URGENTLY REQUIRED rT AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE Rays Auto Sales Quality Used Cars Hwy 27 North Miles South of Elmvale Across from Jungle Zoo 3222763 BANK RATE FINANCING 73 Chevrolet dr sedan V8 auto pspb radio radial tires HYK 612 Sale Price 199500 72 Mercury Marquis Brougham dr pillared hardtop V8 auto pspb airconditioning radio many other extras be sure and see this beauty BHD 518 Sale Price 169500 71 Chevelle Wagon V8 auto pspb radio power rear win dow perfect car for family man Lic FKN 796 Sale Price 159500 1970 Ford LTD squire wagon VB auto ps pb radio roof rock real beauty Lic DTO 577 Sale Price 119500 TRUCKS 73 Dodge tan pick up V8 auto power brakes rear step bumper all heavy duty equip ped M70247 Sale Price189500 71 GMC Window Van cyl std This truck looks and runs like new P75273 Sale Price 189500 AS 15 SPECIAL 67 Cadillac coupe de ville V8 auto pspb power windows and seat no rust on this one Uncertified Sale Price 59500 N13 1971 TOYOTA Camila Station Wagon new body rob and paint liewclutctt new brakes Asking price 950 or best otter IEIEOHDHC 728 44 1959 CADILLACS in good mechanical Condition plus extra parts including engines and transmissions Must sell Need space Offers 416 H95 2579 or Box 648 Braalord I970 ENVOY Station Wagon 17000 miles gt300 Uncertilird Telephone 728 7005 1972 TOYOTA Sports Coupe 40000 miles good condition will certify Ask ing $1300 Call anytime 466 2733 Cree more 1964 CHEVELLE Malibu cylinder automatic With power steering In ex cellent condition $500 Certified 7371016 after 1960 LAND ROVER Needs paint rob and tires 4wheel drive uncerliiiea Best 01 Ier over 5900 Excellent for snow plow the Phone 737 1076 alter 30 1965 CHRYSLER door Body tires engine excellent Good highway car Uncertitieo s2500r offer 726 0703 1969 FORD XI Convertible with radial tires in good COnOlllOTT Asking 5550 Phone 1429 3199 Wasaga Beach after pm 69 COUGAR XR7 302 50000 automatic new body lob chrome rims Asking 51400 Telephone 322 2529 after 530 1971 FORD LTD Wagon Must be seen truly beautiful certified Best otter 728 6435 1966 CHEV SS street or strip 32800 in vested Will sell as istor $1100 or Destot te Telephone 737 1091 or 726 B617 1970 CORVETTE Convertible Best otter over $4 300 As is Telephone 424 6924 alter 1971 FIAT good molar lair body 5200 Could becertitied Telephone 728 1177 1971 OLDS Vista crUiser 440 all power beautitul shape radio rear Can be ceriilied Telephone detogger 414 1109 anytime 1971 DODGE POLARA station wagon roof racks very clean car electric win aow 56000 miles certiliea Telephone 737 2859 I968 COUGAR certlied new paint auto bucket seats and radio 5795 or trade Phone 435 6322 daytime alter 424 5949 1975 HORNET Sportabout DL package bucket seats like new Telephone 737 14937 1968 FORD Custom cylinder uncer tilted 5200 Telephone 7260220 after pm 1973 VOLKSWAGEN Station Wagon 412 52000 miles new motor condition Phone 424 6759 1970 DODGE V8 automatic power steering and power brakes in good con dition Certilied Asking 5675 Phone 7286134 PRIVATE SALE windows Vinyl root radial tires detog ger Winterized and certitied Excellent condition Phone 726 3757 19613 MERCURY Wagon tor sale in good condition must sell 5350 Alsob cylinder 200 rebunt 3125 Telephone 726 4139 1971 PINTO lor sale automatic 42000 miles lady teachers car mint condi lion Certified 5800 Telephone322 2847 1972 DATSUN 510 wagon 53000 miles new brakes muffler clutch tires alter nator and regulator Excellent body and mechanical condition $1750 tirm alter 6p 726 2034 I970 CHRSYLER door power steer ing power brakes air conditioning Radial tires certitied $1450 Telephone 737 1406 1967 TRIUMPH Spitfire MK3 l7570xl3 Michilen radials good convertible top as is 3300 Or best otter Telephonr 728 4230 afternoons till 1968 BUick door hardtop one owner good condition cerlilIcd Asking price $1050 Telephone 728 5341 1970 CHEV Good body good motor $500 or best otter Call 456 2330 alter 1972 VOLKSWAGEN 30000 m1llS on new block Eurtinny 0n dition Can be rasily certilied Asking 9113851 telephoni $1600 or best otter 7287040 between and CARS WANTED For Barrios Newest Car Dealer TOP CASH GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILES ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 TF WANTED CLEAN USED