIL The Harder 2345791112vNews They Falll WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 12 400 2IivDays Of Our Lives 2Movie itome Blow ths The World Turns Your Hornt 5men Court 7Family Feud 9Joyce Davidson Show ns For The Money 200 SlitAll in The Family 7$2000 Pyramid 9Atan Hamel 3rMoira Hunt IiMerv Griffin 5IIS Your hoicc 0Star Trek lt Young and The Restless 12A llyndsight 7Aommander lom 22OPWSIIP Sexes 227 Monkces 225 430 SNews $5l2Just For Fun 230 27Gilligans Island 2Doctors 1177 Dinah 3312A Edge or Night 422Gmding Light 7ilrOne Life to Live 29Another World 35l2Take 30 tAll In The Family 2Bonnie Pruddcn 315 TIIGeneral Hospital 330 3512Celebnty Cooks +Match Game 22Pink Panther WEDNESDAY EVENING 117 Face The Music IZEditorial Page 800 ZMOVIC SCard Studi 3512New Wave Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Bionic Woman 7aAfter School Special 500 Emergency kLucy Show 57 Young Chefs Ewlattle Rascals 12 Lucy 5I5 22 Little Rascals 531 34 Early Edition 4Adam I2 512 Room 22 11 Hot Ilands fleroEans llcmes ll 20 3594 News 30 pposite Opposite Sexes 277 Johnny larson Mono The Tender Trapi 9NHL Hockey lMary Hartman Mary 11 Hawaii Fivet Hartmzn ltzllo il Larry Solway 3512 Memotrs of John ll 33 Dietenbaker 41 Minutes Live ll 50 2Iix0d Doubles iiBing rosby Special 3lt512Front Row entre l01I gigolUBanud 22 Movie isllspttt In My Count Movie The Angry Red l0tl 2Ne5 Ilaneti +VGeorge Bumg Spec 77 Movie IILStrlpllllll 7ltCharlies Angels urqgj 1030 97 ronsi 9pongbeat 11 Men rrlIIlll 00 lztl 22Mary Hartman Mary Tomorrow Hartman SirMovie iThi liarmtnl 2345791 112 News 12 Mmie ill Bullets For Long tiun THE DOCTOR SAYS Amphetamines affect heart By THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson ould the use of amphetamines ispeedi affect the heart in any way Would this show up right away orin laterlifell Not only the heart but also the nervous system It can in crease the heart rate and cause rise in blood pressure hcst discomfort and palpitations can also be noticed It should not be used by per sons with elevated blood pres sure or overactive thyroid The effects are noticed rather soon after taking the drug Chronic abuse of the drug can bring lastingeffects Dear Dr Thostison have constant phlegm in my throat which cant seem to get rid of it gets so bad it is almost stran gling specialist says have chronic rhinitis am not smoker so thats not it take vitamins and also Ive taken course in transcendental medi tation in case it might be caused by nerves Do have to live with this the rest of my life am in my 605 and exceedingly healthyT lranscendcntal meditation isnt the prescribed therapy for chronic rhinitis But if it helps make it bearable fine Rhinitis is inflammation of the membranes of the nose If it persists over long period its called chronic rhinitis The causes include virus or bactc rial infections tsomctimes bothi or allergies Virus in fections and allergies can also pave the way for bacterial III fcctions In any event the in flammation causes the mem branes to swell and produce discharge The chronic sufferer may be one who complains of having constant cold In some cases as apparently in yours the throat membranes may swell making swallowing difficult This is rather serious because it can interfere with your eating and thus your gen eral health Decongestants will help give temporary relief of symptoms but treatment in cludes good rest good diet and lots of fluids Have you tried this You should try to get at the root cause of your trouble If an allergy it could be from common household itempillow ticking house dust or animal dander something you are exposed to daily You probably should see an allergist Dear Dr Thosteson Have any doctors ever considered transplanting lungs as for people with emphysema etc JS Lung transplant has been performed but the longest sur Junglei vival rate among 32 patients was 10 months There are great technical difficulties in the operation The reference have implies that single lung tran splant might case the cm physema patient somewhat Transplant of both lungs is not considered feasible Dear Dr Ihostesoii My wife and have question neighbor is bugging us to start taking teaspoon of vinegar and one of honey twice daily dissolved iii glass of water it what benefit is this We are both 77 and in good health AI No benefit that know of Dear Dr lliostcson neighbor advises that elderly persons should not have plants in their home or apartment as she claims this is unhealthful for old folks Isthis truc KI Nottruc They recall flu rigors DANVIILE Vt AP Sur vivors of the great flu epidemic half century ago dont have to be persuaded to get swine flu shots They recall the deadly ravages of the disease We could see horsedrawn hearses go by the house every few minutes said Florence Beck 67 as she waited in line to get her shot at state health department clinic here Our football season was can celled and the team captain died said her husband Theo dore who played high school football at St Johnsbury Academy when the epidemic struck the northeastern Ver mont school in the winter of 19181919 They cancelled nearly all activities in the town Mrs Beck who now lives in West Danvillc was nine when