Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Nov 1976, p. 23

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The Barrie Examiner Wednesday Nov 24 I976 OUR BOARDING HOUSE Astro WIN AT BRIDGE DAILY CROSSWORD Acnoss 44 Pots Answer to Previous Puzzle ulo 48 American EVER ALLus REoRETTEV salt THE JAKE HE til TELEVISION GUIDE graph groom Old timers bud it can you air has ou decree abbrI ferr you start With 11 tops you Burflo 3ARRE Bernice Bede anl BRUNG Iyou 50ME YACHT ON should be able to score 12 by Indonesian is 50 waste time For TMMOV NOV 25 1070 BlCENTENNIN BUTTON6 FOLDERS ROMBOAT good play 51 Actor TORONTO BUFFALO TORONTO 55 mm 2H THEYRE GONNA as warm FORTUNE POCKETBOOK Then South made typical 13231233 52 h7°° II AMIIJON 12 PETERIOROUGII Friends and organizational con FEW VEAR5 sym BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL mums Vimmo MONDAY to rliim tacts could be very helpful to you today monetarlly Your pals wont feel used If they can help you fatten the cat sfis Jr WEST EAST 1930 grandslam bid He had his seven tricks for his open ing three bid but reasoned that the fact that they con 14 Foreign office 53 Olfactory branch abbr organ 15 Binary digits Disobeys 16 Layer of cloth sandwich 17 Liver fluid DEBBIE autumn 555 4Captain Kangaroo 7Phil Donahue Show Sisted of SIX trum and Side t9 10 18 Great Lake BEEHEE Dug 0me ngsm S°h°°ls Infinmm Sam TAURUS April 20May 20 Your 10 ace made them super seven 20 Dimlntsh 56 Gaef QUniversity of the air 355 2High Rollers Chances for success 89 very 10 In addition he was void of 21 Desire sI Phrase °I 34 Mela°h°ly 525 3Canada Manpower 3512MrDressup strong today because of your lo clubs 22 Mae West DOWN derstanding 35 Swatting 7Window On The World 7Dialing For Dollars sFirsl IinpresSIons optimistlc positive outlook Act wds 37 Perches mo moo iiCelebnty Revue SOUTH Seven made 9851137 Slnce PIa ue 19 Old 244° WO en Only 3E 00 like winner and you ll be the 23 Stacked oma 33 Crumble ruo eing eauli South third diamond went on com taint 4Sunnse Semester 2Dina 2Wheel of Fortune one to grab the brass ring 25 Due to mono over 40 presume Pam playhouse Fmde Doody 3Daybeal the ace of clubs and his fourth 30 Angered of the same 20 Am not st 41 Bars oéssE ploymem We géorzfito Today imam Street sewing szmtnitluai You spade was ruffed in dummy Center of sail kind 22 Type row 42 5m carrying en ave 32 olo caI Latvian 23 Holes 7tooctanaila AM sefTattletales iggtgseagillggiist her fiyermea Sauseoym ee Northsouth vumerable iatfriodgI Rumble 43 gziiic peasant 24m 35124 22M my Talks very ar la on ur soap yed rabbit metal 343 Sh iféiimpgfnfi Dos niioli oodS box Make some converts we N°h East souh Vermont reader nts to 33 Gwflgchgmy 25 Singer Home 853940 nin ow Dares wa iipatii 35mm 945 4Yguhgand rite CANCER June 21July 22 35 Infant 26 We know why the Blackwood con com oser tr sma 6° ml V9 ures 00 al Cu Psychiatrist 12 Mo Restless ll ly Pass Pass ventmn re laced the Culbero 36 Kinky 46 one In 730 1000 7Happy Days profitable for you today es mm pass Pass pass 33 Hand pan ply easure 27 small duck awash 35Frlendly Glam KANEWm son four notrump convention 39 Belonglng to time 28 Missile type 30 89 813101 best +9Prlce Is Right 11Mldday nganlt Yezare No With penmg ea The Culbertson was the first us Fill abbrl OV° U6 artificial four notrum con 40 Field Continent 29 Islands 49 Law degree Imam WING LEO July 239 22 Youll find vention Blackwood reglaced 41 Tea 10 Lively song 31 South African abbrl $93M séiomovie Lassie Great lit25 Y°u 99 exremfily we By Oswald James Jacoby it because it was both simpler NlllNews Adventurel 3912News day If YOU deal INII the top Toda nd would re re and better 3Movie The Feminist dGood Times 1130 brass Make It pomt to sndestep $33371 ggowwsvve zzgepposite opposite subordinates sent con51derable challenge IS IONIC Oman XCS 9Definition 9Ftinny Farm zJohnny Carson VIRGO Aug 