Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Nov 1976, p. 4

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Elli flame Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Baytield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus 05M Henshaw Managing Editor 4The Barrie Examiner Wednesday Nov 24 1976 Where did we get idea the elected run Canada The federal civil service is out of control The Ottawa bureaucracy grows and grows and grows And it spends and spends and spends The House of Commons has no control over what is spent The government has no control over what is spent The civil service decides how much of the taxpayers dollar is spent and on what It is not answerable to anyone about how the money is spent It makes its own rules and decides whether to follow them Auditorgeneral Macdonell financial management mismanagement you cant call what has been hap pening management for two years He suggests he demands that studied government reforms be made now The government says no and sets up fourman royal commission to investigate public servrce financial mismanagement The fourman commission will cover the same ground as Mac donell at cost of $250 day for each commissioner One of the commissioners is senior civil servant We can hardly wait to hear his comments about public service financial management The Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce which studied provin cial and federal government spen ding under its Waste Watchers pro gram came to several conclusions First the Chamber decided that the federal government does not feel accountable to Canadians for the use made of tax money Dear Sir The Nov 20 Thumbs Down editorial stated that Willard Kinzie sounds as though he wants to be mayor of the de velopers and industrialists of Barrie This statement is unfair be cause you chose to mention one of Willards main goals and make it sound as though he is not interested in anything or anyone else in our city known or Second government costs are not are not easy to determine and more meaningful accounting procedures and cost controls are essential Auditorsgeneral have said much anything the same thing for years Chambers of commerce unions and other groups hve been saying the same thing for years Most Canadians have had deep suspicion for years that their money is not spent wisely or well by the federal government Mr Macdonell has confirmed these suspicions This government refuses to do other than that tired old Canadian gimmick the royal commissron Action not royal commission is what is needed It is not Quebec or separatism that will split this country It is the federal civil service growing and spending and not an swering to anyone for its actions Tax money is collected to benefit all Canadians Those who have use of the tax money are holders of ublic trust mis abuse That trust has been used It is up tatives of the people to end that to the elected represen Those who would govern this to bes country must be told that tax money is to be spent wisely Those who would govern who can not give this guarantee and be seen pending the money wisely should not Canadians should not be in feaity to rapacious civil service and govern that is what has been happening READER FORD Says criticism unfair In fact as he has stated many times industrial develo ment and growth will help ci tizens of Barrie by creating jobs tax revenue and reduce residential taxes However this is not his only goal there are many others you neglected to mention all of which will benefit the people of Barrie Boost Barrie is Willard Kin zies slogan and Barrie is made up of people so lets not print these inaccurate statements about man who is doing everything in his power to help the people ofthis city You wanted to be fair and equally criticize all three can didates but in this particular in stance your criticism was to tally unfair JUDITH PENNETT Mrs Cold unyielding officials Dear Sir Your report about the con tradictory parking sign on Clapperton Street Just Joke Nov 19 states that the city is not taking that as an excuse for persons requesting can cellation of parking tickets Thus do we see the cold un yielding mind of officialdom Wouldnt it be heartening to learn that the response instead was Sure its obviously an error not necessarily caused by us but what the heck sure well cancel your parking FROM PARLIAMENT HILL Claude Wagner and the nonfeud By STEWART MaclJlOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Back in October Claude Wagner called news con ference in Ottawa just to tell members of the press they were 112 Barri Examiner i6 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Ho idays excepted SubscriptiOn rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year ly National Advertising Offices 66 Queen St West Toronto M1710 640 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir cuiatiOns The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Renter and also the local news published therein flle Barrie Examiner claims ght in all original adver mand editorial material are by its employees and oducedin this newspaper ugh yright Regis ration Num 203815 register 61 being incorrect unfair and malicious in suggesting he was not getting along too well with party leader Joe Clark Nothing could be farther from the truth said the Saint Hyacinthe Conservative who had earlier given Mr Clark pretty good run for the party eadership Yes he agreed it was un usual for an MP to call news conference and blast the press this way but hejust couldnt sit back and listen to suggestions that he was feuding with Mr Clark or even worse that he might leave the Tory party if these malicious reports keep cropping up he warned he would demand that the sources benamed He didnt indicate how be pro posed to do this but he left no doubt about his annoyance It was interesting that good many reporters sticking by their ori inal stories that diff culties id indeed exist at the party pinnacle left the news conference suggesting that Mr Wa was protesting just bit much And then the matter seemed tobefor otten But aong comes that Mon treal meeting of the Con servative partys Quebec wing Quebec Tories split after Clark wins tussle with Wa ner said the first hea line Quebec PCs give rebuke to Wagner said another BACK TO NORMAL And after the Tories had spent several months breaking all traditionsmthat