Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Nov 1976, p. 25

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REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES IE YOU NEED MONEY Immediate Ist and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages larms vacation and commercial properties To consolidate debts low monthly payments Home improvements anylworthy reason To pay all existing or maturing mortgage Construction lunds free advice try us we Ii We have ready cash to purchase mortgages MORTGAGE FUNDING 27129 DUNLOP ST EAST Call Anytime 347 BAY STREET SZBARRIE ONTARIO 24 Hour TORONTO ONT 726093 Phone Service 363341 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc 11 TF ETC MORTGAGES MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS nlhequipment linancing home improvements 0Iand mortgages ist 2nd and 3rd mortgages prime rates builders interim loans lease back Call collect to ester international 71885 runding CorpOration 456 Mooney 095 Orillia Ont 7053254334 TGAGES TF KINZIE LIMITED MORTGAGES WE HAVE lunds immediately ovailable with competitive rates at interest prompt com mitments and complete con Hdentiality For lirst second and third mortgages jBLL TYPES of property residen rtlal commercial and vocational WE ALSO buy existing mor tgages for cash OUR ADVICE is FREE Cali iAN KERR Hus 7371881 HOME 4875385 KINZIE LIMITED 107 Dunlap St East BARRIE Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF First and Second MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable Rates Existing Mortgages Purchased For Cash Mortgage Lite Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYFIELD ST 7267130 Ollice Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF SECOND MORTGAGES No bonuses brokerage or linders tees Borrow up to $15000 9149 on amounts over $6000 015 year amortization HOUSEHOLD REALTY CORPORATION LIMITED BARRIE 25 Dunlop Street East 7266534 MWFN29 MORTGAGE LOANS 95 LOANS ist MTGS at 11 2ndMTGSat13° Open Daily am 530 pm Sat evenings by appointment Wm Summers 91 Baylield St Barrie 7373451 8884 Funny vmv Marion FIRST MORTGAGES UP TO 95 SECONDS UP TO 90 FROM 1234 We specialize in rural income builders vacation and older homes 726586i Nigel Dunn WTF COMPARE our rates First second third mortgages appraisals Gerry Syvokas 41172700 Pat Quinn Ltd 7371414 MORTGAGES bought and sold imme diate action conlidential David Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 evenings EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlonders Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 7289866 TF TRAVEL MATE Motor Homes Ior sale or rent Holiday in complete home corn Iorl Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 Baytield St ITS NOT TOO LATE The Hitch House Ltd cart meet your trailer hitch re quirements Call Harold tor appoint ment 728 9700 COUNTRY LIVING Quiet park South at Barrie New homes Used homeslrom 511000 728 6875 Open Sunday alter noons TRAVEL MATE Motor Homes IOr sale or rent Holiday in complete home com tort Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 Bayiiold St 11476 MOBILE HOME 48x77 bedrooms bathroom kitchen living room dining room laundry room Storage room ap pliances Asking $27500 Phone 424 6379 1971 MOBILE HOME 12x68 bedrooms partly lurnished dryer retrigerator and stove Located trailer park south ol Angus on 150 50 rental lot 8x10 wood shed Price reasonable 424 I319 RENTALS APARTMENTS T0 RENT KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest lMPERlAL TOWERS 7269580 7264991 Adults TF THE MAYFAIR Barries newest building one and two bedroom apartments With nice View and many leatures 737 0027 WELLINGTON PLACE and bedroom apartments adults on ly For more intormation call 726 3827 or 726 7153 anytime BEDROOM apartment available De cember in 11 plex Bus step at door $730 monthly plushydro Reterencrs No pets First and last months rent 737 2518 or 778 1035 ONE BEDROOM deluxe in lourplex St Vincent St North near Midhurst com pletely carpeted appliances laundry lacilities $190 monthly