Singlehood is valid state of life and there is no reason Single woman cant be fulfilled says national representative of the Christian Womens Club Bonnielee Ashley spoke on the needs of single and married women and their careers to 300 women who Wednesday at tended the Christian Womens Club of Barrie meeting at The Embassy Hall We all need to be loved and to love she said In order to fulfill our roles in life we must feel free to do it Every woman can be liberated by having personal relation ship with Christ she said There is still stigma at tached to single women Miss Ashley said and society still gears itself to married couples Married and single people have equally important roles she said While the married woman centres her energies around her family the single person chan nels them outward NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE As national representative Miss Ashley travels 11 months of the year around Canada and the United States She was born and raised in Oklahoma and helped set up 25 and half years She has spe 10 years working in Canada On tour Miss Ashley lives with host families Because of this find peo ple will confide in me often she said am detached from their situation and can be ob Jective do lot of informal counselling And because she represents Christian group they assume WllI be interested she said ls Christianity declining in society jNot at all she said think there is tremendous re awakeningin Christ This is evident in the wide spread interest in Bible studies There are 45 or 50 Bible study groups right here in Bar no she said TURNING T0 CHRIST People are turning to Chris tianity for reason for living she said They seek happiness in material things and find no solution she said There has always been an interest in religion but Chris tianity takes this one step fur ther than interest it is rela nt tionshipf Also at the meeting Al Thom son of St Clair The Paint and Paper People spoke on How to Beautify Your Home 6The Barrie Examiner Saturday Nov 13 1976 McKinnon will stand for ANAF presidency Neil McKinnon president of the Barrie ArmyNavy Air Force Club has agreed to let his name stand again for the position Elections for the club will be held Sunday Nov 21 Mr McKinnons name heads the slate of club officers sug gested by the nominating com mittee headed by Gord Hyslop Members are free at the club election to nominate officers PEOPLE AND from the floor Bill McCurdy has agreed to stand for first vicepresident George Wilson for second vicepresident Roger Godin for treasurer Dave McLean for secretary and Gil Fairchild for sergeantatarms Members agreeing to stand for electiOn to the club ex ecutive are Warren Salty Crooks John Hughes John Weir Del Aldrich and John Lewis Jack Haskett and Murray McLean each have one year left in their terms on the executive Members of the clubs nominating committee are Mr Aldrich Fred Hoskins Ben Marshall and Iloward Mar shall Now theres two people caring for your teeth Dental assistants who needsem Dentists and patients are fin ding the extra person in the of fice necessity rather than luxury as once thought say group of dental nurses and assistants If you have had your teeth checked in the last 10 years you may notice your mouth is the pride and joy of two people nownot one No longer do you watch the furrowed brow of the dentist as he pokes and hmms and nods Now you have two brows to watch as they exchange looks wordlessly The dentist finds the cavities and the assistant marks the chart She passes him the tools he does the drill work Its all for smoother operation says Pat Little preSident of the Dental Nurses and Assistants Association For the patient and the den tist time is saved The dentist has more timefot his expertise Right now most of the 20vor more dentists in Barrie have dental assistants The recep tionist the assistant and the dentist all strive for teamwork for streamlined business The association itself has grown to 60 members says Gail Van Hlekerk social convener of the group Specialization has entered the dental field making it must to keep informed The association aims to keep up with ideas in the field shesaid Community colleges offer 30 week dental assistant pro grams for certification Those with more initiative can move on to reventative work The expan ed dental hygienist is at the top of the ladder