Ellie Barrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus 4The Barrie Examiner Henshaw Managing Editor Tuesday Nov 23 I976 Canadians must think about future of nation Here it is Tuesday week and day after the Quebec election and Canada is still here Hordes of redtoqued French Canadians have not taken to the barricades the Bronfman estates in Montreal have not been festooned with red flags the revolution in Quebec of 1976 is as quiet as the revolution of the 605 We have been listening and reading with greater and greater disbelief to some of the pronoun cements in the media from various pundits Toronto radiotype has decided Levesque and his Parti Quebecois are commie finks which makes us wonder where the erstwhile broad caster has been since 1960 former defence minister reduced in his dotage to scribbling for Toronto tab writes briefly of civil war We know where he has been for the past 15 years and wish more than ever he had not been there Levesque says he will ask Quebecers in two years or maybe three to decide at the polls whether they want separate nation Those not ignorant of Canadian history will recognize one thingLevesque has gone farther than any other Canadian separatist few of whom have been from Quebec Let us assume Quebec does vote for separation Thre are those who would have us believe once the vote is counted separation will be fact But Levesque will have to get separation bill through his legislature and or his cabinet The federal government would have two options open negotiate with Quebec in the hope of keeping Canada unified under different set of rules which is what Trudeau has been talking about lately or taking separation to the Supreme Court of Canada to have the court decide whether Quebec can legally separate The answer would probably be no Whatever the answer the question will probably then go to the judicial committee of the Privy Council in England The Privy Councils answer would probably be No Quebec cannot separate That will bring Quebec back to square one wanting to separate but unable legally to do anything about it The federal government will probably negotiate and the thing Canadians have to worry about then is not Levesque but the federal government and Trudeau Trudeaus history in power has been one of extremes he is either likely to call in the troops if Quebec votes to separate or say fine Quebec go ahead Neither is the right response If Canadians feel as we do at The Examiner then Canada is worth holding together and Canada without Quebec is not Canada We feel strongly that it is going to mean negotiation and compromise and serious rethinking of the struc ture of this country The Maritime provinces Alberta and British Columbia will play at least as large part in the debate as Quebec and the next 100 years of this nation is going to be settled in the next five Talk of civil war stupid unin formed ignorant talk will ac complish nothing If all people of this nation are determined to keep this im possibility we call nation together then we are going to have to think Canadians have unique op portunity to make their own future and that future is not served by the hysterical natterings of those who are talking proof that little lear ning is dangerous thing DOWN MEMORY LANE 25 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Nov 19 1951 CGE Minstrels presented per formances on two nights at the plant in aid of the new Memorial Wing of Royal Victoria Hospital End men in show were Doug Walsh Charlie Osborne Ed Baker Carl Green ough Led Pledger and Wally Smith Barrie Flyers broke losing streak by beating Kitchener 52 in Junior hockey Flyers goals were by Don McKenny Skip Teal Danny MacDonald Hillary Menard and Johnny Martan TOWn council debated matter of hiring man ager for Barrie on motion placed by Aldermen Norman Dougherty and Heber Smith Mayor Marjorie Hamilton vacated chair as council went into committee with Ald James Boorman presiding Hun dreds of citizens town officials Masons and Kiwanians gathered at Collier Street United Church to pay YOUR BUSINESS Carselling hints given in new book for dummies last respects to Arthur Smith municipal clerktreasurer from 1915 to 1945New office building of Bar rie Public Utilities Commission opened on Bayfield StreetOntario election campaign in full swing Charles Newton was supported by Liberal leader Walter Thomson At large rallies in Phelpston and Minesing speakers included Charles Henry Gladstone Currie Arthur McLean Ross Cowan Delbert Cole Mrs Erial McNabb Hambly and William Campbell of