Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Nov 1976, p. 23

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11 ARTICLES FOR SAlE Us Ile Market Fridays from 430 to pm Every Saturday am to 430 pm x7 33i Bayfield corner of Bayfield and Ferris Lane TF 71 53 5USED COLORED TVS ®hy reasonable offer will be accepted need the room for new stock con tinuously coming in Come early for best selection of color and black and white IVs Barrie TV and Appliances 80 Dunlop St 7284297 Conserve heat this winter Heat Miser fits into chimney electric tan saves money 7280755 FIREWOOD FOR SALEFD cord of ft Slabs s20 Hardwood and softwood no delivery 7289204 GBX PA system $450 or best otter Also Hagstrom semiacoustic guitar and case 550 Call 7373675 CB FOR SALE channel Lindsey chrome case preamp mike coax and antenna Silo firm Telephone 7288030 anytime WALKIN FREEZER for sale with coil $800 or best offer Phone Ice Cream Unlimited 7370971 ask for Rod French COLOR polaroid cameras with flashes $50 each Underwood desk typewriter manual Smith Corona portable manual $30 each Telephone 7281225 CHESTERFIELD and matching chair modern design green wooden arms Like new condition Reasonable Telephone 4246785 DRESSERS chest of drawers space saver swivel chair antique dressers and chests washstand Ed Balle Fur niture 12 Baytield St 7283003 WASHER AND dryer I974 Maytag matching pair Washer has water temperatures load sizes Excellent condition $400 firm Telephone 7370311 FIREPLACE HARDWOOD season6F top quality lace cord 16 $35 12 $30 or cgstom cut Free delivery 7264725 GAS STOVE and dryer in onion condi tion $100 for package price Telephone 7265247 after pm PERSONALS TELECARE Why fight your problem alone Let lrlend help Call Telecare 7267922 anytime ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 it you drink thats your business If you want to quit thats ours Call anytime INTERNATIONAL Investigation Ser vices clle criminal marital investiga tions surveillance Discreet and con fldential 7372972 Do SOMETHING NEW phone Ren dezvous Dating Ltd l4i64531661 Brampton ii pm Any age UNWANTED HAIR removed salely permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrenchuk Certified Electrologist 737267i EARLY BIRD Restaurant Palnswick home away from home Home cooking home baking For your Christmas Party try our catering service Come and see us or phone 7260931 Open am to pm Saturdays till pm DANCE bands avallable for New Years Eve Ballroom and general dance music Mr John Slsman 7260067 WE CAN turn your unwanted items into cash Barrie Orlliia Auction House 10 miles north of Barrie corner of High way it and the 10th concession oi Oro Auction every Tuesday night at pm beginning November 30 For informa tion call 4872044 FLORIDA $75 for December is to 25 Treasure island Efficiency unit in motel Waterfront Purchaser unable to go Telephone 7261421 after5130pm HELP mum AVON CHRISTMAS EARNINGS can help make the holidays happier for your entire family Its easy selling fine AVON products Call now 7289652 or write AVON PO Box 485 Barrie WThN25 HAIRDRESSER REQUIRED for east end area Steady position good wages plus commission Telephone 7265837 during business hours HAIRDRESSER wanted fully exper ienced for the Base Borden area For further information telephone 7372740 or 7261960 CHINA Royal Albert Silver Birch set tings plus many extras cost 3350 Ask ing $250 or best offer also many other china pieces Telephone 7263959 after ROOM Humiditier good Rhaition Telegram 7264748 DANISH STYLE Walnut dining wont suite medium slle pieces excellent condition Phone 7269054 after6 pm WHIRLPOOL heavy duty automatic washer and dryer 5400 Also Piano ac cordian $300 All in excellent condition Telephone 7284428 after pm DRUMS SET oi Rodgers plus extra skins Excellent condition 18 months Old S550 firm Phone 4363224 after 530 askaior Brian POKER TABLE brand new Please telephone after pm 7289202 HANGING BASKETS New shipment at real bargain prices inch baskets with phiiodendron etc at only $295 living gitt tor Christmas Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndaie Drive 7262951 BOATS AND MOTORS 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard motor AI condition