Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Nov 1976, p. 22

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RENTALS APARTMENTS WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED bachelor apartment ur gently required Contact John Bruce at 7266110 Reasonable Houses WANTED TO ENT CARPENTER wishes to rent house or apartment In Barrie area wlth yard privileges reasonable rent Box 471 MLL4 ROOMS TO LET SEMIFURNISHED Room on Duck worth St Bus at door $80 month Ist and last months rent Call 7262551 or 7372699 FURNISHED Roois Downtown loca tion Clean bright modern Shared klt Chen and bath Hamilton Realty 7371000 PRIVATE GIRLS residence furnished rooms Centrally located kitchens recreation room laundry facilities close to shopping single and double rooms 7260838 DOWNTOWN FurnistiEd rooms lineh supplied with kitchen facilities and rec room privileges 7266392 BRIGHT newly decorated iurnishgd rooms in downtown location shared kit chen Taurus Real Estate Ltd 7373000 FURNTSHED rooms to rent Friendly atmosphere Cocking facilities provided $25 weekly Telphone 7266271 alter pm FURNISHED ROOMS Central park ing kitchen privileges common room linen supplied weekly Responsible adults Telephone 7267186 ATTENTION Business Girls large modern furnished house to share with other girls All facilities available Close to bus and malls Call 7269319 alter pm BRIGHT Frunished housekeeping room with trig and stove Centrally located Phone 7283594 FURNISHEDVRDomTkitcThen prTvileEes Central location Young working man Eeiirred Phone 7266389 CLEAN newly decorated furnished rooms broadloomed throughout com munity kitchen and bathroom $120 monthly Please phone 7371605 alter pm COMMERCIAL FOR SALE OR RENT OFFICE SPACE Modern office with 1100 sq ft on main floor overlooking Kem penfelt Bay and municipal parking Recently decorated with wall to wall drapes and fully broadloomed Call Bill Sakeris National Trust Co 728 9201 TF OFFICES STORES FOR RENT 1000 SQ FT The best oi modern store or oliice space ior rent or lease Dunlop East Mini Plaza Customer and owner parking Telephone 728 5738 BUILDING FOR RENT storage or repair Ollice 737 2600 or 416 635 0637 NEW 500 square ft oi ottice or store space Corner Essa and Cumberland streets Prime location Ample parking Suit many businesses Asking 5250 men thly Contact John Triohle 726 0259 or 728 8328 after GROUND FLOOR oiiice space suitable for or very central Could provide telephone answering and some secretarial Apply to Box 590 Barrie Ex aminer SPACE FOR RENT PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1550 19500 so it fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 18 it clear part oi large expanding industrial mall7267130 BUILDING 66x100 suitable for store garage warehous n9 etc 21 Mary Street very central Apply Valley DriveYourseli 16 Maple Avenue 7266666 PROMINENT City LOI suitable Christmas tree sales Phone 728 1779 SPACE IN Allandale area 1200 so it ideal for mechanics garage radiator shop etc Considerable parking dvdll able Telephone 728 8302 after GARAGES WANTED TO rent Heated gantry or qaraqe bay for or months to rusorv older vehicle Telephone 728 3202 ACCOMMODATIONS TO SHARE DO YOU WANT to snare large furnishd apartrrieritJ Preter young person Cer traIIy located $80 monthly TrIeptione 7281941 alter9 rn Good for included tor ifililflionvr CARS FOR SALE 1969 CHEV Townsman Wagon 78 tomaic radio Dower starring powr rear NIOOON tire on rim