rltï¬Fflwflns 6The Barrie Examiner Tuesday Nov 23 I976 DOROTHY KNOLL of Aplha Phi chapter of Beta Sigma Phi and Jane Nixon of Theta Epsilon Chapter are wel comed as new members of the sorority by Judy Rumble vicepresident of city council and Marg Abbott president The sorority held dinner for new pledges recently at the Continental Inn Examiner photo Twentyfour pledges join sorority at Beta Sigma Phis pledge dinner Twentyfour new pledges were taken recently at the an nual pledge dinner of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority at the Con tinental Inn They are Donna Anderson Sheila Barry Marian Beatty Mary Bockman Kathy French Donna Furyk Shirley Gardner Chris Garner Susan Graglia Joanne Gray Janice Holloway Carolyn Kellerman Dorothy Knoll Nancy Knozuk MaryJo McKinney Erin McMahon Jane Nixon Lynn Pike Lois Plowright Dona Rolston Beverly Schick Ginny Swaine Linda Walker and Pat Watson President of the sororitys ci ty council Marg Abbott welcomed members and vice president Judy Rumble in troduced pledges Six chapters of the sorority were represented They were Alpha Phi Theta Epsilon Zeta Lambda Xi Beta Pi Xi Gam ma Xi and Beta Delta Officers installed Officers were installed at the recent meeting of Loyal True Blue Lodge Simcoe District seven at the annual meeting in Angus Alma De Rose of Barrie is District mistress Mervin Fralick of Midhurst past master Lucy Kirk Angus deputy district mistress Goldie Dobson Midhurst secretary Emma Sleeper of Angus treasurer Maude Sem mens Angus chaplain Emily Bell of Barrie first lecturer and Gladys lark of Barrie se cond lecturer Mary Rowell Midhurst inside tyler Gretta Faragher Iidhurst pianist Guests for the meeting were Ann Foxall provincial grand mistress oi Ontario Elsie Iitherick past provincial grand mistress May Bunting honorary past mistress Le onora Smith past provincial secretary oi Toronto DAVID REEYE Speaks on drugs at banquet here David Reeve executive director of Alcohol and Drug Concerns Inc and former pastor of Burton venue Lnited Thurch will be guest speaker at family banun night Nov 24 Mr Reeve recently travelled in Europe under the auspices of Rotary International Founda tion to study approaches to drug problems in Britain Switzerland and the Scandana vian countries His topic will be Travelling Europc to help with drug pro blcrris in Canada Mr Reeves is also editor of Concerns an official publication of Alcohol and Drug Connins Inc is course director of thc Institute of Ad diction Sturiiw at fileMaster Ijriiwrait Hamilton and is chairman of tiit church voca tioru loininttm IlVlalIIl of ministry perumml and cduca 111m Ibl Iimtll titirlh OI Canada Thetain niglit banquet mil be hair at Stntm tomr1 Church at ymrmwl trylhe Men ttroakfazt mt Tilqu at perstm am 37 Iamdy are an table from church offire or by telephoning WW 9x The sorority was founded in 1931 by Walter Ross in Abilene Ka The aim was to promote fellowship culture and service among young women This is still the aim says Mrs Abbott There are now more than 200000 members in 23 countries in the world There are more than 100 active members in the Barrie sorori ty Each year the international office sets theme This year the theme is communication Members advance to chapter levels In Barrie the first level is the ritual of jewels and this Christmas cakes sold in Civitan fundraising The Civitan Club of Barrie is selling 3000 Christmas cakes to raise money for community projects Fred Reynolds director of the club said cakes will be sold at Goedemondt Real Estate Mike Hamilton Real Estate and Justin Motors The Civitan club is general service club supporting various projects such as ARC indus tries senior citizens minor hockey and lacrosse and Sno doliltl Fred Tomlinson is president of the club Paul Landry past president Larry Brennan presidentelect Rusty Rtitlier ford treasurer Bruce Laffin secretary and Mike Hamilton vicepresident ther directors include Wayne Browu Al Spence and Warner Penny Toastmistresses on TV when talks videotaped Members of the Toastmis tress Club of Barrie had the chance to see themselves in ac tion recently when their meeting was videotaped and replayed at the staff room at Georgian College Ioastmistress Shirley Crone asked members to speak for 90 seconds on memorable anec dote These were later eval Neil McKinnon heads ANAF Neil McKinnon was re elected president of the Army Navy and Air Force Veterans Association Sunday during the clubs November meeting Mike Dayholis was elected first vicepresident and John Hasket is second vice president Roger Godin is treasurer Dave McLean is secretary and Jim Woodward issargeantatarms Other members of the ex ecutive are Warren Crooks John Hughes John Weir Dcl Aldrich John Lewis Albert Parrish Murray McLean and lchillis Leo Berard is past president Murray MacPerson is chair man of the associates Cliff Flynn is vicechairman and Don Lowe is secretary COVERED BY TERRY NEW YORK tCPi Terry is the No covcrup fabric for next summer The pilc fabric will be seen in hooded jackets and pants jumpsuits stra less dresses and ponchos Fis net which is the big fad of the year has