20The Barrie Examiner Wednesday Nov I976 EastTern Starzï¬apter holds installation By MRS CAMPBELL STROUD Mrs Doris Beamish was installed as wor thy matron of the lnnisfii Chap ter of the Order of Easteni Star No 162 at well attended meeting Among the distinguished guests were Mrs Peggy Mur phy and Eldon Matches General Grand Chapter com mittee members and Mrs Olive Avery grand conductress of Grand Chapter of Ontario Other Grand Chapter com mittee members weltomed were Mrs Edna Fawcett Mrs Flora Whalen Mrs Freda Har vey and Booth The district Stroud group at conference By MRS CAMPBELL STROUD Mr and Mrs Eben Sawyer Mr and Mrs Harry Horton and Mrs Jessie Campbell were delegates from Stroud to the 8th annual senior citizens conference on Satur day at Georgian College Ben Steers chairman of Zone 11 advisory committee welcomed the delegates At the morning session Corporal Prosser of the OPP Barrie Detachment spoke about guar ding against fraud After the noon luncheon George Coulson moderated panel discussion and question period Vern Telford Ontario ministry of industry and tourism representative and Tom Smith USCO represen tative were members of the panel along with Henry Wisniewski New Horizons representative The Stroud senior citizens held their monthly potluck din ner on Tuesdayvnoon after which cards and shuffleboard were en oyed Mrs Ward Goodfeilow repor ted there are still some seats on bus going to the winter fair on Nov 12 Mrs Nell Carscadden repor ted on the bid euchre of the previous week Dorothy Johnlt ston Jessie Campbell and Vera Nelson were winners for ladies while Dwight Nelson Sam Ir vine and Lloyd McMichael made the best scores for men deputy grand master Mrs Mary Dunlop was also present with six past district grand matrons There were also uests from Toronto Willow ale Sun derland Parr Sound Weston Oakville Shel time and chap ters of District Mervin Booth was installed as worthy patron Hazel Mc Cullough as associate matron and John McCullough as associate patron with Eileen Smeaton secretary and Marian Yomig treasurer Others installed included Lucille Metcalfe conductress Hannah Pritchard associate conductress Dorothy Walker marshal Flo Coutts organist Grace Browning Adah Debbie McBrine Esther Janet Madden Martha Elsie Edwards Electa Margaret Hislop warden and Melville Metcalf sentinel Mrs Lilly Webb was in stalling matron George Mulholland patron Mrs Mary Dunlop chaplain Mrs Marian Young marshal Mrs Hazel Webb warden Eldon Matches organist and Mrs Lena Butler installing sentinel Assisting were Mrs Elaine Collie Mrs Alice Booth Mrs Hilda Neely Mrs Mary Lowry Mrs Sadie Green Mrs Janet Madden and Mrs Nellie Camp bellall astmatrons Bren Wilson Beatrice Spearn Lockie Jack and David Booth were soloists Following the ceremonies Mrs Isobel Webb and her com mittee served delicious lunch and social hour was enjoyed CHURCHILL Best wishes go to Luella Donelly Brookes who has retired after many years with Bell Canada Leuella served this community as operator when the Innisfil telephone company had switchboard in Lefroy Mrs Ronald Allan enter tained the first meeting of the bridge club last Tuesday night Mrs Kenneth Sturgeon and Mrs Mac Constable were the prize Winners Mike McLaughlin of Barrie spent few days with his grandparents Mr and Mrs HarrySloan The Optimist Club of Barrie will be holding LIGHT BULB BLITZ in your neighbourhood Tonight Optimist Club members will be calling on your home Your purchase of the special I000 hr 60 Watt Iightbulbs will