Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Nov 1976, p. 14

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you gfiiklrr iut 113 we I4The Barrie Examiner Tuesday Nov I976 Need help Just look over finest rob possrblo VV ALUMINUM CARP CLEANING SI ARI VOUR spring Inating today Rextall your itrttuts tilt IIOIII lunnrng Jb 611 BUILDING SIIUAI I0 tall Rules lupwulnlilt in Irving pi Il ITI qurIvJ nII 1H1 Il1 ourimtm 44 tom Il IMNNLI auxn taut6 vi rimillv om lat uni Ito irm Sidmg Ens estl ouon CERAMICS rNLKK itzwit Ltltil mill in Fame Doers bird Shutters Allllggt AdditionsRooting Porch Enclosures Stonework AN1IQUE LHAIR CANINC Ovel c151 ymtis ex poneno Telephone Seniors 436 2299 SQMMFSEURT COMMERCIAL ARTIST For free estimate ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory listed are experts In their field and Will assure you of the the ads below The advertisers Qt MUSIC INSTRUCT IO GUITAR lESSONS Classical and popular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio 726I489 ACCORDION gurtur piano organ begin her and advanced months trial instru HANDYMAN SPRING CLEANUP Pruning mowing sod ding sumlrrig gonoral ITTOIIIIBIIOHCL Ilrtwoiberls OIL 726 0552 HOMI AND COTTAGE Maintenance Pain ling Plumbing Roof and Chimney repairs 436 4105 FARIINIIR IAINIIR Isuiluit till 76 1l17 FALL CLEANUP Gei1€tol Maintenance Fertilizing and Trimming Painting Trash hauled trees cut Small moving jobs Storm windows Academy oI Musrc I71 Bayfleld 7281799 PAINTING PAINTING paper hanging experienced Iron estimates Jack Richardson 726 20I2 756 8874 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In teriur exterior Work guaranteed Established 30 yours 726 7609 7269m WAYNE IOIEY Prnfissrorial painters Ex terror and Interior Free estimates Work guaranteed 726 7389 DON SIESLING Professional painting in terror exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfactionguaranteed 726 6808 You name It 1976 FORD F150 wheel drive mint merit loaned for home practice Canadian AUTOMOTIVE TRUCKS TRAILERS L968 MERCURY Vzton excellent condi on certllled $900 or best TE9959919 76 JEEP ton with plow 10 months old 10000 miles still under warranty Telephone 436 1528 alter pm 1976 GMC hall ton truck power steering automatic V8 as new low mileage 778 7739 1975 DODGE VAN V8 power steering automatic low mileage Telephone 4873226 alters pm 1971 DATSUN PICKUP tor sale radials radio cap In good condition certllied $1500 or bestoller Telephone 487 7320 otter condition 7500 miles Asking $6300 Telephone 726 6508 1966 GMC ton heavy duty stake truck with hoist and racks 12 It bed Certified or as is Telephone 7373355 alter530pm Moronclrctrs 1976 RD 400 YAMAHA bags windshield and helmet also has mag wheels Best oller Telephone 726 3839 SNOWMOBILES ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES In stock now at preseason prices SPORT HAVEN MARINE mile east of BARRIE Ton Shanty Bay Rd 7261001 gators FOR SALE FACTORY REBUILT ENGINES for most cars logo HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior ex Call PHIL SPURLING wk lavcut Plese call mittcl 416 Cleaned nsmned Imam wulpotpfnnhg tuiéittiegosxgggdl wollls 93¢ 11 all or Irigs up 0111 acct ROi DOIRON painting contractor Interior Local Family Business wim EVENINGSZ 4362387 fighegifdrapriTEZIl hfarliggligl cusomm mum COLOUR TELEVISION RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain rink custom TWTTTTTT TTATT mus Custom buildn9 Fox Contracting1772671710 737 I507 TRUCK WITH CAP and Trar ZERORa unwed 778 769° anythltg large or small anytime anywhere Reasoriablerales 728 8419 LLsfi LADIES AND gentlemens alterations 26 EREI°°SY fffugoflgg HOME IMPROVEMENIS BILOTTA CONTRACTING Patios NO MONE DOWN Mary St Telephone 7373437 or residence W9 726 m9 77V sidewalks steps chllnttoys curbs New 7180446 ms 97 INTERIOR REMODELUNG work and repairs Free estimates rooms Call Russ 436 3681 after 30 58 033 hebp 77 GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING eenmwmlm PICTURE FRAMING Eovestroughing Installed Call 725 