CARS All makes and models Fair Prices Instartt Cash KERV JOHNSTON MOTORS LTD 17 GOWAN ST 7266488 TThSA18 TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Ltd 119 Bradiord St Barric 728 8111 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 726 8711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks or wrecking and parts top prires paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 SHAKELS WRECKING and Tuwmq scrap metal Lars bought over scales $20 ton 436 3677 SCRAP VEHICLES wanted lop prices paid fTLl immediate pick up anytime 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted lor wrecking Fast pickup Days 435 6322 Aftcr6p 424 5949 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 AUTOMOTIVE TRUCKS Ii TRAILERS 76 Scout four wheel drive 75 1700WB 75 75 1600 long WB H72 160010ngWB 72 Chassis will take 28 body 72 Tandem dump on air IH72 Pick Up Ford 71 Pick up 71 Tandem dumps Ford 70 with 14 van body HyHOE 380 $9200 69 2010 on air brakes 69 Diesel Tandem dump Ford 69 Tandem dump GMC 68 Handivon 68 1800217 WB 67 Tandem dump 66 Cab over 1700 66 Tandem 205 WB 66 ton chassis Mercury 65 No 80051000 Mercury 64 Tandem dump Dodge 60 Tandem Cummins 220 Aluminum tank 3500 gallons pump and spray bar Air com SOOCFGMC diesel $2700 Treco trailer rooms Fuel tanker mounted on truck 5350 HART MOTORS LTD IH MOTOR TRUCKS HWY 400 BARRIE 7283026 truck mounted pressor N1315 less than transnlissmn under warranty $4300 Telephone 162592 between and In 1976 FORD ECONOLINE VAN less than transmission $4300 FORD Exonolini van 7000 miles standard cylinder 7000 cylinder miles standard still under warranty TtllDhOlTC 726 2592 between and in 1974 GMC VAN short wheelbase duly suspension 350 auto rustprooleit Iquvs rinied glass tapi ertilieri Ex iellent onclition bestolter 72B 9644 FORD ECONOLINE motor htflV reburlt 11000 miles recently TIDUIIt transniisSion partially lttoclilierl losest Ulflr inSIdL Asking Telephone 28 8036 192 RRA JE JWlttjtl drive rain VlhlLlC condition Sp in 800 or all in uooit Call after 400 IllCTrik 1200 or best offer 728 2225 ask tLtr KtVlf 1972DATSUN160IIRILkup extra tires and rims cap on box Teieuhomllz 1343 1969 GMC ONE TON runiiinii condition as is 50I1 Cali mIwmn 10 10 77 26 571 197 JEEP lotikinii hubs tristiI imiririrt TrlltDIIOTtt 436184 1968 FORD cap $900 ARGO 136 1081 196 FORD VAN OaIIII 1qu all lrrrain liftS Soolltr radio 56 800 Ciii424 1299 1973 CHEV VAN iyllnlllr tinishecl interior Asking 500 Phoniv424I1397 197414 TON luty suspinsiitn cap Certirmu 728 2904i4vrinings truik 7ri10ti iniiivs innitlion Phoni 124 659 1972 FORD sulatiii rt11t iiiiiii itli slirti It iriirminii equipniriit TiIrphrini Viiiiiigs436 389 1975 CHEV sale Trillph0fl117tv503h 1970 JEEP JYUOtl wilti 0106 new lulr tirilkiv vl alter Sp iii TODD 38 000 11le 200 000 Cylinder iIIllllH TON V8 stiiigirti TD For Ditssiliir Tellplum with $600 ltlllltl ritririnr inil sun root Val ll ustom flares port tiolis stanriatrl load wtli van pii kup Vh now Diiiri asking $1 100 IltiIV insulntvii TiIepttuni hiavy rtulr stiiki JAN with minnows on rustriiii tjtlUll tutor millarit llltDllllfH 421 19151 SNOWPLOW power angling with riirin 1975i Jeip J5 Ir 001irwilis $5 800117 it11i 9710007271 2626M ISISluwiiiiil AUTO ACCESSORIES WHITE LETTER 07014 snow lrns iin who Is whitrwmi rm rowrs 7000 mills Iixinrw FUZZBIJSTER Regular Guarantiliri Wrili Box 30 Oitm0tflill 94 Dunlop East Barrii and phontnumt SNOWMOBILES MOTOSKI SPECIAL Brand new 1976 340 Nuviks $1195 plus tax and set up Limited available THE SONICS ARE IN BARRIE MOTOCROSS CENTRE LTD 389 Bayfield St North of Grandview 72641 12 opentill9z30 every night but Sat inc lights SlilllUeril trilfll Ill Olly 75 7281111 radar Interior iiriw Slai stating irtrtl was Act now supply 1974 Pontiac Catalina door hardtop air conditioning tinted N13 ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES stock now at prices SPORT HAVEN MARINE mile east of BARRIE on Shanty Bay Rd 7261001 preseason D29 1973SK IROULE TX 300600lni1iis $600 lirrn TlllfpllOflC 726 7040 I975 MERCURY 110 II Snow Twisllr Snowmobile originally cost 32200 Wlll sell Ior 31395 in lxrelllnt condition 1972 Yamaha 30 2485 Four Guys From BrITTIt Bargain Barn Highway 11 North lialf way 487 2539 MOTO SK Min nlrw imiight ill 1974 76 lung lriiix 