is there hasnt been public feud things seemed comfortably ticket But no Pay Up The harshness of Draco is alive and well right here in Bar rie Yours truly DOUG GREENWOOD back to normal But Mr Wag ner may be wondering why he wasted several hours on that news conference it is fact that there has been an internal power struggle over who will exercise the real in fluence in the Quebec wing of the party and the showdown came at that Montreal meeting when candidate supported by Mr Clark was elected president of the provincial association Mr Wagners man was whipped And ironically Mr Clarks candidate was Roch LaSalle MP for Joliette who worked 18 hours day for Mr Wagner during the leadershi cam paign Mr Clark had elt that he would be good bridge be tween the various factions in the province But it didnt happen this way Despite the fact Mr LaSalle supported Mr Wagner 10 mon ths earlier the defeated can didate now didnt want his for mer supporter heading things in Quebec so he put all is mar bles behind JeanYves Lortie his chief campaign organizer during the leadership con vention EASY WINNER Mr LaSalle was an easy win ner and suddenly Mr Wag ners star went for downward slide in the province He was not good loser Apart from not rallying around the new president the former Liberal cabinet minister unleashed bitter at tack on Mr Clark The unity of the party has been com romised the dictatorial ac iortil of the leader himself he sat So inflation would be wrestled to the ground and separatism was dead wanna bet bundle on the Grey Cup LEW take leaf from Carters book By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service When the federal Tories get over the trauma of the separa tist partys victory in Quebec and return to their longterm concern of victory for them selves in 1978 they should take long hard look at President elect Carters transitional phase As the party out of power and not anticipating easy victory which continues to be the Con servative status after nearly 14 years the machinery and pur pose behind it should be of much interest to party which more often relies on seatofthe pants thinking for victory Dalton Camp fading Tory guru and columnist was wrong the other day in The Toronto Star when he advised Tory Leader Joe Clark to cool it until election day to have no issues to put before the public in ef fect make no longrange plans just do the traditional con servative thing and fight to wm Bareknuckle electioneering of the kind at which Canadian Tories excel but since Dief plied them in 1957 do not wm them elections must be re placed with major attempt at cerebral directions for arty all too easily given to hoc INIERPRETING THE NEWS Condltions of loan to UK too much for govt to bear By BRUCE LEVETT WASHINGTON CP tough position taken by the US treasury department may be forcing Britain into an embar rassing political situation John Bull needs cash and Uncle Sam seems reluctant to pull his hand outofhis ocket With te pound struggling against international attack and Britains currency reserves slowl disappearing the Britis Labor overnment is seeking $39bi lion loan from the international Monetary Fund iMF thereby dipping into the last available credit from its iMF membership But before the iMF makes such loans it must inspect the borrowers books and ask for certain conditions to ensure that eventually it will get its money back While these con ditions have not been disclosed British officials are calling them harsh rigorous and cruel As the most dominant mem ber of the iMF and the biggest contributor of funds for iMF loans the United States usually plays major role in dictating credit terms Some observers suggest that the conditions demanded of the Labor government may be more than the government can bear Curbs on standards of liv ing can reach point where public tempers flare voters be come nasty and governments usually tumble number of ex rts have concluded that un er current circumstances Britain is sim Berrys World rxvrxrxororrrJrg 01976 byNEAJnc CATha How was It decisionmaking Therefore strongly urge them since they care about winning to watch how Jimmy Carter planned for victory and the way in which his transi tional team of about 100 now ensconced in Washington gov ernment building are un folding the Carter scenario CAMPAIGNING T0 PLAN NING To begin with key people from his campaign organization had been slotted to set up and run the transitional phase and its staff These in clude top campaign organizer Jack Watson and Hamilton Jordan in charge of ply living beyond its means it continues to import more than it exports Even sharp drop in the value of the pound over the years has failed to give Britain any competitive edge Wage de mands by British workers un matched by roductivity and higher cost or essential im ports of raw materials in cluding oil have caused worri some inflation which has spilled into the exports field British workers have agreed to curb their wage demands to maximum annual increase of just five per cent well below North American averages Britain also is gradually in creasing its domestic oil sup plies to reduce expensive im ports but it may be few years et before the United Kingdom ecomes selfsufficient in energy needs One immediate solution in view of the countrys heavy de pendence on imports and on for eign sales is to reduce domes tic appetites for foreign goods to impose further curbs on do mestic spending and thereby reduce living standards Ex rts say that if the price for IMF loan comes too high there may be olitical re percussions The La govern ment mi ht be forced into an electiOn doesnt want polit ical change might bring the Conservatives back into power or it might churn up political forces that might cause dead lock in political decisionmak ing BIBLE THOUGHT And he said unto them Full well ye reject the com mandment of God that ye may keep your own tradition Mark The great need of the church today is break with tradition and genuine obedience to His commission that campaign and now the major talent searcher for the presidentelect The briefings which began this week outline Carters ur gency to get minibudget in the works within month of in auguration to give high priority to the White House of fice of management and budget and to establish strong workable job descriptions for the cabinet secretaries after they are