23SOpl 22 to madern bldders Anyone mEvening Report llCelebrity Secrets 5News is can look at the NorthSouth gum liftingsons 7mrrtymlgzflman Mary developing for you where your Han der eI cards and find lot of ways to mp Oymen 2+79News 3512Memoirs of John llLarry Solway work or career is concerned Be OTTAWA Cp Unem lo llParty Game Dieienbaker limo ready to move swiftly when op Nevertheless we feel that if lzLawrence Welk me 900 Gangl portunity knocks this zandfalfiearg in taggglgrl handled through government nOddCouple flMixed Doubles 59L 230 23 Lady my makework projects not tax i3321£°m willicillnfimmh liiitiaverirk Luck tends to favor you today in 33 Pony 0mm parsv any 93 reaChmg seven cuts or new federal budget SBarrier Reef JrSIZMusicamera =5° ways not immediately obvious hearts W9Uld Score about 10 Finance Minister Donald Mac Tmm STEBarella gzWMOVIE BnansSongI Nevertheless youll learn of match pomts out of pOSSible donald said Monday llJonathon Winters 22Monty Pythons Flying 22Movie Welcome to them later Ponys problem 12 He told the Commons that Circus Hard Timesi SCORPIO om 24 22 Be When it appeared in Jobcreation program to be an 730 gotJ SEgvgrdhgt patiem in negooaung oéay You DEAR POLLY When income tax time came around rubber bridge game in the nounced Within the next 10 days 32P$$o€£2°rlaf 2Qesst Jarie are me one who win oomo ou we used to always have trouble rounding up such things British seaside resort of by Manpower Minister Bud Cul Tune 7llCharlics Angels 7Movio Cisco Pikel the winner it you are persistem as drug store receipts etc but now have taped an Bognor the lucky holders had len Will contain an appropriate figRSSmres gfgmshea ltmriglmn and stand your growyd envelopeto th inside of my léitcheto cupborlard AsdI get no trouble reaching seven on fizfinse to rismg unemploy 3221 Show 232 Hartman Ma éioromormw SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Doc any recep 9y are ppe gnve opef are bddg Show the 90 The finance minister was re all together in handy spot Pollys note If an The analySIS Interesting 9Funny Farm Hartman 9M°He Love Has 21 Concentrate on Situations to envelo is not lax enou use Shoe box plying t0 opposmon critics who 11Facc The Musxc 23579ll12News Many day ha are personally impop yo started With the undersmn pressed for tax cuts and other taxiEditorial Page Ill racesi tam No one 856 can do boner With slit in the top as do dlng that vulnerable three moasurosma new budget mung Annuoon job to you than you can do for Would anyone know how to take crayon marks off opemng guaranteed seven Sinclair Stevens pCYork I200 2Aroundthc Black 4NIL Football yourself Be yoUr own painted wall WENDY tricks Simcoe said government Gfaiiiitgri iioworld no0Pk Panther Sp°kesman DEAR WENDY My daughtersinlaw have always North looked at his Own lOUF makework plans will have no iFfidnirfus clagifiearles smen Court 3Moira Hunt 59d Pom 59 by read many years 380 and tricks and jumped to six more effect on the jobless rate 55 Bob McLean Tom and JerryGrape 9Movie The Healers 7Scooby DooDynomult 9Joyce Davidson dMovie The Doberman 5Its Your Chmce 7Oddball Couple CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Someone who is working on have found it invaluable for removing such marks from hearts on the theory that when ment this winter can best be than pin prick Ape llMovie Youll Never 9Star Trek your behalf has the situation well Painted wall JUSI apply l00minte and Wipe Wllh 9Llncle Bobb Show See Me Againi llYouogandlhe in control Let this person pull damp cloth POLLY fjfimnday MW 35 The MmeV lzqfifiififgm most of the strings today ljfftarm News giaIJntamel nMOHKKS AQUARIUS Jam 2°Fb 19 DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve is that so many packaged 3er you need to be out among the foods contain so much salt It is wonder more of us do not mm 20pm51051m 30 here the action is to have high blood