includes heat and hydro ist and last months rent requir ed Responsible adults only no pets Available January 1st Telephone 728 4852 BEDROOM apartment available rm mediately in 10 plex bus stop at door $230 monthly plus hydro lirst and last months rent Relerences no pets 778 1035 BEDROOM apartment lamily boild ing available November 15 lor SUItablr applicant For Iurther inlormation pleasecall737 1295 BEDROOM $205 monthly plus hydro bedroom $224 monthly plus hydro bedroom basement $190 monthly plus hydro Adults only no pets Available December Ist Stove trig and parking included Apply to Apartment 201 55 BlakeSl BEDROOM central location Stove and lridge plus parking Adults only No pets mum at 11 Victoria St Apt 1alter6pmAvaiIable Der GROVE AND Baylield St large base merit apartment one bedroom large Iiv ing room large sunroom utilities in cluded private entrance parking tor car no children 5225 per month lirst and last months rent Call 7266272 or 737 1965 evenings ONE BEDROOM APARTMEnt Ground Iloor Relrigerator stove utilites $180 monthly First and last months in ad vance No pets December Suit middle aged couple 89 Worsley Street 728 5049 evenings CENTRAL MODERN bedroom un lurnished apartment Fridge and stove private yard and drive Available Jan 19775265 monthly plus hydro Adults on Iy No pets Telephone business hours 778 2753 ONE BEDROOM apartment in triplex Available December Retrlgeralor stove heated broadloom and parking $210 monthly Telephone 7260857 alter 30pm ONE AND two bedroom apartments available on Shanty Bay Rd Private en trances Two bedroom has lireplace in lamin room First and last months rent in advance 726 4930 Available Dec TWO BEDROOM apartment lor rent $232 monthly plus hydro Relrigerator stove heat included St Vincent Grove area Telephone 737 0517 alter pm MISSISSAUGA COURT bedroom apartment Colored ap pliances Drapes supplied Available December 15 Telephone 726 3383 SUBLET bedroom apartment Im perial Towers View at the bay Colored relrigerator and stove Sauna and exer cise room All utilities paid 7281391 alters pm BEDROOM apartment Married cou pie only hochildren $215 monthly irsi and last months rent required laundry parking tacilities Available December tst Phone 726 4966 alter ONE BEDROOM Apartment tor rent newly decorated close to shopping and schools Call collect 416 727 9857 alter FOUR ROOM apartment in Allandale Heat and water supplied Private en trance $190 monthly Available De cember Telephone daytime 728 2422 evenings 436 2362 BEDROOM upper duplex on levels downtown area completer renovated modern new appliances range hood etc broadloom parking utilities heat included No pets Security deposit re quired 726 1685 eveningsonly 5285 UPSTAIRS OF large larm house sell contained close to Barric Suitable tor people Available December Ist Tele phone 436 2451 alters FURNISHED One bedroom apartment Good View at bay $225 monthly includes heat light water and TV cable central suit adults Telephone 726 0988weekdays BEDROOM upper duplex heated Private entrance bus stop at door available December lst $225 per month Couple only Campbell Ave alter pm or phone Creemore 466 2519 ONE bedroom basement apartment partly lurnished including relrigerator stove and lireplace suitable tor adult no pets and nonc smoker please East and 728 7759 BEDROOM apartment tor rent close to shopping plaza and schools in Angus Rent $210 monthly pay own hydro Tele phone 424 1304 GIFTS Gilts ol Enduring Beauty Fondue Sets Irish Collee Warmers Gourmetware Flowerpots and vases plus Meeuws Pewter and Raphael Jewellry COPPERWORLD 53 Dunlop St 7261683 She wants CRUISE WEAR FOR CHRISTMAS Swim suits °Shorts Tonktops Warm Weather Slacks Dressesplus storelul al winter gift ideas SHERRYS I25 Dunlap St 7372082 In Ii CATER TO THEIR 83 this Cr sésli OARNETS HOBBIES I23 Dunlop St 7268321 STUDIO ONE Ladies Fashion °Handbags gloves Scarves by Echo Pierre Cardin Evening Accessories Jewellry belts Hat Scarf Set Felt Hats Hanes Hosiery 27 Dunlap St 930530 Fridays til 7288085 LIGHT UP HER CHRISTMAS With