6628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Roofing and roofing report Free estimates Call 424196 New Lowell ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial ROStdential Industrial Installations and set ALL ELECTROHOME PRODUCTS Cart now be repaired in Barrie Call 7265982 for fast depen dable service Electrohome vi 7764996 humidifier accessories are also 79 Available SIMCOE ELECTRIC lndustriol Commercial ELECTROHSQMEIEEUNSUMER Residentia Farms Lighting design 39 MORROW RD Electrical consulting UNI 20 yrs experience BARBIE N20 City Masters ch 118 7288234 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales antsmm allienssatzé7169993 EXCAVATING AUTO PARTS roam aovcnorr Excavating haulage septic systems trenching loader work grpvel 4364558 4364257 BULLDOZING small andlargeiobs Eason arid Sons RR7 Minesing7767638 and trucks facilities to rebuilt your own DRAG LINE Work Wanted Farm ponds dIt engine budget terms available Hours Mon to Fri to 30 Sat to4 pm Pratt Motor Sup clung general excavating etc Phan 999999 EflfilL 773196 AUTOMOTIVE WEST GROVE WINTERIZING CONSTRUCTION Bockhoe Excov Trenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 FIREPLACES FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed E58 Willard batteries antitreere washer anrivlreeze block heaters etc All at com petitive prices Mon to Fri to 30 Sat to pm Pratt Motor Supply Co Ltd 7785911 AUTO REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Serv 17 Mary St 1934 BANOUETS BANOUET HALL with meal service Bar facilities Available for reservation PETER HENSTRA 7372871 CALL 7281866 TThSN4 MKKEEPING glfihtflrlglalifigkgCEs all fuel factory built COMPLUE BOOKKEEPING and Accwnnng STONEWORK and fireplaces specially Vic Services for small business Your oflice or wuwfbflre 8995 728 1599 99°1829 MASONARY CUT ENERGY COSTS Have solid masonary fireplace BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for sale Apply at 97 MelraseAve Barre ortelephone72852BJ at about the some cost as CARPENTRT Franklin For free estimate AND Genera Contractor Kitchen rec Phone rooms renomtions additions fireplaces guaranteed 737 1507 CARPENTER Sperrqtmng In rec rooms in tenor remodelling trim etc Please call 778 8884 611669 CEDAR DECKS rer rooms extensions etc Fully expelerrrrtd 726 9002 726 2609 7285673 All work and materials carry Iyear warranty N26 noon REFINISHING CABINET MAKER European trained Kit hens town lwmuu nnovohonl HARDWOOD ldFLOSR lnstollptign 1117 °teyurr Commmcml refinishing an new guaran eeolt 721 274 to chip or peel 37583 up FURNITURE REFINISHING slgg1r pvabio pnm 96437 REPAIR STAIN Itrgli slim nit1 md iruirig rapilrntrpg Lynn home low Poglun ioirrrs rimtruly Angels Huang 110 mpg SonEurQIO Relrntshinq IJyrrtis exprriirtrt Ill 16 guauntrrd IIAVI1LIIUII 776 7461 CAPPFHIV ft ruurlr termattain 77 W4 C9 ANT HANDYMAN Srrurrys Runm lions sun docks patrol painting mumi work genrerulrepriirs 737 0789 FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 726344i between 10am and 530pm retriodrellir Ho 10h to small 716 177 CARPINTRI painting paper hanging ct rrient bizIi plasteru Kidd COnItry nugCu 776 3407 TUDOR STYLE INTERIORS Construction Finishing Of Interiors ceilings walls rec rooms For Information please call 7372472 AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE CARSWFOR SALE CARS FOR SALE LATE 1672 AUSTIN Marina door automatic Excellent condition 75000 miles Reason for selling new car has arrived Telephone728 4220 I969 CHEV Townsman Wagon V8 automatic radio power steering power rear window tires on rims snow tires on rims all whitewalls Root mount C8 antenna tog lights track player with rear speakers 726 8173 1963 CHEV Biscayne door cylinder automatic done up like new new paint lob Certified Telephone 776 3869 days 7786010 evenings I969 MUSTANG 390 hp headers ram air 4speed 411 Askingsl600 Phone 7789693 Will trade for van 1973 OLDSMOBILE Royale power steering power brakes air conditioned radio vinyl root $2400 Telephone 1968 CHEV Impala door hardtop in ex 62508 cellent