orgy tiny on rims all unitswalls Root moi antenna tag l9h1$81rriiv rlTyvr t1 rearspeakrrs 7268173 1971 PONTIAC Catalina door in goal condition op vinyl root radio air COnUITIOnCCSOOIIII Certilier Tintrd olass TeIrphone726914iimytimi 1971 VOLKSWAGEN cimpir WIs thalia iulty equprd Excellent crinrii tonWill certify TLIephone7057761120 1969 BEAUMONT 39 ermine prerl turbo 005i trartiori Tllayf dIJI suspension Goodyear Pail tinr paint AskrnqSl99i Phonr726 8411 1971 TOYOTA Corrillla lor Dilrl Engine in good running condition Brnt oilir Telephone 726 9890 rIfIflF In 197 PONTIAC LEMANS excellent on JIIOO $2995 Pomr strIzrnq powr Drakes radio Telephone 726 9816 1964 CHEVELLE MdlOU rylindir automatir wrth power steering Ir rvx illent condition 5500 rrrtiiei 731017 attrrréom 1971 PINTO CPrIilierx 49000 miIr relinished With snow tires $950 or nearest after e1Lphonr726 H905 1971 TOYOTA Will rerlify $600 Eric 455i 9536 alter 12 noon 117 MERCURY Brougham all equip pea in etcelIinl coriditiori $1190 will consdir trade Lornr Hny 728 4720 iItrr 6pm 72 7680 1972 GRAND PPIX SJ sundnnie primor with white vinyl top and interior Riilly urn91s stripes and mirrors Partial tires PSIPB autonatir AC tilt tiir nq nthoi Power rundown sent and tmriy no figring S200 Call 717 3000 or 718 5219 CaII 196 MAZDA Station Wiigon spurd motor excellent 56000 rnilis rxtra grimy tirr $700 or ISI Phont 717 2177 12 norm in 1970 CHP ISLE door power slurring pomr bravez air conditioning radial tires certlied good condition $1100 telephoni 717 14116 or 728 6512 177 DA YHJN 510 door SodIn 47000 rrlyz yigr good rurirtIirm loo mmy iryv list $1400 Ur titS1 rilIir rpvri 13 1974 COIN Calmn1 new motor 900d may not Irlremioni 716 49 1972 CHE arriino SS 350 barrel magh oiy kit seats connole automatic rrrtilied nIw DIIIIII exriIllmt condition Kl Ttlll nin anon tires $2400 774 9851 1771 tit Irrrt or strip $7800 in antir will rI is for $1100 or host oi TIIIIKIFi21l Ill 10 or 726 8617 III tiryJIr riri owner driven liki ivy 4rrririlrrii Iii only Iniryphonr at If rr I79 599 1971 It If if HAL till Idoor hard Mr is Iil aulorrialiL radio and grrH tinr flit110m rondiliori $2100 rirtii rrl 1371gt 417 1157 aitrr rn iII it 7971 Impala station my lllfIYTrITI power steerian and milling radio pomr riiar window New to MawL nrrIlarit condition Asking Syflli iliow 7269th daily 737 0307 rutrungs tryi JUI VON00 ismtie automatic transrrinsiot fit3t otter Telephone 757 Olmtili 6p rt 96 Mpm Ill rmtlo new paint yiriyt top power altirinii powir hrakru rrnr windrm ltlltlwt Asking 3795 Phone 76 90M ryl Distant I200 Iililljdi Light green qtrallrnt rortrtitiori AM radio good tires two extra surnrrirr tires uncpyyfled Low mileage $600 Call pm IM 1896 metcrib FAIRLANE 500 Two door hardtop 30 automatic radio new 91 nd body work mechariirnlly Cartlfloit nriil winterized $8410 726 821 marlW Gifts of Enduring Beauty Fondue Sets Irish Coffee Warmers Gourmetwore Flowerpots and vases plus Meeuws Pewter and Raphael Jewellry COPPERWORLD 53 Dunlop St 7261683 She wants CRUISE WEAR FOR CHRISTMAS see our Swim suits Shorts Tanktops °Warm Weather Slacks Dressesplus storeful of winter gift ideas SHERRYS 125 Dunlap St 7372082 ching clutch purse kit CATER TO THEIR GARNETS HOBBIES 123 Dunlop St 7268321 II ll STUDIO ONE Ladies Fashion Handbags gloves Scarves by Echo Pierre Cardin Evening Accessories Jewellry belts Hat Scarf Set Felt Hats Hones Hosiery 27 Dunlop St 930530 Fridays til 7288085 