lircnk The lililik it News liii lc ll Scull Fil IIIi IgcmlilI New If IIIII Sitinherit Ilil ll IIiii Iriisil News I3 lbw it Night Heal News on l2The Barrie Examiner BUFFALO TORONTO ii HAMILTON BARRIE BUFFALO TORONTO Friday Nov I976 12 PETERBOROUGN BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL FRIDAY EVENING 5th 247ll 1222 9Doniiy and Marie tlIarry Solway 2220pposite Sexes N0 Nui Movie iloiiv lIx ressl irAIZvCthO and The Ian 25 24 Houis ilziitl 4Movic The Big Sleep Detliiitioii 3512T0mmv um SMowe tSunday Dinner tiul WHO ï¬les For Soldierl 347 NW5 Movie tNightmaret 50 21 Adam 12 ll Movie I21 Hours At 29V9 hange It Part lame Munich Mlndi l2 Sphllkbr pm 5mm t2tkl 20 Mum may Agam IMOVM II icnicl Bowling For DOIIEIN toiicinlriition Ioztlti Mr and Tina Scrplco Odd ouple To Tell The Truth ti ti Millions Man II Mimi lil 7lo Match innit Strikes Spares llssts Diane Staple News ZTIlï¬News It The Hltill ItIlI ltl Mm ic ISlinopy tiilili IIttlIltl ii Illl III lwiie II Zlil News By THOSTESON MI Dear Dr Thostesoii am longtime reader of your helpful column But have always won dered about one thitig Why is it jyou seldom write on the prob lem of cancer which is prob any the greatest single prob lem today medicallyspeak inglrs lIT Your letter was longer than the portion quoted above but believe the essential point you wanted to make is there My purpose is to educate readers Ill medical matters and where possible to suggest ways they can help themselves In lortunately present knowledge olters little iii the way of new Monsurgical treatment of can cer and less in understanding iit One can only suggest symp toms and recommend appro priate examinations to detect it early do this frequently However with the swelling you speak of you should also iii vestigate the possibility of kid Lney involvement That might cause both the swelling and the Lolher symptoms Nephritis or nephrosis lkidney ailmentSI of this kind is not unusual in chil 22 tauglit In The Act ASlarsky and Hutch Mary Hartman ISIZ CBC News Night Final Johnny anon Man Hartman THE DOCTORSAYS Can only advise on cancer issue 7Movie Dracula 9Mowe The Hell With HeroeSl ltMovie anterlool 22 Movie How To Steal MIIIIOII Izoti Midnight SpeCial 5v Movie iMala HartI hill Movw ilhe Kings lirate l35 Movie tMysteryt l5 Movie lA Touch of LarcenyI 225 It Alerv tiriffiiittitl lrolislde lzllll Movie In Societyl dreli You cant rule out the possi bility of allergic reaction These symptoms are squ ficiently suspicious for you to have the child examined thoroughly Dear Dr Thostesoli have calcium iii my spinal column atid this quite often causes my left arm to start to go to sleep But by moving my head it stops have been xrayed and have been told to exercise ls there anything that can be done to cure thislr ILH There is no way to remove such calcium deposits which are probably related to artil ritis Since your arm goes to sleep it would seem that the problem lies high in the spine in the neck area This would ac count for the relief you feel when you move your head When you do this it relieves pressure on the nerve as it leaves the spine Improving your posture and trying to assume different posi tions for your head when lying down should help Often such symptoms disappear with time EPop festival isupport urged local or other statutory LONDON tPi in At time when Britain faces its worst ever reductions in public spen ding recent government report has recommended more financial support for pop festi vals which many people con sider the scourge of the English countryside In sense the report pleases neither side in this longsimlt mering controversy Pop fans say the degree of or ganization demanded as the price for financial assistance would ruin the spontaneity of thesehellraisingcvents And many taxpayers con sider it downright sinful to give their tax money to what they consider bunch of nogood lay abouts on summertime orgy The report by government working group says festivals are reasonable and accept able form of recreation and can take place with little or no disturbance to the local com munity The group headed by junior minister Lord Melchett 28 was set up to review government policy towards pop festivals fol lowing incidents at the Windsor pop festival in 19747 illegally held in Windsor lreal Park 77 and just before the con troversial Watchfield festival held on governmentdonated site in Berkshire The body included represen tativcs of the police home of fice and department of the on vironmcnt The inquiry team recom mended that Thc cost of polic ing these events should con tinue to be met by local authorities that when properly organized they could take place with little expenditure by Medical care costs studied From The Ottawa Bureau of The Examiner OTTAWA Federal provin cial dichssions are continuing on the development of low cost alternatives to hospital care Dr Ii ltynard PC Simcoe Northl was told Wednesday Health and Welfare Minister Marc Lalondc explained in the Commons that negotiations with the provinces have centred on development of fiveyear plan aimed at increasing the alternatives Most of the provinces have replied to the latest proposal The minister said new financ ing formula giving the pro vinces complete flexibility in applying the funds outside of medical care hospital in surance must also be pre pared Dr Rynard said that alter native schemes such as home care programs could reduce substantially the cost of main taining active treatment beds authorities that money should be given to festivals from such organizations as the Arts oun cil independent of central government but still using money from propertytax payers Although welcome step for p0p fans in their bid to win full public approval of their gather ings and to obtain permanent festival site the report has its reservations On the question of drugs the group felt government support would not mean the govern ment condones their illegal use Any aid given should be con ditional on festival organizers trying to uphold the law They emphasized also the need for proper organization and consultations with local au thorities and suggested limit to the number of fans attend lnga maximum of l0ll0ll RESIDENTS ANGRY The report has met with strong reaction from areas where festivals have been held The notorious Windsor festi val which ended in running battle with police and fans has never been forgotten Nor has the Watchfield festival de scribed by chief constable as squalid uncivilized noisy dirtyanddruginfested Pop festivals says John Phillips chairman of the Wind sor Iitizens Action Group are determined attempt by hef ty minority of really obnoxious semirevolutionary semi criminal drugtaking dropout elements to see how far they can push what they consider to be rather soft and indulgent authority Cars lead in economy OTTAWA IPl The Honda Civic and the Volkswagen Rab bit Diesel lead the list for fuel economy in 1977 model cars av eraging 53 miles gallon says the transport department The department said in statement Wednesday that the two small foreign cars topped list of the 78 leading models all ter fuel economy tests The list was issued to iii creasc consumer awareness of fuel economy in the selection of new vehicles the department said It was part of the govern ment program to conserve fuel The department statement said the car industry has been able to improve fuel economy by about 30 per ccntsince1974 Among other top cars on the list are the Honda Accord av eraging 46 miles gallon Chryslers olt Coupe 45 miles gallon the Renault 51 44 miles allon and General Mo tors evrolet Chevette and Pontiac Acadian 43 miles gallon Bomico Bode Ocol For Saturday Nov 1970 ARIES March 21AprII 10 You could find yourself brooding because you lust cant seem to make ends meet today frivolous outlet later in the even ing wont help TAURUS April 20May 20 You may feel outmanouvered when dealing with others today Trying to take it out on the family will only add to your problems GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Youre careless thinker today and wont pay enough attention to essentials Its best to avoid working with tools or machinery CANCER Juno 21July 22 Dont speculate while socializing today You might end up feeling victimized and blame your pals LEO July 23May 22 Someone will stand in the way today and hamper your chance of ob taining longsought goal fresh start will be necessary VIRGO Aug 2380pt 22 Dont be talked into putting anything on paper or making verbal com mitments today Youre not get ting all