386 miles new rover plugs Situimriribill supply sled gt25 7261561rtr 116 8136 1973 POLARIS ysn inqinr Ttltrptionllflt 1149 NORDIC yellow Beetle brlwrcn Barrio Orillin extra hrII lirm Bist nlllr also 1970 Olyrripir 123 Both ili A1 IDIIIIIllOn Trillphoni 436 3888 1974 SR 1000 34001ympir marhinrn 726 6812 or I28 7468 195 340 RTX SKIROULE 2801 198 miles fully IQUIDDIU Asking 21100 Teleptioni 726 I382 between and 1972 YAMAHA 292 double trailer rxrniIrnl ondition 1100 complete TIIIDIIOTN 726 7860 ARTICLES FOR SALE BANKRUPTCY STOCK AND ARMY SURPLUS Shirts childrens clothing slacks sweatersshoes suits Levis Christmas Gifts and ornaments Very reasonable prices NORTHERN SURPLUS 7372601 438 Dunlop St 301 ITTIIPS on new 750 lirrn Tilrptionr only 1973 Yamaha 350 N18 finest lob possible ALUMINUM GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Eavestrough Soffit Windows Facia Doors Shutters Awnings COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo design art work layout etc Plese call collect 416 2626 CUSTOMFENCING RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood fences Improve your property 73715077 bnrssmAIIINc DRESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions 76 Warsley CUSTOMMADE clothing specializing in leather suede denim wool pattern draf IirLg and alterations 45672976 CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING specialiiï¬fin leather suede denim wool pattern raf hug and alterations463976 DRYWALL SPECIALIZING IN taping and textured spray ceilings Call Tony 728717102 EAVESTROUGHING GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Eavestroughing Installed Call 7286628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Spatialists Roofing and roofing repairs Free estimates AdditionsRoofing Porch Enclosures Stonework For free estimate Call PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business ALUMINUM SIDING Solfel Fastia doors windows accessories eavestroughing Custom building Fox Contracting 7261710 C7d11742419567 New Lowell LADIES AND gentlemelts alterations 26 Mor Telephom 737 33 or residence PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial 7733446 Residenlldl Industrial Installations and ser me 7265PAACOE ELECTRIC All ELECTROHOME PRODUCTS Windustrial Commercial Residential Farms Lighting design Cart now be repaired in Barrie Call 7265982 for fast depen dable service Electrohome Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 The Barrie Examiner Saturday Nov 13 197621 HELP WANTED SELFEMPLOYED SALES PRO Experienced sales people now calling on stores office and apartment buildings rsstoumnts schools Institutions banks hospitals In factories nationallyadvertised exclusive guaran teed longerlife llghtlng products Ago no barrier car necessary Sidelino or full time Highest commissions plus bonus travel and glft awards paid every Tuesday on automatlc yearround repeat business No technical knowledge needed as our Sales Manual shows you how to make money with your very flrst call Thls Is our 32nd year in Canada and our best Choice protoctud territory of Barrie and district must be filled immediately Writs Daytron Box 420 Hamilton Ontario ARTICLES FOR SALE ELECTRIC Snowthrower $50 Doll car riage Wooden office Chair 820 Phone 7286562 BOATS AND MOTORS 22 FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard Asking 2500 PERSONALS POOL CAR or passengers wanted to Toronto York Mills Subway station Leaving Barrie 530 am return approx imately pm Phone after pm 7260363 AMAZINGLY quick rellet tor discomfort of mouth sores whlte canker spots den tal plate sore tender gums with Flet chers SoreMouth Medicine Avallabe at Cusderis Pharmacy and all druggists HURONIA SYMPHONY Concert Series tickets available at the Barrle Examiner Senior Citizens or ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of the condition Telephone 4354245 alter 430 pm BOAT STORAGE inside and outside sate clean and reasonable Telephone 7280915 ARTICLES WANTED CASH FOR old turnlture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 Items 7288234 SNOW PLOW wanted with hydraulic equipment Also wood stove wanted TelephonenaMoo GARDEN SUPPLIES POTTING SOILS Govt tested We mlx our own Dont lose valuable plants Brays Garden Centre Telephone 7262951 TROPICAL PLANTS new greenhouse of 