ENGAGEMENT Debbie Gill daughter of Marvin and Pauline Gill of Barrie is to be married at Burton Avenue Lnited GI LLECCLES Church at pm Nov 19 to Norm Eccles son of Albert and Betty Ecclcs of Barrie Photo by Faveroi Bl RBI GELLOYI The forthcoming marriage is announced of Heidi Ieaii Burbidge daughter ol Mrs loliii Burliidge of Barrie and the late John Burbidge liflord Eugene Llo son of Mr and Mrs Alvin Lloyd of lliston The wedding will take place Nov 27 at cntral ltiitcd thurch Steingard Iliiilti lLLERSPON fentral lnited hurch was the scene Sept 11 when Sandra Lee Spong and David Lyle Miller of Barrie were married Rev Donald Iay officiated Mrs Morton was tinorganist The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Gordon Spring of 75 Blake St Barrie and the groom the son of Mi and Mrs Thomas Wylie and the late Lyle Miller of 1142 Dieppe St Cornwall The bride wore gown of lace over chiffon on tafl feta with chapel length train with long puffed sleeves and french cuffs There was border of lace around fullskirt with gathered waist The dress also had victoriaii collar There was cape of lace on full skirt with front lace appliques She wore headdress ot Missions Day at Midhurst MIDHLRST The Festival of Missions will be observed at the regular Sunday service at the tnitcd church here at 1130 am on Nov 21 film entitled We are the Ones who Decided will be shown at the service nursery Is provided at the church The Sunday School has classes for all ages newly formed class for junior teens both girls and boys has been organized with the hope it will develop into young peoples group Kay Russell Donna OBrien Eleanor Wright and Helen Coutts attended the YtW Workshop in Bradford where they received inspirational ideas for programs Mr and Mrs Walter Craig entertained the rittcnden families todinncronSunday Historical plates of the Midhurst cairn are now available from the Midliurst Loyal True Blue Lodge 31 SlIIURISARTISTS NEW YORK mm The Whitney Museum of American Art here was founded in 1930 by Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney It was foutided to encourage and support American artists and present the public with the finest achievements in con temporary American art an art which until llicn had been too often neglected in its own country REMAIN IOllliAlt NEW YORK TIi Ilutch handbags are still popular spring accessories The neWest looks come in reptile treated to look like soft fabric or com binations of linen arid woven straw At Varon blondi colored python is softly pleated on snaprclosing clutch The leatcd effect gives the bag the 00k of luxurious printed fabric BREAK ItIiI IiIItSI Always crack or eniin icc be fore putting it into the blender ice cubes may damage II vs halfcap covered with lace rhinestones and imitation pearls She wore fingertip length veil with lace border with double thickness of net She carried white Bible Maid of honor was Mary Ann Spring sister of the bride of Barrie Bridesmaids were Iatricia Ives and Jill Riddel of Barrie and Debbie Miller of ornwall Best man was Bruce Adams of rr Lake tshers were Ralph Bellamy of Barrie Greg Wolfenden of Ilillsdale and Rick Henry of Kingston Reception was held at ontinental Inn Barrie The newlyweds will live in Barrie tiutrofrtown guests at tended from Kingston or nwall Nuncnburg reemorc Toronto Burlington Stroud Rexdalc and West Hill the HP 28 Cut You got more for your money With BOB CAT the snow thrower for the man who recognizes real quality Its boilt to bust the toughest bfiz aids in your area includ ing those hard torhandle wot spring storms All models have dopenda snow 30 ft or more in cliitrh oftiiiiates Shear pt all unpainted parts are co memoi combine to keep GARDEN NOTES Good drainage must for planting any of several varieties of lilies By JEAN CABLE Barrie Ilorticiiltural Society have received several calls about lilicslately Most lily bulbs are not ship ped until the end of October and people tend to get bit panicky when they dont arrive earlier You cant dig the bulbs until they are fully matured and the stocks come easily away from the bulb Thus earlier shipment just is not possible Am pleased to know more people are growing lilies They were one of my first fads years ago They gave me much pleasure and had 33 varieties but my family insisted part of our garden be sodded so had to give up their special bcd During the past 25 to 30 years much rogress has been made hybri izing lilies Jan De Graeff of Oregon has placed on the market several hundred goodvnamcd varieties and strains of lilies Closer to home the late Dr Palmer of Vincland gave us some lovely aurilian hybrids James Taylor of Guelph made contribution and the late Dr Patterson of the West all did their bit for Canadian lilies Depending on the variety chose your loiation to suit the li ly One thing all must have is good drainage Botrytis is plague of lilies and you really ANN LANDEBS