Ill The Barrie Examiner Thurrsday November 25 I976 Food and Drug Administra tion Commissioner Alexan der Schmidt sits in front of proposed required warning label that the FDA is propos ing for most aerosol cans PROPOSED WARNING LABEL containing fluorocarbons as he discusses the subject dur Halt sought to extradition OTTAWA Two Indian Bastard not to deliver us In women and two white lawyers dian leader Leonard Peltier to with the FBI ing Washington news con ference Tuesday AP Photo Likens prison to Disneyland as far as security concerned SPRINGHILI NS tCPi Only the barbed wire at the top of the fence distinguishes the loyearold federal prison here from residential vocational school Within the mediumsecurity prison itself living quarters for the 375 prisoners are supervised by livingunit officers rather than armed guards The cells are smaller and more spartan than rooms in college dormitory and the buz Compulsory arbitration call zer is on the inside Occupants must buzz to get out after cur few The living unit concept is criticized by guards and prisoners alike for several reasons Dennis taldei union leader at the prison told special Commons subcommittee Wed nesday that Springhill is like Disneyland as far as se curity is concerned But escapes are relatively few here because the prisoners mostly young enjoy what Springhill has to offermhikes through the hills of northern Nova Scotia visits from stu dents including women and earning trades in wellequipped shops STUDYING VIOLENCE The subcommittee is trying to determine why there has been an outbreak of violence in Canadian prisons during the last two years The violence by CFL at convention TORONTO iCPi The On tario Federation of Labor lOFLi ended its annual coven tion Wednesday with demand for compulsory arbitration if companies and unions cannot reach agreement on first con tract Delegates said that once cer tified unions often have trouble getting both sides involved in goodfaith bargaining The Bottommember feder ation called on the Ontario gm ernment to introduce bill sim ilar to the British Columbia law which authorizes the labor board to impose first contract when negotiations fail and one of the parties requests such in tervention ne delegate said some un ions fold without ever reaching the crucial first collective agreement because the companies will not bargain liff Pilkey elected president of the OH Tuesday said he is concerned that only one third of Ontarios work for OFL seeks meeting with labor minister TORONTO ll Vowing that the labor movement will not rest until the lives and health of workers are fully pro tected the Ontario Federation of Labor tOFLi asked Wrdiies day for meeting with Labor Minister Bette Stephenson to discuss proposed legislation or occupational health and safety OFL secretarytrcasurer Terry Meagher in tclcgram to the labor minister said The right to refuse to work in hazardous and unsafe con ditions is absolutely fun damental and W6 will fight ith every means at our command to oppose hedging or Planebuying idea still ten alive OTTAWA In move that likely will surprise lfnitcd States defcnr officials Iriiin man Acrospacc orp ha sug gested Canada consider buying uptolzausidmummanfighter planesfrorn the Navy Canadian sources say thc idea is tentativc They say the corporation has not even discussed it with the Navy and there is no indication the planes are for sale However while the armed forces say the idea is spccula tive it has excited the Progres sive Conservative military critic in the Commons Allan McKinnon of Victoria who this week complained in an interview about government spending on everything from planes to tanks said the pro posal is worth study because of the enormous saving it could mean The Grumman proposal made early this year goes into few details but suggests price of about $7 million for each 44 fighter plane Depending on whom one talks with the pro posal calls for purchase of any where from 40 to 125 aircraft In the current armaments world $7 million is considered bargain The figure most of ten mentioned in defence cir cles for new fighter planes is about $2 billion total compared with the $875 million for 125 of the $7million plion planes The armed orces will need new aircraft or more than one kind of aircraft to replace the CPIOIS now used for contincn tal defence thc til lMs used with Canadas NATO forces in Europe and eventually the CI 55 used for ground support Industry sources say iIIIIIi man made its proposal as possible way arount tlic irincd forces tight budget downgrading of the proper exercise of this right Robert Mackenzie New Democratic Party member of the legislature for Hamilton East said Tuesday that the governments proposal which would allow workers to refuse work if they believe conditions are hazardous does not go far enough to protect workers Ir Mackcnnc told deligates to the OH annual convcntion that business interests are putting on lobby likc you wouldnt believe man attempt to have the government wcakcn itsbill The OH passed policy statement Wednesday calling on the government to set up research institute to look into the problems of occupational health and safety We will toleratc no further the careless risk of human beings as unwitting industrial gumca pigs the statement said The necessary tech nological and economic re sources are available and the time for action is now NOITAWASAGA Proudly Presents PETER CARSON SHOW BAND Nov 29 to Dec Enioy Swinging Singles DISCO NIGHT every Thursday