l2The Barrie Examiner Wednesday Nov 24 1976 PERFORM Former heavyweight boxer Joe Frazier of the Smokin Joe Frazier Revue performs during rehearsal recently at Jupiters Inn in Franklin Square out on Long Island The man who rose to the heavyweight champion ship of the world as Smokin Joe Frazier has turned to show business as the star of reme which includes three dancers and an eightpiece orchestra AP Photo Adults going back to school TORONTO rCPi More Ca nadian adults than ever are g0 ing back to school Parttime university enrol ment has more than doubled from about 60000 in 1961 to more than 150000 in 1974 says Statistics Canada In addition more than mil lion adults are taking advan tage of extension courses of fered by school boards minis tries of education community colleges and universities Almost all are paying their own tuition and are attending classes on their own time But in future these late start ers may receive paid education leave from their employers In last months throne speech debate Labor Minister John Munro told the House of Com mons the government would en courage paid education leave He said the government will begin research on practices in Canada and foreign countries to assess the possible impact of educational leave on unem ployment strategies and the relationship of educational leave to flexible life Paid leave is rarity at resent afforded to some pro essionals such as doctors and teachers he added Some employers have already started experimenting with paid leaves MOST ADVANCED One of the most advanced programs is provided by Queens University in Kingston Unionized library workers are given time off from work at full pay to attend two courses each year If they successfully complete the courses full tuition is paid by the university The Royal Bank of Canada gives several employees each year leave at full pay to study fulltime for university de gree The em loyees are ex pected to wor for the bank duringthe summer The Ontario Federation of Labor is becoming interested in paid education leaves and is preparing some professionals to be discussed by its executive soon federation spokesman said Although in its infancy in Canada paid education leave has become an accepted prac tice in several European court tries In France employers are re quired by law to set aside tw0 cent of their total wage Bridget to be used for vocational education leave West Germany has given workers the right to take educa tional leave with considerable compensation for expenses and lost wa es Legis ation enacted recently in Sweden gives workers the ri tto take time off from work Without pay to attend classes Another law gives foreign workers paid leave to study Swedish OOPIZRATIJ TO THE END GRIMSBY England lCPi Hardened British seamen looked embarrassed when at tractive 23yearold Rachel Hir nbaum approached them and asked if she could measure their behinds Rachel who says she measures all types from 16yearolds to crusty old sea salts was conducting survey to roduce safer more comfort abe clothes for deepseauishu ermen Everyday meat values on hundreds of items throughout our meat department We make yourshop ping easier by identifying new lower prices every week The new low prices stated in this ad are prices that have been reduced within the last 21 days and well show what our previous selling price was so that you can see the savings Shopsys corned beef °Sm498 84 86 68 59 icitzittontent239o medium ground beef resn perk shoulder roasts beef cube steaks beef loan sirloin steaks homogenized pasterurized partly skimmed 2milk qt bag orjug plus deposn on jug Price effective until Tuesday Nov 30 only Leahyfancy applesauce 28 iii 76 Wizard solid all scents airfreshener 033 332 butter 22159 Nestle soup rrw all VEHIClItF Sou time 49 014 Royriloflily regular Muir yellow or pririterlwtiitr 2roll paper towels pig Sweetheart liquid llSl iwaut ior detergent 32H 02 plas bil lacral ply all colours Kleenex tissue 63 twelve lllll HflllillillJIlitillliï¬HitllllilO rlie1 C356 iiliirliposil 2008 box Grannys buttertarts ii ii 99 Chun King froerr slirirrip or lllfilttltl egg rolls 21 69 premium Melitta coffee 2259 collee 102 or cup Melitta filters 38 88 Melittaliller iiirli4l88 =21 Siilllv vi Plus vac pac sweet pickled Miles Every Wieners weekwell lb pkg feature special values are short term low prices reduced from our everyday meat values passing on to you extra savings as result of special purchases or changing market conditions lresnporr tonrlmsoiririm it Ill iyonirgre Iom roasts Loblaws skinless pork sausage 551 Country c1 fryer parts hindqulners with whole back by the piece sweet pickled endcuts centrecutl 33 bacon m1 47 trontquanors min whole back neck wrnqs giblcls Burns PrideolCanada sliced ll pkg beet lull slice cuttoyourneeds trozen predressed Shopsy Old Vienna boneless fresh whole Canada gradeA 18 salami chub round PQrk Young 94 Show steak lb oms to ducks lb potato salad or cole slaw eaci MWWMH um Ohlélw 0i Burris lrirle ol Canada sliced LOblaWS BraunSChwelger 602 cooked meats Sitgag cooked ham pkg liver sausage lb more Fami Sunlight detergent laundry powder all colours 4roHpkg ply Richs frozen coffee rich 1602 carton 27 aHvanehes Lancia past 68 illllllt tilt liltltitltl