Elmvale Premier Leslie Frosts Conservatives had George Johnston of Minesing Rev Wallace Downer of Duntroon and Dr Jack McPhee of Port McNicoll running in Simcoe County ridings Harold Todd Barrie retailer hooked Atlantic salmon while troll ing in Kempenfelt Bay Nov 11 It was 30 inches long 23 inches in girth and weighed 1812 pounds and dont try to unload it on an The winter is notoriously all Barn Examm By VINCENT EGAN 16 Bayï¬eld Street Business and OllSllmfl Barrie Ontario Alla Azdlyel Telephone 72645537 Thomson st Servu Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed DailySunda sand Statutory Ho idays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year yNational Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 3341710 640 Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tisin and edltorial material crea ed by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper Co yright Registration Num r203815 register 61 bad time to try to sell your car Thats especially true if yours is rts car or con vertible ey are in peak demand in the spring Still the boom in newcar sales has been spilling over and demand for used cars in on the risewith prices strength ening accordingly Besides you may be in po sition where its necessary to sell your old clunkcr now In newly published book Auto Repair For Dummies McGrawHill Rycrson Ltd 351 pages $795 paperback author Deanna Sclar suggests selling your car privately unless it needs fairly major work In that case it would be bet ter to trade it to car dealer who could fix it up in his own shop In general selling the car privately is more lucrative if you have the time and patience to sit through dozens of phone calls answer silly questions and wait while several prospec tive buyers kick your tires says Mrs Sclar But she adds if your car is on its last legs be reasonable unsuspecting stranger CLEAN IT These are the authors key tips if you want to show your car to the best advantage and get the best price for it Clcan the inside of the car so that it will look loved Wash the upholstery vacuumclean the carpeting empty the ash trays and most imporlanti scrub the windows Wash the exterior of the car again paying special atten tion to the windows nilave your car waxed sparklingfinish can increase its market value by $50 Iont have your car pain ted That will only cause people to assume that you are trying to cover up recent body work after collision badly worn footpedal cover or floormat is sure sign of high mileage but brand new pedal or mat will tell an alert buyer that the old ones must have Worn through So make the replacement couple of weeks in advance and let the new items become bit scuf fed the author recommends WIIIIN NOIIOIIIAN Apply the same slrate when it comes to cleaning tie engine Many buyers consider to tally clean engine to be coven IDNMO 1303 AND now DEMOCRATIC Russian history of the Second War differs from histories done in West LONDON lAli Vcstcrncrs who dont know Russian can now read what schtxilchildrcn in the Soviet lnion arc taught about the Second World War It is different war than the one chronicled in the West There is no mcntion of thc Battle of Britain Sir Winston hurcliill is called colonialist Franklin Rtmscvclt lS scar ccly referred to and thc war II the Pacific is ignored Graham Lyons 40ytii=oltl British musician who IS intcr cstcd in the war obtained two Soviet textbooks which arc used by prouniversity students throughout the Soviet lnion and had them translated llc put together cditcd cxccrpts III to Hitpagc book jtlSI published in London callcd lhc Russian Version of the Sccond World War Lyons says in the books Ill troduction that the war was the most cataclysmic event In Soviet history and that the memory of its horrors and suf fcring has dccply iftcctcd cvr cry Soviet citizen who lived tliroughit The Soviet llnion lost an csti mated 20 million soldiers and civilians in the war considcra ByIHlNOIIIIARN Queens Park Bureau Ihoinson Ncns Scri icc IORONIO Except for Rccd Ltd the biggcst fighting issuc of this Ontario legislature session has been the farmin comestabilizat ion program This was the legislation on which the government was dc featcd in the spring agreed to improve and bring back again reintroduced in much broader form at the start of this session and though it has yet to conic to debate has already ctittscd more angry words than any thing clsc before the house ex cept Reed EXIOSII NIII And perhaps it will be of kcy importance in that it could pro duce the most pertinent show down we have had to late on New Democratic Party prinr ciples often referred to as its socialist principles The party doesnt talk too of ten about these principles or what might be termed the ex tremes of its beliefs Under the butlcrhiouth Stephen Lewis of the last few years the tone has been to avoid extremism in public And so while the party can get extreme about emotional is sues such as Indians and mdus for the fact that some me eianic opened the engine and found terminal illness inside then closed it up and eliminated the signs of his exploratory sur gery cleaning everything she says bly more than all thc Western Allicscombincd Lyons said that what Sovict children now read in their his tory books is more than likcly to make thcm remain as adults SllSpltltittS of all Wcstcrn initiatives Bl Nl IIS WEST lhc Soviet version of thc war blames Westernimperialism tor thc conflicts oiitbrcuk II 19311 It says that tthovictNali non aggression pact on the cvc of tlic wnr made it possiblc to stave off thc creation of the unich ziiiliASovict front which as being prcpnrcd by the ini pcrinlist stutcs The war is lrcatcd vcry much is Sovict illltlll Ilic pcriod betwccn the tall of Ilnncc lll June 1944 and the icrinan at tack on thc Sovict linion onc yctu lalcr whcn Britain stood alone is lttfl as of no unpor luncc The Soviet account says Rus sian rctrcats in tlic first months after the trciclicrous icr mun attack Wtlt due to 2ch man superiority in men and equipment There is no lIltIl tion of tlic biltcr debate that has gonc on lor years over why QUEENS PARK Farm income biggest issue trial licalth we dont licar about its views on government and state control which might fiiglitcn off the voters Bill on the farm stabilization bill somc of thcsc are coming out itlrll7lIIlr IIsscntiully the government proposal is to provide contrib utory insurancc plan for farm products with it contributing twothirds of the cost which would cover the farmer for up totlï¬ per cent of his costs in isnt uitc that simple but this basica ly is the esscncc of ill But that doesnt satisfy the NDI It wants the farmer covered for 100 per cent of his costs And what docs this mcan Well for onc thing it Would mean that farming would be the best bet since Lord Thom son was givcn his famous television licence to print money For there would be no risk at all to farming You and could have thou sand acres and hire somebody to put it in corn If the corn price was good that year we would clean up If it was below average we would be out nothing We could recover every cent of cost including wages for the workers and our capital dcpr cciation costs from the stabili zat ion fund lltopia Its such an unrealistic dream that tcporlcdly even the farmers dont want it They dont like to be bought Stalin ignored Allied warnings that Hitler was preparing to ill tack The Western leaders are ac cuscd of standing by white the Soviet and icrman armics torc iiitoczicliotlicr The delay in opening thc second front postponed thc dc feat of Fascism and condcinncd to death yet more in illions lhe Allicd invasion of France on June 1944 the greatest scabornc assault in historyeris said in the Soviet version to have come only when it be came obvious that the Soviet Union was capable of defeating llitlcrs Germany with her for ccsulonc CANADAS STORE First conference at Washington By BOB BOWMAN The first time Canada took part in an international confer ence as nation was in 1871 Britain sent delegation to Washington to settle serious problems that had arisen with the United States Sir John Macdonald was included on the British team to do some nego tiating for Canada The story of that c0nference must be told at another time but the result was very unsatis factory for Canada The five members of the British delega tion were So c0ncerned about their problems with the US that they neglected to deal with Canadian claims These in cluded reparations for Fenian raids on Canada financed by US sympathizers US fishing in Canadian waters and use of the St Lawrence River and ownership of San Juan Island south of Vancouver Island Macdonald tried to introduce the Canadian claims but had little influence as the junior member of the British delega tion Furthermore the Ameri cans had been told by the Brit ish ambassador to Washington before the conference began that Britain had no desire to retain Canada So they were confident that they could deal with Canada on their own terms later Finally it was agreed not by Macdonald that the US could fish in Canadian waters for 12 years for cash payment