LIGHT UP HER CHRISTMAS With lasting gift for the home Select an elegant light ingfixture at THE HOUSE OF TOMORROW 68 Dunlop 7263100 LUGGAGE Samsonite Jetliner Dionite Skyway HANDBAGS Suede WALLETS BuxtonTilleyRolf Attoche cases briefcases gloves scarves evening bags sportbags totebags gifts BARRIE LEATHERGOODS BA YFIELD MALL 726529I Leather Vinyls iiiii lIii liilt IIiim Ilii TOWN SHOP Where smart women shop 24A DutilopW 7281521 DOWNTOWN lingiv iiiiii iiwiitiiil III Illl Its The Season To Advertise 7282414 John Street GIFTS FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST Get your HOLIDAY HAIRDO and win SUPER PRO FASHION FLAIR BLOW DRYER Drawing Christmas Week at POWDER PUFF HAIRSTYLISTS 15 Dunlop 7268912 Special Offer soft suede handbag and mat $1895 per sot Thread needles structions included iiiidfi 7286501 and in It PRACTICAL GIFTS For All the Family Slippers Shoes Snow Boots Evening Shoes Hand Bags Gift Certificates NORMAN FAMILY SHOES 24 DUNLOP ST 778 3881 Holiday Meals Are Extra Special At SCHNITZEL HAUS And SCHULZIES STEAK PIT 29 DUNLOP ST 7263831 Fully Licensed Karl and Sylvia Schulz GIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR iolly way to remember your friends and relatives this Christ mas is to send gift sub scriptions of the Barrie Examiner They are easy to order They lost all year and the cost is small compar ed to the pleasure given Each gift Wlll be announced in your name with beautiful card in full rich colors mailed to arrive at just the right time before Christmas Order now DO IT BY Writingto the Circulation Dept of The Examiner or Dial 7266537 Hand Crafted by Tidy Hutches Tables Wosh Stands Wall Units Custom made to your design Phone Bill Tidy at 7266961 Reasonable prices Potted Mums COMMERCIAL ARTIST £52832 AUTO ELECTRIC GEORGIAN millW PEER 152 JOHN ST FRAifilraggpfbwms mom BUILDING CUSTOM FENCING ENTIALFEC hal 77 Baytield si HisMm PRODUCTS Nuts World Will DOIVOIY 7281561 rigmemeTvyiih iijiégglgfieel F25 AlU NUM DRESSMAKING as eep one MW MERCURY mmobne cc Sdlnp E°V°5°Ugh messes FII If mode by JOSIE AQUINO good condltlon$250 Must sell 5011 Windows Specializing In pantwill gowns and align Telephone 7313139 Fade Doors tions 76 Worsloy 7266000 Pine Furniture AUTOMOTIVE SNOWMOBILE ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES In stock now at prusoason prices SPORT HAVEN MARINE mil cost of BARRIE on Shanty Bay Rd 7261001 D29 SNOWMOBILE PARTS El ACCESSORIES Big Red Costrol STP Oil AC Champion Bosch plugs Tecumseh Kohler Engine Parts Delco Batteries BAY TIRE finest iob possible SEND FLOWERS FOR CHRISTMAS Poinsettias ALUMINUM COMMERCIAL ART 1971 MOTO Skl for Sale Asking $395 or CUSTOMMADE clothing specialising In best otter Telephone 4872291 leather suede donlm wool pattern draf Iln and alterations 4562976 Shutters Awnings GREETINGS To 1m SKIDOO 01 300th cover still underymgrcranty EereIIelhrtI Addmons ROOfmg CUSTOM MADE CLOTHNG SPCIOilln OUR MANY PATRONS condltlon $950 or best offer msoar P°VCh E¢°SU°S hath mdt dnlm wool puttm rot tin and ulterattons4562976 Looking Forward onewor EXAMINER pamu To Seeing You WANT ADS For free estimate IN 77 SPECIALIZING IN pm moms2m 532 gigsRm LAKEVIEW DAIRY ARTICLES SALE at Local Family Business VESWWWNG GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Eovostroughlng installod Coll 7286628 185 Dunlap 7285151 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Roofing and roofing repairs Free estimates