lasting gilt lor the home Selectan elegant light inglixture at THE HOUSE OF TOMORROW 68 Dunlop 7263100 LUGGAGE Samsonite Jetliner Dionite Skyway HANDBAGS Suede WALLETS BuxtonTilleyRoll Attache cases brielcases gloves scarves evening bags sportbags totebags gilts BARRIE LEATHERGOODS BA YFIELD MALL 726529i Leather im illt From The TOWN SHOP Where smart women shop 24A Dunlop 7281521 DOWNTOWN Imports from around lht WllIIll Its The Season To Advertise 7282414 Vinyls OR EVERYONE ON YO Get your HOLIDAY HAIRDO and win SUPER PRO FASHION FLAIR BLOW DRYER Drawing CtIrIatInes Week at POWDER PUFF HAIRSTYLISTS 15 DunlapW 7268912 feeas Special Offer soft suede handbag and mat ching clutch purse kit $1895 parut =Thread needles and in structions included till John Street 7286501 PRACTICAL GIFTS For All the Family Slippers Shoes Snow Boots Evening Shoes Hand Bags Gilt Certificates NORMAN FAMILY SHOES 74 DUNLOP ST 1783881 Potted Mums Floral arrangements UR LIST 1p SEND FLOWERS FOR CHRISTMAS Poinsettios Azaleas Cyclamen MURIELS FLOWERS 77 Bayfield St World Wide Delivery 7281561 SEASDNS GREETINGS To OUR MANY PATRONS Looking Forward To Seeing You IN 77 From all at LAKEVIEW DAIRY RESTAURANT 185 Dunlap 7285151 Give her lovely lingerie lor Christmas by Kayser Molyclaire Van Raalte and Darling Body Fashions also Hosiery By Hones Kayser and Can Can all at LOVE LATCH Baylield Mall 7372661 Free Gilt Wrapping Givea LASTINO GIFT OF ART 0115 Watercolors Prints Etchings Holiday Meals Are Extra Special At SCHNITZEL HAUS And SCHULZIES STEAK PIT 29 DUNLOP ST 7263831 Fully Licensed Karl and Sylvia Schulz GIFT THAT LASTS ALL YEAR iolly way to remember your lriends and relatives this Christ mas is to send gilt sub scriptions ol the Barrie Examiner They are easy to order They lost all year and the cost is small compar ed to the pleasure given Each gilt will be announced in your name with beautiful card in lull rich colors mailed to arrive at iust the right time belore Christmas Order now DO IT BY Writing to the Circulation Dept at The Examiner or Dial 7266537 Hand Cralted Pine Furniture by Tidy Hutches Tables Wash Stands °Wall Units Custom made to your design Phone Bill Tidy at 7266961 Reasonable prices D24 Visit the art studio FRANKSOARTISTIC FRAMING 30 Tillin St 7262800 Surprise her with Crystai Figurines Leather Goods Fine Paper Spoonracks Special Stacking Stullers lrorn STATIONERY and GIFTS DunlapW 7285128 FOX HOUND TACK SHOP °Saddles Bridles Halters Boots Helmets Blankets Liniments 0and Accessories ROBINSON HARDWARE 31 DUNLOP ST BARRIE 7282431 Something for His car AUDIOVOX CB ransceivers Tape decks Aerials Car Radios All at prices you can allord Pratt Motor Supply Co Ltd 39 High St 7285911 MonFri1il530 pm Sat ill pm Attractive buys on all auto accessories N19 RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS HOUSES TO RENT HOUSES TO RENT COMMERCIAL FOR FOUR NEW LUXURY it BhEDRdOOMISb living room kitchen on TOWNHOUSES 53m $1 Hglly 35931525 scliiiliwoiy 407 17 ST VINCENT 5T Three bedrooms two bathrooms large kitchen with sliding doors to balcony overlooking courtyard Garages with paved parking into and throughout courtyard Close to schools churches shopping and transportation For more inlormation phone 4166331215 anytime 7055267998 om pm 70572830304 pm pm Highway $275 monthly 728 8540 even lngs DECEMBER Ist bedroom storey on Ottaway Ave $350 per month plus util ities Phone Ian Rouse Wiitson Real Estate 726 1938 Two BEDROOM bungalow tor rent relrigerator and stove included $225 monthly includes heat At Big Bay Point Telephone 436 3252 anytime BEDROOM semi Georgian College area 5300 per month Available Dec Telephone 416 862 21727 collect trom to 5Monday to Friday BEDROOM Iarmhouse with large barn tor rent or sale $375 per month Telephone4872412 BEDROOM detached home tully N30 broadloomed tenced yard close to bus BEAUTIFUL WATERFRONT View Large bungalow in oro Appliances drapes and broadlaom Suitable Ior ex ecutive tamlly Lease reterences 416 249 9528 487 5788 weekends BRAND NEW bedroom townhouse