MIAMI LINEBACK ER Steve Towle 56 gets good grip on Baltimore Colts running back Lydell Mitchell 126 to stop him after second quarter gain in Monday nights game in Miamis Orange Bowl 011 the ground is Miamis Rob Katheson 153 Colts tackle David Taylor watches the action iAPPhoto Big Barnes the hero as Colts down Miami MIAMI tAl Mike Barnes who knew little glory in the Or ange Bowl while toiling for the University of Miami surfaced as hero Monday night in Bal tiinore tolts 1716 National Football League victory over Miami Dolphins The sixlootAsi 25tiptllll1 defensive tackle blocked Garo Yepremians conversion kick with 12 seconds to play pre serving the victory and first place for the olts in the Amer ican Football onterences Eastern Division You cant have game that means more than this did said Baltimore quarterback Bert Jones 11 makes iiodiffen eiice one point or loo The iWin on counts The victory gave the olts 92 record and kept them one game ahead of New England in the tight division race Miami record fell to 56 and out of playoff contention Its matter of trying every time and sometimes you get one said Barnes of his leap to knock down Yepremians kick The Dolphins scare me Theyre great team But youre lucky somet imcs The miss came after quarter back Bob Griese had moved the Dolphins 69 yards in four plays to touchdown 41 yards com ing on pass to Duriel Harris at the Colts fouryard line The the board is what Group changes name after 96 years ST Allfltlf2 The Canadian Association of Amateur Oarsinen after 06 years has changed its name to the Canadian Amateur Rowing Assocation ARA The new name adopted at the organizations annual meeting was made to ac commodate the growing num ber of women now involved in rowing Womens rowing has really taken off in the last couple of years said raig Swayzc CARA president Theyre row ing all the way from the high school level to elite inter national events and our best showing at last summers Olympics was fourth In the womenseight Other constitutional changes made by the association in cludcd switch in voting power from club to provincial level streamlining business proce dures within the national body ADOITSTEAM II The association also adopted fouryear national team plan leading toward the 1080 Olynr pics in Moscow 11 will be ad ministered by Alan Roai of To ronto chairman of tvlts technical committee Tudor Bompa of York Lniversity former Romanian national coach and the man who handled anadian oar smen at the Montreal Olyiii pics is in charge of technical coordination while letcr Klavora of tniversity of Toron to is the coaching tHlltllllithl Tony arr of Brentwood tolr legc on Vancouver Island was ARAs selection as coach of the year He was coach of the Canadian eight that placed SIX th in the 11170 World youth chain pionships in Austria Ben Tekamp of Brockville re ceived the Presidents Award new plaguc established this year He earned the award on the strength of his performance as manager of the tanadian Olympic team The 9tith Royal anadiaii Henley Regatta tanadas national championships will be held July 2731 at St tatharines SPORTS SHORTS ANAM RETIRNS DENVER The return of the CanAm auto racing series has been announced by the Sports Tar lub of America tSCCA ltirace series with prize fund of about $030000 has been drawn up for 1977 with two Canadian events included Races will be held Aug 21 at Mosport Park Ont and Sept 11atStJoviteiie BERRYSENIDOHV LOS ANGELES IAli Bob Berry left winger with Los Angeles Kings for the last six years was sent to the National Hockey League teams minor league club at Fort Worth Tex on Monday The Kings also called up centre Frank St Marseille and left winger Lorne Stamler TWO AEROSOIT HOUSTON AI Houston Acres of the World Hockey As sociation reported Monday two players will be out of action be cause of injuries John Schclla underwent surgery Monday for torn ligaments in the left thumb and is expected to be sidelined six to seven weeks strained right knee will keep Andre