pressure find this true of canned soups SI vNeus 225 oers an iffn FOFTgmm News ogféfifigflfilgfisfilnnd day to perform your best An chips weiners some brands of bacon etc you lust name it YOUR AD FOR AN AMBTOUSi gtimlgfigg urme 25w 335 gCailigaénglaaycnllfifescub It seems the FDA would do something about this LEA HARDDRIVINQ YOUNG 60 on Game zgfééoflagfisomgm 33m lgellqillgealsruth DEAR POLLY My Pointer is to help wheelchair patients GETTER AND ID LIKE TO odiom portrait prom 7Krofft Supershow 500 PISCES Feb 20MPfCh 20 keep their lap robes over their feet to keep them and the backs Come IN F0 AN INTERwEN ngNFL Toda peopeWh° 38 essema lf°ur of their legs covered Sew strip of soft cloth across one end l5ews 3512Take30 9Emcrgency mmedae 93 are pro to of the back of the robe Stitch together at each end and across mm 4Alln The Family ZZLime Rascals gram you avors IOday 0° be the bottom also make another seam down the middle to 22£anadian Cavalcade 4qNBA Basketball ggcingafioggke 2308mm Pmddm 333 3W You DEAR POLLY When kittens are first learning to drink itEnjoy Being Reauiitul ZMOVic The Disap an Room 222 from saucer they tend to get the milk in their noses as they 12larcuschy afiiligircaglceegrm mks 33853ngsflm ay try to lap it up We use shallow plastic soap dishes the kind with raised ridges running along the bottom to feed ours If THURSDAY EVENING Nov 25 1916 the milk in the dish is not too deep the ridges help the kitten 6501 alThe Mel 213 Thls year Will be an Interesung keep his nose from getting far enough into the milk to make firiioizlclxllellserln Pink Wiiiiiigslhe Pooh And SSExpSsSe ppm one you Y°u mx both him sneeze Tighlsi TiggerToo i10hflnyglarsonlh b39713 anh£gfzafaeg live with two elderly ladies and we have several playful NINE OCLOCK IOMOEROIAI i24 Hr 9MovxeiJeremiah Oviel ymou 328i5570i WWW mm out to be excelem iiiléhioeaifigfréfliaEfliiélé3$iiisiliséltiériabnbdelaif43 of NNé QEEWVS AwaLPY 12 vening por cw 79 93 38 501 compamons roll yarn into balls about the size of golf balls for the kittens ELY ELEUEN 223233213 1101 Wkly group to play with If these balls are stepped on there is no danger of lIParly Game zzWintario Lottery 50 thcm rolling and causing an accident Also the kittens hang on Pram lzflgtifutfm to them better and they are not so apt to roll under furniture £70m Couple sswgtson Reprizrt MISSISSAUGA nt Cp and get lost If they come apart the balls are easily rewound 2Bowllng for Dollars lzrStarskyand Hutch l200 Toronto Maple Leaf captain LINDA $rgglny fimmqumn nfifigzgfiugafifim Darryl glitter was honored DEAR POLLY put little piece of adhesive backed TzratpduoTlrI Counttlrl STelcpliiy 37M0Vle The Coun Monday night as Mississaugas flannel on the back of my house key have no more fumbling ru 1000 te et Afakfm and an 22A Tmum oriiitrséggiélliiiitgogigziosogatflehyofig in the dark trying to find the right key MRS EP 24 or IAI 741 Wm 715 Tits1 mm Elana man My 1976 Canada Cup hockey series DEAR POLLY My hOt water healier qua Stance 01976byNEAIncIIA mus Pat on 2Ilullywood Squares gShowhiz 9Iron5idc smler also has been named from the kitchen so the water runs while before it gets hot gluoufizoouarm gjflmflfifigms carom iht Execu the Cilyvs professional athlete save on my water bill by catching all this cold water in pail just want to show him pricetag In order to cure his hic Misses IZVMOSI Wanted 1230 0f the year to use for the bird bath or watering my plants MRS MT cups 3l2 Welcomc Back Kol l0li Movw The War ter 3Iaces of Small Places Wagnni 9Sanford and Son 7Bobb iinIiin liL til at If 9M an 8055 AINTSURE we may NOT THE wuz ALL EMPTY mm mm 23423filliIIIZrNcws illiiélr iNANCiAL RECOVERY DUM DUM 51 PuQSES AND PICKE MIND vou ITS amssup 9TBA llMarcus Wclby 00 Ev Mary Hartman Mary lZI Love Lucy 530 00 Tomorrow hesitant about asking for help make two big pockets for the feet DAVIE TODAN SNATCHED WHETHERIHE EARLY BIRD 2Dle