Call 4241956 New Lowell ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Eloctrlc Commercial Residential Industrial Installations and ur vica 7264996 LADIES AND ontlamons altorallons 26 Mary St Tolop one 7373432 or residence 7288416 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorised solos and sortEggs Alliance Blvd 7283392 Krazy Kellys COLOUR TELEVISION RENTAUPURCHASE I1 Give her lovely lingerie for Christmas by Kayser 20yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 LOVE LATCH gravol 4361558 4361257 BULLDOZING small and large iobs Eason Sons RR Minosing 7267638 Floor Console LASTING GIFT 49 Morrow Rd Unit 3650 to Fri to 530 Sol to pm Pratt Motor Sup pfyCo Ltd 7285911 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR Brllish European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Snrv 17 Mary St Horizonta Augering 7289833 FIREPLACES FRANKSOARTISTIC FRAMING 30 Tiffin St 7262800 25 MOTOROLA OUASAR Spanish oy$550 nl or $588 cash basis mu 1235441447 77 AAA Academy of Music 121 Bayflold 7281799 wait FIREPLACES omc SERVICES CY SP°lt°19 °° 5°° $351355r73°5553u33i$12 ohgunnes E58 Willard batteries antifreon woshor on us brick dd 42447 Letnher Goods PHONE TONIGHT antiIM block hooters utc All at com ME putllivo prices Mon to Fri to 530 Sol 10 Custom built and designed Fme POW DELIVERY TONIGHT ElJLiflfl 50129299 mulls52 Spoonrocks zenith so Tohlbo RCA workmanmp Quar°°°¢ PAINTING paper hangin oxparlancod 5P°lt° WW Sulm Im one Call PETER ENSTRA 737287 CRT3577 LENEDH lWil KOVI appointments at yarn Fillidoncc or TF VELFWGA PAWTLNC land omml In Ihl3£Pgno 72606171777 COLONIAL FIREPLACES ml no bum torior exterior Work agorontood H6u5iltltr 1min 72840 Eslab Ilhod Wynn 7262609 6m STONEWORK and fireplaces specialtyV Watson for fro estimates 7281599 MASONARY cur ENERGY cosrs DunlopW 7285128 PURPLE MARTIN Hauls for solo Apply at 92 Mglrosu Ave Barrio or tolophono 7285283 KELLYS BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA CARPENIRY AND General Contractor Kitchen roc Tandy tillIql gm °° n°7f$7 dd° 910 Have solid masonary fireplace ur 0y pm purging closed Wednesday CARPENTER Specializln roc rooms In Obfnn the some cos as torior remodeling trim utc Hm coll FranklinForafrae estimate 2228212221 phone CEDAR DECKS roc rooms oxtonslon olc Fully gxpOrIIMOd726m272626m 7285673 we CABINET MAKER Europoon trained kit chanl vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 72629441 LICENCED CARPENTERS CUITOITTTOOTTTCL collages renovations repairs Satisfaction and Constructlo 72671ffl will do roc rooms renovations remodelling1c No job to small 7261271 GENERAL JRFENIIIYTTTIL TTODstTTTiI ing renovating dry wall builtin clathu clgsglsxgrtc Roosonablo 7263853 cum CLEANING START YOUR spring Claonlng today Rovllclixu your carpets with AI carpal steam Qfi9Z°97l LL STEAM CLEANING Ipoclol $2995 any living and dining room Professionally steam All work and materials carry 1year warranty N26 FURNITURE REFINISIIING REPAIR STAIN high shoon modlum and low Roglu Ioints if noodod Angols Rofinish In wood and orborito Wo make it all Tolophono 7372614 FLOOR REFINISNING HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and refinishing old and now guarantoodod not tichip or p11 3258341 Saddles Bridles Halters Boots Helmets Blankets °Liniments Oand Accessories ROBINSON HARDWARE 31 DUNLOP ST BARRIE 7282431 30 GE RANGE with window oven and 15 cubic it relrigerator In ex cellent conditlon