lor rent in exclusive location For more in tormation call 726 4544 DELUXE Townhouse tully broadloom ed with bedrooms garage stove and retrigerator lrom $295 monthly plus utilities Located in Orillla south at stop and Schools $365 monthly Avail able immediately Telephone 726 4689 BIG BAY POINT bedroom bungalow main road lenced yard trio and stove included $210 monthly plus utilities Completely winterized Available this week 436 4507 TWO BEDROOM house with stove and relrigerator $175 Utilities not in cluded First and last months rent re quired Telephone 726 3044 Highway12bypassbetweenGillSt and BEDROOM HOUSE available De ForrestAvenue Call 325 9811 WATERF RONT bedroom bungalow In Oro Spacious rooms appliances drapes broadloom $400 monthly Lease and reterences 416 249 9528 evenings 487 5788 Sundays NICE HOUSE tor rent on larm em line at Oro Nice surroundings 7372600 0r 416 635 0637 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR rent lamlly room with lireplace $325 monthly Available December reterence please Telephone 726 1904 cember Home has six appliances lo cated on Lakcshore Road miles lrom Barrie Telephone Harry Magil rep resenting Lou Goedemonrtt Real Estate 728 4067 NEWLY DECORATED bedroom bungalow tor rent ln Barrie on Agnes Street Recreation room rent $300 monthly No pets Telephone 424 0548 TWO bedroom bungalow tor rent Highway 27 near Elmvale $180 IIonlti ly Avallable immediately Telephone 322 1240 OFFICE SPACE Modern oliice with 1100 sq It on main lloor overlooking Kem penlelt Bay and municipal parking Recently decorated with wall to wall drapes and Iully broadloomed Coll Bill Sakeris National Trust Co 728 9201 TF OFFICESSTORES FOR RENT BUILDING FOR RENT Good lor storage or repair oliice Included 737 2600 or 1416 635 0637 NEW 500 square it at oliice or store space Corner Essa and Cumberland streets Prime location Ample parking Suit many businesses Asking $250 mon thly Contact John Trlbble 7260259 or 728 8328 alter6pm FOR LEASE Industrial space and warehousing 726 3400 Angriloll ACCOMMODATIONS TO SHARE DO YOU WANT to share large lurnished apartment Preter young person Cen traliy located $80 monthly Telephone 7281941alter9pm HOUSES WANTED TORENT CARPENTER wishes to rent house or apartment in Barrie area with yard privileges reasonable rent Box 471 Goldwater ALUMINUM GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Eavestrough Sollii Windows Facia Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRooting Porch Enclosures Stonework For lree estimate Call PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business ALTERATIONS LADIES AND gentlemans alterations 26 Mary St Telephone 7373432 or residence 7288446 APPLIANCES ELEClROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales and serviceuiifl Alliance Blvd 7283397 AUTO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES ALL THE HELP YOU NEED wm wwfiwwwwwwvvww The Barrie Examiner Wednesday Nov 24 197625 RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo design art work layout etc Plese call collect 416 9362631V CUSTOMTENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood lences Improve your property 7371507 DRESSMATIING DRESSES FIT made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 76 Worsley 7266000 CUSTOMMADE clothing specializing In leather suede denim wool pattern dral Lirlg rand alterations 4562976 CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING SpeEializIn In leather suede denim wool pattern ral ilng and alterations 4562976 DRYWALL SPECIALIZING IN taping and textured Ipray ceilings Call Tony 7281102 EAVESTRouclliTIé GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Eavestroughingrinftglled Call 7286628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Rooting and rooting repairs Free estimates 9914251956 Eamon ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial Residential Industrial Installations and ser vice 7264996 FACTORY REBUILT ENGINES tor most cars and trucks lacilities to rebuilt your own engine budget terms available Hours Mon to