deunmsmr partoflove lt Dear iin Landers ati you stand one more letter about the man who wanted his wife to wear black stockings and garter belt to bed hope so Please include me asanother woman who does not consider the request weird unless of course they are simply having sex and not making love Theres big dif ferciicc you know Any man worth his salt is not content merely to satisfy him self He wants to please his wife and she in turn wants to please him What is important to one should be important to the other Thats what love is all about And without love sex is nothing more than bedroom acrobatics If my husband came home one night and asked me to put on costume to get him ltl up and there was no expression of love oiin raw sex Id feel like streetwalker Some of my friends refer to marital sex as if it were house work chore that must be done so they do it atid get it over with as quickly as possible What words do you have for such women Not line if Tlieiii Dear One No Words all Dear mi Laiiders Iiavc daughter who is 17 Her boy friend is lit They have been going together for two years licc inot her real unit has one bureau drawer which she has kept locked for the last seieral months and hate been wondering what she had in there confess hired locksmith to come over and open it tip Well now know and wish didnt Serves tiie right for being nosy discovered several conttaceptives the kind that men use What should do now If lll husband found out about this there would be plenty of violence He has very Iiot Itlll per feel Ilt is too young for this kind of relationship lso how sale are those things Im sure she will be furious when she finds out invaded her privacy Please idi Isc Inc Worried Mother Dear Mother lell Alice what you did and take your liitiips Then make aii appointment for her with the lainin doctor or in struct her to get In toticli with your local chapter of Planned Parenthood Those things are not too percent fail safe The only till pcrrcciit foolproof preventative is the word No Lecturing your daughter about the evils of preiiiaiital sex will do no good The best thing yoti can do now is make sure she doesnt get pregnant Her father need not know lhcres already too much violence iii the world just sympathy lhcyvc missed it JEWELRY ll III NEW YORK itli Sterling jewelry is sliced tliiti for early spring At Daedalus Lee shoulder scraper earrings Elizabeth Kay designs slcck curved sterling discs as bang lcs liach disc is cut out to slide Heavier Duty Construction StraightThin 2Stage Design HP 20 Cut HP 24 Cut Stratton engines With Easy Spin starting more fihfll Sttaioi Him 2stage design lifts and throws blades xia heavy duty coristruclon IS used throughout earriimn platno ow lone muffler and soId trans Saley Controls assure easy operation Duncs Small Engines RR No Cal Madill Sales lt8 Service Highway II South Barrie 436 I9I3 lrechslcr takes melted sterling and sets it in lticile discs for pliIe flBavnuunt PROPERTY MANAGEMENT OFFERS THREE SEPARATE DIVISIONS to sun YOUR SPECIFIC NEEDS Property and Financial Management Snow Removal Landscaping SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS If you wish to discuss your developments requirements please call 7264219 ble Winter2rer Briggs c9 180° arc The safety torque HS if any obioct jams the feeder rrOSion protected With heavy nOiso love low limoi and lo Allisfon 4356773 neatly against the other like cant cure it Most lilies will grow in any soil that good garden vegetables will grow in Soil was one of my problems as we have hard ack clay so all my lily bed ad to have cial soil put in Even then three drainage was not good enough due to the hard clay base Lilies like cover over their roots so used to plant shallow annual among them like Alyssum or Love in Mist The average depth to plant is five to six inches but if the bulb is large suggest planting nine inches from the top of the bulb One of the problems is to keep them from coming up too soon and getting frostbitten mulch will help this When the bulbs arrive plant them at once They dont keep well Since lilies are so very beautiful and more insectfree than most plants it is wonder more are not planted The local Society has joined the Canadian Lily Society and from time to time Ill keep you posted on what is what in the li ly field IIIIY EWS Congratulations to all the winners who were lucky on Net lease or lnsuronce and nly few left Poul Sadlon leasing Tor 3640534 Barrie 726181 lndividuol or fleet Short or long term maintenance available Any make or model Awards Night You people not only beautify your own premises you set an example for all to follow Our speaker on Awards Night was Miss Gladys McLatchy pastpresident of the Ontario Horticultural Society She gave delightful talk on Com munication and succeeded in putting everyone at ease relax ed smiling and friendly to whomever sat beside them Her talk was practical short