Hin IUR BE TTER PHIV TING SEE JOHN COCKBURN IJMUID 66 MORROWWROAD BARRIE 328 2521 flltllltf Sluri 7900 so out of weeks action about two MARINERS SIGN OAII SEATTLE AP Seattle Mariners of baseballs Ameri can League announced Monday the signing of Jim Busby as third base coach Busby 49 spent the last season as coach for Chicago White Sox and played in the major leagues for 13 seasons including stints with Chicago Washington lcvc land Baltimore Boston and Houston lnsurnnce and Poul Sndlon lensing Tor 3640534 Barrie 7261811 lndividuol or fleet Short or long term Net lease or purchase lease maintenance available Any make or model score came two plays later on threeyard lunge by Benny Ma lone Jones shredded Miamis sec ondary for 111 completions in 20 attempts and 214 yards We deserved to win in sisted Jones who passed 23 yar ds to tight end Raymond hester for what proved to be the winning touchdown If anything we didnt deserve to lose lhe tolts other scores came on sixryard run by Lydcll Mit cliell and 27yard field goal by Toni Linhart Miami scored on zoyard touchdown pass from Griese to Jim Mandich and on 20yard Yepreniian field goal Mitchell ran 20 times for 110 yards for season total of 1010 yards his second consecutive year over 1000 yards He also caught three passes for 12 yards for season total of 13 rcccp tions for 402 yards EDGED 32 BY RANGERS The Barrie Examiner Tuesday Nov 23 197611 Loss for Canucks makes it seven in row VANCOUVER CP John Davidson said he was lucky and Vancouver Canucks were anything but in losing their seventh con secutive National Hockey League game Mon day Davidson kicked out 33 shots as New York Rangers edged the floundering Canucks 32 before about 15000 fans dont know why but it seems get lucky every timel play in Vancouver said the big pressure to score their only two goals The Rangers who broke sevengame home losing streak last weekend now have 532 record on the road and are within five points of thirdplace Philadelphia and Atlan ta in the Lester Patrick Division The Rangers got firstperiod goals from Rod Gilbert and Greg Polis and one from Ken goaltender guess Im more relaxed when we play on the road because theres more pressure when were at home Davidson in his fourth NHL season ex itended his record against the Canucks to 1323 He kicked out 12 shots in the opener as the Rangers scored twice and blocked 13 more in the third when the Canucks put on the Hodge in the second to behind the eightball put the Canucks AMII TOO LATE Vancouver mounted its best offensive in the Retirement never official says Ali HOUSTON AP Heavy weight boxing champion Mu haininad Ali engaging in shoving match with former champion George Foreman said Monday he never officially retired You never heard me say was going to retire Ali said You heard reports out of lur key But you didnt hear incsay was going to retire Foreman is hungry Hes desperate Im the lord of the ring do what want to and where want to Foreman will get whuppin in due time The incident between Ali and Foreman occurred when Forc man visited Ali at the Sam Houston oliseum where Ali is filming his biography The Greatest Foreman was hoisted into the ring and he began to badger and challenge the champion to rematch for the heavyweight title The jeers and namecalling increased and the two fighters moved closer to each other urged on by the cheers of on lookers and ringside movie ex tras During the flurry Ali and Foreman finally signed piece of scratch paper agreeing to fight at some point in the fu ture However Ali added he would not make any definite plans Ull til he talked with his managers trainers and particularly his Muslim people He mentioned Elijah Muhammad Green Sims mainstay of Riders cup hopes OllAWA lII Ottawas hopes in Sundays Grey up de pend largely on two players who both may be playing their last game for the Rough Rid crs full back Art Green and defensive tackle Rudy Sims When 10 Riders take the field Sunday against Saskat chewan Roughriders Green who