the facts and could make big mistake LIBRA Sopt 23Oct 23 Someone you thought you could depend on will not be able to help you today Personal obligations will take precedence over everything for them SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Dont try to match wits with shar pies today Wait for another time when youre thinking more shrewdly SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Doc 21 Its not good day to try to get complicated chores out of the way Unforeseen hazards could cause additional problems CAPHICORN Doc 22Jan 19 Your plans for good time might be rained out today Those you want to get together with could be tied down with other com mitments AQUARIUS Jon 20Fob 19 Bringing dead weights into the picture could be your downfall where important goals are con cerned Theyll Create opposnion in all directions PISCES Fob 21Mnrch 20 You could find yourself skidding around corners today in your ef forts to get your work done Organize first Then proceed Your Birthday Nov 1976 Be persistent this year where im portant goals are concerned It unable to proceed at the pace youd like remember The rewards are worth the efforts you expend TORONTO lll The Met ropolitan loronto borough ol East York says it will ask 18 supervisory and executive slaff members to return between $230 and $550 of their salary in creases this year to meet led eral cllIIllnIIllIlOll guidelines WINTHROP SHORT RIBS 77 BC IMOAll lullt litE MAME EEORbE MMIIHONS Utch WES BORN LOSER SAME TIME TOMORROW MUSCLES BUGS BUNNY IM $6 EKLITED ABCLT rJLNlCrK BENCACLUENOUCM TI iTE H65 Tao NERVOUS T0 RIP OFF BANK AND HE COULDNT HAVE WORKED F08 IT WHOéI NAME I5 ON THE PAss DONT TRY To CON REALLY U5 ABOUT BIG WELLJUST LITERARY 5ALE RUN YOUR MAJOR THE WAY EYE OVER You WRITE YOU THE LAT 591 COULDNT GIVE DEPoslT PAGE To MY CHIMPANZEE lF lT WAS WRAPPED AROUND BANANA By Polly Crnmer Pollys Problem DEAR POLLYI would like to know how to clean tan genuine leather clutch purse do not want to ex periment with it My Pointer is that put cheese in the freezer section of my refrigerator to keep it from molding When need little grate it on metal grater and then return the rest to the freezerLUCILLE DEAR LUCILLEYou have probably discovered that processed cheese takes to freezing better than natural cheese which dries out more quickly Wrap well You did not mention any stains on your purse so presume it is only surface dirt you wish to remove Sometimes an art gum eraser will remove such soil You might buy leather cleaning and conditioning dressing at your local shoe repair shop and follow direc tions If this is not available thick dry suds made with SOAP could be wiped on and then off quickly with dry cloth so as not to spot the leather Baby powder rubbed in could be rubbed to shine when purse is dry Try small spot firstPOLLY DEAR POLLYMy Pet Peeve is with monthly bills that do not give the expiration date rather than just saying they are due in 10 25 or 30 or whatever number of days from the clos ing date to avoid penaltyBETTY DEAR POLLYand Mary who wants to know how to spool crochetPut four small nails evenly around the top of medium size wooden thread spool Bring yarn up through hole in spool and leaving an end long enough to pull Start on first nail and wrap yarn around all nails twice Then use small pointed needle and pick up the bottom yarn and slip over the top one Continue wrapping around nails and slipping the bot tom stitch over the top one at the same time Pull the yarn from the bottom as you go along until you have the desired lengthEVA DEAR READERSIlene wrote to say thnt when she learn ed this years ago it was called horse rein as it comes out in small tube that looks crocheted or knitted Dorothy puts brads in the top of the spool rather than nails Thanks to you many readers who not only sent directions but also samples of the finished product You can always hecounted on to share with our friendsPOLLY DEAR POLLYWhen the holes in the basket to my per colator become stoppedup and prevent the coffee from run ning through just wash and dry the basket and then place it on the stove burner for just few seconds Tap and the small holes will be free of the dried coffee If all does not come out the first time repeat MRS LH lt lt E1 or DONT