the epidemic struck She said she had mild case of the flu and she recalled that classes were cancelled at the Samuel Slater School in her hometown of Pawtucket RI sothe build ing could be converted to makeshift hos ital to treat vic timsoftheout reak Memories of the epidemic that killed more than 2000 Ver monters have spurred many el derly persons to get shots said David Scott director of the states immunization program Twenty million persons world wide ied in the pandemic be lieved caused by swine flu or similar strain Astro Graph Bernice Bode 0301 For Wednesday Dec 1976 ARIES March 21April 19 Par tial successes are likely today because youll have too many irons in the fire Settle on just one or two things but do them well TAURUS April 20May 20 You have tendency today to make unreasonable demands of loved ones Your feelings could be hurt when theyre unable to comply With your wishes GEMINI May 21June 20 Treat all your friends impartially today Playing favorites must be avoid ed at all costs or youll turn off someone youre fond of CANCER June 21July 22 Be careful not to tread on too many toes today in order to satisfy your ambitions Your victory would be hollow one LEO July 23Aug 22 Associates may agree with your ideas today but express other opinions behind your back Be careful who you put your trust in VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Busmess conditions are bit trickier than usual for you today Move warily You could involve yourself in something costly LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Dont make concessmns today just for the sake of expediency Give andtake is twoway street SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 At tend to your own responsmilities today before assuming those of others Spreading yourself too thin Will help no one SAGITTAFIIUS Nov 23Dec 21 if you follow your prearrang ed plans today things should work advantageously However youre likely to dewate bit and cause problems CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Keep tarnin affairs confidential today Persons who dont share your roof should not be let in on family secrets AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 People who dont readin agree With you today tend to awaken your wrath You would fare better if you try to understand their Views PISCES Feb 20March 20 If you re too generOus With the wrong person today you could feel like patsy later on Avond anyone who formerly tried to take advantage of you Your Birthday Dec 1976 Lay longrange plans this Year for that which you hope to achieve in the future Seeds Wisely sown Witt bear harvest when youll appreCiate it the most tilDTIIICRS IET BEN IIIVID tlllif tikla iAII group of elderly men who tradi tionatly sat and watched time and traffic pass by in this norn thcastcrn Oklahoma town have had their liI1D stolen The men say the thieves are elderly women who had complained that the men just sit there spitting their tobacco and looking at otir legs The police chief says hes heard the bench already has been used as fire wood HEQE 60914 DO VOL €5144sz To NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 BORN LOSER WOULD YOU PLEASE REDLENISH THE CRACKERS SIKE RUNNING LOW MLXCHIN BUGS BUNNY CHPlï¬Tfï¬Ã© WILL BE VVï¬vwV OUR BOARDING HOUSE 57w awnm5 ACTUALLY JAKE IT WA6 TRAst BUT WHO moi52 MACARTHURS sureu You PEdPLE Are0 56 ON RECALL TttE SIGNING or Ail77672155 more BPPN THE dAPANEï¬E sum NPER JP 775 PfcE or EARLY on THE BATTLEsHlP PMéTc MlébouRl suepose THE GENERAL WANTED ME TO GENERAL EléENHOWER USED THté PEN FOR H15 DIARY AMOévOR WAS 11 PATTON Ara Hermes TlCt TOGETHER= W30 Pollys Pointers Diluted bleach cleans caulking By Polly Cramer Pollys Problem DEAR POLLY hope you or one of the readers can tell me how to clean the caulking around my bathtub It looks black like it is mildewed and nothing have used will clean this off EM DEAR EM You might try applying diluted bleach with an old toothbrush That should remove the mildev and clean the caulking too Denatured alcohol is another suggestion or diluted hydrogen peroxide Good luck POLLY DEAR POLLY have several Pointers to share with the other readers Try this before renting steamer to remove old wallpaper Soak fluffy NEW paint roller in hot water and use it to thoroughly wet the paper Many times this is all that needs to be done to make the paper loose enough to scrape right off To remove paint smears from windows add household am monia or vinegar to the hot water Ammonia takes those putty smears off of NEW windows too Rubbing alcohol will remove that hair spray film that will not wash off the bathroom mirror Follow with warm water rinse and polish with paper towel Those car shampoo gadgets that attach to the garden hose and have rotary brushes are work saver when washing the outside of Windows Buy one that has dispenser for suds and telescoping handle Ise mild liquid detergent suds on the windows and sills and then rinse Bugs and dust are flushed away Finish the job with rubber blade squeegee such as professional Window cleaners use MRS FWF DEAR POLLY wanted to know how to make her spotted jeans look better do not know whether or not the following Wlii help those particular jeans