is rumored bound for the National Football League will be looking to carry the ball at least 20 times In the Riders 17 13 win over Hamilton Tigerrt ats Sunday 111 the Eastern Football oiilci encc final irccn was handed the ball 27 times and he cliiir iicd otit 124 yards rushingI in response HOCKE STANDING By TIM tlll lltF Iiointiil Iiiiiior Vorh Yoil 11 lot JV 1irkhiin iii 711 ortli Ban to 11 tloll ift 15111 twinarkci it it urora in 17 Royal lurk 1o it it 11 lol tils ll llt 11 11 Richmond Hill 71 Ht ll Il1tlll ti lift 11 Ajax 11 in lo IltKlt lit 108 Tonights tiainrs Ajax ltithinoiiil Ilill Illl it iiinii lll aniphell toiifeicntc Iitriik lliiisioii Il111tltl ll lot lhila 1o in tiiiti ii 71 Rangers 1111 Ti H1 li Niiiytlii Ilision St Louis to 11 111 thiiago 11 at Minnesota It if 11 Killed in accident PEMBROKE Ont itli Bert iicscbrechf 411 former amateur and minorleaguc pro fessional hockey player lied following an accident at his home Monday lie was one of six brothers who together had total of 1111 years of amateur and pro hockey extwriencc The others were Roy Jack Fred Bruce andllick Bert centre set an ama teur scoring record with 113 points for Windsor Spitfires in 1947 Twa years later he Slill ted his pro career with Omaha in the United States Hockey League Bob Johnston says EASE from Barrie 233 Bradford St flittitadn 11 intoiirt 11 11 11 Iliiitc of ales tontttiiiii diins IIIItill linsioii 1i 11 Buffalo 11 o1 lt1 ultimo it Illllh11 Iits IItll 14111Ildl ill Lo niivl ll Iittsbuigli it il iulillltltnli II Itttiill 11 ii 1tilllIi Itisull Ronniw Ioiiiglit ldllll Ililllllill tt lstiiii lliilttlili IIIIOIIIII lilltlll liiyision Laurenttan ti It Toronto it fit It York ti 11 Queen 111 tiltiwi It I1 it tiiitiit Iliyisioii Rycisoii truck it Trent lit MiMasiii It 11 1t1t 111 Western Iliyisioii Latirici 11 Waterloo 11 ti Guelph 11 Western 11 Vviiidsor 11 Speaking to reporters in the Ottawa dressing room after the game Green said that during the first part of the season he was getting the ball lot and appeared headed for his second year as 1000 yard rusher But in the second half of the season didnt get it much dont know why Ive told the coaches to give me the ball and Ill dowhat lin supposed to NOT iIIITING BII White Green was not getting the ball much in the second halt the Riders were not scor mg many points They coasted Into first place 111 the tilt al though they managed oiily two ms in their last seven games comfortable first half lead fashioned on irccns deter mined legs was the margin that gave Ottawa llll place lor the second straight year Botli tliciii and Sims are playingout their options Rider brass my contract announci tncnt about tlrccn inay ttillit lllls tttk but many football servers litre litlltt lhc Ii 11 3ti3poundcr 111 be Ill NH ciiiltict cii Suns lo rejoined the Riders nndway through last season ill let being cut by 1111 NFLs tlrccn Bay lackcts iciorc that he was key llltllllitl of Ottawas front four known as tapital luiiishinciit On Sunday llt played llkt tapilal lunisliinciit was still the law of the land Ottawa oacli George Bran cato said afterward that Suns had lttll bull all tcl at practice and that Riders guard loiii Scliiiitic sported few bruises received lroin the 2513 ponndSiinsinpractico lie just carried it into the game Brancato said on the abuse Suns wrcakcd on the Hamilton ball carriers and on quarterbackliiiiinyJoncs final period and got goals from Harold Snepsts and Don Lever but it wasnt enough to overcome the heroics of Davidson He made two sensational stops on Ron Sedlbauer in the first period and robbed Bob Dailey in the second with glove save on high blast In the third Davidson stood his ground against John Gould Chris Oddleifson and Dennis Kearns in protecting the Onegoal lead Coach John Ferguson of the Rangers leased with his goaltender work of defencemen Carol Vadnais and Dave Maloney Vadnais was particularly effective in breaking up Van couver rushes at the Ranger blue line We seem to play lot