help continoe the long list of community work done by the Club such as the Huronia Striders Track and Field Minor Soccer and the Barrie Teen Disco The Optimist Club gratefully acknowledges the con tribution to this proiect by DARSCO DISTRIBUTORS and PHILLIPS Industries OPTIMIST CLUB OF BARRIE INC NOMINATIONS TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Innistil and Village of Cookstown that in compliance with the MunICip Elections Act I972 the period for liling nominations is the pe iod Irom Thursday November Ith I976 In I30 IJII until Monday Novombor l5th I976 at 500 run during normal office hours For the purpose of nominating REEVE DEPUTYvREEVE and THREE COUNCILLORS tor the Township of InniinI COUNCIL for the years I977 and I978 and for the purpose of nominating TWO COMMISSIONERS for the Township of Innistil PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION tor the years I977 and I978 and For the purpose of nominating TWO PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES tor WARD THE SIMCOE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION for the years I977 and I978 and for the purpose ol nominating ONE SEPARATE SCHOOL TRUSTEE Ior WARD THE SIMCOE COUNTY SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD for the years I977 and I978 Dated October 27l976 Rlcliord Groli Returning Officer AYLMER 48 FL OZ TOMATO JUICE AYLMER I9 FL OZ TOMATO JUICE 48 Fl oz vs VEGETABLE JUICE WELCHES 24 Fl 02 GRAPE JUICE IIIC as Fl 01 FRUIT DRINKS 24on Fl 01 CASE or COKE OR PEPSI FRAPES ELAVOUREO PKG or ORANGE CRYSTALS AYlMER 23 Fl 01 PINEAPPLE CUDNEY Io Fl 01 SLICED PEACHES TANG PKG OF FLAVOR ORANGE CRYSTALS Choin Price $1 I9 00 Wafellouse MANNING ASSORTED BAG COOKIES BAG All Varieties CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF BLADE ROAST 68$ Blade Bone Removed for Easy Slicing and Carving Cut from Canada Grade Beef BRISKET PLATE BEEF 48¢ SCHNEIDER SLICED SIDE QUALITY BACON $149 ROBIN HOOD INSTANT FLAVOR ROBINO OATS OLD MILL LB LARGE FLAKE OR INSTANT OATS GENERAL MILLS PRESWEET CEREALS cRANOLA CEREAL VITACRUNCH NABISCO 24 oz SHREDDIES NEWPORT 45 PINTS PUFFED WHEAT ROBIN HOOD LAYER CAKE MIX Rï¬gflboo BUNDT CAKE MIX MONARCH POUCH PAK CAKE OR ICING MIX MONARCH SPONGE PUDDINGS BABY SCOTT 30 OR 24 DISPOSABLE DIAPERS KRAFT SMOOTH OR CRUNCHIE PEANUT BUTTER LB JAR In Our Warehouse CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF Blade Bone Removed for Easy Slicing ond Carving Cut from Canada Grade Beef MEATY BRAISING RIBS 58¢ SCHNEIDER OUALITY MINISVIZZLER SAUSAGE CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF PRIME RIB ROAST Note We Remove Bock Bone and Bock Strap MAXWELL HOUSE lo 01 IAR INSTANT COFFEE RED ROSE io oz JAR INSTANT COFFEE CHASE ii SANBORN l8 GROUND COFFEE ID R95 la BAG GROUND COFFEE RED ROSE PKG OF 60 TEA BAGS TETLEY PKG or 72 TEA BAGS RIOGEWAvs PKG or so TEA BAGS NESTLE on BORDENS HOT CHOCOLATE NESTLE OR BORDENS I2 IO 01 HOT CHOCOLATE IO 01 PRICED VARIETIES ONLY OVAnmE INSTANT HOT CHOCOLATE $1 59 23 OZ JAR Chain Price $189 Save 30 89¢ WHOLE TOMATOES located in Our Warehouse DELSEY ROLL TOILET TISSUE DElSEY PKG or 15 ROUTIOUE NAPKINS 29 DELMONTE PKG OF PUDDING CUPS AYLMER 28 Fl OZ 2¢0399¢ CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF POT ROAST 685 Check Our Trim Tiiia cm is Boneless Waste Free Cut from Canada Grade Beef CROSS RIB STEAK 983 SCHNEIDER MAPLE FLAVOR QUALITY SLICED COOKED Cut from CANADA Grade Boot BLADE STEAK 785 SCHNEIDER LB OUALITY VARIETIES WIENERS° Oz Pkg Check Our Trim