surfaced for swimwear cov erups and is being wellre ceived DOCTORS INRECOGNIZED NEW YORK AP About 70 per cent of the doctors who care for the average Soviet citizen are women who earn about $150 month and have little prestige says Medical World News Skilled factory workers earn more money are more likely to see their picture in Pravda and are more likely to find niche in the Communist party says the magazine tNTItODUCTORY OFFER SAVE on 00 CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL uated by members Shelagh Blenkarn presided Selfimprovement and con fidencc is the goal of every Woman and that is why the Toastmistress Club of Barrie meets every second Wednesday at pm at the Lakeview Skyroom Members attain this con fidence by developing skills in public speaking parliamentary procedure and communication techniques The club is member of In ternational Toastm istress Club the largest nonprofit educa tional womens organization in theworld Officers include Shelagh Blcnkarn president Shirley McCrone vicepresident Laurel Noble secretary Shirley Crone treasurer The next meeting will be held Wednesday at 630 in the Skyroom Play starts for ACBL Garry Edmunds and Sue Graham were first in north south play Friday at the Barrie DuplicateBridgeClub Bill Dewitt and John Hazell were second and Jean Burke and Olive Hersey were third In eastwest play Marnie Boulter and Josie Hansen were first Lucy Taylor and John Postnikoff were second and Vi vien Menezes and David Lewis werethird Cord and Stan Everingham were first overall winners Mon day in the American Contract Bridge League memberships Jeane Burke and Mary Wood stock were second Ella Swain and Wayne Hart third leggy Jones and Mabel Doak were fourth Danny Schamehorn and Andy Monk fifth and sixth and John Hazcll and Dave Higgins werefifth andsixth ln Wednesdays competition in the ACBL memberships Dorothy Tillcy and Vivian Hamilton were first Murray and Oda Bell second Svcn Hansen and Sherm Boultcr third and Jean Burke and Ruth Currie 25 Have professionally shompoood and steam cleaned carpets you can be proud of this holiday season at price you can afford We are fully bonded insured and can provide you with both daytime or evening service SOUTHERN CARPET CLEANING 128988i inculdes Zeta Lambda Theta Epsilon and Alpha Phi chap ters The second level is the ex emplar level which include Xi Gamma Xi and Xi Beta Pi chapters This is sixyear level The third level in Barrie is the Exemplar preceptor level and the chapter name is Beta Delta The executive includes Marg Abbott president Judy Rum ble vicepresident Besse Cheshire secretary lrene Gracey treasurer Supper success meeting told Slides and talk on Great Britain were given by Mrs Joan Fritz who spoke recently to members of the Collier United hurch WIlln She was introduced by Kay ockburn Mrs Merle Dean presided The October Fowl supper was success members ari nounced Nominations for new slate of officers were read Officers will be installed Dec 13 The annual Presbyterial meeting will be held in March in Collingwood Donations for mitts for the children on Christian Islands will be taken when the mitt tree is put in the sanctuary Vera Johnson led the devo tional with the theme The Good Shepherd Mas CELEBRATES BIRTHDA Maude Roach cuts the cake the Royal Victoria Hospital Auxiliary presented for her 80th birthday celebration recently at the groups Society of the liVing dead part of the proble whatthehell attitude in society is disease of national scope says Kitchener psy chologist and doctor of human ities The world would be finer place if people put more into ife more than they take out and this takes motivation Dr Joe Connell told 200 members of the Simcoe Muskoka Underwriters Association at the Holiday Inn He was introduced by Brian Wielenga Motivation in changing world was Dr Connells topic You can do something about pollution morals and economy The problem is everybody says whatthe hell This is society of the living dead and thanks to modern deodorants it is getting harder to tell the living from the dead he said Dr Connell has made over 100 addresses year for the past i5 years all over the world RECEIVED MEDAL In 1937 he received medal from King George VI for youth work and service to the blind He was general chairman of the KitchenerWaterloo Federated Appeal for 25 years past presi dent of the Ontario Teachers Federation the YMCA and the International Ys Mens Club He was the Canadian speaker at the first world Human Resources Congress in 1971 Wishing for better society is not enough he said Ulcers dont come from what you eat he said but from whats eating you We are the society If we can change it do something if we cant then we have to live with it but dont let it destroy you he said If people are not properly motivated they can become wrongly motivated he said In relationships people can turn off others by destroying their ego The result People build up their ego PEOPLE AND PLACES CHRISTMAS PARTY The annual Christmas party for the Barrie Boomerang ami ping Club will be held Dec 12 at the Minesiiig Hall The bowling party and pot luck supper al the hall