but this is good for making jeans look prowashed fill the washer with hot water and mix in two cups of bleach and one and half cups of white vinegar Put in onc or two pairs of jeans and let run through the wash cycle Do not let the water drain out Stop washer and turn back to wash cycle again Repeat still another time which gives them three washes in the same water After the third wash cycle is completed stop and add detergent Let go through full cycle again and into rinse You Will have truly prewashed jeans My sons were beautiful when done this way but used warm water instead of hot since did not want so much shrinkage store setting such things gave me this recipe BETTY Iollys note the first time around would only put in one pair of jeans so as to be sure this gives the look you want It does call for more bleach than one usually uses in machine load of clothes MAWBE THAT JVAOWCK CDNTROVERélAL tell4 WIN AT BRIDGE Grand slam bid not easy WEST A72 VJ82 010876 +J953 EAST $109854 OQ9432 ï¬KQS SOUTH AQJ63 VAK97654 AII Both vulnerable West North East South 3V Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald James Jacoby The City of Asbury trophy now the Spingold Cup was won by team composed of Ely and Josephine Culbertson Ted Lightner and Waldemar von Zedtwitz Their margin of victory over Hal Sims Willard Karn Lee Langdon and Oswald Jacoby was 410 points Hands from the match should give great insight into the best 1930 bidding We start with grandslam bid by Waldy and Jo They got there on the bidding shown in the box Jos jump to six hearts was based on the theory that Waldys threeheart rebid showed some extra values and in any event if there was play for the slam Waldy would find it Waldys rebid to seven was one of those educated and successful decisions that Waldy has been making in over 50 years of top play The Culbertson team gained 750 points here because at the other table Sims and Langdon stopped at six hearts If you think modern bidders would have cinch to reach seven just try it out on few of your friends We doubt if more than half of expert pairs would get beyond six although the grand slam is laydown Aoktthom 00 California reader asks again about whether forcing two bid is forcing when it is also bid of game In 1930 Culbertson it wasnt In modern expert practice it is played as oneround force In other words partner is sup posed to respond once but may pass at his next turn Evacuation stepped up CALDIRAN Turkey AP The government stepped up ef forts to evacuate homeless sur vivors of the earthquake in eastern Turkey after blizzard whipped the devastated area with heavy snow and icy winds We are afraid that some mountain villagers who sur vived the quake may now freeze to death the deputy governor of the province Mu zaffer Yuce said Sunday We consider this snowstorm under the cir cumstances as great calamity as the quake itself said Gov Ahmet Tosun The governor ordered all men between the ages of 18 and 65 in Van the provincial capital to join rescue squads He also or dered all private vehicles con fiscated to bring in survivors from areas still isolated by the quake Wednesday FUNNY BUSINESS ttiHATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE 1266mm FOO voile AND THE Bootiiessmtxus COOKES CODTAIM THE LATEST MARKET QUOTATlONS ANDY CAPP LOVELY LITTLE 811 STUFF m1 MLKED CAKE OLE CHALKIE TKYJ CANT To eT ANYWHERE VISIT YOUR NEW DOWNTOWN GREETING CENTRE HE6 WEARlilb SECRET OECODER MA SEE THE CKACKER CONTAINER CRACKER tick15w COMPANY PLEASE OUR COMDLiMENTs 10 THE KRISW KRALZKLY KERRY DRAKE WIZARD OF ID FRANK ERNEST SIXTEEN YEARS OLD AND YOU WANT TO GET Mimosa WEI IM N01 GOING To me ON BOTH or vou r0 summer you car N0 veewssion now OPEN AT THEIR new LOCATION UNIT BARRIE PLAZA 7370201 JUNIOR WANT5 T076 TO THE UNIVERslTY WOULD You MIND SHUTTIN tout omit you DDiDNr HEAR WHAT sySAID lF you DWNTGNE ii TiT ME ILL oer lT FFROMV MOM DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 46 Bishopric Answer to Previous Puzzle 47 Destructive in Folksinger sect Seeger 50 Domestic Cats and dogs animal Mischievous 52 Three prefix child 55 Eastern 12 Repetition 58 Experts 13 Selves 59 Be wrong 14 Feather scarf 60 Food 15 Broad smile 61 Calif valley 16 Sorting 62 Mao WA 18 Over prefix tung 19 Compass 63 Smallsword point 64 Glazes 20 Ancient Italian family DOWN 17 Musical pipe 38 Kettle 21 Canal system 19 Negative 39 Pastry in northern Dowels prefix Michigan Beige 22 Over poetic P°° 23 Domestic Mare needing 24 Abened 43 SUDBIIBIWE 26 Purpose quenching 25 one of suffix 29 isngiféflim 3352 Swim Deuge 33 Evening Fr Serf is 322°er in 47 35 iEcretell Whiteplumed Naspka 48 IS human emale og heron 37 Madame Bushy clump 28 Cl beat Equfgeat abbr Brit °°P es 38 Skin opening Compass 30 No 53 aha Wm 39 Telephone rod point perspectlve 54 Osiris wife 40 Ministers Large wading 31 comen 56 Born speech bird dere plea 42 Panic Gr 10 Blanc 32 Rams mates 57 Knoc 44 Summers Fr 11 Errand boy 35 Either 58 Greek letter always leave few things for mom to pick up Older people like to feel useful you know GIRLS DONT INTEREST IM FORWARDINGADWESS 11867 OFFICE OUTFITTERS LTD 13in WHO WlLL TAKE OVER THE FARM THATS Nor THE TYPE OF SELFCLEANING totEN HAD