Fri to 530 Sal to Pratt Motor Sup ply Co Ltd 7285911 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary St 7265441 AUTOMOTIVE 1199 ESB Willard batteries anti Ireeze washer antiIreexe block heaters etc All at com petitive prices Mon to Fri to 30 Sat lo at Pratt Motor Supply Co Ltd 728 S911 IiEAUTICIAiL EXPERIENCED LICENSED Hair Stylist Will fiTOVIdB appointments at your residence or or shop one 7260617 8180 HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses lor sale Apply at 92 Melrose Ave Barrie or telephone 7285783 CARPENTRY AND General Contractor roams renovations additions guaranteed 737 1507 CARPENTER Specializing in rec rooms tenor remodelling Irirn etc 7288884 allerbp In CEDAR DECKS rec rooms extensrolis Fully experienced 726 91 726 2609 CABINET MAKER European trained Kil chens vanities Pine lurnrlure renovations alterations Domestic Commercial 7762948 LICENCED CARPENTERS Cuslom homes cottages renovations repairs Satrslarlion guaranteed and Construction 726 7461 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling etc No lab to small 776 1271 GENERAL CARPENTRY rec rooms III Ing renovating dry wall built in clothes clgsets etc Reasonable 776 3853 GENERAL CONTRACTING Rooting Car pantry Painting Reasonable prices Cull Bob alter 00 4364789 Kitchen rec lireplaces In Please call etc flflflm START YOUR spring cleaning today Revitalize your carpets With carpet steam cleaning 7766321 STEAM CLEANING special S29 95 any living and dining room Prolessmnally steam cleaned 728 0615 alter CERAMICS JrNTERICKS CERAMICS Floor and wall hug and repairs 726 6263 CHAIR CANIHG ANTIQUE CHAIR CANING Over 35 years ex perience Telephone Somets 436 7799 CHILD CARE WEEKEND SERVICES 24 hour vision meals entertainment Reasonable rates 424 6731 super LOvIIIg are RENTALS SPACE FOR RENT PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 19500 sq ll tuily sprinkIIrrd transport and light truck loading docks 18 It clear part at large expanding industrial mall 776 7130 BUILDING 66x100 suitable tor store garage warthousing etc 21 Mary Street very crniral Apply Vallrly DriveYourscIt 16 Maple Avenue 7266666 PROMINENT City Lot Siiitabli Ior Christmas tree sales Phone 778 4779 SPACE IN Allandaie area 1200 so it Ideal tor mechanics tarmle radiator shop etc Considerable parkinq avail able Telephone 728 8302 alter pm APARTMENTS WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED bachelor apartment ur gently required Contar Jotln Bruce at 726 6110 Reasonable ROOMS TO LET SEMI FURNISHED Room on Duck worth St Bus at door $80 month Ist and last months rent Call 726 2551 Dr 737 7699 FURNlSHED ROOMS Dowmown loca tion Clean bright modern Shared kit Chen and batti Hamilton Realty 7371000 PRIVATE GIRLS residence lurnished rooms Centrally located kitchens recreation room laundry lacilities close to shopping single and double rooms 726 0838 SEMI FURNISHED rooms in quiet home Grove and Baylield St share kit Chen and batti suit students or working girlssas per month lirst and last months rent Telephone 726 6272 or 737 1965 even ings DOWNTOWN Furnished rooms linen supplied with kitchen lacilitirs and rec roam privileges 726 6392 BRIGHT newly decorated lurnished rooms In downtown location shared kit Chen Taurus Real Estate Ltd 737 3000 FURNISHED rooms to rent Friendly atmosphere Cooking lacilities provided $25 weekly Telphone 7266271 alter pm FURNISHED ROOMS Central park ing kitchen privileges common room linen supplied weekly Responsible adults Telephone 7267186 ATTENTION Business Girls large modern lurnished house to share with other girls All tacilities available Close to bus and malls Call 7269319 alter pm BRIGHT Frunishc housekeeping room with trig and stove Centrally located Phone 7211 3594 FURNISHED Room kitchen privileges Central location Young working man prelorrcd Phone 726 6383 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 SIMCOE ELECTRIC Industrial Commercial Residential Farms Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their lield and will assureyou ol the linest