to be arbitrated The US also re ceived the right to use the St Lawrence River for navi ation in perpetuity Owners ip of San Juan Island was also to be arbitrated On Nov 23 1877 six years af ter the conference Canada was awarded $55 million for fishing rights The German kaiser was asked to arbitrate the own ership of San Juan Island and awarded it to the although it had been settled originally by the Hudsons Bay Company Canada obviously needed to control her own foreign rela tions but Macdonald was afraid that Britain would abandon Canada especially during Gladstones regime IN IIEQRPRETING THE NEWS UN suddenly alive with Mid ByGEORGEKITCHEN UNITED NATIONS tCP The Middle East after months of stalemate is suddenly alive with intriguing suggestions for settlement of the Arablsracli impasse None of them bear promise of early solution to the deep rooted problems dividing the Arabs and the Israelis but diplomats find them en couraging because they provide sense of movement rather than continued inaction What makes them interesting is that they come largely from the Arabs who have crusaded for more than quarter century on the promise that the only way to solvc Middle East problems was to drive the Israelis into the sea and restore old Palestine One of the most significant of these developments was statement by the foreign affairs spokesman for the Palestine Liberation Organization PLO that the PLO is prepared to ac cept Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip and the West Batik of the Jordan River These are vast tracts of Egyptian and Jor danian territory which Israel seized in the 1967 war and now holds under military occupa tion The new PLO position ob viously was advanced as groun East ideas dwork for resolution which Arab and Third World delegates are about to in troduce in the General Assem bly It calls for the creation of West BankGaza state with Israel turning the territories over to the UN which in turn would pass them along to the PLO The PLO then would establish an independent Palestinian entity Meanwhile in Cairo Presi dent Anwar Sadat has called on the United States to take the in itiative for Middle East peace telling visiting US congres sional delegation that Presidcn telcct Jimmy Carter should step forward once he takes of fice with an American proposal for an Arablsraeli settlement And in the General Assem bly Jordanian delegate Ilazem Nuseibch rose during debate on the Palestinian problem and told the Israeli they have the option of real peace provid ing the inalienable rights of the Palestinians are restored and promised that this does not as you claim mean the dis mantlingof Israel The Soviet Union and its sat ellites have moved into the pic ture with call for reconvening of the Geneva conference which has been in abeyance sin ce shortly after the 1973 Yom KippurWar see think 72W YOUR NEWS OUIZ PART NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL Give yourself 10 points for each correct answer Provincial elections in Quebec resulted in victory for the aParti Quebecois bLiberals cUnion Nationale True 0r False The Quebec Liberal provincial govern ment called elections because its fouryear term had expired Sandy Hawley set recor for the most prize money won by thoroughbred jockey in one year by winning over in 1976 aS400000 bS1 million cS4 million 15nation conference was held in London England to discuss the worldwide spread of CHOOSE ONE guerrilla wars nuclear technology The government of CHOOSE ONE Spain Portugal gave its permission for right wing rallyon November 20 to mark the first anniversary of the death of Ceneralissimo Francisco Franco its former leader PART II WORDS IN THE NEWS PART IV PICTURE QUIZ He is the leader of Parti Quebecois Can you name him HOW DO YOU RATE 91 to 100 points TOP SCORE 81 to 90 points Elcollont POINTS 71 to 80 points Good 61 to 70 polnll Fair 60 or Under Hmml FAMILY DISCUSSION QUESTION How would you interpret the results of the Quebec election WIin Take points for each word that you can match with its correct meaning contiguous adisturbed agitated ratio bhaving greatest importance crelationship in number turbulent or degree predominant dsubstitute surrogate eadjoining PART III NAMES IN THE NEWS Take points for acronyms that you can correctly match with the clues NATO anuclear reactor CFL bSoviet fighter plane CANDU cEuropean defence alliance MIC dinternational oil cartel OPEC eprolessional football league 112276 VEC Inc sruoenrs Save This Practice Examination Valuable Reference Materialfor Exams ANSWERS ON PAGE