6The Barrie Examiner Tuesday Nov 1976 Getting around not easy for those in Wheelchairs By ROSEANNE McCABE Examiner Staff Reporter Spend the day in wheelchair that was my assignment Friday And when packed up my wheelchair at the end of the day was sure of one thing had the greatest legs in the world They work Public awareness was the purpose of program last week sponsored by the United Ap peal The March of Dimes United Appeal agency suggested news aper and radio reporters spen the day in wheelchair to get some ideas of the problems So we took up the challenge An easy assignment thought At 11 am climbed into the chair finished some writing and made some phone calls But by gm it was time to eat and complications began managed to get my coat on but it took two big strappering reporters to carry me down the 17 steps from the newsroom to the main floor was on my own then had several destinations the bank the restaurant and jewelers And just for the hang of it would take cab later EXHAUSTED was eager when started out and exhausted when finished at4z30 The Five Points intersection was my first problem There are no ramped curbs But kin dly gentleman rescued me from my awkward predicament and took me to the other side of Dunlop Street From there rolled along Dunlop Street East Some stared but most tried not catch my eye It took me about 15 minutes to get to the bank By that time had relied on about 10 people for oftenneeded pushes was already getting tired of saying thank you The bank was no problem But the restaurant was and the phone booth and the washroom Doorways and places with two sets of doors proved to be obstacle courses out of this rookies league At the restaurant young girl opened both sets of doors helped me in and found me place at the corner of counter But the counter was low and the chair didnt fit stuck out in the aisle Two women and irl offered me the end of their ta le Most people in the restaurant ignored me One woman asked what happened Another Woman asked me if was with the radio station promoting public awareness or was REALLY handicapped said wasnt with the radio station THOSE DOORWAYS When asked the wheareabouts of the washroom was told it was dowustairs tried another restaurant where it was on the main floor There again those doorways made it through the door way skinning my knuckles to find the ladies room to the right another sharp turn gave up when my chair stuck in the second doorway freed myself but had to back partially into the mens room to give myself room to exit redfaced And despite the racket made bumping into walls and doors everyone pretended not to notice One waitress however did offer assistance guess wheelchair people shoadd go before they leave home Later as sat at the corner of Dunlop and Maple Streets waiting for the light at least 10 people passed without noticing Then an elderly woman came along and patted me several times on the head there therenow for being such brave soul After raising me loudly she nabbe con struction worker to help me cross the road He did so obediently but could sense his awkwardness Neither he nor could handle the curbs inquired about transit for the disabled when was at the jewelers They knew nothing but phoned someone for me No luck So inquired at the bus depot on Simcoe Street TRYATAXI The man at the wicket knew of no special transit Try the taxi he suggested So did And it took two husky young chaps to discover they couldnt get me into the back seat or the front seat They apologized and admitted they dont usually get disabled passengers Just then another taxi driver arrived He instructed me to put my arms around his neck while he hoisted me onto the seat of the car began to feel guilty about being fake at that point But was curious How does disabled person new to Barrie Get around Not too many even try he said Its too much trouble for them No wonder So got taste of what it is like to be disabled But knew would walk at the end of the day With that felt hadnt really empathized with the disabled afterall told this later that day to Ron Clark paraplegic working with the March of Dimes campaign He took part in the obstacle course at the Bayfield Mall designed to show walkies the dailv frustrations of person in wheelchair dont even think about my condition anymore said the 24yearold spina bifida victim He has never walked HOLLYWOOD IMAGE We all have Hollywood image of what people should look like But you