Members of the Royal Cana dian Legion branch 270 Coldwater their Ladies Auxiliary and Girl Guides Brownies and Cubs marched LEGION VETERANS IN PAR in recent parade at Cold water village In lower photograph Mrs Margaret Galbraith president of the Huronia Womens Institute places wreath at cenotaph in memory of Canadas war dead in two World Wars ADE AT COLDWATER fought in defence of democracy and individual freedom Photos by Cyril Martin Economic jolts cited by MP By SINCLAIR STEVENS MP YorkSimcoe Recently we received four jolts in Ottawa unemployment has now reached 76 per cent the highest level in 15 years iii flation is rising our economy appears to be stagnating and our trade deficit mounts These national conditions were reflected in this area with the announced closing of Sisman Shoes Co Ltd in Aurora with the likely layoff of 110 employees This is one fur ther example of how our manufacturing industry in Canada has found it difficult to continue Sisman Shoes has been in business in Aurora for over 70 years Now faced with an un certain Canadian economic climate and severe import com petition The Kinney Shoe Com pany who owns Sisman Shoes and which sustained heavy losses with the operation last year and this year feel they must close the plant Kinney in turn is the wholly owned subsidiary of Woolworth Company New York Woolworth is the ninth largest merchandiser in Canada with sales last year of $841 million and net income of overSlS million FEWER FACTORIES In spite of their size and know how Woolworth has found it difficult to continue manufac turing shoes in Canada Not only do they plan to close down the Aurora plant but it is also planned to close down their operations in Markdale and Mt Forest In total 500 employees will be laidoff The shoe industry in Canada has been hard hit in recent times In the past years the number of shoe factories has dropped from 200 to 73 1966 imports represented 33 per cent of the shoes sold in this country It is anticipated that next year imports will amount to 60 per cent and possibly 65 per cent of our total shoe consumpt ion ur manufacturers with their relatively short runs find it in creasingly difficult to remain competitive with countries who either have low labor costs such as Korea Brazil and Spain or higher productivity due to longer production runs and lower wages such as in the United States and West Ger many US AIIEIIII IOt Foreign penetration in the US market has not been as severe in Canada Yet today with approximately 45 per cent of their market gone to imports compared to over 60 per cent in Canada there is loud clamour in the US for the imposition of importduties or highertariffs In Canada basic decision will have to be made Do we wish to preserve shoe and leather industry or are we con tent to allow our total con sumption to be supplied by others There is little doubt that if the present trend is main tained within generation there will be little shoe or leather production in Canada Every time plant closes the workers get disbursed know how is lost and we become more vulnerable to further foreign competitiOn It would appear to be foolhar dy to allow this trend to con tinue Sisinan Shoes hit their peak in 1951 when the Sisman Scam per was as popular as Adidas today They pros ered Until 1975 they remaine competitive in market that became more and more style conscious and opr to foreign competition Then the losses started DEMAND FOR BOOTS understand the company could continue in production if it restricted its activities to the manufacture of workboots particularly safety boots Many of the staff and em ployees at Sisinan Shoes have indicated desire to see the company continue and are willing to put up some of the equity that may be required New postmaster given welcome at Cookstown By MARJORIE ELDRIDGE COOKSTOWN Rex rout ch who served in the Parry Sound post office for 21 years is the new postmaster at Cookstown post office We extend welcome to Mr Croutch his wife Dorothy and family who expect to move to Cookstown soon Mr Croutch succeeds Bert Coleman who retired last mon th after many years of efficient service This post office is one of two in Canada which was continuously served by one family foroveracentury Three consecutive generations of the lienry Coleman family served post masters in this community plaque erected on the front of the Cookstown post office in 1974 by the Simcoe County Historical Association states Appointed postmaster Henry Coleman Sept 1872Feb 1912 Frank Coleman Feb 1912 July 1942 Henry Albert Bert Coleman 19421973 Mrs Evelyn oleman wife of the retired postmaster is con tinuing as full time postal clerk Bert Coleman recently retur ned from vacation at the Coleman cottage near llun tsville where he enjoyed some fishing FROM ENGLAND Mrs Ethel Jebb entertained her niece Mrs Parrv and $200 CASHBONUS veri lll litt lllil ll mil iii lwtil ii ii lJX lttlilt HagorirAuiiiiririii Georgian Purifier yHI Awltw liiiilirillwlhi l0 ill ttlllll 11 no ltiiilirir IHVJ tltlilll llttli illk liy lHi Gtllittll Willi Mtilril Hill lHi VHAWA NHH HON Buick EMC ttri i453 Bradford sr Barrie 726 l885 friend Mrs Sandra Marshall from Salisbury Wiltsbire England During their three weeks visit they made num ber of trips to interesting places with friends The Lions club held can vass for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind last week Santa Claus is scheduled to arrive in our village on Satur day Dec 11 to take part in parade and he will be handing out treats to youngsters Late corn harvesting and fall plowing continued in the area despite untimely weather and snow NEW MEMBERS MIDLANI Staff This town will have new county council representative next year with Councillor Sam Ancio having been elected reeve by acclamation Miles Blackhurst and Bill rilvie are running for deputy Reeve Moreland Lynn and Deputy Reeve Catherine Dion are standing for mayor along with Brian Wood Federal and Provincial assistance may be available and there may be private in vestors who are willing to provide equity capital to allow the company to stay in produc tion Kinney officials have