Vï¬ Vwwv AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES DCS AUCTIONS DCS ANT IOUES FINE FURNITURE LTD ON HWY 89 WEST OF HWY 27 40 MILES NORTH OF TORONTO IN THE VILLAGE OF COOKSTOWN SUNDAY NOV 2Ist AT PM PARTIAL LIST ONLY Pc Mah also Pc Oak Dining Room Suites Wal Inlaid also Mah case Pianos by Crane Jacobean Oak Secretaire having leaded glass bookcase top Carved Oak also Vict Mah Mirrored back sideboards Vict carved settee Welsh style pine flatback having cathedral type glass doors Mah lnlaid also Oak wardrobes with matching washstands dressers Wal Mah and Oak china display cabinets Vict whatnot showcases Carved parlour pump organ Jacobean also carved oak hallstands Rnd oak ped dining and cof fee tables Sev oak drawleaf dining tables Various sets of oak dining chairs Scotch Mah cheffanier bookcase Welsh style pine lifttop hall bench Pine miltidrawer sidebrds Scotch Mah servers YVarietyof Pine chests of drawers incl highboys Sel of washstands in pine oak wal Jacobean oval also wal tilttop parlour tables many others Various pine blanket boxes Pine coffee tables also end tables in pine Pine drysinks Dropfront bureau desks in bir dseye maple and oak Welsh style pine pub benches Jac oak also Mah dropleaf tables Pine top cost base pub table Various Vict and other parlour chairs Oak case gramophones Sel of rocking chairs incl Eng farmhouse Pine openfront bookcase Pine twin ped desk Corner hanging shelves in pine Plant tables in pine oak Pine framed wall mirrors also pub mirrors Stained leaded glass windows Bomboo shaving stand Carved wal overmontle mirrors Variety of dressers in oak wal rosewood Mah inlaid Pine towel rails Oak case wall clocks Good selection of mantle shelfclocks Jug basin sets Toby mugs Various framed prints pictures Brass oil lamps many other brass copper items OVER 300 LOTS NI9 TERMS CASH CHEQUE CHARGEX PARKING REFRESHMENTS STORAGE DELIVERY AVAILABLE PREVIEW DAY PRIOR TO SALE I0 AM PM ALSO HOURS PRIOR TO SALE BIDS MAY BE LEFT AT OFFICE IF UNABLE TO ATTEND SALE DEREK RICNARD OSBORNE AUCTIONEERS PHONE 7054569 I6 NOTICE deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as WHICH DAY IS BEST Advertisers frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as od ones satisfy their wants we recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience with millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and soon as possible we accept no every day is the best day to ad liability in respect of loss or vertise in The Barrie Examiner damage alledged to arise Classified section through either failure or delay Phone in forwarding such replies however otherwise TENDERS TENDERS Ontario Government Tender PAINTING CONTRACTORS Interior Painting of the Main Lodge at the Staff Development Centre KEMPENFELT BAY BARRIE Ont 66977 PLUMBING CONTRACTORS Supply and Install four New Refrigerated Drinking Fountains at the Muskoka Centre in GRAVENHURST Ont 8283 Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until 200 pm local time on Friday December TO 1976 Combined Tenders will not be accepted Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Office 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillia Ontario L3V 6K7 NOTE For further information regarding the Tenders please call Mr Mclsaac at the above address Telephone No 705 3257403 The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted Ministry of Government Services PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE MUNICIPAL ELECTORS TOWNSHIP OF ORO Notice is hereby given to the Municipal electors of The TOWNSHIP of ORO in the COUNTY of SIMCOE that whereas more candidates have been nominated to each of the following offices than the num ber required to fill such offices therefore polls will be held at the times and places stated in this notice for the purpose of electing the holders of such offices OFFICES FOR WHICH POLL TO BE HELD REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS TRUSTEES HAWKESTONE POLICE VILLAGE Electors Hawkestone Police Village ADVANCE POLL SATURDAY NOVEMBER 27 I976 being nine days before polling day LOCATION Township Office No Highway at me REGULAR POLLS POLLING DAY MONDAY DECEMBER I976 POLLS WILL BE HELD AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES Poll Egon Motors formerly Kellys Service Centre Shanty Bay Road Poll Guthrie Community Hall Basement Poll Edgar Community