have your legs and have mine he said pattinghis chair And Ron can do lot with his legs Curbs are no problem nor are revolving doors He can descend flight of six stairs without help His handicap hasnt made him inactive When he was 17 he hitchhiked alone out west and throughout the states Have you ever seen wheelchair at the side of the road in the middle of snow storm Ronlaughed was freezing so crawled inside my sleeping bag zipped it over my head and stuck my thumb out Does he wonder what it is like to walk wonder and wish he said Everyone associates big and strong with straight and tall dont have that much trouble but have times when wish could walk he said He is open about his disability putting people at ease when he first meets them talk about it Why not It doesnt bother me so why should it bother them lcall my friends walkies and they call mecrip And with that he spun around the course once again PEOPLE PLACES PREFERENTIAL TEA Beta Sigma Phi Sorority is holding its preferental tea Nov at pm at the Barrie Golf and Country Club The tea will honor all new members of the sorority BOUTIQUE The Barrie Menettes Christmas Boutique will be held Nov at Collier Street United Church Hall from 1230 pm to pm EQUIPMENT Barbara Smith head physiotherapist at Royal Vic toria Hospital will demonstrate physiotherapy equipment at the meeting of the hospital aux iliary tonight The auxiliary room on the eighth floor of the hospital Coffee will be served at 730 with the meeting beginn ing at She will also Show films the Olympics where she was physiotherapist ANNUAL DANCE The Dutch Canadian Enter tainment Club of Barrie is hav ing its annual November dance Saturday at 830 pm at the Embassy Hall The Vibratones will provide the music Irama and Ernest Pratt of Barrie celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Sun day The open house at the WHEELCHAIRS Removable log rests casters cushioned upholstery Ponetong 547 ANNIVERSARY CEI Removable armrests $234 Lakomatlc powerchoirs $625 among IIARPERS twat HM on or lmflc Power Who Choirs St at St Vincent Barrie Ont 7285407 KEEPING FIT Keeping fit will be the subject of public meeting held tonight at pm by the Barrie Chapter of the Ontario Heart Foundation in the Blue Flame Room Consumers Gas film called Celebration will be shown and this will be followed by discussion on the effects of todays life styles and diet Cof fee will be served DATE SET Final plans have been made for the Menettes annual Christmas Boutique The bouti que usually held at the Barrie YMYWCA building will this year be held at Collier United Church hall The boutique will be held from 1230 to pm Saturday Nov GINGERBREAD TEA giggerbread tea and bazaar will held Nov 20 from to pm by members of Burton Avenue United Church women at the church Featured will be baking candy jams and jellies crafts sewing and knit ting Ticket convener is Marilyn Letcher For informa tion and tickets call 7262060 JEBRATEI Masonic Hall in Stroud was attended by over 100 guests and relatives Examiner Photo aluminium $199 TORONTO VISITOR Peter Langeryt of Toronto visited with his sister and brotherinlaw George and Mary Pollard of Barrie RELNION Mr and Mrs Angus Porter of Msisissauga visited with Mrs Porters former school friend Mrs Elizabeth Whittin ton of Barrie They enjoyed rivc to Horseshoe Valley and area TRIP Paulette and Noreen Camp bell visited with their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Alex Camp bell of Chepstow EASTVIEW ENTERTAINMENT Mary Jean Crawford and Patti Schram will sing some of their own compositions as part of the Eastview night of enter tainment Nov 10 at the school CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Angus United Church Women are holding Christmas bazaar tea and bake sale Nov from to4 pm at the church on Jonas Street Angus SEXUALITY SERIES Mary Sue McCarthy will be guest speaker tonight at 730 pm at the final lecture in the family life and sexuality series sponsored by the Family Life Association at the Barrie Cen tral Collegiate Teachers Lounge The topic will be the personalization of sex CHURCH SUPPER The Dalston United Church is holding its annual Fall supper Nov at pm and 630 pm For tickets phone 72fr6869 POT LUCK SUPPER There will be pot luck lunch for Parkview Centre members at noon Nov 13 The lunch will be at the centre and cards will follow PARKVIEW SALE The Parkview Centre will hold tea and bake sale Dec from to pm Admission is 75 cents person CHRISTMAS DINNER Christmas dinner for Parkvicw Centre members will be Dec 16 at the Army Navy Air Force Club Deadline for reservations is Dec HUS IO FAIR larkview Centre members wishing to join the bus trip to the Royal Winter Fair in Town to Nov 12 must register by Friday The trip is from am to and costs $325 The next us trip costing $350 is to Kitchener market Nov 24 The tripis from8am t03pm Wheelchair course not easy obstacletacklers discover Wheelchair expertise was tested Friday at an obstacle course at the Bayficld Mall Designed and sponsored by the March of Dimes an agency of the United Way the obstacle course aimed to give those tak ing the course an idea of the daily frustrations of person in wheelchair The course dcmandcd wcav ing in and out of cones on the floor tackling simulated curbs and high ramps Mayor Dorian Parker kicked off the competition She made it almost successfully through the course but she didnt have quite enough oomph to make the last ramp Shc ippcd over The youngest to try the test was ltiycarrold Brian Dunklcy of 23 Lay Strcct who completed the course successfully Lori Sliihish of Alliston made it through the course avoiding the simulated curb shc more ly rolled around it Ron Clark 24 ycarvold paraplegic with March of Dimes was on hand as the ex pcrt Ilc madc ll through the coursc Willi no troublc and admittcd latcr yeah guess Im prclty good at it iary Bccchcy public cduca tion officcr for the March of Dimes accompanicd partr cipants through the coursi good crowd gathcrcd lll lhc Bayficld Mall to watch the obstaclccompctition This givcs pcoplc an idca of what disabled pcoplc go through Something as siniplc as ramped curb could save lot of frtlstrtition for lhtm said Mr Bccchcy thcr lnitcd Way Agencies in the mall promoting public awarcmcss wcrc St John Am bulancc the Canadian National Institute of the Blind The litd Cross and Muscular Dystrophy Association thcr agcncics includc Boy Scoutsof anada Raggedy Ann Day arc cntrc thc Victorian rdcr Nursrs the Association for thc Mentally Rctardcd and thc anadian Arthritic and Rheumatism Socicty Bright ideas workshop theme Bright Ideas is the theme for the fall workshop of thc Simcoc Presliytcrial linich Church Womcn Nor is at 930 am at Bradford Ilnitcd Church The workshop is intcndcd to help local groups plan in tercsting programs during the coming months Ncw idcas in Bible study will be intrixluccd and display of latest books skits and films will be ar ranged The now mission pac will be prcvicwrd Song lcadcrs will learn new songs Everyonc intcrcstcd will be cordially welcomcd Mcinbors attending are asked to take their Bible and box lunch Mrs Dorothy Scott Mincs ing is convcncr of thc workshop WIIIPPER BILLY HERE Whipper Billy Watson will be at the Kiwanis meeting Monday night at ti pm at tho Iloliday lnn lie is sports program head for the Easter Seal campaign for crippled children He and Kiwanis will discuss snow erarna to raise funds for crip pled children FORCED IOSION The English barons forced King John to sign the Magna Carta June 15 1215 at Itunny mede Wouldnt you like to meet someone who wants to meet you PATS DlALADATE fr yuors weve helped many people like you meet the right per Il inexpensive monthly rate 29 MomFri 73736 MAYOR DORIN PARKER got off to HP start ill whcclcahir obstacle tiUlsc sct up at Bayficld Mall Friday night but later came to earth with thud lhc obstacle coursc was scl up by the March of IllllS an agcn cy of thc Barric United Ap pcal to show sonic of the pro blcms pcoplc confined to whcclchairs liayc in getting around ifIxamintr Pholoi color portrait only 38¢ Create your own special portrait from our new selection of scenic and color backgrounds Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat September I0 II DAILY I0 am until pm Wr Nltvtv SEI towers 004 iii the ultra wimp Snvnng Vuu Mlllllfy BAYFIELD RD HWYS 26 27 BARRIE ONTARIO EXAMINER STAFF repor ter Roseanne McCabe gets some lastminute tips in operating wheelchair from Gary Beechey public educa tion officer for the March of Dimes Barrie United Ap peal agency McCabe spent Friday afternoon in wheelchair and says she discovered one thing she has the greatest pair of legs in the world they work tEx aminer Photo David Higgins and Bruce Page were winners of the Bar rie Duplicate Bridge Club Tro hy for introductory pairs at Barrie Duplicate Bridge Club Marg Powell and Florence Turner