gThe Barrie Examiner Wednesday Nov 24 I976 EXPENSIVE CHEESE Shopowner Angelo Scardazza shrugs his shoulders as he stands behind giant slab of parmesan cheese which is now highpriced luxury in Italy with the c0st sky rocketing to around $5 per pound Both the Italian military and housewives have abandoned the par mesan cheese in favor of cheaper Argentine and Sardi nian cheeses AP Photo Cummings admits hes got money Written for It III IllllN Burton ummings now is almul 20 pounds overweight dresses in manner that wouldnt raise eyebrows at bus depot and wears the tradi tional dark shades he favors to shield his eyes during inter views lle casually admits to being ealtliy man Oddly enough Im only starting to get lot of the money the Guess Who earned and in rather large amounts so Id say yes have money he says but will have lot more However he says he never went into the music business formoney knew that if got good at what did and sold lot of records Id get rich sooner or later but it was vanity that really drew me into this racket Vanity and being natural glutton for attention like being out there and doing it for 10 or 15 thousand people because its really gratifying fortheego Cummings says his search for ego gratification led to his announcement in November 1975 that he had left the Guess Who Canadian band that had been together for 10 years LADIES Weve made our move now its up to you Your first date will be ob solutely DIALADATE CENTRE PATS is where nice people meet in the easiest way however we have been approached by more men than women So ladies you could be socializing within few short weeks Try it youll like it first time at my expense Our age group is generally 25 years and up however we welcome inquiries from anyone provided you are single 737361 Mon to FRl2till 10 SPECIAL EACTORY AUTHORIZED CLEARANCE SALE OBITUARIES ANN GERTRUIWI PENNY At Hamilton on Thursday Nov 18 1976 Ann Gertrude Penny beloved wife of the late George Penny in her 95th year Dear mother of Sylvia Mrs Roy Butler of Hamilton dear grandmother of Mrs Gwenyth Leslie of North Bay she is also survived by three greatgrand children Funeral services were held Saturday Nov 20 at Hughes Funeral Home Cookstown with interment at St Johns Anglican Cemetery Cookstown MARY ROSE LOUGIIEEI On Thursday Nov 18 at Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Mary Rose Lougheed in hersoth year The wife of the late Robert Leslie Lougheed she is sur vived by four children Margaret Mrs George Grise Honey Harbour Mary Lou Mrs John Stavinga Crown Hill Larry of Orillia and Gerald of Barrie Also surviving are seven grandchildren one sister Mrs Connor of Oshawa and two brothers Roy of Clarksburg and Ross of Toronto Resting at the Steckley Funeral Home Barrie With ln terment Monday Nov 22 at St Pauls Cemetery Innisfil stnml mm qr ITld rutitlAIS yfllll retrid and tapes Sun If 70 Hit it llEAIIIRl WARN llll llNlQm QVSlllEi llhllA MA llh llhll llE loll MAWll OUllR PAW lllll lg lg WllES CGE Home Sentry smoke Alarm FEATURES Exclusive CGE point checking system Unique systems test and family fire drill but YOU COULD Wlll lIllI llllllllll I977 Ellllll PIIITII 3llllllll llllllAlllIlllS cylindor 23 litro ongino with Automatic Transmission Whito SidoWall Tiroo Car kv potod Load Floor Bumpor Guards front roar Eloctric Roar Window Dolrootor AM Radio Extorior Docor Group OR ONE OF4 26 PHILIPS lllllllllllIlM lllllllllll£5 This is the dependable one from Philips the Modular with the new Optavision Pushbutton Control for perlect color picture every time This superb TV features Mediterraneamstyle cabinet on con cealed heavyduty castors for easy moving on one OF LEWYT TWINVAC CUSTOM TV 600 Easily installed Two models available on SA lOl AC direct wired Audible warning beep indicates when bat SA 20 Bomyy reqUired tery is low Both models $3998 each Battery extra Continuous alarm when smoke is present 998 FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION COME TO OUR DEMONSTRATION Only at Canadian Tire Boyfield Mall location November 18 I9 59 pm November 20 105 pm November 25 26 59 pm November 27 105 pm During demonstrations customers purchasing SA YOI battery type MI Home Sentry Smoke Alarm will receive free I26 volt Duracell bar 320 BlyTlOld 5T Barrio tery worth $700 7266418 Mullll AM In IltHU PACKAGE INCLUDES RECEIVER TURNTABLE PAIR OE SPEAKERS STAND Value 1995 mitt um tIlITTUl5 walla RMS output twi tritiumii From tho tamouo Lowyt Tornado llno horola tho boatln houoohold vacuum cloanoro tho Lowyt TwinVac Its got all tho powor youll nood for almost any cloanlng job and It just may ho tho oaoloat vacuum cloanor In tho world to oporato FIIISI IIIEEII canilssr Elllllll imian III nnsnIEns foodcitv lt1 ostiawa your EVERYTHING ELECTRIC BAYFlELD MALL BARRIE CHARGEIT