Asking 2500 Telephone 4354245 after 430 pm ARTICLES WANTED CASH FDR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 items 7288234 DOGS AND PETS EDGEHILL AQUARIA Aquariums fish plants all accessories Lowest price I43 Ardagh Rd 7260094 BARRTE POODLE SalonShampooing and clipping of all breeds Sophia Street East 7264141 POODLE TRIMMING Erotessional grooming all breeds pickup and delivery 7268798 Pet Studio MAYS POODLE PARLOR Protes sional clipping and grooming rea sonable rates Telephone 7260061 E6 FOXHOUND pups Walker Fri99 good hunting stockTeiephone 7293075 DOBERMAN PINSCHER male i0 mon ths old black and tan house trained ears and tail cropped Champion stock bred tor show CKC Registered all shots 4246608 DOBERMAN Pups Excellent pedr igree Bred for Show Disposition guar anteed CKC registered Call 8355556 FREE PUPs to good home Telephone 3221l65 atter 530pm GARDEN SUPPLIES TROPICAL PLANTS All varieties Big plants our specialty Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 7262951 FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SPECIAL CLEARANCE oi Used and New Trailers Several makes Also lease and rentals 7261551 HARNESS REPAIRS hockey equip ment repairs saddles and tack Hender sons Saddlery 222C Yonge St Pains wick 7372982 HORSES BOARDED and trained Echo Spring Ranch lOth line of Oro Phone 4875842 HORSES BOARDEDVA $65 monthly Box stalls good paddocks Private stable West of Angus 4245538 POULTRY AND CHICKSW READY to lay pullets Also farm lresh eggs Brown egg birds available mid November Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud 436181 60 YEARLING hens Dekalb $1 each or $50 tor Lot Telephone 723mg FEED SEED AND GRAIN NO SALES of hay Tretoil and Timothy lor sale Telephone ater5prt14663040 CUSTOM CORN drying available Telephone Doug Hickling 7286400 3000 BALES first cut mixed hay never rained on 954 bale in the barn Phone 7285632 FRUITS AND VEGETABLE APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Oro 7261907 728 8489 Closed Sundays Your containers FETATOES NO Ontario pOtHIOes Delivered Telephone 7289378 or ZZQEIEHE LL FARMMACHINERY DAVtD BROWN 950 tractor with front end loader Maure loader lor point hitchtractor Setol 10 chain narrows John Deere manure spreader Ace bot tom three lurrow drag plow Massey Harris run seed drill Call 7281097 ANTIQUE TRACTOR i928 IOW20 MC Cormick Deering complete in running order iith concession south ol 20th slderoad Ivy iirst farm on left side FORD Super malor tractor with Freeman 3000 loader Portable Lincoln welder generator welder 130 amp generator 3000 watts Tonaka cutting torch with regulators and 100 It hose Phone 4240596 PERSONALS BANDUET FACILITIES Book now for Christmas New Year Parties Weddings Cross Country Skiing Golf Tour narnents ROYAL DOWNS GOLF TENNIS CLUB miles west of Barrie 424024l or 4240246 Dl9 As courtesy our company will arrange free iron sportation to your departure point and return on all bus and package holidays HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 45 Dunlop St Barrie Ont 7284700 N2527D24 SALESPEOPLE needed immediately full or parttime in Barrie and surroun ding areas to market residential insula tion Liberal commissions Training pro vided Phone 726057i tor Jim Churchill MOTORCYCLE MECHANIC Must be licenced with administrative ability preferably with Honda Suzuki experience We offer top wages secure luture Write to Box 588 Barrie Ex aminer NElP WANTED TAURUS REAL ESTATE ITD LiJT HELP WANTED WIG BOUTIQUE Parttime help re quired Must have selling experience and be able to work without supervision Apply In person only to Rocchettis Wig Town Georgian Mall Barrie CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Large international organixation require attractive outgoing representative to contact their clients in the Barrie area Car necessary Salary position For ap pointment call Mr Anderson 7373541 AN INTERNATIONAL OIL CO offers plenty of money plus cash bonuses at home training lor mature individual in Barrie area Regardless of experience write Read Pres American Lubricants Co Box 696 Dayton Ohio 45401 EXPANDING CANADIAN oil company needs dependable person who can work without supervision Earn $14000 per year plus bonus Contact customers around Barrie We train Write Dick Pres Southwestern Petroleum Brampton Ont L6T 2J6 IMMEDIATELY Required Parttime Christmas help in Barrie Work 1015 hours week No experience we train Must hava car 60956532 MUSICIANS bassist drummer keyboard or guitarist for top 40 popular rock band to work weekends im mediately Contact Ted 7288362 SALES PERSON Must be personable able to sell retail plumbing and bath ac cessories able to handle cash starter and neat appearance Apply to Dalton Slessor Homestead Plumblng warehouse 49 Anne 5t Barrie PHYSICIANS FAMILY seeks mothers helper alter January first 1977 BabySIt ting and light housekeeping boys and years and newborn Send references and photo non smoker please Apply Mrs Kollman 22 Flowerdaie Rd Thornhlll Ontario L3T 4J4 MATURE PERSON to babysit in my home from pm to i2 midnight Mon day to Friday Telephone 7284864 MECHANIC Class Must be responsi ble and have own tools Hourly rate good working conditions uniforms sup plied Downtown Fina 14 Collier Street 7287511 gtVriiflflr EMPLOYMENT WANTED LICENSED MECHANIC will repair cars in spare time Anything considered Telephone 7370947 evenings NEW JANITORIAL and general main tenance company would like commer clal and residential contract work Rea sonable rates and excellent results guaranteed We need your business L743E7 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 NElP WANTED 30 Owen Street Barrie Ontario 7373000 AMBITIOUS REAL ESTATE SALESPERSONS Required NOW Experienced preferred but not essential High income for hard working individuals Call for confidential interview Mr Thompson 7373000 ONE DAY om MAKE EXTRA MONEY Students required to make extra money Come On Down to the EMBASSY HALL 386 Blake St Barrie Saturday November 27 at ll am N26 BOOKKEEPER CLERKTYPIST Fulltime position for selfmotivated person experienced in Ac counts Receivable Payroll and with knowledge of general office procedures and accounting to Trial Balance Preference will be given to person with Philips or other accounting machine ex perience as duties include both manual and machine procedures References please REPLY IN WRITING ONLY giving pected to Gough Accountant The Barrie Examiner PO Box 370 Barrie Ont TENDERS MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES NOTICE OF TENDER FOR SALE OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT Sealed tenders will be received by the District Manager Ministry of Natural Resources Midhurst until i2200 Oclock noon December I976 for the sale of the following surplus items of equipment Two l4 Aluminum Boats One i5 Fibreglass Boat One Outboard Motor 28 HP One Outboard Motor 85 HP One Outboard Motor IOO HP One Outbpard Motor 18 HP One Chain Saw Seven Fish Houses various types and sizes Further information specifications tender documents and viewing arrangements may be obtained Ministry of Natural Resources Coldwater Telephone 705 686 3342 Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted mm ll mm oaoaou detailed resume and salary ex TENDERS by contacting Mr Harry Hallett SCHAFER District Manager sell ANNOUNMETS AUCTION SAlES NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH DEMBERLINE of the City of Barrie Central District Brownies Guides ft Rangers CHRISTMAS TEA The Barrie Examiner Thursday NovembI 97 423 Chimney sweeps Barrie in the County of Simcoe Bazaar Bake Table lDeath Noticos Engagements Births widow deceased Sat NOV 27m maximum 40 words additional words cents per word All Persons having daims 104 7Card of Thanks 25 words 4500 again the Estate of Elizabeh Trinity PagéhHa Additional words9cants per word Demberline late of the or comers In Memoriam no verse $500 Barrie in the County of Simcoe N25 TORONTO CP The mod Norman Lenl oWner of of Verse per count line extra 21 cents per line Widow who died on or about em chimney sweep is no longer Toronto Chlmney Serwce Ltdi Coming Events $322 per column inch the 24th day of March I976 are hereby notified to send par ticulars of some to the un dersigned on or before January BINGO the grubby street urchin of Dickens novel Today the sweep is full QOWn man Using powerful is one of the citys most colorful sweeps Lenz learned his trade in eight years of apprenticeship and journeyman training in COMING EVENTS COMING EVENTS 1977 me which do he vacluugt cleaners and modern 39m REBEKAH AND ODDFELLUW too eprovides service that we be dsmbmefl wm can prevent fires and cut heat regard only to the cIaIms of Formerly atMoIsons Site which the undersigned shall mgfgsglséce and furnace Chtm HAS MOVED TO EMBASSY HALL then have notice and the un 800 pm neys especially those for up BLAKE 51 EAST BARRIE EVERY SUNDAY 9om t05 pm 25 Vendors in attendance dersigned will not be liable to any person Of whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie this l2th day Of l00F HALL FERRIS LANE Jackpot $100 refreshment booth ThTF naces burning wood or coal should be cleaned once year says Chief William Sproule of the Toronto fire prevention bu indirectly WASHINGTON AP An expert in the biological effects Ample Parking Refreshments Noyember i976 MHL reau He adds that the 250 Chim of radiation said Wednesda Vendors welcome LIVINGSTON MYERS8 Out ney fires in Toronto last year that Chinats nuclear explosiofi 4362765 COCKBURN 89 Collier Street Barrie Ontario Dancing Live Entertainment more than half in private homes could have been pre vented by better chimney care Keeping chimney clean can two months ago will lead to about 200 deaths worldwide over the next few generations L4M 4Y5 Dr Arthur Tam lin scien BIRTNS IN MEMORIAMS Sol icnors for the Ad Bar Food save from 30 to 50 per cent tisi with the Naturgl Resources 5000 news STORy When you an BROLEY in loving memory of dear minisrmrix heatlng COSLS ll also lessens air Defence Council an environ nounce the blrthof your childin The Bar motherbEtgesl 39319 Wh° 99559 9W Vel ht Ponmon mental law firm said the rle Examiner clippings of the notice are Over eon 9C available for Babys Book Family Tree Deeplnme heart Ilesa picture N18 25 D2 EbCSSY H0 FrdJYS Homeowners can FheCk and deaths WIll result from cancer Records and to mail your friends and Ola lovedlonelald Clean the 0W Chimneys and genetic defects He re relatives in those far away places Place in mernorleslrame we shall keep It Sim 16 method to tell if chim an announcement alter birth Call The Becauseshewasone ol the best $700 couple dIcted about 20 0f the deaths Barrie Examinercmssmenga 7414 Lovingly remembered by Everett and Proceeds Minor Hockey ney needs cleaning requlres would occur in the United MARRIAGES BURKCROOKS The marriage ol Catherine Elizabeth daughter of Mr and Mrs Crooks to Edward Robert son of Mrs Burk of Georgetown took Elia SMITH in loving memory of our dear Son and brother Robert James who was called away so suddenly November 25 1975 Tis sweet to know well meet again Where troubles are no more CHRISTMAS TEA Bake Sale El Bazaar Thurs December Ni7IB2425 THE ALLANDALE DISTRICT GUIDES BROWNIES only mirror held in the fire place opening or in the cleanout flue If light can be seen the chimney is probably safe for another season If not it needs States China set off small nuclear explosion on Sept 26 and larger one several days ago Tamplin was among group place on November 19th 1976 at St Giles And that the one we loved so well present cleaning re resentln various eace re Churcn same flaélflifiélfailéféfife pm to pm CHRISTMAS TEA Agle p909 Who arent ligllous andg environgnentalist DEATHS In Heaven he rests Legion Hall AIOSI Vincent St AND BAZAAR afraid to Climb on the roof can BOTTER CHRIS ADOLPH member of God Bless you son and brother You were one of the best Tickets available at door Date Saturday Nov 27 i976 clean their own chimneys by organizations which discussed the consequences of the Chinese Hiram L°d°ef78 T5°b95C° Lovingiy remembered and sadly Ausplces LadlesAuinlar Place Burton Avenue United filling burlap bag With ex losi th te tish Rite of St Thomas 44 years service 09 WI epar with Walkers Department Stores and figfiiggasaadfid 3137223 Mum M¥v N275277DI Church cuss Stpneifitthlt ment officials Wednesday ttznzlkrtrlt sitcom time nootoszoopm an owing as officials have said November Im Chris Bolter in his Tea Adults 50 Children 25 my movmg ther of the explosions posed Yea Beloved husband Virginia 11 it Wll ion Baked oodies books and down Done regualrlly the health