were second John Park and Bruce Hillman third Sue Graham and Marjorie Young fourth Terry Paddison and Keith Shute fifth and Dr Crossland and Dr Kozar sixth In Fridays game Garry Ed munds and John Hazell were first in northsouth play Jean Burke and Mary Woodstock were second and Ruth Currie and Grace Collins third In eastwest play Lucy Taylor and Jean McLeod were first Wayne Harg and Ella Swain second and Barb Menezes and Heino Lentsius third In Mondays games Elaine Evans and Fred Desjardin HigginsPage duo Wins bridge club pairs trophy were first David Hindly and William Edwards second and Jean Burke and John Hazell third In Jeans Du llcate Bridge Club Jean and Danny Schamehorn were first Maude Metcalf and Wyn Condor se cond and third and Wayne Hart and Vi Cope second and third TIME GENTLEMEN PLEASE CASTLEBLANEY Ireland CP The partys over for latenight drinkers in this small Irish town The local district justice has told applicants for 230 am drinking extensions that Its too late District Justice Thomas OReilly said People are returning home from these functions at 330 amcompletely unfit for work ATTENTION FREE PARIIING ALL DOWNTOWNSHOPPERS EVERY FRIDAY EVENING ND All DAY SATURDAY DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT BOARD TOWNSHIP OF ORO AND VESPRA REEVE DEPUTY REEVE COUNCILLORS TRUSTEES HAWKESTONE POLICE VILLAGE HAWKESTONE POLICE VILLAGE ELECTORS ONLY for the years 197778 Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electoros of The TOWNSHIPS of ORO AND VESPRA in the County of Simcoe that the period during which nomination papers may be filed in the Of fice of the CLERK for the purpose of Municipal Elections will com mence on NOVEMBER NOVEMBER 15th at the hour of Ilth of the hour of Oclock and close on Oclock for the purpose of nominoting fit and proper persons for the offices of SCHOOL TRUSTEE Word to the County Divisional Board SIMCOE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION for the years of 197778 of which all Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly and further take notice that the manner in which said nominations shall be filed is set forth in section 34 of The MUNICIPAL ELECTION ACT which provides that How nominated 34 person may be rominoted as candidate for on office by filing in the office of the Clerk during the normal office hours of the Clerk within the period in which nominations may be filed nomination paper in prescribed form which shall be signed by of least ten electors whose names are entered in the polling lists of electors entitled to vote in on election to such office shall state the name occupation and address of the person nominated in such manner as will identify him and the office for which he is nominated and shall state the name and address of each elector signing the nomination paper and where the office for which the person is nominated is member of school board that such nominotor is public school elec tor or separate school elector as the fact is l974s 201 Consent ond declaration to befiled No nomination is valid unless there is filed with the nomination paper consent in writing to the nomination and declaration of qualification in the prescribed form by the person nominated Public school nominotors nomination poper nominating person for on office the holder of which is required to be elected by public school electors shall be signed by public school electors only I974s202 Separate school nominations nomination paper nominating person for an office the holder of which is required to be elected by separate school electors shall be signed by separate school electors only I974s 203 Separate nomination papers Each candidate for election to on office shall be nominated by separate nomination paper but on elector may sign the nomination papers of different candidates Clerk to keep nomination paper After nomination paper is filed with the Clerk it shall remain in the possession of the Clerk Onus on person nominated The onus IS on the person nominated for election to on office to file BONA FIDE nomination paper It greater number of candidates than required to fill the sold offices are nominated and make the required declarations notice of the time for the holding of the poll Including the advance poll and notice of the last day for making applications for certificate to vote by proxy will be given forthwith Given under my hand this 29th day of October I976 Neufeld Returning Officer