2400 sq it largest north at Toronto Grand Opening November 20th and 215t Free bag of potting soil with every pur bag per customer prizes Brays Garden Centre 26 Fern dale Dr 7262951 CONSTRUCTTON MACHINERY 10 FT ONE WAY Plow complete with running lights hydraulics and stabilizer bars Apply Rawsons Garage Barrie 72139269 WANTED TO BUY Snow blade com plete with attachment for pickup truck Barman 99 motor motels hotels churches dustrlcs to sell Adults $12 Students $6 concerts PORTRAITS fitll figure pastels large 16 20 person 38 $15 Framing $5 Fine in beautiluI in drawing Christmas 9011266056 LOST FOUND Beagle LOST male registered white black and tan Allandale area sadly missed Reward Please call NANDYMAN FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10 am and 530 pm IIAULAGE TRUCK WITH CAP and car anything large or small anytime anywhere Reasonable rates 7288419 HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING roams Call Russ 4363681 after 630 pm References available NEED MORE living bedroom play room oundry office storage space Also pointing wallpapering Murray Ball 7288906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 7288906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck painting chlm nays waterproofing brick and stone caulk windows and expansion guaranteed 4589346 CARPENTRY REPAIRS renovations lacking masonry demolition rooting rec rooms 20 years experience Free estimates 7269135 CUSTOM BUILDING and additions Cottage lilting and foundations doors windows and accessories lrocting 7261710 INCOMETAX INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus lie area S5 up Dobson 424 5910 after and weekends INCOME TAX returns prepared to 64684 Kidd 245 Edgehill Dr 726 3407 INSULATION 26 Ferndele Childs November 7282248 since PICTURE FRAMING pet ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 See our ad in the Yellow Pages HELP WANTED REPRESENTATIVE Required by printing firm Should be experienced in printing sales Commission basis Apply in writing GIANT PRINT LTD 44 DunlOp St Barrie Ont Attention Mr Smith IIELP WANTED chase lucky ARTIFRAM Custom picture framing Wide Factory price Satisfaction guaranteed 7288633 RENTALS selections service trailer DOGS AND PETS EDGEHILL AQUARIA lish plants price Ardagh Rd7260094 TIFFANY PARTY RENTAL Everything For Entertaining Tables chairs dishes glasses etc We DeliverReserve Now 7371388 248 Tiffin St Barrie Aquariums Lowest accessories Kitchens BARRIE POODLE SalonShampooirig and clipping of all Street East 7264141 POODLE grooming delivery 726 8798 Pet Studio MAYS POODLE PARLOR sional breeds Sophia To room tha N19 TRIMMING brdlessioiial breeds pickup and Management Trainee If ou have rade 12 or better years finance banking or mortgage experience Enthusiasm and drive We offer Individualized training Exciting challenging work Excellent salary and benefits For an appointment to discuss career with one of sales finance organizations Proles clipping and grooming sonable rates Telephone 726 0061 MINIATURE Poodle black female months old Registered Phone 728 8539 POODLE white toy lemale 10 months old 550 Cocker Spaniel black Iemale to months old S40 House trained Iamily pets miniature Samoyed pups $50 each 726 2056 YEAR OLD Purebred Huskie for sale lemale Very friendly Must sell $100 or best otter Telephone 7266680 DACHSHUND miniature KC read males weeks old $125 each Please telephone 728 1013 tor further iniorma RIDING INSTRUCTION RIDING INSTRUCTION indoor arena Horses boarded Barrio five minutes Windy Hough Form 72901 lomls Work ROOFING AND ROOFING New and old Repairs FLOOIOSIIMOIOSgt33189701T9797pr71 SECRETARIAL SERVICES Secretarial Services available typing dic taphona invoicing Picked up and delivered Coll Mrs Todman 7268853 siwmc CLASSES BOUCLAIR STRETCH classes start Oct IBth Junior classes Saturday SEWING MACHINES SEW TECH CO Aluminum siding Fox can PUREBRED bionde American Cocker Spaniel puppies Ior sale ready to 90 Telephone Boskma Canadas Telephone Mr West at 7285903 largest Callandal Male or Iemale 728 3634 SHEE DOG Pups Iemale one male months old tails docked and Specialists humidifier accessories are also 7288234 Available at MG ELECTRUHUME CONSUMER Ex SERVICE roam aorcnorr Excavating rigging 43 MOHHUW HI 59 inglglyg louder work gravel 