The Madwoman of Chaillot standing played by Wendy Stanwick of Barrie discusses strategy with other mad women during rehearsals GEORGIAN ST for the wellknown comedy The Madwoman of Chaillot which will be presented Dec and by Georgian College Theatre Workshop students WI it in the College Theatre Bar rie Tickets for the play will be available at the door Other madwonien are from UDENTS PRESENT COMEDY left Bobbi Weatherall of Southampton Sherry Force of Angus and Janet Taylor of RR New Lowell Hundreds buried by survivors in aftermath of Turkish quake By ISMAII KOVAII MURADIYE Turkey API Bodies lined the courtyards of mosques and narrow streets in rubblestrewn villages of east ern Turkey today as survivors worked to bury thousands of earthquake victims Officials here placed the death toll at 500 and said they fear it will exr ceed 4000 International aid arrived by air and officials said that by Friday most survivors had shelter blankets and food to face the bitter winter weather that has prevailed since Wed nesdays quake Contact has been established with all villages in the Muradiye area said Mevlut Sivasoglu the acting local governor But not all of them can be reached overland These villages are still being supplied by military helicop ters which also bring out their wounded ROISINliEl Snowstorms cavedin roads and rugged terrain have ham pered rescue efforts in the quakeprone mountains near the Iranian border hit by the worst quake since 1939 tremor that killed 30000 persons around Erizincan 220 miles to the northwest Despite their personal suffer ing grieving survivors in Muradiye tried to deliver the last rites of Islam to the lead and wrap the bodies in clean white shrouds for burial But shouds were in short sup ply and some bodies had to be covered with whatever was available Fodder was heaped over the bodies of 20 women ranged in neat row at one street corner young mother threw gaily colored quilt over the bodies of her three children The injured about 1400 per sons in Muradiye alone were moved to hospitals in Van the provincial capital where rescue efforts are being cor ordinated Iurhan Ftyzioglu deputy premier of Turkey said McCague urges legislature go ahead with farm bill The Ontario relegislature should proceed with the farm income stablilization bill with the hope and trust that the Hawaii slides shown to WI at Bond Head BOND HEAD The Bond Head Womens Institute met recently at the home of Mrs II Harvey with 22 members and three visitors present Roll call was How To Make Our Daily Life Pleasure donation is to be sent to the Bond Head Recreation Society for the Santa Claus parade in December Mrs Sutherland gave report on the area convention held recently in lrillia Shr said it was one of the best conr ventions she had attended Mrs Mulaske FWli president and Lieutenant Governor Pauline McGibbon were speakers Mrs Keith Kneeshaii who attended the directors meeting in Cookstown gave full report Mrs John Lloyd commented on the motto ltcsolve to have good shoes and good bed we spent most of our time in either one She also read an article en titled look after your feet Mrs Smith introduced Mrs Mary Gould of Barrie formerly of the Bond Head district who showed slides of her trip to Hawaii She gave talk on the Congregational Church in Hawaii Mrs Brethet thanked Mrs Gould and prcr sented her with gift Mrs Reynolds thanked Mrs Gould for the slides and Mrs Harvey for her hospitality Lunch was served by Mrs Harvey Mrs Brethct and Mrs Jackson Theres sexual revolution going onanct all the leaders are in my family GOLDWYN MAYER present GEORGE SCHLATTER FILM ADULT IOXX BAILEY NORMANIS THATYOU mm DENNIS DUGAN MICHAEL WARREN TAMARA DOBSON VERNEE WATSON ouamng JAYNE MEADOWS and mirodunng WAYLAND FLOWERS Screenplay by RON CLARK 81 SAM BOBRICK and GEORGE SCHLATTER Based on the Broadway Play by RON CLARK 81 SAM BOBRICK Produced and Direued GEORGE SCHLATIER 520wi 4GDUNLOP STW SHOWN DAILY AT 700 7284681 government of Canada will do its part George Mctaguc llufferinSimcrx MII said this week in the legislature Mr Mcague said that while the bill may not be perfect am certain it has many positive aspects deserving support The onservative Mll said he carried out poll in his riding which shows the majori ty of the people supporting the proposal of the bill to protect farmers during periods of low market prices He said 1000 copies of his survey were sent to farmers parttime farmers urban dwellers and rural residents with 40 returns Of those 21 were in favor 138 opposed and 32 went undecided He said the bill should pro ceed and if changes are needed at later date the House can makethcadjustrnents 16 planeloads of relief supplies had arrived in Van by Friday WEATHER OLD Worst hit by the quake was the town of Caldiran where survivors spent two nights in subfrcezing temperatures be fore help rrived We heard the moans and cries of our relatives from It der the rubble all night Wednes day said Mehmet Zeki who used his bare hands to dig out the bodies of his three children Perhaps if had had pick and shovel could have saved them The destruction in aldiran is beyond belief another stir vivor said It is estimated that only 450 survived out of30l0 Only two buildings were still standing in aldiran One offi cial said the town where the Ottoman Sultan Salim de feated the Persians in 1514 will have to be completely rebuilt Officials of the lied resccnt the Moslem equivalent of the Red ross said the entire coun try seems to be responding to calls for blood donations and other help in way