LET GO LMY EEDVE OF My GLOVE lt tr gt oi KNCMI rKNOiN Ni EM r0 RCTUR irs JUST THAT WEWNI CA SE THE FONZ 1745 OVAL OFFICE lt HOW ARE YA HES ALREADV MOVED MV lgaggmw COMiN WITH STOMACH UP SCHNOOGLE YER pHYSICA £35 CONDITIONIN INCHES PROGRAMII CI Bosss in II WIN AT BRIDGE Moyses risky bid scored big NORTH A07 VQJA OAK7654 4Q10 WEST AKJ 975 92 SOUTH 84 62 1083 $85 NorthSouth vulnerable EAST A109652 VK1083 00 976 West North 20 East Pass Pass South Pass Pass Pass NT Dbl Pass Pass Pass Opening lead Pass By Oswald James Jacoby The late Sonny Moyse long time editor of the Bridge World magazine was one of the most exciting players He would have been one of the greatest if it were not for his penchant fortaking some ac tion on every hand Here is one of his triumphs It was pair tournament Moyse sat West and decided that he just could not let North play at two diamonds After all Sonny was looking at 13 highcard points and five card club suit However he had to go to the three level to bid clubs He could bid hearts at the two level and did just that East might well have raised to three but East knew something about Sonnys bid ding and passed South looked at his tw0 aces and decided to try two notrump Sonny doubled He didnt want East trying three hearts Everyone passed and FUNNY BUSINESS Sonny opened the king of clubs Since the doubleton queen10 appeared in dummy and no one held four clubs Sonny collected five club tricks Meanwhile South discarded down to two queens and six diamonds in dummy He was going to make his contract if diamonds broke Diamonds failed to break for him and he was held to four tricks so East and West scored 1100 points ojoï¬s Pennsylvania reader wants to know the meaning of fourspade opening bid The answer is that it means whatever the partnership wants it to but practically all experts including the Jacobys use it to show hand such as AAKQJxxxxvxxx 0x4x Of AKQJIOxxxxvxx0xï¬Ax In other words eight playing tricks and not too much in high cards ExPM denies getting bribe TOKYO CP Former prime minister Kakuei Tanaka denied today government allegation that he received bribe of about $3000 from All Nippon Airways domestic Japanese airline Tanaka is one of the greylof ficials suspected of involve ment in the Lockheed Aircraft Corp payoff scandal in which the company distributed of millions of dollars to further the sale of its aircraft All Nippon bought 21 Lockheed Tristars The government identified Tanaka last week as one of five officials charged with receiving $16 million from Lockheed YAWN ID LIKE TO SEE SOMETHING rl TCH ED LIE IM LT DRAKE AND IHLS l5 omcetz STUART ARE THINGS THERE ALL DAY IF DAILY CROSSWORD Answer to Previous Puzzle ACROSS 46 Vast period of time 47 Had opening 50 Employing Persian hat Housetop feature 5489 beholden Gman to 12 Gold Sp 55 Drive forward 13 Enunciate 59 Price an 14 Mine product 60 Gfdde 15 Artists Jan flu $22332 16 Foam 17 Citrus drink it E3 18 School heads c° 20 Wander orlng 64 Climate poet 22 Fire IF 65 Hoosier state Lather 40 Summer Fr 24 Qualnmy abbr 10 Energy 41 Astrologers 25 3° agency abbr tool 28 Go as DOWN 11 Land contract 43 Grand 32 ordzws 19 Gridder group dam 33 Indian E1222 tribe 21 gibbl 41 Ones fr 35 Gallic Emue SK 9k 47 Angelic affirmative mo of 48 Zigzag 36 Sailor Clothin 24 Sleepng 49 French cleric 37 Stagnate suppong 25 Ckness flY 51 Part of 38 AVIatm Adenosine tri ems Morocco agency abbr phosphate 26 Not plump 52 in 27Court em ap abbr ne ativ preaching Heat unit 29 Church part cold Astronauts 30 South seas 53 spayed 42 Horny plate ferry feast 56 Thousandth 45 Mountain Heretofore 31 Thailand 57 Greek letter peak wds 34 Toward 58 Timber tree J8 He has regained his will to live but not his desire to pay me ANDY THERE SEEMS TO BE BIT OFSIWDKE COMIN FEM THE ROSE AN CWN WONDER IF ITS ON FIRE OH YEAH 55022 MY NAME ROBIN BUT MY FATHER NEVER SAYS IT CAUSE HE DONT LIKE IT 0H KERRY RI6HT IVE NOI NANT THEM EARN some THEYRE GREAT ANO MAYBE YOU TAKE ONE FOR EACH or THEM EM YOU DID ENOUGH FOR 0FFICIAI I6 ACCUSED 0F TAKINé BRIBEI PLAZA PARENT CONFERENCES IS MOVING TO THE BARRIE OFFICE OUTFITIERS WATCH FOR OPENING DipNr YOU WANT 1v HEAR Hts siDE OF THE 6455 onLD BE EASIER To COPE WITH His BEHAVIOR assentmum it HE DIDNT Have PERFECT ATTENDANCE RECORD 7i itS