assured me they will do all they can to keep the plant in business under new owners hope alternative financing can be arranged to assure that Sisnian Shoes will not close in January which would be loss to the community of over $3 million in sales per year ertainly it is not good enough to tell our shoe workers as Prime Minister Trudeau told them few years ago Why should Worry about 22000 shoe makers he said when there are over 23 million others in the country its time for decisive action WARD Help Guide Erie Experienced to work for you VOTE PHIL SAUVE Weve made our move now its up to you Your first date will be ob solutely DIALADATE CENTRE PATS is where nice people meet in the easiest way however we have been approached by more men than women 50 ladies you could be socializing within few short weeks Try it youll like it first time at my expense Our age group is generally 25 years and up however we welcome provided you are single inquiries from anyone 737361 Mon to FRI 2ti 10 COUNTY GLIMPSES Elmvale reeve is returned ELMVALE Staff Retur ned to office by acclamation Reeve Ken Knox will start his third year as head of the village council in January Mr Knox moved up to reeve after Cecil French retired Before that he had served 10 years as councillor The wellknown local businessman has been resident of Elmvaie for over 30 years and one of its keenest boosters ratepayers meeting has been arranged for Wednesday evening in the community ball when reports will be given on the administration for the past term and other village issues discussed ARE REELECTEI COLLINGWOOD Staff Reeve Donald Spooner and Deputy Reeve James Belcher will return as Collingwoods Simcoe County representatives for the new term They were returned to office here by ac clamation Mayor Harry Bell also was acclaimed for the 1977 78 term DOWNTOWN PLANNING ORILLIA Staff Ap intment of manager as an initial step toward working out improvements for downtown planning was suggested to the Orillia Downtown Businessmens Association by Bill McGill former alderman ESSA REEVE BAXTER Staff Reeve Eugene Smith is completing his first twoyear term as head of Essa township council Previously he was deputy reeve for several terms and coun cillor At county council he has been serving as chairman of the health board TURKEY SIIOOTS ALLISTON Staff Christ mas turkev shoots will be held Whats the by the Alliston Rod and Gun ub at Lot Concession 13 of Tecumseth township Saturday Dec 11 and Sunday Dec 19 at 1pm CREST DESIGN TOIIENHAM contest open to all ages for which prize of $25 has been offered by council for the best village crest design closes at noon on Friday Dec REEVE RETURNED BEETON Staff Reeve Sheridan McGinty will be back for his second twoyear term as head of the village council as result of an acelamation Voters will elect four coun cillors from five candidates on Monday Dec Standing are Alan Bennett Paul Coburn William Fox John Hacking and AmyHarting BOARD MEETING ANGUS Staff meeting of Nottawasaga Valley Con servation Authority board has been arranged for Wednesday evening Nov 24 at the ad ministration office building by the Nottawasaga river opposite Highway 90 here VILLAGE TRUSTEES THORNTON Staff Four standing for police village trustees in the coming municipal vote on Dec are Lucy Herron Ross Burwell Reg Peacock and Len Van derpost ANGUS TRUSTEES ANGUS Staff Angus village trustees for 197778 will be William Gibbs Charles Bell and Tom Finney all elected recently by acclamation DISTRICT NE WS 2The Barrie Examiner Monday Nov 22 I976 BARRIE DENTlIRE CLINIC COLELLA DT Complete Denture Service 7264721 105 Dunlop St Member Donturist Society Of Ontario Barrie Card winners at Gilford By RUTH SAWYER GILFORD Ethel Steers Mary Wilson Ron Smith and Lila Bell won prizes at the Friday night euchre held at Gilford community hall There were seven tables of players participating three less than the week before Emerson Curtis was the winner of the 5050 draw and Harold Cronan another lucky draw Other euchre prizes went to Doris Cause Helen Bell Bessie Alford and Ernie Hughes Members of the hall board the Womens Institute and others are in charge of the ar rangements for the euchres this season Gilford United Church Women were entertained at the manse with 19 present at the November meeting chaired by Mrs Owen Bell skit was presented by Mrs Russell Mrs Whally Mrs Kirby and Mrs Kaaslainen Reports from workshop held in Bradford were given by Mrs Kell and Mrs Kaaslainen Mr and Mrs Girvan Sawyer visited their daughter and son inlaw Mr and Mrs Shaw in Sarnia and called at Port Huron during recent weekend Mrs Ida Sturdy Mrs Ena Griffith and Mrs Betty Dales had an interesting trip to Nashville COLDWATER Mr and Mrs Larry Beach of Kitchener spent the weekend with Donnas parents Mr and Mrs Herb Cochrane Mr and Mrs Mcrley Yon and Lorne Letherby recently retur ned from weeks visit with their sister Mrs Loreen Leatherdale of Montreal They also enjoyed visiting with Miss Hazel Lanskail The Yons were invited guests to the opening of the new Huronia Hospital in Midland recently NOTICE RED CROSS Please return crutches canes wheelchairs etc that are not being used To 34A Clapperton 31 any mor ning because supplies are low and they are needed rice of cushions at to do with ban ng Theres nothing like having cushion or surplus in your Personal licquing Account to take care of unexpected emergencies or opportunities but at what price After all PCAs dont pay interest But Tl docs the next best thing charge choquing For those times that your monthly statement shows constant cushion offSZOO or more throughout whole statement period TI cancels all chcquing charges for that pcriod automatically Personal Account statement periods coycr four or five weeks On the last day of each period the statements are checked to see it So if you write fair number otcheques NoCharge Chequing could be good value Ask about it at your nearest TD branch hequing Nohargc licquiiig applies Nohargc licquing includes all TI PCAs cxccpt TI Personal Service Plan which has flat monthly fee TORONTO DOMINION the bank where people make the difference