4361558 UNIT l1 BULLDOZING small and large labs Eason BART and Sons RR Minesrig 726 7638 Mm DRAG LINE Work Wanted Farrri ponds dil ching general excavating etc Phone 726 8693 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales and service 18 Alliance and 728 3392 WEST GROVE AUTO PARTS CONSTRUCTION AND ACCESSORIES Backhoe Excav FACTORY RE aunt ENGINES Ior most cars TrenChing and Irucks facilities to rebmlt your own engine budget terms available Hours Mon to Fri to 30 Sat to Prorl Molar Sup ply Co Ltd 7285911 AUTO litmusfl Horizontal Augering 7289833 FIREPLACES FTREPLACES Specializing in natural stone WE REPAIR British European and Jopariesr cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary St 726 5441 AUTOMOTIVE antique brick VWINIERIUNGI Custom built and designed E58 Willard batteries anti Ireere washer anti Ireezi block healers etc Aii ot com All workmanship guaranteed peliiive prices Mon to Pu 105 30 Sat to4 pm Pratt Motor Supply Co Ltd 7285911 PETER HENSTRA 787728771 COLONIAL FIREPLACES all Iuel factory bull Titfirl 728 4040 PURPLE MARTIN Houses for soil Apply at 92 STONEWORK and fireplaces specially Vlt Melrose Ave Barrie or tolophona 728 5283 Watson for free estimates 728 1599 79mm MASONARY AND Goneioi commie Kitchen ier CUT ENERGY COSTS rooms renovations additions fireplaces Have solid mosonary fireplace at about the some cost as Franklin For free estimate guaranteed 737 1507 CARPENTER Specializing iii looms ili terior remodelling lriivi vlr Picasp roll 728 sear alter phone CEDAR DECKS rec looms ellelnlon rilc run experienced 77¢ 9002 726 2609 7285673 CABINET MAKER European trained Kit hens vanities Piririlumituie renovations alterations Dairiesiir Commerriol 726 2948 and GENERAL Contractors Will frolnl shingle Dtld trini houses Reasonable prices 726 4327 LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction guaranteed RandJConsiruction 726 7461 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling ulc No lab to small 726 1271 CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning today Rerilolire your carpets with All carpet sleum cleaning 726 6321 STEAM CLEANING special $19 95 any Ig and dining room Professionally steam cleaned 728 0615 aflerbp in crumb WINTERICK CERAMICS Floor and wall tiling and repairs 726 6263 CNAIR CANING ANTIQUE CHAIR CANING Over 35 years on parlance Telephone Salnels 436 2299 All work and materials carry lyear warranty N26 FLOOR REFINISNING HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and refinishing old and new guaroriteodad nol to chip or pool 325 8341 FURNITURE REFINISNINGVWV REPAIR STAIN high sheen medium and low Reglue Iaints if needed Angels Refinishing in wood and arborite We make it all Telephone 737 2614 IIANDYMAN SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mowing sod ding seeding general maintenance flowerbeds etc 7268552 HOME AND COTTAGE Marninanca Pain ting Plumbing Roof and Chimney repairs 436 4105 CARPENTER PAINTER You name It we do It Call 726 3407 SMALL MOVING JOBS trash hauled roof tops cleaned and snowplowlng 436 2387 repairs sewing Brother shots s75 lor lemale$15010r male No papirs Telephone 726 4940 PERSIAN cat spayed Trans Canada Credit and Homeplan Realty 32 Dunlop St Barrie Ont domestic used Agents Sewing Machines 73716217 7371185 SNOWPLOWING PAULS SNOWPLOWING commercial estimates call Paul 737 3064 WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small commer Reasonable industrial New makes SIMCOE ECONOMY machines blowmg and potting Free estimates Scott Muir 728 I267 LANDSCAPING PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING dehgns sup plied Tree removal Custom spraying Herbicide 487 3401 Insulation fibreglass BLACK name tree to good years old lumale Telephone 726 2037 DACHSHUNO Pups weeks old stan dard smooth red or black and tan trom FOQISOFIO stock Telephone 458 4754 FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK SPECIAL CLEARANCE of Used and New Trailers Severalmakes Also lease andrrntals 7261551 HARNESS REPAIRS hockey equip ment repairs saddles and tack Hender sons Saddlery 222C Yonge St Pains With 737 2982 HORSE AND Tack Auction First and third Mondays at 00 Stoutlville new saddles tack horse rgmpmenl sold by auction at wholesale prices 50 to 100 horses ol all Canadas number Auction We get them sold All buyers eligible tor tree Christmas draws tor Complete Tack Shop on information residential and roles reasonable free Insecticide LAWN CARE SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mowing maintenance tilizer 728 9369 Real Estate residential Dependable 726 7757 FIREWOOD BIRCH HARDWOOD MIXED FREE DELIVERY roles FOR SALE Sales Representatives required by one of Barries leading realtors ding seeding llowerbods olc 7268552 WEED SPRAYING fall clean ups fertilizing mowing hodge ond shrub trimming rough mowing Vic Triomstra 7260427 MASONRY LAND MASONRY dolions general Also SNOW PLOWING FREE ESTIMATES 7264813 7287375 MWFvMy1 Experienced preferred but not essential If you are ambitious and prepared to work you write your own pay cheque EMORY tlIUUUH LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP wesr BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 PARTS SALES MANAGER immediately Complele block loun brirk work and fireplaces estimates 726 6062 MICROWAVE OVENS MICROWAVE Amano Soles ovens 726 4177 anytime MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN Music for people who like to dance Good rules 728 9545 MUSIC INSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS Classical and popular Marcel Potvm Guitar Studio 7761489 ACCORDION guitar rim and advanced months trial merit loaned for home practice Canadian Academy ole 121 Bayfield 728 1799 PAINtINg Stockyards Dozens of Free N13 breeds one Horse DELL Authorized Microwave Services saddles etc to all location 1416 640 4198 HORSES BOARDED and trained Echo Spring Ranch 10m line at Oro Phone 158 5842 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULL Irrmi very good Thornlea dam with per cent test Also registered Holstien cow in December with records over 17000 Phone 737 0697 OF 60 ewes Service GREAVES LANDSCAPING AND TREE SERVICE RR BARRIE iSNOW REMOVAL TREE REMOVAL ALOT CLEARING 4873401 DIo all 7289369 FLOCK moStly Sullolk iross ixposed to rams since August Also yrarling Suttolk ram and ram Iamb ot sorwceablo age 458 9123 PONY GELDING English Telephone 728 7980 POULTRY CHI11Cst READY to lay pullers Also Iarrn Iresh Brown egg birds available mid November Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud4361811 FEEDSEED AN begin lnStu piano organ JOE Residential 726 7365 SNOWPIOWING Reasonable TAILORS Commercial Phone We require experienced aggressive professional parts sales manager for our parts department one of the largest In Central Ontario We offer salary bonus company car and group in surance to the successful applicant To arrange an interview calf Bob Rumble at 835 3233 rate 13 hands years PAINTING paper tree estimates Jack Richardson 726 2012 756 8874 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating Ixtariol hanging experienced THE TAILOR SHOP Fred Grant St Chamber of Commerce Building Custom tailoring and alterations eggs Ioriar Work guaranteed EstablishedSOyears 7262609 726 91X WAYNE TOLEY Professional pointers tenor and Interior guaranteed 726 7389 DON SIESLING Professional painting tarior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 726 6808 HILLSDALE DECORAIING torior wallpapnring custom textured walls and ceilings Telephone 705 835 5387 local ROY DOIRON painting contractor exterior paper hanging Customer salisfac tiori guaranteed 436 3691 PAINTING over 25 years unload 728 7696 TELEVISION LEASING DGRAINW Free estimates Work THOUSAND BALES 01 Hay tor sale Telephon0458 9677atter5pm HAY FOR SALE Excellent Telephone Cookstown 458 9492 anytime iFARAM MACHINERY Barrias only House of Leasing new color from S3 75 per week 01 Born TV Dunlop St 728 4297 TYPING TYPING BOOKKEEPING etc picked up and delivered no lob too small 726 0038 WELL DIGGING Lease your quality HOGAN FORD SALES LTD 500 Memorial Ave Orillia Ont REOUIRES Boys and girls to deliver Newspapers in the following areas Burton Ave Trailer Park Welling St East Apts Amelia and Eugenie Sts Telephone 7268001 between am and pm Interior 1950 CASE TRACTOR snow bucket and good running condition Includes Telephone 728 4435 after rn TRACTOR AND Back Hoe hydraulic lront end loader bucket dozer blade lurrow plow $2500 firm Call 424 1299 SNOWBLOWER tor tractor Wll litany paint hitch Asking $275 or make otter Telephone 436 3720 FARM MACHINERY VYAIITE lOrKIIT 11 105 good otter interior chains Best established lull size work guar PAVING BILOTTA CONTRACTING sidewalks work exterior Free estimates Interior LONE STAR WELL DIGGING STROUD Pahos Ntw curbs estimates chimneys Frau stops repairs 458 4233 after 6p PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop 5t frarning of all types We stock many sins Prion 7283270 MOCIIIIII dug walls Homes Cottages Farms Industry SPICIOllllng In Concrete Tile Stool reinforced concrete tile lengths for sale Diameter 2148 737051 USED ELECTRIC oat roller wanted in good condition complete with motor Telephone 428 2200 FRUITS AND VEGETA APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Oro 726 1907 728 8489 Closed East Custom BLES Sundays Your containers NO Laurentian Table Turnips $250 ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE NEW FURNITURE Tuesday at pm at 331 SN VI Bayfield corner of Bayfield and Ferris Lane This new furniture all top name brands and guaranteed by manufacturers will be sold by auction and Auctioneers and Jobbers iNTEREST FREE SALE Chargex and instore financing in Iiiiin II ON 7266314 7370879 WESTINGHOUSE COLOUR TV IREWOODV RHODES2571 tarn rinird TllLDhOnl 716 4119 rltKl 728 936 FIREPLACE HARDWOOD seasoned 10 quality IIILI rorrl16S3S 17 $30 orrustomrut FTlLUfflIttry 716 4725 ORNAMENTAL windmills lawn or nnrniints rustic all mital wriil made ideal Christmas gills McVittic 435 7708Aliston FIREPLACE HARDWOODS lull cords IIaIVls Siriiilis posts logs Cheaper by luilrord DiliVIred7281637 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Full cord at il sinus S20 Hardwood and softwood no delivery 728 9204 PIANO supir sale New Mason and Reisch apartment size 5895 with bench simply that 3221802 30 Queen Elrnvale PFAFF SEWING machine Christmas Spill ial Iiaturing bunlt in extras Ior that prolissionnl look 726 3273 728 4615 RADIO FOR SALE Heath kit three channel prop battery pack hunt in charger used one summer in boat condition Telephone 728 7758 after in MR BUSINESSMAN it is not too late lor 1977 Calendars pens or other ad spe tallies Order today by calling Johnson Advertising Barrie 726 1509 PARLOR WOOD Stoves large wood cook stove dressers washstands but lets secretarial brass single bed ice boxes brass copper and many other items Please call 737 1218 or drop In at Beacocks Antiques 112 Yongc Street mile south ol Barrie on Highway 11 PIANO used good condition needs tun ing Telephone 456 2506 alter HOMELITE XL 75 Chain Saw with 20 power tip bar high speed sprocket pro quality $200 Pulp tail and tip lube in cluded 726 4187 MODERN Bedroom Suite Kraehler double bed dresser with plate glass mir ror and chest 01 drawers Swedish wal nut linish very good condition $250 Ranchboy portable genuine leather bar with matching stools $150 cups saucers and luncheon plates Noritake Albany $50 Depression glass green covered butler dish platter plates one pink at dish all perlect $40 7211 9830 betwe 6and9pm only BARN BOARD lor sale various lengths Telephone 4117 2295 alter BUY NOW PAY OVER 12 MO PERIOD WITH NO INTEREST CHARGES ON BARRIE TV CHARGE AC COUNT Good for November only Enioy WESTINGHOUSE COLOUR lIIJlll $39995 Just $3167 monthly over 12 months BUYERS CHECK LIST VBIIIIIII lVizlililiIliIiLl10lilil iNU liltyniliiiu 1111 11012 Tier sallili llay llllllvtllv wWO suwilze wlilil we sell WESTINGHOUSE INDOOR SHOWROOM full sized pools on display COTTN in today or call 726 4606 lur tree page tmnint ol inground and abovr ground pools Pionleer Pools Baymart Pinm USED COLORED TVS Any reasonahlii ollrr Nlll bl accepted We ECU ltll room tor new stock con tinuously coming in Come early for best sellction color and blrirk and while TVs Barrio 1V and Appliances 00 Dunlop St 728 4297 Cansrrve heat this winter Heat Miscr tits iritn chimney electric tan saves money 718 0755 bushel own containers Call 728 4792 or $350 Small 728 763 PINE HARVEST Table mahogany Sideboard $130 Telephone 436 2041 alter6 GIRLS FIGURE Skates once $25 Also blue suede coat size 10 lurlrim Telephone 737 1595 ROCKWELL MOTORIZED miter box like new blades blade and one planer blade Telephone 7262034 alter pm PIANO Heintzman upright with bench Telephone RETAIL STOREMANAGER Barrie business requires manager for its retail store selling varied line of merchandise Including appliances hardware and garden supplies candidates will have several years management experience in similar operation Applicants should provide complete resume of work experience training and personal data to Box 581 Barrie Examiner THE FLEA MARKET at Molsons site on Sundays Will be closed till further notice PERSONALS Why light your problem alone Let triend help Call Tetecare 726 7922 anytime ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 728 6581if you drink thats your business It you wantloqmi thatsours Call any time INTERNATIONAL Vices civil criminal marital investiga tions surveillance Discreet and con fidential 737 2972 DO SOMETHING NEW phone Ren Dating Ltd 9pm Any age removed sately worn TELECARE one combination Price $175 Investigation Ser excellent condition $425 726 1526 PENNILESS PETE will be at Angus Flea Market on Sunday With variety or Christmasgilt items GOT NOTHING to do on Thursdays Come down to the Elmvale Flea Market miles past Elmvale towards Wasaga Beach Starts everything from vegetables clothing and Christmas gilt items N13 PAIR it snow tires used season Size 074141695141 Prir S40 Phone 436 2865 alter METAL SHELVING sections 5300 Meal cooler it very good condition any reasonable oltir accepted Ideal for slorlaor rniat market 726 4612 evenings SWIMMING POOL ground like new Cost $995 Must sell $595 or best oller Telephone 726 4375 HUMIDIFIER HUIDma11de appearance $40 or best otter Telephone 726 0793 FIREPLACE Hardwood seasoned lull Singles N13 dczvous Brampton 11 UNWANTED HAIR permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrencliuk Certilied Eiectrologisl 737 2671 416 453 1661 trult meats cheese I976 18 it above COPPERTONE STOVE and Image $2100 Plus girls split bike BANQUET FACILITIES Book early tor Christmas New Year and other occasions Royal Downs Gall and Country Club mlles west 01 Barrie 424 0241 ac 42440246 EARLY BIRD RestaurantPalnsw1ckA home away from home Home cooking home baking For your Christmas Party try our catering service Come and see us or phone 726 0931 Open am to pm Saturdaystlll4pm tor the pair Telephone 726 8138 deluxe model royal 00k really lid 42 Oak Street West Info Out Tuhphons 705 1311223 RUG beige background pink roses with underpad Ladys winter coat red black Iur trim lull length size 12 All In excellent condition Telephone 726 3497 PEW IT machine chairs parties halves Free delivery 726 6823 SNOW BLOWER tor sale hp motor also oak china cabinet very old in good condition Telephone 728 1688 HAND CARVED mahogany love seat bustle chair and side chair Telephone 728 4084 PANASONIC Microwave oven Will sell Telephone alter cords posts Electric table storage pool table cot adding Typewriter Ollice shelves respondence tray lee table and antiques Phone 726 9135 ARTICLES FOR SALE ATTENT COTTAGE OWNERSFARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINAIRIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 35 1109 THICK 30° EACH AT THE BARRIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 Are you interested in real Career ARTICLES FOR SALE ION If so we would like to have talk with you about your future in 3300 Real Estate sales price 4240319 MAYTAG WASHER and Dryer years in good condition Telephone 7370311 PIANO tor sale upright In good condi tion $325 Telephone 728 3729 alter SNOW PLOW Meyer power It and angle ST78 with harness tor Toyota Landcrulser $800 Telephone 728 4963 alter6pm PERFECT GIFT New wall mounted 11 day grandfather clocks Regular $120 now$s9 Call 737 3955 WV WW SNOWPLOW Meyers It Commer and angling Pholie $400 pair For training toward your PROFESSIONALISM We Offer OPersonallzed training program with live professional in structor covering all facets of the real Estate industry that you need to be successful 0Most modern tools and techniques available °Top commissions plus Incentives unlimited opportunities for advancement OManagement that CARES about YOU Llcenced Courses start Sept so dont delay Evening courses commence In the fall power FleO Market Fridays from 430 to pm Every Saturday am to 430 pm 7371562 For confidential Interview phone now and ask for Dwight Norrena FRIOLE General Manager Every Saturday am to 430 pm 331 Bayfield corner of Bayfield and Ferris La MORE CLASSIFIED PAGE