easily understood and just what we all need If people would only com municate better our world would be lot easier to live in The next open meeting is Thursday Dec at Codrington School Tours this week will be today to Ice Capadcs and Friday Nov 12 to tthintcr Fair The Royal Botanical Gardens ladies auxiliary is having its annual Christmas sale of things they make all year Thursday Nov 25th and Friday Nov 26th 10 am to pm each day There is possibility our Society may take bus This sale is really something if you are looking for ideas for crafts with flowers leaves cones liristmas decorations etc Bob Johnston soys LEASE from Barrie 233 Bradford St urchose lease Funds support search for cure it has been said that most of the information required to find the cause and cure of arthritis is probably in existence but the big job will be to draw together all those bits of knowledge It will probably take con siderable time and study but medical scientists feel they are close to the key By supporting the Barrie United Appeal you are helping to provide much needcd money which will carry on the programs of research and education which will even tually conquer arthritis This year the Barrie United Appeal has campaign goal of $1m000 The Arthritis Society urges you to give generously to the United Appeal because some of the funds raised will be used to help control arthritis now but the main purpose will be to provide money for resear ch and education needed to conquer arthritis to conquer it The Barrie Examiner much as polio and tuberculosis have been beaten The Arthritis Society points out that arthritis is very often not taken seriously enough by those it attacks with the result that many people have neglec ted to seek medical help at the first sign of the disease This can result in permanent crip pling Early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment so if you think you have arthritis bring it to your doctors at tention when you have your Thursday Nov II 19767 next check up Arthritis is the worlds num ber one crippler but it is suggested that if more pe0ple were aware of the serious nature of some forms of ar thritis and sought immediate medical attention the number of those who are disabled would betremendousl reduced ithGeergeedW clhairman of nit Campaign has announcgeaa goa of $16300000 This years cam paign is in full swing NOTICE THOMAS BARTON BA llB ANNOUNCES the relocation of his office for the practice of law to Fred Grant Square Barrie On torio MM 306 Telephone 7373900 Walk through the woods Walk through the woods at The Panhandler and youll discoveratruly magnificent selection of interesting woodenware servers salad bowls utenSils storage units Each piece fascmating combination smoothly finished light and dark grained natural teak or walnut that has been crafted into thing of beauty Theyre the perfect answer for those who prefer to serve salads appetizers and relishes with style Come browse through The Panhandler woods theyre not very far from you Priced to please both you and your pocketbook In the MEWS BAYFIELD MALL 7372391 Brand New I977 models vonced XLIOO chassis venience Warranty coverage Ports set within one year from Color Picture Tube replacement in exchange and l00 solid If the color picture tube fails in your new set we will supply Model GU7 285 Television Sugg Retail $89995 Converter Sugg Retail $8995 As piece of fine furniture this magnificent console in the classic Mediterranean manner will create striking centre of focus in your home Add RCAs od stote with automatic fine tuning and color control and youll have marvellous combination of beauty and performance This set is finished in antiqued Windsor with realistic slate top and easy rolling casters for your con lf any port including tuner plugin modules fails in YOU new cite of purchase we will supply replacement at no charge in exchange for the item which failed at no charge during the first two years from date of purchase of one half of the suggested retail list price of the replacement during the following three years MONARCH Wand APPLIANCES I8 Dunlop Serving the Barrie Area for over 30 years 7282059 ii illtoltillz =1 lhtii 20 2t 22l23l24 2320 This sensational RCA XLIOO Color TV comes complete with JERROLD CONVERTER FREE This converter has many special features besides remote tuning for 30 channels as they become available So much more comertoble so much more com With Jerrold converter you can plate chotige channels fine tune your set without getting up Your Jerrold converter will bring In all the channels your cable company offers Reliable Jerrold remote control TV converters are first choice with out of to converter users They take only few minutes to attach 1g any make or age of TV set and they save wear and tear on the tuner on your TV set Hurry Supply is limited Convenient budget ferms CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE