12 Tlte Barrle Examiiier onday N0Vlllbl29 Supermarkets affect bargaining syndrome ISTANBUL AP The com ing of the supermarket age to Turkey is dimming joyous as of ifebargaining with everybody who has something to sell Shoppers used to flock to cob blestoned Mahmutpasha Street gateway to the 16th century grand bazaar whose 750 stores offered everything from bras and blankets to pots and pans and prayer rugs But profits on the street have say as oncefaithfulcustomers no longer venture into Istan buls chaotic traffic from the suburbs They will almost certainly wreck what is left of the old Is tanbul lamented shop owner in nostalgic recollec tion of the golden years we miss the goodmannered buyers who knew the game In typical resentday scene in the gran bazaar for years the only shopping area blankets for bride CANT MAKE BARGAIN The wearylooking seller asks 500 liras about $35 but the woman counters with an offer of half that Unable to com POS INSURANCE AGENCY Formerly Ross Bidwell Insurance Agency she immediately drags her dau ter out of the domeshape shop and knowineg consoles her Dont worry well get it at that price promise Our New Location Fred Grant Street Suite I2 Barrie Ont MM 366 But in another store Most seller or disturbed by the ca likely they head to the nearest cophony of bargaining superma et department store or or anized market where they eel they will not be pushed about by an intriguing MEILUN DT DENTURE THERAPIST Complete Denture Seryice Hours din pm Mon tliiu Sol 280 DunlOp St VV Bari ie WANT 05 PHONE 72824 778 0810 catering to lowincome groups heated argument is waged over the price of set of Member DIlltilll mt irty plummeted almost 40 per cent in the last two years sellers 7287124 7287174 MW Michael Collins Ceramics 11 at Georgian College throws on the pot ters wheel Thrownig is term used by potters to describe making THROWING things on the wheel Collins operates the electrically powered wheel with foot peddle to control its speed These weed cylinders which is ON THE POTTERS WHEEL are made of porcelain will be among the pottery items in the colleges craft sale Dec ilhoto by Pat Guergi5i Rynard explains bill to regulate interest UK RYNARI iNII Simcoe ortht An Act to provide for the pro tection of borrowers and depositors Bill 16 was in troduced into the House by An thony Abbott minister of con sumer and corporate affairs Tony Abbott is the son of former finance minister Douglas Abbott whom had the pleasure of knowing lie was an excellent minister of finance in the days of Macken zie King and is now member of the Supreme Court of Canada Douglas Abbott was very likeable fellow and his son may just emulate the old man It is interesting to note that Doug Abbott was raised as Conservative but in hsi home riding no Tory would have had any chance of being elected IIe thrned Liberal became can didate was elected and never was defeated REGLIATE RATES Bill 016 will attempt to regulate intertst rates paid on deposits and interest paid on loans It will also encourage more competition in banking institutions and other lending institutions such as finance companies and mortgage com panies and will control loan sharking It is fact that consumer credit has increased markedly In 1918 consumer credit was just over $801 million Today it stands at approitimately $2 billion and consumer credit is growing three times as fast as disposable income Listening to the minister ex plain his bill you came to the conclusion that we have in volved our language With so many diatribes garnished by lawyers and accountants who have lot to do with the draf ting of financial bills so that in many cases it is Iiard for the ordinary individual to unders tand The minister said that there are many different for mulas for the calculation of in terest paid on deposits eight percent using one formula pro duces different amount than using eight percent of another formula This is very confusing to the ordinary person The same applies to borrowing money The Minster cited $4000 bor rowed at the declared rate of 12 percent per annum from four different lenders The first lender makes no deductions At the end of it years you pay $438286 which means an effec tive rate of IQ 68 percent The second lender deducts total of $50 for insurance and registra tion you get $3930 but the total amount you pay is still $4782 86 and the effective rate of in terest is 1366 per annum Now the third lender enters the picture and deducts $250 for registration insurance and legal fees You receive only $150 but still have to pay $458286 and the effective rate of interest is 1786 percent The fourth lender deducts $650 for life insurance registra tion legal fees finders fees and bonuses The borrower receives only $3350 but in three years he still pays $478286 and the in teresi rate is 2784 percent Each one of these transactions are legitimately carried out under different sets of cir cumstances RISKS VARY Money is commodity that may be In short supply or in plentiful supply ltisks vary and the protection of the lender varies The minister agrees that the borrower must be pro tected because he does not understand Sometimes wonder in the great bureaucracy we are building until it becomes that one is not master of free choice The government kows best It has taken over hospitalization medicare pension plans and taxed us all in order to pay for them One wonders what all this protection by government does to an individual It removes all responsibility for budgeting and financing his own needs ex cept for food shelter and clothing Does so much respon sibility taken from the in dividual leave him more supine and less able to make decisions for himself and his family How much resposibility can you take from person without de stroying his ability to make decisions and not erase all his incentives Have we now far too many government controls Should not the boys and girls of this day be educated in the pitfalls CHECK THIS VALUE Brand New MINI s2995 Plus transportation FBI and licence SIMCOE SPORTS CAR CENTRE Tiffin St 7281505 DENISON MINES LIMITED Management requires Reporting Analyst Denison Mines Limited sees sustained period of expansion for years ahead and requires management reporting analyst to be responsible for the com pilation recording and reviewing of daily weekly monthly and annual ac counting reports and statistics This position reports dlrectly to the chief mine accountant The successful candidate will be an intermediate or seniorlevel RIA or CGA student with number of years related experience in resource based industry GOOD PLACE TO LIVE Elliot Lake Is pleasant modern community located midway between Sudbury and Saull Ste Marie The town of 12000 offers excellent schooling recreation medical and shopping facilities fine place to live and raise family This town is planned controlled communin with no rundown parts of town We offer French and English schooling from public through high school land is at our door step with lakes everywhere Vocation even in town We offer French and English schooling from public through hlgh school We also offer golf tennis curllng swimming Indoors and out snowmobiling you name Ill The list could go on and on and we dont know town that can match If anywhere In Canada PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Our expansion Is expected to create early opportunity for promotion We offer full range of companypaid benefits competitive salary and subsidized ace commodation Please reply in confidence to DENISON MINES LIMITED PO Box 340 29 Manitoba Road Ellld Lake Onqulo P5A 2A7 Employment Officer if iti ll Ti 71 it $19 il4 HitIA IAIilIlIlt LIIAPII Km GM Gives Satisfac tion Always Nov 29th to Dec 4th While quantities last NO 7000 AERIAL LADDER GVBJ tsmpuymn to ihr rkel Pomrnr Mutt primal had iwgh plant rlnh up will out ranch foil around IO am now an Awnil v1 nation too 74 lung I1 high It won tbimm TI on N0 IM NOIIY AND LOAD Great action toy to construction Inns Include No 2052 Tents Old riding on board ruibcd lrucli Elliwnoly mallsuc lruct boa Illil with any crank tour Io drive Loader oil mar ti hnlps pull it back on board Authentic and rhluvcslmq ilq tone high Ila will In Imppm lbs Saint Inn Mayv Your Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Money cheerfully Refunded not just slogan BUT WAY OF LIFE $19 it MART PtAzA HIGHWAY 27 BAYFIELD ST BARRIG QPEN MON TO FRI l0 AMT0 IO PM SATURDAYS AM TO 10 PM NO 972 MATERIAL HANDLING SET Four pieces forklift Vat Truck and Illllcrv Flatbed was Cargo Cotillillctl and Scrap Indie Truck Action parts on each vehirle Van lnxJ open box Hi and Trailer from wheei rear far my Donating Flatbed luiln dpsrte sod cargo bi5 or tetrzncbt for separate or Emai Iadlc Irucii hopper swing ri av iii for dumping M4 the Folk so rid lowers Dpih iinl is mg ioii mg WIJQ it topper 55 N0 romth WITN CWAINII lougn high inleiest toy fork raise and lower with smooth operating screw mecncnlam high enough to load onto pickup flatbed or farm wagon Roll cage and Iwivel action power section Comes with container in Incvome play value iong high Wide ln stopper 34 lbs $717 NO RESCUI VINICU Fulani include iwmgapon rut door and sliding ltd door for any play an Dollilod interior in ruin steering wheel Odlclm roblner with molddin oxygen rant Nowit radarno omen gouty anr lop and bottom TM childs mugnation mm lo wtlh rullslk dour nurs md patient with pintd mm and wheeled stretcher adds on more ly value lalt long 06 high 71 with to Ihlpptr lbc WEWELCOMVE