tighter defensively on the road than at home said Ferguson We try to open it up at home and get burned naturally was and he praised every time LONE COMPLAINT Ferguson also complained about the of ficiating noting four Vancouver power plays period the middle dale NY In the only games tonigh diens take on New York Isla to one for the Rangers He said the Rangers didnt tire in the third because the New York Rangers are in the best condition of anybody in this league Coach Phil Maloney of the Canucks in see ing his team lose for the fourth straight time at home said his team just couldnt seem to get going in the first two thought we should have shot the puck lot more he said It seemed the guys were trying to make the perfect play in the second eriod Defence helps Sabres stay up there with NHL leaders MONTREAL CP Buffalo Sabres not known in the past as great defensive team have moved into challenging posts tion among the National Hockey League leaders as the 197677 season enters its second quarter thanks mainly to their defence After losing four of their first seven games the Sabres lost only one of their last 11 starts Allstar team has Riders TORONTO CP Sas katchewan Roughriders team more noted in the past for it offensive power than its defensive strength placed seven players on the 1976 Western Football Conference allstar defensive team an nounced Monday by the Foot ball Reporters of Canada The Roughriders who beat Edmonton Eskimos 2113 Satur day to advance to Sundays Grey up against Ottawa Rough Riders scored league high 427 points in 16 regular season games The only other team to come close to Sas katchewans offensive total wasOttawa with111 points But Saskatchewan also has the conferences stingiest dc fence The Roughriders had 238 points scored against them in regularseason games The only other team within 100 points of that total in the WFF was Win nipeg Blue Bombers who allowed 316 points Montreal Alotiettes allowed 273 points to top the Eastern Football Tone ference The seven Saskatchewan players named to the defensiVe team are end George Wells outside linebackers Roger Gorcc and Bill Mancliuk tackle Tim Roth and defensive half backs Lorne Richardson Paul Williams and Ken McEachern 2BOMBERSIIOSICN Rounding out the defensive squad are end Bill Baker of Lions John llcltoii of al gary Staintxders middle line backer llarry Walter of Winni peg and defensive halfbacks Brian llerosian of Winnipeg If IIII Irlll IltICSS National Htltkt League scor ing leaders after Mondays garlic shall llt 21 17 Lafleur Mt 17 2t 17 Dionne 11 111 Ill Robinson Mtl 24 111 Young lin lo 151th hliNtili Hos 10 11 27 Williams LA 11 1320 lilbiit YR 5i 2f Murdoch NYR 17 25 Martin tlii 113 IolVlli NYI to 23 liorina LA 17 23 Mahovlicb MI 111 veterinarian She got there the hard way with long hours of study and the discipline to say no to fun when she couldnt afford to be diverted Today on staff at one of Canadas bcst veterinary clinics she has every potential for success But she also has problem If gotential were eve uzanne would have 1t made When Suzannes parents gave her the collie she wanted for her twelfth birthday they also gave her her first thoughts of becoming was student and Joe Holliman of Edmonton The Roughriders also had four players named to the of fensive team including quar terback Ron Lancaster 17 year Canadian Football League veteran who along with run ning back Jim Washington of the Blue Bombers and Baker were the only unanimous selec tions to the team The other Saskatchewan players on the offensive uad are wide receiver ett Dawson tight end Bob Richar dson and guard Ralph Galloway Other members of the offen sive team are running backs Mike Strickland of the Lions and Steve Beaird of Winnipeg wide receiver George McGowan of the Eskimos cen tre Al Wilson of BC guard Buddy Brown of Winnipeg and tackles Butch Norman of Win nipeg and Layne McDowell of theLions IIOSEN SIX TIMES It marks the sixth time in 14 years with the Roughriders that Lancaster has