Call 436 2451 after pm PIANO super sale New Mason and Relsch apartment silo $1195 with bench Simply dial 3221802 30 Queen Elmvale PFAFF SEWINGWmlTChin Christmas Special ieaturlng built In extras for that prolesslonal look 726 3273 728 4615 FIREPLACE Hardwood seasoned IuII cords halves singles posts Free delivery 726 6823 PERFECT GIFT iNeIwaIi mounted 3i day grandfather clocks Regular $120 n0w$59 ciiII 737771955 NANOTMAN SNOWPLOW Meyers av It Comm 9199292999L5433L°LT omet lng clal power lift and angling Phone med ora for His car 737 as 99 Rubia bEigéTiuékurofiné pink rose WINTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling gnflgpolrs 7266263 Trash hauled away with underpad Ladys winter coat red AUDIOVOX CHILD CARE WEEKEND SERVICES 24 hour super vision meals entertainment Loving corn Room able ra PINE LIVINT rEom suite months old kitchen set and leather chair Telephone 7264930 DOLLS FOR CHRISTMAS Handmade loam tilled assorted colors completely safe for children of all ages Doll won first prile at Barrie Fair Telephone 726 3945 between 10 pm and 530 pm SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mowing sod dlng sloding general malntononco Car Radios All at prices you can afford Pratt Motor Supply Co Ltd used only few times $160 Telephone 7262586 after 630pm FURNITURE televisions 26 Inch con sole color 16 Inch color portable Wring er washer dryer pc white leatherette Attractive buys on all auto accessories many other items also it IiiIliii it 31 N19 ARMY SURPLUS 024 élliéfifdfilli wIiiiiowiorivr Biron SALE CARS WANTED I9741i MANS Only 29000 miles like nrw never seen winter blue blur vinyl top rrTUIrTl etc real buy at $3799 pllOrtl7761753 1971 FORD MAVERICK Sit cylinder two door TIIUIO Winter tiris Cirrtiliinl $800 Phoni 728 8381 alter 1968 VOLVO 147 4590811 5500 Uncer Illllfil Ielephone726 8027 I972 CHEV Impriln 350 power brakes powrr STEIrlng very clean car $1500 letsphoni 327 7529 after 530p JEEP 1948 wheel drive with plow many spiiri parts Priced at $1098 Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradford St 1970 ford custom 500 good running ron dition body needs some work certlied 345 or best otter Telephone 728 2518 1968 BUICK Skylark cylinder door power brakes steering vinyl roof new snows block heater as is $425 or best otter 728 2272alter 1969 TOYOTA Corolla use or best otter 1970 Plymouth Bowman$600 or best at ler Telephone 424 5166 anytime I973 PLYMOUTH door station wagon new radial tires new brakes and shocks power steering power brakes Certitied 42000 miles Best oiier Telephone 487 220 1970 BUICK Skylark needs some work on iront right side $500 uncertilied Telephone 7211 2950 alter CARS WANTED SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing srrap metiilrars boughtovcr Scale5520 1011416 1677 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid tree immediate pick up anytime 436 290i COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted Ior wrecking Hist pickup Days 415 6122 After In 424 5911 URGENTLY REQUIRED For Barrlos Nowost Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 TF WANTED CLEAN USED CARS All makes and models Fair Prices lnstantCash KERV JOHNSTON MOTORS LTD 17 GOWAN ST 7266488 TThSA18 TOP PRICE tor top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradford St Barrie 7288111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prlces paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free plrkup Telephone 