Saturdanyov 197613 The Barrie Examiner DEPOSIT lIVE RENT II it VILLAGE GREEN TOWNHOUSES ORIllIA This is limited time offer so dont delay you just cant afford to miss this chance to own your own home During the five months from Dec till April next year you pay $276 mthly This plus your $300 deposit gives you $1680 down payment Your new home qualifies for AHOP and could carry for as little as $16900 principal and interest Westwood Realty ViLAKE COUCHICHING WESTWOOD REALTY LIMITED INSPECTION 14245550 3254533 l0 um rm pm 36 2r LAKE smcoe f4 ll mmu umum normm 11 glillliflifllflll éllljllllljg gt7 gt ll liiw Lin gt all In alumurn um II nilu mm turf Development In coOperatlon With the Ministry of Housing Housmg Action Program and Housquorpordhun Ontario Central Mortgage MOVES YOU IN