Hall Poll Town HallLine7ond Cross Road I50nd I6 Poll Rugby Community Hall Poll Jarralt Community Hall Poll Oro Station Community Hall Poll Hawkestone Community Hall Poll 81 Hawkestone Community Hall Poll StThomasChristion Education Centre Shanty Bay Poll IO Dalston United ChurchNo93Highway ALL POLLS WILL BE OPEN FROM II OCLOCK am UNTIL OCLOCK pm AND NO LONGER PROXY APPLICATIONS person who Hbs been appointed voting proxy may apply to the Clerk not later than oclock in the afternoon of Tuesday Novem ber 30 I976 to receive certificate to vote by proxy GIVEN UNDER MY HAND THIS I7lh DAY OF NOVEMBER I976 Neufeld Returning Officer Township of Ora NI9 LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of CHARLES WESLEY HENRY of the City of Barrie in the Couqty of Simcoe Sales Representative deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Charles Wesley Henry late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Sales Representative who died on or about the 8th day of April I976 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of December 1976 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the un dersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie this 12th day of November I976 LIVINGSTON MYERS COCK BURN 89 Collier Street Box 698 Barrie Ontario LAM 4Y5 Solicitors for the Executor Robert Billingsley Sorieant NI9 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of Earl Orlando Luck late of the Township of Oro in the County of Simcoe Farmer deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Earl Orlan do Luck late of the Township of Oro in the County of Simcoe Farmer who died on or about the 3rd day of October I975 are hereby notified to send por liculars of some to the un dersigned on or before the 20th day of December 1976 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the un dersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned Wlll not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie his IOth day of November I976 LIVINGSTON MYERS COCK BURN Barristers and SOIICIIOIS 89 Collier St Box 698 Barrie Ontario L4M 4Y5 Solicitors for the ads ministratrices Elva Jane Sinclair Clara Ethel Cavanagh and Laura Edna Woodrow NI9 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of FRANCIS ALVIN HUNTER also known as Frank Hunter of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Retired Civil Servant deceased All person haying claims again st the Estate of Francis Alvin Hunter also known as Frank Hunter late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe Retired Cile Servant who died on or about the 27th day of April I976 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of Decembei I976 after which date the Estate Will be distributed With regard only to the claims of which the un dersigned shall then llOvn notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie his I2th day of November I976 LlVlNGSTON MYERS COCK BURN 89 Collier Street Box 698 Barrie Ontario LAM 4Y5 Solicitorsfor Administratrices NI9 malignancy Notice Ratepayers Township of Oro Public Meeting will be held on Monday Novem ber 22 1976 at pm in the Oro Town Hall for Council to present the ac tivities of Township Business during i976 Also report will be given by representative of Ward Simcoe County Board of Education Following the reports all Candidates will be given an opportunity to address the rafepoyerrs Neufeld Clerk Township of Oro Nl2 l9 Pop culture studied lOltONlO Ir IInlvcr sity of Toronto studcnts taking Canadas first popular culturi coursc arc studying Ilig Mac hamburgers and thc Mary Ilarlman tclcvision soapopcra parody with critical eyes They arc applying the struc turcd analytical tools of sociol ogists historians journalists political scicnlists and litcrary critics to contcmimrary arti facts art forms Sports mass media music food lads and fashions says instructor Mark Freiman He says pop culture is being studied to asscss its iiiflucnci and effects on the population Studying pop culture is not necessarily endorsing it says student Kitty Hoffman It is acquiring the ability to judge for yourself ANN maximum 40 words additional words cents per word mgmï¬wm NCEMENTS Regrets idea of restaurant VERMILLION Alta CF 5500 Chef Angelo Pasciullo thought it would be good idea to in Card of Thanks 25 words $500 troduce Euro ean cuisine to Additional words cents per word this central