The group meets every se cond Tuesday night for meetings and usually have guest speakers The executive includes Pat Little president Diane Thompson vicepresident Susan McRae secretary Gail Van Niekerk social convener Elaine Borthwick social con vener Annette DeCrombrug ghe certification board representative Chrisine Evans publicity Jeannette Drenan treasurer RAN DUSTY ROADS The state bird of New Mexico is the roadrunner known to sci entists as the Geococcyx SEE STARS AT THE OKEEFE Christina Jay and Nola of the 50 Christian Womens Knupp sang duet clubsin Ontariointhepast four Rev George Lockhart has been chosen as the new padre for the club and will be in PLACES Did you miss Iast years troduced at the election DELIGHTEDUPROAR NEW YEARS DANCE meetlng McKonzIo Porlerl Toronto Sun The traditional free corned DONT MISS IT THIS YEAR Paul Elliott presents LIONEL BLAIR Borden Squaretimers New Years Eve Dance will be held from pm to am at North Collegiate Al Calhoun will be beef and cabbage dinner will follow the election meeting for all those attending as will the usual Happy Hour and dancing tldfli asks for guidance Dear Ann Thanks for honoring requests to rerun speciar columns Aiid now will you do me big favor and print once ain The Prayer For Parents My copy is almost illegible ess youA Mother Who Learned Dear Mother Here is it PRAYER FOR PARENTS Oh God make me better parent Help me to understand my children to listen patiently to what they have to say and to respond to their questions kindly Keep me from interrupting them talking back to them and c0ntradicting them Make me as courteous to them as would have them be to me Give me the courage to confess my sins against my children and ask them for forgiveness when know have done wrong May not vainly hurt the feelings of my children Forbid that should laugh at their mistakes or resort to shame and ridicule as punishment Let me not tempt child to lie or steal Guide me hour by hour that may demonstrate by all say and do that honesty produces happiness Reduce pray the meanness when am out of sorts help in me May cease to nag and me Lord to hold my tongue Blind me to the little errors of my children and help me to see the good things they do Give me ready word for honest praise Help me treat my children as those of their own age Let me not expect from them the judgment of adults Allow me not to rob them of the opportunity to wait upon themselves to think to choose and to make their own decisions Forbid that should ever punish them for my selfish satisfac tion May grant them all their wishes that are reasonable and have the courage always to withhold privilege which know will do them harm BtINNIIIIIIIC SIIIIC sit ting left was guest speaker Wednesday night at the hristiiiii Womens Iiib Achievements on display Displays and tItllItillIll tions of crafts and skills will be given at siyiiiil achieve nieiit days set aside for HI clubs of ortli Siiiitoc toiiii ty The first day is stl for today in lLIiiiyiili lltt Barrie 37 Iiiitsiiiuz oy tt ycbiiilgc hm II Drillia IIie aspects of HI Iiiiiid heart health and head will be discussed Members oi meeting at the IIIIIIHISS Ililii liarb Iord right iii trodined Miss Ashley Hi Todays military expertise might have saved many men Soldiers who died in the two llllIIilIS iiiight will hic llUrl litol Iiiiy llll tlttillt til toilisiriiimitories IIint IS Allill iiiitliiii IViites Iic Imiileii IS ill littilll ill icoii Iiilllillti son oi llll iiiiiliiii Iittltt illll luluHiri siIiooltittliilitrw IIit tltiliiiti HIIt il ltiiitsilny Ilotirj liiiliol iir lit inwtnig it lilt Iiriiiiii tliiiiliii Iiind tire Iiiistiiiii Jay and oli Knnpp who sang tItltl iIIxaiiiinerIIioto lltlllllllllttlllltlllttill There are ltio iiiiitiiy stall 11m llltllllix 11llo tIlIlIIIS 1io on basi tiiiiiins two off iIiISt IilllltlltS lllltl goon stlltml tlllllIIIlI The base IlliS tl payroll of $70 million with $11 million added toropciitinUIiiiilitIt III II IIIIt The western trioi Iiliti the Illtilltilllitlttlt1gtISlIttIIIlIllH IS JIII riot so he sitttl IIII he caller There will be midnight buffet For information call 726 I967 iiiitl 72896 TRINITY SALII Homemade baking and white elephant sale will be featured Nov 25 from 10 am to pm at Trinity Anglican hurch Hall put on by the Thursday Iub son said Is appreciation of chieiir brnnce Iliiy dcclining dont think so he said Many young people are in forested Ill wartime history iipprcciation is slightly harder to maintain as years pass however litsaid IIIIII NS IIIIIISI iterans who can tell first person stories are gradually decreasing in number he OPEN SUNDAi FREDS FLOWERS gHighway II at Stroud 900 am to 700 pm FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS LEON GREENE JACK and the BEANSTALK Christmas Pantomime DECEMBER TO I8 Evenings at 730 pm Saturday Matinees at 200 pm Adults $350 to $750 Children $225 to $500 Special School Performances Tuesdays and Thur sdays at 100 pm $2 to $350 No Monday Per lormancesJoin the fun songs gags dancing BRING THE KIDS AND SEE WHO LAUGHS LOUDEST OKEEFE CENTRE Front and Yonge Streets Toronto Canada MSE I82 Phone 3636633 BOX OFFICE OPENS NOV 18 Mexico Magnifico iake me so fair and just so considerate and companionable iye Iiiiiied IIIIVIIIlli oi Iii liittIHii to llt was Mill Will It stud thaI the ha genume esteem for mevFltnlctli1x1 rmpunqhilmm db Hm WT Mil M1 Mp Jlllll Tm no mcmbv wvro in hipcnd 10 iintoryclliblt wcclys tclnlglltlt iihllslol nglu Shirrlt Ililllilrnt ctirclrcc ir sii lIl icy on Hand ac and imitated by my Clllidltn Oh God do gm mt tdilll and slllf llmm Mm horn Mm as Mariam as iyy in cyico ity ll yii th pOise and selfcontrol and hand kIIIx in ln thi iltS ill mom oi Itivtinrrlson showed motimp conditioned coach tor the short picisiint driyc lo Iico where you it stay oycrtiight DearnIIandtrsi Mypromem mil500mInml5llilllll iiiain em ilSIS II Ull till on liili itlitl wot ti NIII tiH lilt Iitllllt All Iistoi ii II the Holiday Inn ontiiitic the nut morning on to Aci iilco whcrc youll again ed put in iltll Hut ï¬g m05l OU ge ll lg me am knitting lllltllltitlltlllld Aitl tiiii niiniiiml pinpiiiioii tum Ill itINoH ook of Harrie Tanning and time khottc ot icuininliitlJIIUH for delightfullypIciisint rclaicd one week stay llttltl il 1E 1vtdlitlrllllt Dave Sar cant introduch Don Our two children were recently given violins from relative NW mw my 411 Wm Malawi of Hw mm Sewn tpdflllli Imm Jenn who ones muSic It was beautiful gesture but when they In WMMH Hmmw MW time an Iiltllltli1i uhk Practise dmes 315 past Aug suggfislsf Il St ISS oi thricuii amt WWII INdtiitn to wit to Itllttl attendance awards Weeks from practge in the backyard but the neighbors on both Sltlos com Mm mummy Hr hm Whmyl MW wt Km mm NIH3 plain cess of INS lilll polio tttlllt in his Muir 21 ill lltllltlt ml mil HIM VVIIIS NI llltloll iieer for 29 dont want the children to lose interest in mUSIC but the 19 mm 11 MUN WW llii ilii ot Ititliniii Wu mm Chm gt HS icrcs which nOise IS more than can stand Please Ann suggest some mpmh iiloy or wch siiiy it Suiistt rut uniqiic ruort sprcat MM Idpull upmmm IS idci toi lillll lIIIltIS All icconiiiiodation IS fully cqtiippcd tor the preparation thing Double Trouble Dear DT If your letter had appeared 45 years ago in Dorothy Dixs column would have sworn my mother wrote it Everything fits Buy pocketsize transistor radio with earplugs It would be well worth the investment Dear Ann This is for that wacky mother who hid the new spapcr from her children so they ouldnt see your column My twodaughtcrs discovered Ann Landch by themselves was delighted You helped put across several points was hav ing trouble 1th thr my oldest son finished sixth grade introduced him to your column and he hasnt missed one since trying to get my younger son lHi to read it He put up fuss first bill now see him reading it when he thinks no one 15 looking Just wanted to say you are really helping the raise my kid III Dear Ike Thanks for those kind words And now may make suggestion Dont hassle the 14Ayearrold Information shoved down kids throats is usually rejected Let the choice be his Fifty music students raise $800 for Appeal Owen Sound Collegiate and Huron Iark Secondary School will return visits to Eastvicw forsimilarscminiirs ot meals Iciiis rancinc ITUIII IILlIl snacks to full course tIIIInCTS arc also ayiiiliiblc iliiCtI ii the resorts primic beach club otwhich youll automatically be mcmbcr Acliyitics iic ciidicss ind ilniosi all free We think youll like it it and sec eekly Friday Depart urcs from January Vzeek from Weeks from Stme ISttf the mch Iitc IIII dctiniic rciich icccnt thats calculated to SPUII you toicyci Sti it the llllllltlllS Holiday Inn