NOTTAWASAGA INN HWY 89 AlllSION 4589595 ce is represented by unions The F1 will press for changes in the law to make it easier to organize he said motion adopted by dele gates said the poor are poor in part because many have no Lln ions and are denied access to collective bargaining ADVOCATES MILITANCY The federation called for la bor law amendments to ban cirlt culation of antiunion petitions during organizing drives deny employers any role at the labor board in attempting to stop un ion organizing toughen penal ties on employers who break current labor laws by firing employees involved in union ac tivity and to provide the checkoff of union dues as right along with certification Mr Iilkey who defeated Da vid Archer in the leadership election promised to take tough nononsense line in his dealings with government Mr Pilkey former New Democratic Party member of the Ontario legislature said Wednesday he will make the federation more visible in One tario by advocating more militant position as far as the workers are concerned The federation shuffled Mr Archer 64 aside after 18 years under his leadership Opponents said Mr Archer had lost his drive and the OH had become complacent and apathetic under his leadership Mr lilkey 54 promised to bring new verve new dye namism to the Ontario labor movement lilliVSIIlliltVAlJJ Ihc Aniaing lniversc star onc tcntli the mass of the sun can burn for trillion ycais or inorc than till times as long as the cstiinatcd present agcoftlicunivcrsc however has not extended here Testimony so far has in dicated that there are occa sional fights here and the fur nishin in one room had been burne out of revenge But serious incidents are rare and even the prison code of not talking to guards is fading Donald LeBIanc leader of sixman committee represen ting risoners said his only comp aint is that the living unit idea was not properly imple mented It is not enough he said to give maximum security guards from Dor chester $300 for street clothes then call them living unit of ficers Some work well he said but others do nothing but play cards throw darts and drink coffee Ruth Cottingham member of the prisons citizens ad visory committee told the Commons committee that guar ds are ostracized by their oup if they become too frien ly with prisoners IDEA REJECTEI The guards themselves re jected suggestion by by Erik Nielsen PCYukon that joint committee of guards and pris oners be formed to handle grievances The guards when asked how hostagetakings could be stop ped quickly recall the days when the lash and the rope were in use Another guard complained that the RCMP were called in to make sure we dont harm hair on his prisoners little head once hostage is re leased In the old days he in timated prisoners knew the guards would make them pay heavily for taking hostages But risoners say they would not al ow hostagetaking at Springhill because it could jeopardize things foreve one The guards also comp ained that Atlantic prisons are being used as dumping ground for prisoners not wanted in British Columbia Another guard told the com mittee that Springhill is full of contraband in the form of knives screwdrivers and other potential weapons The committee had ust toured the workshops ere prisoners were using razors hammers saws welding tor ches and other tools under in struction but not under guard Menuhinu Bib necklace 83 Christmas Cat Page 16 This isjust onc otmorc than 375 valuepriced gift ideas from our new hristmas catalogue llicrcs thousands ofaddi tional gift ideas in our big I97677 SliopltRitc catalogue Wont you come in bliOPRlll pleaded Wednesday ederal Justice Minister Ron automatically Theres nothing like having cushion or surplus in your Personal hcquing Account to take care of uncxpcctcd emergencies or opportunities but at what price After all ICAs dont pay interest But TI docs thc next best thing chnr thawingc For those times that your monthly statement shows constant cushion ot$2 or more throughout whole statement period TI cancels all chequing charges for that period meeting that Mr Basford gave no indication of whether he will stop the extradition of Peltier wanted in the United States on charges of murdering two FBI agents If Leomrd is even across the border the FBI will kill him saying he tried to escape said Ethel Pearson of Comox BC who adopted Peltier in They said after their Ilzhour traditional Indian ceremony CANADIAN DISTILLERS LIMITED Whats the of cushions ot to do with ban ng last summer Mr Bastard refused to com ment on what action he will take About 40 American Indian Movement su rters demon strated on Par iament Hill dur ingthe Basford meetin eltier 32yearod Sioux from Pine Rid Reserve in south Dakota exhausted his court appeals against extra TORONTO DOMINION the bank where people make the difference So if you write fair number of cheques NoCharge Chequing could be good value Ask about it at your nearest TD Personal Account statement periods cover four or ï¬ve weeks On the last day of each period the statements are checked to see if NoCharge Chequing applies NoCharge Chequing includes all TD PCAs except TD Personal Service Plan which has flat monthly fee dition His only hope is that Mr Bastard will label him politi cal fugitive and refuse to sign the extradition papers The two FBI agents were nned down in June 1975 at he Ridge scene of the 1973 battle between 08 govern ment forces and AIM members Two other Indian men charged gm Peitier have been acquit TD branch Chequing