726 8487 TRUCKS TRAILERS 1972 FORD V2 ton with cop excellent condition For details telephone 728 4067 lor Mr Baker or 728 1564ior Mr Hay 1974 GMC VAN short wheelbase V8 automatic tinted glass gauges rust prooied heavy duty sus enslon Never xgrkfd Certified Sacrl ice $7950 llrm 55 8cYlleld M0117372661 373030 Electrohame Humidifier Ac uw CARE WWWrm may 728323 7°Gtfr mam or 346600 cash basis are also available Exuvgfluc flowarbods otc 7268552 ELECTROHOME ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage MASONRY Give 26 littmt CRIOMACOLOOR CONSUMER SERVICE AND MASONRY Complete block foun OF °r88m uh be DRAG LINE Work Wantod Farm ponds dit Oils i2 D24 $323 9° °°9 PM pend MISCJOWASVE Sarvicosi Authorized W°°°° AUTO mm west GROVE °Pls me 75 AND ACCESSORIES CONSTRUCTION MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT EIChIngS Froo roll about base Visit me on sudio FAETORYR ticDUIIILT ENGINESb Igr most cars Backhoe Excav mural BROWN DJ Music for pooplo who on to iti Good or C0811 basis WOOD onglnoTgtLIIdgoTtorrrTafallgbtt61s M0671 TrenChlng do to 95s The Barrie Examiner ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assureyou of the NANOTMAN HOME AND COTTAGE Maintenance Poin ting Plumbing Roof and Chimney rlpolrs 4364105 CARPENTERPAINTER we do It Call 7263407 SMALL MOVING JOBS trash hauled roof to scloanod and snow lowln 4362387 HOUSE CLEANUPS Painting carpentry Enrol molntononco otc otc 4875389 HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Klfchons roc rooms Coll Russ 4363681 after 630 pm Roforoncos available NEED MORE living space roc room extra bedroom play room aundry office storoga space Also polntlng wollpoparing Murray 80117288906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and dgcorating privacy scroans and patios olumlnum door The number for all your needs 7288906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pointing chim neys waterproofing brick and stone cbulk Ing windows and expansion iolntsWorIi Eorontood 4589346 INCOME TAX INCOME TAX returns prepared Ari us Bor rla area 35 up Dobson 424 10 after and weekends INCOME TAX returns prepared am to pm Kidd 245 Ednhlll Dr 7263407 INSULATION You name it SIMCOE ECONOMY Insulation fibreglass Mayduke Van Roche and NO MONEY DOWN ALL ELECTRUHOME SIMCOE ELECTRIC mfg ampna Fm Darling Body Fashions also HODUCTS Indusrm c°mm°rc° LANDSCAPING Hosiery By Hones NO PAYMENTS CAN NOW BE R°5id°mi° F°rms PROF $310 LANDSCAPING Kayser and Can Can Lighing d9519 roorronliovo us om to III TILL 77 Electrical consulting R1112 lnsoctlcldhs NunezT437351 7289369 dolions brick work and fireplaces Frau ostlmotos 7266062 MUSIC INSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS Classical and popular Morcol Potvln Guitar Studio 7261409 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin ner and odvoncod months trial instru mont loonod for homo practice Canadian WAYNE FOLEY Prolossional painters Ex tarior and Interior Frog ostimgtos Work grant0d 7267389 DON SIESLING Profoulonol pointing in terior oxtorlor popar hanging custom work Satisfaction glgrantgod 726688 HILLSDALE DECORATING Intarior Ix torior wollpoporlng custom textured yall WL ROY DOIRON painting contractor intorior exterior paper hanging Customer satisfac tion guarantood 43636 PAINTING Interior oxtorlor established over 25 years Fro ostlmotos work guar ontood7287696 PAVING BILOTTA CONTRACTING Patios sidowolks stops chlmnuys curbs Now work and rupairs