been named to the WFC allstar squad His fir st three years in the CFL were withOttawa He was named to the allCan ada team three times and has led Saskatchewan to 157 vic tories an average of better than 11 wins season Lancaster the WFC nominee for the FLs outstanding player award he won in 1970 led the TFI this year during the regular season in passes thrown 1494 passes completed 297 passing yardage 3869 passing percentage 601 and touchdown passes 25 His record career totals 111 clude passes thrown 5394 passes completed 2924 pass ing yardage 44786 and touch down passes 304 EIEIA POSTS BAIL SAN JUAN PR AP Former baseball star Orlando Cepeda posted $50000 bail Mon day to stay out of prison until he is sentenced Dec for pos sessing and smuggling 170 pounds of marijuana into Puer to Rico Cepeda named the National Leagues most val uable player of the year in 1967 had been free on bail since his arrest Dec 12 1975 in life Suzannes become quite the social butterfly Everything she does she overdocs including drinking beyond her limit too often She doesnt realize there are equally good reasons for self disciptinc now as there were when she Suzannes at the crossroads She can protect her future by opting for moderate lifestyle including the sensible enjoyment of beer wine or spirits Or she can gamble If you were Suzanne which would you choose Sttltllllttttmtttt Distillers since 1857 winning eight and tying two for 18 of possible 22 points Only Boston Bruins with 19 ints in their last 11 games ave better record and have ninepoint edge over the secondplace Sabres in the Adams Division Buffalo holds two games in hand The Sabres main strength during their last 11 games has been the defense Goaltender Gerry Desjardins maligned figure for his performances during the Stanley Cup layoffs in the last two years ad the second lowest goalsagainst average190 based on 28 goals against during 882 minutes played Glenn Resch of New York Islanders who have matched Buffalos 18 points in their last 11 games led individual goal tenders with 182 mark and Resch and Billy Smith gave the Islanders the team lead with combined 211 average WERE TIEI Steve Shutt and Guy Lafleur of Montreal Canadiens were tied for the leadership in the in dividual scoring race with 37 points following weekend play Shutt had 23 goals and 14 assists while Lafleur had 17 goals and 20 assists Marcel Dionne of LosAngeles Kings and Montreals Larry Robinson were in third place with 31 points while Tim Young of Minnesota North Stars was fifth with 29 Don Murdoch the Rangers highscoring rookie led the league with eight powersplay goals heading into this weeks play while Bill Clement of At lanta Flames and Mike Murphy of Los Angeles each had three shorthanded goals to top that department Murdoch and Bostons Pete McNab led the league with five powerplay goals following weekend play Dave Williams of Toronto Maple Leafs was the penalty leader with 97 minutes SCORING LEADERS PPim Shutt Mtl 2314 3716 Lafleur Mtl I7 20 37 Dionne LA 1318 31 periods Robinson M11 24 31 Young Min 1019 29 McNab 808 19 27 Williams LA 1115 26 Murdoch NYR 17 25 Potvin NYI 18 25 Martin Chi 916 25 Gilbert NYR 17 25 Goring LA 17 25 Mahovlich M11 619 25 Ratelle 305 1113 24 Sittler Tor 1014 24 Esposlto NYR 915 24 McDonald Tor 15 23 Charron Wash 14 23 Murphy LA 1310 23 Vail All 1112 23 Sheppard Bos 11 12 23 Paiement Col 1013 23 MacMillan 81L 16 23 Lapointe Mtl 518 23 GOALKEEPERS Netminder Cesare Maniago kept the Canucks in the game by making 16 saves in Montreal Cana nders at Union 10 26 29 10 25 20 Emptynet goals bracketed MP GA 80Ave Resch Smith NYI Dryden Larocque MTI Desjardins Sauve Smith Buf Gilbert Cheevers Box Inness Parent Phn Vachon Edwards LA Simons Meloche Clev t2 Favell Plasse McKenzie Colo Myre Bouchard All Giacomin Rutherford Dot Wilson Laxton Herron Pgh Palmateer Thomas McRae Tor Esposito Dumas Chi t1 Johnston Staniowski 511 Low Wolfe Wash Davidson Gratton NYR 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