Van kc 20 2i5 l5 GOINSO GOOD POCK WORM gglzfisills and gurnell 3912N0wgt llAMcrv Griffin BleAlilgousg THE SHUTEYE THE DOCTOR SAYS lt gt rist complex in In blMME LOAF 0r BREAD While Kerry and tiie doctors son Robin and Take shelter NYTIME YDUASK ME By THOSTESON MD of difficult breathing AND Ibtlhlo 0F EALDNEY Happy are lookiii at from the storm ma barn nearby SIELL GIVE icizmmssm Dear Dr Thostcson About associated with wheezing often 51095 9X 37 year ago began getting sharp related to an allergy Em Of flight animals quIrAvAsAv JJ OUGHTNTsAYTHls pains in my right wrist physema is featured by short lt WLLYOUASWOUR AUNT WE ALREADY thought it was sprain that ness of breath Emphysema is would go away But it has he suspected ifthere isa history of come worse If bump it it respiratory trouble Chest gt pains sharply The grip on my rays would confirm it right hand is so weak that But an xray may not show couldnt squash tomato asthma My right hand is my bread and butter because am truck driver Without it cant do the shifting of gears that is necessary There is nothing else wrong with me have been ddying diesel truck for al most 30 years and must work Dear Dr Thostcson tried one of the bust developer gad gets and believe it or not my bust gained half inch Yet hear they are useless Can you comment7Miss IY would not attribute the gain to the developer It was NSL OFFICE treatise 22 3331 Zipéfitfl 53 NORTHERN 95 SELEC OF mm tor So far in life havent certain pointintheir menstrual needed one but if you tell me to see one and what kind cycle when body fluid reten tion is highest If you measure STATIONERYer CHRISTMAS CARDS 29 Dunlop sow NOW OPEN AT THEIR NEW lOCATION UNIT WlllBI your bust weekly throughout 737 3880 You ought to see doc your cycle you will pr0bably toranorthopedicspecialist notice these temporary The wrist is complex struc changes ture of eight major bones and central nerve root that passes through sheath of tendons THIE is MY PLAN Tb ATTACK called the carpaltunnell Usu tom WiSdom teeth removed mANDFOWD THE HUNS T060 T0 PLANB ally chronic wrist pain means EVE smee have had CFBCk DEPARTMENT one of several thin sa frac mg ml 13 When We my LEFT PACKAAE ture or dislocation one of the mum ever 30mg go awa CONTAINle BRA bones arthritis or cyst Pres sure can be exerted on nerve beleve those ON 805 from any of these mtals Only an xray will tell which Whatever the problem dont think it will go away on its own The sooner you have it diagnosed the sooner you can get treatment Continuing to aggravate it may cause more difficult situation It seems likely that your wrist problem is an occupational hazard If so Im sure some of your fellow truckers can tell you about it Dear Dr Thostcson My doctor says have emphysema in the left lung Doesnt one have to have an xray to know this for sure Also isnt what they used to call asthma the same thing that havelFB No Asthma is an episode 22 AMAAMMALAhh Dear Dr Thostesoh About two years ago had my two hot It sounds as though the ex tractions have altered your bite which can change the muscle and bone arrangement when the jaw is opened You should adjust to this eventually suggest you tell your dentist aboutit Dear Dr Thostcsoii Years ago nephew of mine received smallpox vaccination The scab was accidentally removed and he got encephalitis Could the scab removal have caused thisMl Encephalitis brain in flammation is rare very rare complication of smallpox vaccination The accidental re moval of the scab had nothing to do with it HELLOJWII SWEM Post Mist LOAN CO Ilffsll 10st mo BUGS BUNNY INTEND TO USE THE MONEY TO INVEST IN NEW PROCESS FOR REWEAVING WORN SHOE Races ER OKAYHEKE YER DOUGH IIItill amp tun lIi WIZARD 0F ID SAMPSON GETS VERY ANGRY WHEN PEOPLE ARENT NICE 23 in my lli Ill till FRANK ERNEST No iSORDER EVEPY TIME USE IlviiiEWJRAVE mlasnwen VIWOINO

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