job possible HANOYMAN FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 100m and 530 pm SPRING CLEANLIP Pruning mowing sod dlng seeding general maintenance tlawerbeds etc 7268552 HOME AND COTTAGE Maintenance Pain ting Plumbing Real and Chimney repairs 4364105 CARPENTERPAINTER we do It Call 7263407 SMALL MOVING JOBS trash hauled raol tops cleaned and Inowplowlng 4362387 HOUSE CLEANUPS Painting carpentry general maintenance etc etc 4875389 HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Call Russ 4363681 alter 630 pm Relerences available NEED MORE living ca rec room extra bedroom play room aundry oliice storage space Also painting wallpapering Murray Hall 7288906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number lor all your needs 7288906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pointing chim neys waterprootlng brick and stone caulk Ing windows and expansion iointsWork guaranteed 4589346 INCOME TAX INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar rie area SS up Dobson 4245910 alter and weekends INCOME TAX returns prepared pm to pm Kidd 245 Edgehlll Dr 7263407 You name It 7288234 EXCAVATIHG ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage septic systems trenching loader work gravel 4361558 4361757 BULLDOZING small and large jobs EDIE0s and Sons RR Minesing 7267638 DRAG LINE Work Wanted Farm pOnds dit ching general excavating etc Phone 7268693 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 FIREPLACES FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER HENSTRA 7372871 TF COLONIAL FIREPLACES all luel laciory built 308 Tillin 7784040 STONEWORK and lireplaces specialty Vic Watson Iar tree estimates 7781599 MASONARY CUT ENERGY COSTS Have solid masonary lireplace at about the same cost as Franklin For tree estimate phone 7285673 All work and materials carry 01year warranty N26 gt FLOOR REFINISIIING HARDWOOD FLOOR installation and relinishing old and new guaranteeded not to hip or peel 3258341 FURNITURE REFINISHING REPAIR STAIN high sheen medium and low Regluo laints it needed Angels Ratinishirig in wood and arborla We make It all Telephone 7372614 AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE 1969 CHEV Townsman Wagon V8 au tomatic radio power steering power rear window tires on rims snow tires on rims all whitewalls Root mount CB antenna log lights track player with rear speakers 726 8173 1968 MERCURY Wagon tor sale in good condition must sell $350 Also6 cylinder 200 rebuilt 5125 Telephone 726 4139 I971 PONTIAC Catalina door in good condition Top vinyl rool radio air conditioned snow tires Certilied Tinted glass Telephone 776 9143 anytime 1972 TOYOTA sedan owner lorced to move Good condition best otter uncer titled Telephone 436 1887 1971 TOYOTA Corrolla lor paFts Engine in good running condition Best otter Telephone 726 9890 atter9 pm 1975 ASTRE hatchback sharp Radial tires under 12000 original miles Asking $2400 or best oller Telephone 7262348 alter6 pm 1974 PONTIAC LEMANS excellent con dition $2995 Power steering power brakes radio Telephone 726 9816 1964 CHEVELLE Malibu cylinder automatic with power steering In ex cellent condition 5500 certitied 7371016 alter6 pm 1971 PINTO Certitled 49000 miles relinished with snow tires $950 or nearest oller Telephone 726 8905 1972 TOYOTA Corolla good condition will certity $625 lirm Phone 487 5730 1971 TOYOTA will cerlity S600fciTl Eric 458 9536 alter 12 noon 1973 MERCURY Brougham all equip pad in excellent condition $21390 will consider trade Lorne Hay 728 4700 alter 6pm 726 7680 1972 GRAND PRIX SJ sundance orange with white vinyl top and interior Rally wheels stripes and mirrors Radial tires PSPB automatic AC tilt steer Ing wheel PoWer windows seat and trunk lid Asking $2700 Call 737 3000 or 7285219 1969 MAZDA Station Wagon speed motor excellent 56000 miles extra snow tires $700 or best Phone 7372377 12 noon to pm 1970 CHRYSLER door power steering power brakes air conditioning radial tires certllied good condition $1300 Telephone 737 140601 7206532 1972 DATSUN 510 