Al erta community In Memoriam no verse $500 50 he opened Feslauranl laSl Verse per count line extra 21 cents per line Spring Coming Events BIRTIIS Mondays Child is fair of face Tuesdays Child is full of grace Wednesdays Child is full at woe Thursdays Child has far to go Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for IIS living And child that is born on the Sabbath Day ls fair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future Barrie Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for Barrie Examiner Birth Notice IS only $5 00 maximum 40 words Additional words9 cents per word PHONE 778 24 DEATHS OSBORNE Theresa At the Royal Vic tora Hospital on Friday November I9 I976 Theresa Osborne in her Elsi year wife of the late David Osborne and dear mother at Gloria Osborne of Sydney Door stepmother of William Henry Osborne of Angus Muriel Mrs Wholcn of Hamilton John Osborne of Anaus David Osborne Nat Osborne Mary Mac Mrs Cassell all of Sydney Mara Mrs Sharplesl of Dartmouth Nova Scotia Sister of Jane Mrs Frasort of Sydney Grandmother of 30 grandchildren and I6 arcatgrandchilorcn Friends may call at tho Arnold Funeral Home l27 Bayticld St Barrio after in Satur day Sirrvici in tho chapel Monday at in Interment Anrius Union Cemetery LOUGHEEDMaryRosc Atlhc Royal VICIOVIil Hospital Barrie on Thursday NOVIIYllHF Ill two Mary Rosc Lowrcntc lll0Vld wrfi of the latr Rotwrt Lislii LOUTJIILICI in IIPY 80th year Dixnr IYIOIIITV of Martiant Mrs GIOUI Gristt Hnniy Harbour Mary Lou Mrs John Slflvlnflfll Crown Hill Larry Orillin intl Girald Barrie Grand lTIullltr ot sovon grandchildren SISIfT of Mrs Connor Oshawa Roy an rnnti CliIrNSlNNII Ross Lawnnu Toronto JIsliliil it Stlrklo Punilrnl Hltlfll llt Worstvy ilfftf BITVII lIIIIr in Stitiirrlny Coiviplwtiv StFVItI in TIlt illitltil nri rVltilKlin levrtnlltl at lrlIilrlrIfllf Illil vllltIlvf1 ltf SOINt vtlttt At TIII Royal Vittoria Hospital Biirrtir on Wrtnisday No virntnr l7 I976 wtllil Saint in his Ihltr yunr Rtlflvlfl husband of JOSfpIrTIt tl rrivmin Blfllllf of Itjllfllt Panto of Lou Aflltili California viinrts may nll ill Thlkllty fvinirrnl Hmvii Ill Winmy Simwt Harm ilflti pni Frirliir FontrnIrrinar St John lilfTIt lriiri rt Einrrii iirr uitiirrtay NltvIIYIIIt at II TIIVVTIITII St Mary rm ti FAN Htlu iiitilrirr rln Royal vii IfttJflJl lair on Wirdnirdmr NIJIVVIHV lrfi firiirww Pnnrrmh ir rrt lair simimritrustiiinrtot Brim tr ilgtii ftp tyttrir Itf Drnnu III nini Jv ixrlli Hifilvvl inirirt min ririritr Lamont ir arml rit lino ii trait Barr ri 3m 3th lli tltlrr Nit flint ll if IINIrHIJTITf rl irirWrrurr Irrtrryrul wir ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel 127 BAYFIELD sr 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MWFTF CARP THANK AIIJHTII Ttr ttrr iy III III IrIII il thit intirim irii tI ivw iv rlllLJYITY and by tiy mil gymrdrriy to iii tr uir ntl mm Mi iriiiimr 5r mtv ITIITI itftll or ii lNMFMQRIAME ii in riii rriurnory rit qi ir fillif tl ttlfIyIfH rriii rr tutti linuxi IJ IMV If irrli livrtr rIri IIIII iti lr iiri ItlI 14 it mr commune Goose Shoot Saturday Nov 20 Ipmsharp Vern Wall miles north of Midhurst Highway 27 NI7I9 Evaluators THE FLEA MARKET ASSOCIATION lllllfllffly ill Miilfiiiri Siliil HAT MOVI II MHATLHY tiAll lilAKl Ll lASIllMMlNlINIi SUNDAY NOV 215i lliili iii it it ill 7ft Vttlllllll Ill zitlieiiileirili Ariitilir Parlour VlllltlltlS Wirlitiiriii IIIIII 7lii Ripley characters at big reunion SAN FRANCISCO All liclicvc it or not agc takes its toll cvcn among the sclccl fcw whosc odd exploits have won tlicm placc in ltiplcys car toon strip So whcn l07fl vctcraiis of thc strip field reunion Iliurs day lhcrc wcrc somc displays of dcxtcrily lul morc talk of what used to bc Simon Argcvilch of Oakland Ialif was there Ito appeared III IIII widelysyndicated strip in 1970 by stuffing 12 cigars into his inoulh at oncc and doing bird calls Today the white haircd Argcvitch can manage only six But the bird calls are as strong as over 1E Ihorpe of Riverside alif also was there He used to simultaneously draw one cartoon with one hand and another with his foot Asked to do it again he shook his hefty frame and muttered Ioo fat Karate expert George Dil lman of Reading Pa boasts he can simultaneously break four blocks of ice weighing 1000 pounds with his elbow NO lII Although clad in karate arb at the reunion Dillman di not