GYMNASTIC CLUB BOASTS SIXDOZEN MEIIIBERS Meets W1C ALMOST IIIERII IIICIIH Htlll IllIL MASS Saturday morning at Georgian College IIIATS DOING BETTER Up in the air to see urban problems By SHEILA IcitIII Examiner Staff Writer Looking at the urban pro hlems facing Barrie helps students understand Millll pro blems says Doug Marlaan teacher of world problem course at Eastuezn svltirillilr schotil The El tirade JudiHt in Volvod Ill thr mo win it airplaneyallmti tin tor tlivnmIvcshou lhecityhas rlewEoped how the land is ditHHd according to function to to titoritttiltlll tinphysical gnogvaphy and to riv the cit needs to Ii expand By understanding the problems here Mr Macllean said the students are able to develop them further on an in tcrnal ional basis WW amsezwamwmxm Alba IIIRIYS IJYII VIII HI MINES IARtilI ILANI Mr Maclican has been teaching for five years and us ing her experience and the ministry of Hlucations broad guidelines he designed the course to be practical rather than philosophical The course is primarily taken by students of the fourycar program and the teacher he lieves long course on theory would not hold the students in terest The student wants course where he can see how world problems affect himself Mr MacLeanexplained Right now the students are looking at the problems of Cd ucation comparing the heat system to the systems ircor pornled in 18 and 19 ctntury England Mr Maclean said the stu dents are discussing the im portancc ot ecucation in an urr ban society compared to its role in rural society LUUK INSIDE But he saidth students coli centrate on the reasons behind the chi rather than evaluating tlugoood or bad resultsof the changes The class will study special cities loronto New York Paris and Moscow to see if problems there can be related to Barrie The larger cities will have problems such as racial ten sion or transportation which annot be related to Barrie Mr MacLean said In the next term students will look at changes in society itself and how they can be ralated to Barrie Topics will include poverty and possibly the penal system This section of the program will be developed on the basis of what students feel should be discussed The program is operated without textbook and stu dents dpeend mainly on newspapers and periodicals for resource material The program is topical the teacher explained and changes fro your to year Last year students studies the Arab oil crisis but his year they will be likely lookigng at the problems in South Africa and Rhodesia They have just spent several days discussing the United States election One day week is spent work ing the See and Think pro gram distributed by The Ex aminer Students in the program ran in abilities Mr Machean sait Essays are the major vehicle in determining the students marks although tests are given The program is intended to give the student content in manner he an relate to Mr Macliean said MORE THAN ONE WAY TO GET THOSE FEET TOGETHER Jennifer Jones learns from Heather Day WENDY JORY OI EASTVIEW WATCHES CITY FROM THE AIR tl9£6l 6l mm was Jaugwoxg stung aql