which makes us proud Iran West Germany Italy and other nations sent tents blankets medicine and blood plasma to Turkey Saudi Arabia pledged$5 million our specialty AVAILABLE FOR ALL OCCASIONS il ago WE ALSO CATER TO YOUR HOME Canadian Scandinavian Style Cold Buffet Danish open faced sandwiches NEWS ROUNDUP Mexico By VICENTE MORALES CULIACAN Mexico AP Hundreds of peasants who had expected to be given land have begun returning to their vil lages emptyhanded after the Mexican government suspen ded an expropriation of rich farmland President Luis Echeverria on Friday worked out truce be tween the farm workers and landowners to delay the takeo ver of land in Mexicos richest vegetableproducing region un til after Presidentelect Jose Lopez Portillo takes office Wed nesday Under the agreement 33345 acres would be parcelled out immediately to the peasants or campesinos The com romise prevented an invasion 5000 campesinos who had threatened to occupy halfmillion acres of land in Si naloa state about 300 miles south of Arizona in north western Mexico Hundreds of other peasants who had camped outside the governors palace in the state capital of Culiacan for eight days began taking apart their cardboard shelters and leaving for home SOME HOPE LEFT We can only do what the leaders say campesino said as he left the main plaza All we can do now is hone Appeals to PQ MONTREAL CP The Ca nadian CiVil Liberties Associ ation has appealed to the Parti QuebecOis government to call off further charges against Dr Henry Morgentaler who has been acquitted three times by juries and still faces eight more charges on performing illegal abortions Dr Morgentaler is to stand trial on his fourth charge Dec 13 To dinner OTTAWA CIl PrimeMin ister Trudeau is having Team Canada winner of the Canada up international hockey tour nament earlier this year to din ner Monday on Parliament Hill Canada lost one game to Czechoslovakia in the six couiitry roundrobin com petition and beat the Czechs 20 in bestofthree final Woman leads LONDON Reuterl Rev Alison Ialmer became the first ordained woman Friday to cele brate the Anglican service of holy communion in Britain The minister who was ordained last year consecrated the bread and wine in service before 100 people in small church in northern London suburb Inoculations ATLANTA Ga AP More than 25 million Americans have received swine flu inoculations federal health officials said Fri day with the number increas HlVIEW CATERING AND BANQUET HALL 50 22l PERSONS IllIIIII III PHONE 7260979 The man to get things done 0n election day vote ing week by week even before the report of swine flu casein Missouri The target figure of 135255112 is based on 1970 US census data for countyby county population Guerrillas WINCHESTER England Reuter Three IRA guer rillas alleged to have plotted to blow up the luxury liner Queen Elizabeth were sentenced Friday William Baker 32 James Bennett 40 and Ber nard McCaffery 35 all of South ampton were convicted of con spiring to contravene the Ex plosive Substances Act Baker and Bennett were sentenced to 20 years and McCaffery to 16 years Three other men were acquitted the 8gth OUIl NIO12172426 His First LP Featuring Organ Selections IMPERIAL INEMA salt RQNLANDS Emlynthan ation After Starring Shanon HUME CBONYN CTHE MANY FACES OF LOVE MON NOV 29th 830 pm Georgian College Theatre Barrio Hwy 400 at Duckworth St Tickets $7 $600 $250 from the Foundation office 103 Dunlop St Box 454 Barrie 7284613 SURPRISE JOHN HART is ALIVE AND ls Pleased To Announce That He Has Just Recorded 91000 People Una Sniper twoMINUTE oWABNIND CHARLTON HESTUN JOHN CASSAVETES TWOMINUTE WARNING MARTI BALSAM BEAU BRIDGES MARILYN HASSETT DAVID JANSSEN JACK KLUGMAN WALTER PIDGEUN BRUCK PETERSDAVID GRORANIHDNY UAVISJUI KAPP out iTS GD ma outn rantin her class and She SHES Ieafning to driVe too LQONFESSIONS OFA DRIVING INSTRUCTOR WWW ANIHONYMOTN MSW BILUMYNARD SHEILAMNIE In mums U1 TRASER IRENE NANDL SEW LAYIONNLYNOA BILLING luvINN Ulichhm toMWHINI HaulHOW mmm uspends farmland Arrested EAST BERLIN Reuter Physicist Robert Havemann critic of the ruling East Ger man Communist party has been placed under house arrest friends said Friday They said the 67yearold rofessor was taken by police rom his home in Gruenheide on the outskirts of the city by police earlier Fri dav Five perish KNOXVILLE Tenn AP Five children were killed Fri day when fire swept through house as they slept authorities said The hospital identified the dead as Darol and Jimmy Co ker both and George Tipton his halfbrother Marty Tyer and Martys sister Sheila Tyer lot the perlotming Arts proudly presents Several of Your Favorite Release Date Will Be Jan I977 Please Watch This Space For Further Information Held over 3rd week MIL 905 pm 33 Exit Gates milsm tr vwuit ltwM Tricouiiruom is won tymnmurui NOW PLAYING 7I0 900 pm a0uulam lt QISUNS vi us Au Hann The Barrie Examiner Saturday November 27 1976 Against it NAIROBI Kenya AP The United 185 Dunlap 7269944 AT SUN ATINEE 130 PANAVISION takeover Educational Scientific and Cultural 0r anization UNESCO vot Friday to reaffirm its condemnation of Israels excavations and new tio building projects in Jerusalem Open Face HOT TURKEY $325 Children under 12 5225 The finest cuisine Lakeview FAMILY NIGHT SPECIAL MONDAY TO THURSDAY MEAT lOAF With Spanish Sauce Of 7285151 Iluirlg Stowardouu in 715 only awn 13 at use only starring UNBELIEVABLE AND UNINHIBITED CNESTY MORGAN TBLAZING BlZlN slim Intot ll vlal Au DI Evonhgo Tom Sawyer pm only Follow Me Boys pm only pm United Artist