repeat his famous stunt No icc hccxplaincd Ihc reunion was cuch at Already he is regretting the venture It was crazy he says of his scheme which involved leaving S3 22 per col mn inch COMING EVENTS $200tIamonth job as head chef in an Edmonton steak ANGUS LIONS house People in Vermilion do not appreciate good meal Every HQhwaYWAmus place opened before was every Sunday 12 to pm packedThis is different BOOTH RENTAL Hi 50table restaurant cost Call4246986 or 4244862 after6 $70000 to decorate Its prices ET are moderate by bigCity stand ards but are perhaps little high for Vermilion Filet mig non for example is $895 ALUSTON tEverybotdyj chiméstthc fogs we Jus on enou Radaï¬un ClUb business We have to train people to come out Mr Pasciulio 45 is hopeful liquor licence will increase business But if customers dont start appearing along with the bar he says he will turn his restaurant into steak and piz la house CHRISTMAS TURKEY SHOOTS Sunday November 2i Saturday December Sunday December l9 at pm At the Club House located Lot Con 13 Tecumseth Twp miles south of Alliston N12i9olol7 Taitmus Bag alumu SHOPRITE Public Meeting Wednesday Nov 24 8pm Minesing Community Centre Re MinesingMiniFest NI9 Gingerbread Tea and Bazaar Saturday Nov 20 pm Burton Ave United Church Babysitting Tickets 75 N6 IO 7I9 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 728 2414 ORNINCéléWABE 6Acupteapot Classified advertisements and notices for ihese pages must be received by 27 day preceding publication with the excep Man of Classified Display advertisements WhKh must be in by iwo days prior to publication BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $5 00 Additional words ts per word CARD OF THANKS 75 words S5 00 Addi lional wards9 rts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse 55 00 With verse par Ollnl line cents per line llits Is tlsl lllli il lllrllL lliiii I75 iliic piitctl fiill lllLl lIlllII our ncu liiistliiiis tililiiiic llltlas lliiittsaliils iil itlill iiiinil Llll lllLil in iilll In 7i 77 Shop Rilc calaliiuilc Iiiiil you lillt in Catalogue Stores COMING EVENTS S3 77 per olumn inch WORD MINIMUM CLASSIIIFD ADVERTISING Cash Dis rounl Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions 9r per word inter lion Three consecutive lflSQIIIOHl rents pltl word inseriion loial $6 12 Si consecutive insertions it per word per in sorton loiol SH 57 Multipli iiiseriions may he ordered subiert to rancellalion wtiun saiislaiioiy results obtained Method of oLnTlng fewer ihon 24 words town as 14 words Earh lIIlfIlIl Dbbuvta lion set of numbers etc rounl as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as oflvenierKI la ihe advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department requires ad advertisers to kindly re cheik iheir advertisement tin inedialely after first insertion in order that any error or ornissian may be reported before rn in order that some may be rectified for the lollowmg day publiratimi The Barrie summer is responsible for only one incorrerlly printed insertion of any advertisement and then only in the exteni of pnrfinfl of ad that Iflvulvfli the misprini Errors whith do not lesson the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correr lions by make goods The Barrie Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or re tart any want ads PHONE 718 24 lllllilfftliilllfltlt NllEIO Philips This is lost onc iil lnoic than 375 illllL piiccd gift lLil from our nc luistiiliis catalogue llicics lliiiiisiinds iil ilthllr llOlIill gilt idctis in out My I97 77 Shop Rilc catalogue Wont iiu conic in Catalogue Stores Ripleys Believe It or Not mu seum at Fishermans Wharf to honor Robert Ripleys first car toon 58 years ago It was pub lished in the old San Francisco fall newspaper in December 1918 Also attending the nostalgic affair was Plennie Wingo of loos Angcles smiling elderly man who walked backwards across Europe and the United States CON GRA TULA TIONS We would like to express our congratulations to Letitia Heights Development on Opening their Grand We are pleased to have installed the heatinn ems BARRIE The Barrie Examiner Friday Nov I9 197623 When business was bad he said He cauldnt afford to advertise When business wasgood he said He didnt need to advertise For the life of us we cant remember his name The Zliarrir Examiner READ BY OVER 38000 SIMCOE COUNTY RESIDENTS DAYS WEEK