hazardimhe UIS Boiler of Barrie Loving lather or Peggy NECESSARY method Will clean 75 per cent of Mrs Ayres ol Stroud and Christle Chrlstmas Crafts hree weeks after the first The bobcat thch resembles the soot and Olly depOSIts from at home Dear grandfather of MIchacl Nné last the state department and Monica Dear brother of Doll Mrs WANT ADS the Canada lynx clImhs trees the chlmney Stroud Margaret Mrs Mallory and Bus all of Toronto Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradlord St Barrie Visitation from Wednesday at PHONE 7282414 only when searching for food or when escaping from pack of hounds If that seems bit ad venturous heating contractor lodged protest with China al though the nature of the protest and the level at which it was N25 or professional chimney sweep should be called pm Service in the chapel on Friday November 26 at pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery Masonic service un der the Auspiccs of Kempenlelt Lodge No673 AF AM will be held Thursday evening at 730 pm on behalf ol the King Hiram Lodge 7168 Tiltsonburg In lieu of llowers donations to the Ontario heart foundation would be appreciated KING LLOYD PERCY at St Michaels Hospital Toronto on Monday November 22 1976 Lloyd Kng beloved son of Mrs Kathleen Crowc ol Barric and the late Richard Dear brother of Doualas at Toronto and Ted of Barrie Dear uncle of nieces and nephews RestIng at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradlord St Barrie Visitation trom Wednesday at pm Service and committal complete In the chapel on Thursday November 25 at pm Interment Barrle Union Cemetery FRANKCOM Ada Kale At the Baylieid Lodge Barrm on Tuesday No vember 23 1976 Ada Kale Frankcom wile ol the late Francis John Frankcom ol Midhurst and dear mother at Cecil ol Midhurst and the late Percy of Elmvale Grandmother at five grandchildren and great grandchildren Friends may call at the Arnold Funeral Home I27 Bay field St Barrie Service in the chapel Thursday afternoon at 30 Inter meni Midhurst UnIon Cemetery in lieu of flowers donations to your favorite charitty would be appreciated MURPHY William At the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie on Tuesday November 23 1976 William Murphy of Barrie in his 35th year Past Governor at Clvltan Canadian DistrIct West and Charter President Of the Midland Civitan Club Beloved husband of Donna MadIll dear father of Jim Robby Bradley and Scott all at home Loved son at John Murphy and Daisy Darling brother of Jeanne Mrs King of Orr Lake grandson oi Mrs Edith Harper and Mr Alexander Murphy both of Toronto Friends may call at the James Lynn Funeral Home Elmvale alter 730 pm Wednesday until i2 noon Friday November 26 then to St Johns United Church Elmvale lOr iuneral scr made were not disclosed 32 from pm until time ol serVIce In Memoriam donations to the wItIiam Murphy Junior Civitan Memorial Scholarship Fund would be appreciated inileuorflowers VAN DYKE Albert Alter lengthy ii Iness at the Royal Victoria Hospital on Wednesday November 24 i976 Albert Van Dyke beloved husband of Akkc of Barrie loving lather of Edna Mrs Verkuyl ol Edmonton Robert ol Barrie and Rennie and Richard at Georgetown Dear grandlaiher of is grandchildrena vi nd great grandchildren dcar brother of John at Bradford and predeceased by Wopke Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home 152 Bradlord Si Barrio Visita tion from Thursday at Service at the First Christian Reformed Church St Vincent Street Barrie on Saturday November 27 at Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery Bradford EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 REG PRICE WOULD BE l095 TO 1595 Now Prices ODIY So we repeal Out they go Mmshuimpmu Road Rncmg Set CllrlslllInanl Paul This isjust one It more than 375 vallucpriccd gilt UNDERWOOD BROADLOOM MILLS Barrie Store Only Ideas from our IiLVl Chrlslnllls czllillnguc Itcrcs thousands II milli master charge tilmul gilt Illclls In our big l777 NORTH BARR PLAZA 77 VVVVV ShopRite LIltrllllgllc Wont you conic in Nlililll iiAltlill R0 BARRIE When shopping for carpeting you cant afford to miss us It inflate amwwum

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