was held Nov 14 and was followed by busines meeting and an auc tion BAKE SALE frown Hill United Church Women will hold coffee party bake sale and bazaar Thursday Dec at to am at the church Convener is Mrs Norman Tuck 85 iii meeting Mrs Roach has been member of the aux iliary for more than 20 years Examiner photo CORRECTION There is on error on Page 41 of our roto Where Christmas Ideas Begin The communicator No 037 426 041 is incorrectly priced at $3998 The correct price should read $2998 On page 43 of the above mentioned roto the stereo radio with track tape player No 287 426 942 and the cor vac No 287 482 503 are not exactly as illustrated We regret any inconvenience this may cause you our customer of orld DR JOE CONNELL again by destroying yours People must be aware of their oodness and reach outwards rom there he said You are good but how good are you ATTITUDES CHANGE He discussed how attitudes toward religion morals and economy have changed There was time when few did not believe in God But they were baptized in church mar ried and buried in church just in case he said Now the GodisDead philosophy is prevalent Morals There was time when people didnt do things because they knew it was wrong Now they dont do them because they might get caught Economy Remember the saying dollar saved is dollar earned Now we spend as we go along because that is the philosophy He said although people must be assured they are good they must also adopt humble phi losophy Think of yourself as grain of sand You can either be part of beautiful beach or you can be that grain in the car motor that causes overheating and destruction Also at the meeting chartered Life Underwriters certificate was presented to Rex Hunter by Robert Craw ford president of Georgian Col lege At the head table were Gerry Pepplar cochairman of Im perial Life Bruce Brown presi dent of Simcoe Muskoka Life Underwriters Association Mayor Dorian Parker Larry Lawson Mr Connell Brian Wielenga and Robert Crawford SimpsonsSears Ltd Sears Barrie Georgian Mall 509 Boytleld St Charge It Enjoy it now Use your All Purpose Account PEOPLE PLACES CHRISTMAS TEA Central District Girl Guides will hold Christmas tea and bazaar Saturday from to pm at Trinity Anglican Church Cost is 75 cents for adults Winners of the poster contest for the company were Valerie Arthur first June Kellough second Darlene White third and Sandra Lloyd honorable mention DRAW WINNERS Winners for the draw at the Christmas bazaar tea and bake sale held recently by members of the Loyal Orange Benevolent Association at the Allandale Orange Lodge Harold Ayest of Napier Street won $25 Ferguson of Orillia won $15 and Halman of Burton Avenue won $10 Coveners for the bazaar were Louise Stewart Maud Sem mens Low Rentner Ev Carter Alma Furzcott and Jean Chown Loucenda McKenzie was hostess CANDIDATES MEETING The three mayoralty can didates Mayor Dorian Parker Willard Kinzie and Ross Archer will deliver their platforms at public meeting Wednesday at 745 at Hillcrest Public School The meeting is sponsored by the University Womens Club of Barrie CADORA The Canadian Dressage Owners and Riders Associa ll set AVAILABLE FOR ALL OCCASIONS WE ALSO CATER TO YOUR HOME Canadian Scandinavian Style Cold Buffet Danish Open faced sandwiches our specialty Dare to bare your body fashionably in Starkers bra and bikini set The Bra So feminine and so sheer all over Stretch seamless cups crossover front stretch sides and back White Beige in and cups 1271 The Bikini perfect match for the bra White Beige Sizes 826 M28 L30 271 tion are sponsoring film night Wednesday at pm at Geor gian College There will be films on the Munich Olympics and the world cham ionships Charge to non mem ers is 50 cents with refreshments CADORA members will be admitted free QUOTA BAZAAR The Quota Club of Barrie had successful bazaar tea and bake sale Nov Draw winner was Chief Gardner of Little Lake sideroad Proceeds will go to the association for the deaf and hard of hearing SCROOGE Scrooge an adaptation of Charles Dickens Christmas Carol will be shown Dec at 730 pm at the Barrie Public Library sponsored by the Travelling Film Society An ad ded 19 minute film called the Star of Bethlehem will also be shown The society is presenting these films in cooperation with the Georgian Bay Regional Li brary System SAN FRANCISCO FILM film on San Francisco will be shown tonight at 15 at Bar rie Central Collegiate sgon sored by the Kiwanis Clu of Kempenfelt Bay The trav elo series is project of the clu and is fund raising effort to raise money for community charities Tickets may be pur chased at the door or from members HlVIEW CATERING AND BANQUET HALL 50 221 PERSONS IIIIIII PHONE 7288919 The Umentlonables Underwired pushup bra has front closure Imported lace upper cup Stretch sides and back White Beige Black and cups Matching bikini has side inserts of stretch LycraD spandex lace S26 M28 L30 1201 201 $13 Seamless Plunge bra Seamless doubleknit cups lace trim plunges to elastic midrift band Satinfaced powernet sides and back White Beige and cups 1287 $350 Store hours Mon Tun Sot 9300m530 pm Wed Thun Fri 930 pm