door sedan 47000 miles very good condition Too many extras to list $1400 or best otter Telephone 737 3346 I974 COMET Cationicnew motor 066 body S200 Telephone 726 4988 1972 CHEVY El Camino SS 350 barrel mags bucket seats console automatic Certitled new paint excellent condition 55000 miles new snow tires $2400 726 9885 I966 CHEV 55 street or Strip S2300 Tri vested Will sell as Is lor $1100 or bestol ter Telephone7371091 or 7268617 1974 LAND ROVER excellent condition Certitled$5900 Phonei726gt4374LV 1968 VOLVO 147 4speed ssoo Uncer tiiled Telephone 726 8027 INSULATION SIMCOE ECONOMY Insulation tibreglass blowing and patting Free estimates Scott Muir 7281267 LANDSCAPING PAVIN IILOTTA CONTRACTING Patios sidewalks steps chimneys curbs New work and repairs Free estimates 4584233 alter pm PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom lraming at all types We stock many sizes Phone 7283270 ARTIFRAM Custom picture Iraming Wide selections Factory price last service Satistaction guaranteed 7288633 PLUMBING NEW WORK and repairs drain and sewer cleaning complete kitchen and bathroom renovations ceramic tile Bilotta 4504233 RENTALS TIFFANY PARTY RENTAL Everything For Entertaining Tables Chairs dishes glasses etc We DeliverReserve Now 7371388 248 Tillin St Barrie RIDING INSTRUCTION RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie live minutes Windy Haugh Farm 7260192 ROOFING AND ROOFING New and old Repairs Free estimates 3221897 alter6 pm SECRETARIAL SERVICES Secretarial Services available typing dic taphone invoicing Picked up and delivered Coll Mrs Todman 7268853 SEWING MACHINES SEW TECH CO ecialists repairs all makes industria domestic sewing machines New used Agents Brother Sewing Machines 7371621 7371185 SNOW BLOWING WE SPECIALIZE in snow blowing driveways For tree estimate Call John 7370966 or Don PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING designs sup 7372859 plied Tree removal Cultom spraying Fer tilizer Insecticide Herbicide 4873401 LAWN CARE SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mowing sod ding Ieedlnggenerol maintenance Ilowerbeds etc 7268552 MASONRY AND MASONRY Complete block loun datiens brick work and lireplaces Free estimates 7266062 MASONRY block and brick lireplaces No iob too small Reasonable rates 7373357 MICROWAVE OVENS DELL MICROWAVE Services Authorized Among Sales Service to all Microwave ovens 7264177 anytime MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN DJ Music lor people who like to dance Good rates 7289545 MUSIC INSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS Classical and popular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio 7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin ner and advanced months trial instru ment loaned lor home practice Canadian Academy at Music 121 BayIIeId 7281799 OFFICE SERVICES COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING and typing services altered at reasonable rates Pick up enddeliver 4246731 PAINTING PAINTING paper hangln experienced lree estimates Jack Richer son 7262012 7568874 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Work guaranteed Established OOyears 7762609 726m2 WAYNE FOLEY Prolessianal painters Ex terior and Interior Free estimates Work Egalteed 7267389 DON SIESLING Proleulonal painting in terior exterior paper hanging custom wbrk Satillacilan guaranteed 7266808 HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior ex terior wallpaperlng cultom textured walls and ceilings Telephone 706 8355387 local ROY DOIRON painting contractor interior exterior paper hanging Customer satlslac lion guaranteed 4363691 PAINTING interior exterior established over 25 years Free estimates work guar anteed 7287696 AUTOMOTIVE SNOWPLOWING PAULS SNOWPLOWING commercial reasonable estimates cell Poul 7373064 WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small commer cial and residential Reasonable rates Dependable 7267757 FIREWOOD BIRCH HARDWOOD MIXED FREE DELIVERY Also SNOW PLOWING FREE ESTIMATES 7264813 7287375 GREAVES