iociitcd on milelong sweep of line hCilCIl UCfittihlll IltS Iilct Bay piorc thc dcnsc grccn tropical mountains or tiiid your nioy starlit nights so blissfully quiet you can almost hcar the ol the palms till brciklist tIilII itlll low the unspoich charm Iliursday Departures from January Week from Weeks trams Honolulu Maui Hawaii Slirt oui holiday by winding down on Iioiiolulus Waikiki beach Stay in your choice ot tliicc holcis before you cl oil on your second big week Ihit one will take you to Maui and Iliyiii lot in men iiiorc iiicicdiblc yiiricty of sights home from two line hotels on cich lSIJIItI IItCl your ycry own qtiicl small bciich Siiyour the sweet smelling biight iiiooniil nights l3 Nights from awards were Ilciiis Sheard 23 years Iiiii Veicli It years Frank Hersey 30 years district governor Icler Dean 13 years Itiiss Wilson three years EDENVALE Hy AIRS lIlRIC illIIIN speedy recovery is wished to Mrs Annie MtNiibb pa lltlll in Royal ictoiia Hospital lliiriie Mr and Mrs Harry iiffeii held Illtll hristiiias early this vear with both their Sons and liiiiiilies home for the iradi lioiiiil turkey supper They left by plane to spend the winter iii St letersburg Iiioiidii Mrs Itusscli Sage attended illt Woiiieiis Institute Area oiiviiitioii li St Pauls liiited thiirch trillni Mrs IIric Iliill Zylrs IItlSSilI Maw and Mrs Aubrey lilleii also attended lniiiine Mctiibbon lieutenant governor of Ontario was guest speaker ill the noon iiiicheoii lIii IltltllVillt ll girls took field trip to olliiigwood and the Iiiiie Mountains They are nearing the coiiipietioii of this my ii piiitc stretch ot sand Fifty string music students raised $800 in pledges during Saturday and Sundin Departures from January the Eastvicw String Orchestra 24 hour playathon in October Half this amount was given to 0th fl the United at sa or lirammb Im chestra directllilrx Joel Miller for year mum mil1 um lIthlllllllllg The balance will be used for rafer in December variety Mr and Mrslltivltlhldll music exchangetripsv night in March and hot hoot Mimyx nwmn Moo to Vim pi IIiIIpUI Jim by IIIl tilIllll during in 1H iiiolyii of loioiito IISI tt Exchange rips planned for onabu atihcwimcrcarmvm 5MP pmhlw chum ItlJlltl lot the lfiiitiil Ap Iioih plziyiilhoii iii Utlolwr and Mrs Russell Maw on It Il ll 1h the orchestra Include Upcoming concerts intlutlt viiislim pittent lIlltllg Mail IIie money ruined INllllllltl IIIUIUl Wmkmlll IILIIE IN Ink up Ilu10L nrfnnsmunt Ha workshop and school assembly Chrsimas Once ll inpoii and dim lo the lcitilcr entml Holiday Inn Alter tivcdays LITHCIO thc NOV 12 at Owen Sound COI 13 KYmms MUSIC Festival Illtllll Holiday Inn at ilisncywoild South Illltl spend two days enjoying the sights Iegiate and to Huron Park nibrudry Crl5 with lot Entsitllllt tlSCtl the Honda Ill and collision damage waiver ou niust Secondary School Woodstock howciii be at least 2i Sorry thats the law in the statc Sunday Dopurlums from January ITS COCOA BUTTER Week from Whats Included All prices are based on two persons sharing it room All holidays include round trip iiirtarc from Toronto Complimentary bar scryicc is included on ND charter flights liitlight meals are included at appropriate times on all flights lrtiiispiyrtiitiiiii bctwccn airport at destination and hotel and ICCCfl including baggage handling Accommodation at hotels shown for length ot stay selected Extra features for each vacation are shown in the Tour Operators brochure Except where are mmnumm MM noted prices do not include airport taxes hotel taxes andor scryicc charges Pincus not mm in man yn iitiyns an rates rough and on mod and our cocremaL shim ml ml ht Wdlldhk fur dcpdnums Detail hlopnl Wm Camom gm ammo eam mm mmm are contained in brochures published by the tour operators tree topics of It are Hamill 3er POPS CONCERT yours for the asking All reservations are subject to availability at the tinicol booking Coonma Cocoa Hotter rich beauty altI matme inst moi Familiar and Beloved Classics tore soothes and moothn romBeehoven Johann Strauss tealinq the iIIII mom will 2mm Cocrémal soft 800 PM SATURDAY NOV 20 all makes and mo gt my Barrie Central Collegiate Auditorium CUSdBII qu 5mm Baffle Admissmn $500 $300 Student SI Phone 726I657 for reservations Dunlop Baffle In This is the second event of the I97677 Collegiate Concert Series floss Pharmacy Angus Em WW