appointed The background for this were host of position papers writ ten for him on the assumption he would win and bearing in mind the presidentelects firm plan to divest power out of the White House staff and back into the offices of the various secretaries our ministers parallel in our regard would be similar position pa per on the dismantling of the present prime ministers office reassigning some of its respon sibilities to future cabinet min isters and assuring them they will not be preempted by the prime ministers own people This preemption has been es pecially noticeable over the years in the foreign policy area where the likes of ivan Head have assumed many of the pol icyformation responsibilities which used to fall entirely to the minister But before doing this the Tory position papers like those of Mr Carters staff must analyse exactly what the role of the PMO has become what fun ctions of minister it has assumed and how these can be logically disassembled it is not enough to have the Jack Horners of the party shooting from the hip about the size of the Ottawa government or Joe Clark himself casually saying he would dismantle the staterun PetroCanada PLAN EARLY TO WIN In this re ard position pa per on the kinds and structures of our Crown corporations must be prepared from which the new Tory government after vic tory can draw its terms of ref erence for reducing or changing these This may sound like too much planning and organization for our federal Tories But to win to have urpose and to cope with sud en emergencies once in office requires it in this time of complex relationships Otherwise the Tories will end with another few short years power what Mr Diefen baker sadly calls years of achievement in the second volume of his memoirs when his rhetoric and intuition sub stituted for planned Tory policy If there is way to do it Mr Clark should send one of his senior staffers or Tory out sider from the management world to Mr Carters transi tional team Repeating the formula of the Georgian Carter who won could ring victory later to the Albertan win ark who wants to QUEENS PARK Case to relax the restraints By DON OHEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO Restraints and politics dont mix too well We have seen this of course in labors reaction to the Anti inflation Board But restraints also can cause knotty problems for the govern ments following them as has been found here where there has been restraint program in effect for couple of years And the most troublesome spots come when restraint deci sions must go against political interests current one iS the case of Ontario Hydro rate increases Quite sometime ago now the Ontario energy board recom mended that the increase for residential customers this year should be whopping 303 per cent For industrial customers it would be even larger New Democrat Don MacDo naid chairman of the select committee on Ontario Hydro and an oldtime pro politician immediately reacted to this He said that the projected in creases for 1978 and 1979 were not nearly as large as those needed for 1977 and that there fore the increase should be phased over three yearswith an increase of only 22 per cent in the coming year His argument and tent one was that this would essen the shock to both the public and industry That suggestion was made some weeks ago and to date there has been no formal reply toit And it is easy to understand why if Ontario Hydro were to fol low the phasing policy it would have to use some borrowed CANADAS STORY Gravel highways finally topped By BOB BOWMAN Many readers will remem ber probably vividly number of important highways that had gravel surfaces Until the end of the Second World War there were more gravel highways in Canada than routes aved with asphalt or other har surfaces They were dusty bumpy and slippery Tourists in cars often wore scarves or andker chiefs around their faces so they would not inhale the dust Even in 1945 there were only 100000 miles of aved hi hways in Canada an about alf of them were in Ontario One of the first asphalt high ways was between Toronto and Hamilton distance of about 40 miles and was opened Nov 24 1917 It cost about $33000 mile to build it would be com pletely inadequate today moneywhich the government would have to borrow for it One of the main points in the governments restraint program has been protection for the provinces high credit rating and therefore clamp on all borrowing not absolutely essential But the credit position is not one which carries much weight with the public while the rate increase has big impact and therefore is politically very sensitive Then again while on its re straint policy the government would be against the phasing there is another very strong factor in its favor One of the great concerns of today is the economy and the government has been strongly up preaching that we must keep our industry competitive But such big onetime in crease as proposedit would be up to 40 per cent for some in dustrieswould seriously im pair the competitive position of some producers particularly in powerintensive industries So what do you do Do you risk public disfavor and possi bly impair your industries while keeping rigidly to your principles Or do you relax your stand ards bit to meet the reali tiesbut therefore also opening the door to demands for other relaxations That difficulty of the decision can be readily assessed in the time the government has spent wrestling with it One day soon we should have its answer As of now it would seem it should favor phasing and not only for straig cal reasons The economy is very impor tant because it was narrow and had many turns The first road of any type in Canada was built in 1623 mm Lower Town to Upper Town Quebec it was only narrow path on which people could ride on horseback and even then have difficulty passing each other As Canada developed and es pecially after the arrival of the United Empire Loyalists more roads were built by the citizens of the communities in Up Canada for time it was li politi atory for citizens to work on roads for number of days year They could only escape this chore by paying men to do the work for them Early New Brunswick stimu lated road building by giving 100 acres of land to anyone who contributed £5 to the cost I¢ ur l4vraav

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