LANDSCAPING AND TREE SERVICE RR 13ARRIE SNOW REMOVAL TREE REMOVAL LOT CLEARING 7289369 4873401 JOES SNOWPLOWING Commercial Residential Reasonable rates Phone E7365 TAILORS THE TAILOR SHOP Fred Grant St Chamber at Commerce Building Custom tailoring and alterations TELEVISION LEASING Barries only House at Leasin Lease your new color lrom $375 per wee at Barrie TV so Dgnlop St 7784297 TWOWAY RADIO CB Commercial way radio Sales and service Shop on premises DOCKSIDE COMM 53 Owen St at Worsley 7267310 residential and rates lree AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE TRUCKS TRAILERS 1973 Chrysler one owner driven like 1972 FORD V2 ton with cap excellent new by appolntment only Telephone at condition For details telephone 7284067 ter6 pm 7285990 for MrrBVaker or 7281566 lor Mr Hay 1971 CHEVELLE MALIBU door hard 1974 GMC VAN short wheelbase VB top PS PB307 automaticradioand automatic tinted glass gauges rust snow tires Excellent condition $2100 prooled heavy duty suspension Never certitied Phone 4361157 atteré pm worked Certitled Sacritice $2950 lirm 1973 CHEVROLET Impala STatIFrT 2451751 HEEL W890 automatic power Sleerllg and 1967 FORD F350 13 II horse van brakes radio power rear window New speed duals new 300 cylinder astalls radials excellent condition Asking and loading ramp Must sell Call $2950 Phone 7269000 daily 7370307 4373332aiter5pm evenings cH I966 GMC 12 TON Heavy duty stake 1970 VOLKSWAGON Beetle automatic truck with hoist and racks 12 ll bed transmission Best otter Telephone Certitled or as Is Must sell Telephone 737019011116 pm 7373355 or 7281474 alter pm I969 IMPALA 327 radio new Dalnt MUST SELL 1972 Chev pickup vs vinyl top power steering power brakes Speed standard $1500 A150 1975 Dodge rear window detogger Asking $695 Van sunroof V8 automatic both ex Phone 7265056 my cellent condition 4362064 alter pm 1972 DATSUN 1200 tastback Light 1974 FORD r10tt very good condi green excellent condition AM radio tion Must sell best otter Telephone good tires two extra summer tires 7288302 Uncertitled Low mileage $600 Call alter pm 7267896 1951 FORD tow iriiER icir sale In ex cellent condition $1200 or best otter Telephone4240219 1968 CHEV 2ton pickup 307 motor complete with radio standard transmis Slon live good tires stock racks As Is for iurther inlormation call 7372359 1969 FORD FAIRLANE 500 Two door hardtop 302 V8 automatic radio new paint and body workA1 mechanically Certitled and winterized 3840 7268273 alter pm 1974 LE MANS Only 29000 miles like new never seen winter blue blue vinyl top radials etc real buy at $3799 Phone 7269753 1946 CHEV aATOII Collectors Item S600 Telephone 7268027 1970 FORD MAVERICK Six cylinder two door radio winter tires Certitled $800Phone7284381alter4pm CYLlNDER REBORING CARS WANTED tor snow mobiles You supply oversize pistons well do the rest Barrie MoteCross Cen tre Ltd 389 Baytield st North at Grandvlew 1264112 open till 930 every nightexceptSaturday For Barrlea Newest Car Dealer SNOWMOBILES Gooo CLEAN LATE MODEL ARCTIC CAT AUTOMOBILES NOWMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS In stoc now at preseason 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 prk TFl SPORT HAVEN MARINE TOP PRICE tor top cars Toke Motors mile east at BARRIE $119 Bradtord StLBajriflflIaiil on sham Bay Rd JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prl es paid Same day pickup Holt Auto 7261001 Wreckers 7268711 029 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks tor wrecking and arts top prices paid Free pickup Te ephone 7368487 MOTOSKI SHAKELS WRECKING 6er Towing Scrap metal cars bought over scales 520 sales service ton 4363677 Parts Clothing Accessories Tuneups SCRAP VEHICLES wanted lop piIEES paid tree Immediate pickup anytime 4362900 fag856 Cars zifiwcu VIIam Barrie MoteCross Centre Ltd ior wrecking Fast pickup Days 389 Baylield St of Grand 356977 1° 5959 View 7264112 Open for 1000 EXAMINER 930 every night except Sat WANT Aoil MwrDl PHONE 7282414 WWW

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