Frau ustlmotu 142330ftsr6pm PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sins Phonu 7283270 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 See our ad In the Yellow Pages black for lrImtulI length sllel2 All In JUST GIVE US In my excellentcondition Telephone 7263497 3553 ugmr1aeml CB Transceivers YOUR CAST0FF5 Tape decks $92 ORGAN 2f 33 ANTIQUE CHAIR CANING meorp ones on 1363799 Aenais table accessories $25072395 FEJILPhiflJJ 5° 4875525 726 3441 PLUMBING renovations commlc tllo 4304233 39 High St MAPLE SYRUP Pure avallable In ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE gallons gallons and quarts Just right 728591 for Christmasi Contact Ritchie Maple BANKRUPTCY STOCK NEW FURNITURE Fr 1530 9ELPEEQPEL7A1Y1mfi WASHER SPIN DRYER for sale por 390 55 15 Tuesday at pm at 381 Sat til4pm table Hoover In excellent condition sweaters slacks Levis many Bayneld comer of Boyfield and Ferris Lone This new furniture all top name brands and guaranteed by manufacturers will be sold by auction and Auctioneers and Jobbers Chorgex and instore financing 7266314 7370879 TF Tuesda Nov 23 197613 ARTIFRAM Custom picture framing Wide NEW WORK and ropoIrs drain and sewer clganlng comploto kitchen and bathroom Bllotlo living room suite 7269924 after pm SlackS sweaters shirts etc Eflacwgw Many Christmas ornaments NEARLY NEW Scandinavian seater AUTOMOTIVE chesterlleld solo and chair Ieck brlown everyhng unbelevubly Cheop INTEREST FREE SALE gold wool and nylon rea barge at TRUCKS TRAILERS $125 Phgng 726a29exerflngs NORTHERN SURPLUS on 96 FORD 5350 13 no van ANTIQUES Bullets dressers depras 4380U010p51W ELECTROHOME COLOR TV speed duals new 300 6cyIInder Jstalls 310 GIDSS China books plne cupboard 7374600 BUY now Pay over 12 momh and loading ramp Mu rocklng chalr oil lamps sealers etc N30 333 am Drum Elephane4871896fter pm period wlt no nterosl 1966 GMC IV TON heavy duty stake truck with hoist and racks 12 it bad Certified or as Is Must sell Telephone 737 3355 or 7231474 after pm MUST SELL 1972 Chev pickup V8 speed standard $1500 A130 1975 Dodge Van sunrool V8 automatic both ex cellent condition 4363064 8ft£r5£mg 1974 FORD ton very good condl tlon Must sell best otter Telephone 728 9302 1951 FORD tow truck for sale In ex cellent condltlon $1200 or best otter Telephone 424 0219 ITMFCIIEV 341011 CoiIeciiiriiteTnisooowl Telephone 7268077 i976 FORD V2 ioii certlflod $700 Fifi Jeep V7 ton not In running order $1000 Phone 487 5540pft£r6 pm 196 INTERNATIONAE V2 ton plckufi lrom west In mint condition $375 Telephone 728955417 1969 CHEV v2 ton pick up sianihrfioii shift 5700 7286038 CAP F6R17i6Fiy toii irfickThéSwirfiavTT $70 or best otter Telephone between 12 noon and Ask lor 8111 Buck 7269242 SNOWMOBILES 1973 SKIDOO 440 Silver Bullet excellent condltlon with speedometer tech and carbide runners Asking $675 Phone 4589622 1971 PUMA4bii tor soielririiint condi tion Must be seen $425 or best otter T°LR9°Z1F3 MOTOSKI two 28 hp double trailer Mark sleigh covers for all low mileage Com lets package $1050 woman 315 FUEL WOOD Now cutting large quantl ty of maple Will cut to your speclllca tions Dealer enquiries Invited Phone or write Walton Cedar Products Powassan 7051 7245424 ARTICLES FOR SALE MOVING SALE Slmpllclty wrlnoer washer Singer treadle sewing machine glrls winter clothing two rugs all good condition Telephone 7284628 ARTICLES FOR SALE ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERSFARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINAIRIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 35 009 THICK 30° EACH AT THE BARRIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 TF charges on Barrio TV charge account Good for Nov 76 only Stop up to Eloctrohomo Color from $39995 or just 3333 mthlyovor12 mths BUYERS CHECK LIST Barrie TV charge account it No payments till Dec whee same day delivery We service what we sell Th IF SNOW BLOWER Toro SHOWTIOUM PRICE GIFTS tor Christmas Mex Ican purses Tapestries Velvet 1n tlngs Jewellery candles Candle hop Gasoline Alley Highway 11 1371706 Open Sundays Chargex accepted ARTICLES FOR SALE RENTALS TIFFANY PARTY RENTAL Everything For Entertaining Tables chairs dishes glasses etc We DeliverReserve Now 7371 388 248 Tiffin St Barrie RIDING INSTRUCTION RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor orona Horus boarded Barrio five minutes Wind Furm726OI92 ml ROOFING AND ROOFING Now and old Ropolrs SECRETARIAL SERVICES Socrateriol Services available typing dic tophono Invoicing Picked up and delivered Coll Mrs Todmon 7268853 SEWING CLASSES BOUCLAIR STRETCH classes start Oct IBth Junior classgs Soturda Mrs II nd 7264684 SEWING MACHINES SEW TECH CO iollsts ropolrs makes Industrlo domestic sowing mochlnos NOW used Agonts Brother Sowing Mochinos 7w1621 7371185 SNOW BLOWING WE SPECIALIZE In snow blowing drivaways For fro ostlmoto Call John 7370966 or Dan 737 4859 SNOWPLOWING PAULS SNOWPLOWING commercial reasonable utimotos coll Poul 7373064 WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small commot clal and rosidanlial Reasonable rotos Dopondoblo 7267757 FIREWOOD BIRCH HARDWOOD MIXED FREE DELIVERY Also SNOW PLOWING FREE ESTIMATES 7264813 7287375 MWFMy1 GREAVES LANDSCAPING AND TREE SERVICE RR BARRIE SNOW REMOVAL TREE REMOVAL LOT CLEARING 7289369 4873401 Dto Commercial Roamnablo rates Phone TAILORS THE TAILOR SHOP Fred Grant St Chamber of Commurcg Building Custom tailoring and alterations TELEVISION LEASING rosidontiol and rates fru JOES SNOWPLOWING Rosldontlol 7267365 new color from $375 per we at Barrio TV Dunlap St 7284297 WELL DIGGING LONE STAR WELL DIGGING STROUD Machine dug walls Homes Cottagos Forms Industry Spociolixlng in Concrete Tllo Stool rolnforcod concrgtg til lengths for solo Digmotor 214B 737051 NOTICE deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday Free estimates 3221897 after pm it ARTICL FOR SALE GAMES SPECIAL Swltt disc hockey $154 Disc golf $59 Games can be seen any evening betwem and Phone 7287499 Creative Inven tions Company SIDE OF beet for sale approximate weight 200 lbs 90 cents lb cut and wrapped Telephone 7287606 GARAGE SALE Including many an thues and coins November 27 and 28 preview Friday pm 24$ Edgehlll DrIte 7263407 SKIS Rosslgnol Concord 180 cc with Solomln 202 bindings and poles 385 Tyrol ski boots and carrier $35 San Li Borrlus only Hausa of Loosin Lease your marco ski boots top of line used three times $165 Telephone 7261318 tor pm ELECTRONIC air cleaner boys begin ners skates site 11 Mexican style cote drapes Please call 4361678 ARTICLES FOR SALE SALE 1550 Off all styles 0Table Lamps OCeiling Fixtures OOutdoor Lighting HOUSE OF TOMORROW Mop st West selldrive excellent condltlon 8170 Also Michelin Radial snows 17551 14 used one season 560 polr Telephone mayzr emsnu rah Dantes ouutty Lighting Studio UH 7263100 is ilp

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