condition certilied S700 1973 VEGA HATCHBACK GT Spend Twephonem m7 anenpm radio rear delogger bucket seats 1968 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass chrome good tires snows certilied excellent condition $1200 or bestoller 726 9870 I973 GREMLIN cylinder standard snow tires good condition Call alter 7264854 1975 MERCURY Montego station wagon V8 power steering and brakes radio 25000 miles 33500 Cortilied Telephone 7260809 wheels dual exhaust very little to cer tily $600 or best oller Telephone 4740219 T965 VAL IANT excellent running condi tion automatic 8200 Telephone 42402l9 501968 CHEVE LL vs headers bar rel high rise manllold 400 turbo trans shill klt racing shllter gauges wide 71 CHEVELLE Malibou sedan £325 gfifpggxgggafiggémon no my automatic radio snow tires excellent condition $1200 Also 71 Ford ton cyl standard radiats body rough $800 7377518 alter pm I975 VEGA ESTATE WAGON has been second lamin car for iust 14 months rustprooled radio automatic block heater white with woodgrain sides and chrome root rack 12000 miles Paid 84700 new now asking $3000 tar quick sale To viewcell 726 4082 or 726 6017 AUTOMOTIVE 1972 CHEV Impala door power steer ing power brakes sunrool air condi tioning new tires $1950 Call 7264090 atterépm 1976 TOYOTA lor sale silver rustprooted accident tree 14000 miles $3000 Telephone 728 2353 I974 GREMLIN Six cylinder automatic with radio radial tires owned by lady since new Certllled 29500 miles Telephone 7286298 I975 MONTE CARLO Low mileage ex cellent condition black with white bucket seats Asking price $4800 Telephone 267355 1970 DOD V8 automatic power steering and brakes Mechanically Al body excellent certllled Asking 3875 Telephone 72861 34 1972 PLYMOOTAHVDuthErH cylinder A1 condition Must sell lor best otter Telephone 7264323 alter 47pm T1774 TOYOTA Mark II StatiOn Wagon low mileage In good condition Phone 0152313 alter 530 pm or all day Satur day I976 HONDA Clvlc ssdofiiiiiu asking 53200 or best offer Certlllod Telephone 7263869 days or 7286010 evenings DONT BE MR CAR DEALER FOR YOUR AD IN WORLD OF WHEELS CALL 7266537 lIIItt intro Examiner NEED MORE living space rec room extra bedroom playroom laundry ollice storage space Also painting wallpaperrng Murray Ball 728 8906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete basement planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 778 8906 SPECIALIZINO IN Tuck painting him neys waterproofing brick and stone caulk trig windows and expansron lornts Work guaranteed 458 9346 CARPENTRY REPAIRS renovations lacking masonry demolition tooling rec rooms 20 years experience Freeestimales 726 9135 OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing at all types We stock many sizes transmit3270 ABBEYWOOD CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING RETAIL COMMERCIAL CHARGEX MASTERCHARGE 7370832 see our ad in the Yellow Pages CUSTOM BUILDING and additions Cottage pictuTrdLlramingHWide Lifting and foundations Aluminum siding goloclions Factory price fast service 0075 wrndows and accessories tracting 776l7l0 INCOME TAX INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar rte area SS up Dobsart 474 5910 after and weekends INCOME TAX returns prepared to Kidd 245 Edgehrll Dr 726 3407 INSULATION SIMCOE ECONOMY Insulation fibreglass blowing and putting Free estimates Scott Muir 7281267 LANDSCAPING PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING desrgns sup plied Tree removal Custom spraying Fer Fo 5° Satisfaction guaranteed 728 8633 RIDINGMLNSTRUCTION RIDING iNSIRUCTION Indoor arcno Horses boarded Barric five minutes Windy Hauglr Farm 7260192 ROOFING AND ROOTING New and old Repairs Free estimates 897 alter 6p tn SECRETARIAL sritiricts PROFESSIONAL SECRETARIAL Survrces and typing Picked up and delivered Call Mis Todman 726 8853 5324189 CLASSES tltter Insecticide Herbicide 487 3401 779 9369 BOUCLAIR STRETCH LIOSSIS start 01 18th Junior classes Saturday Mrs Callandm SIMPSON 776 4684 Landscape contracting and SEWNG MACHINES design by see SEW TECH CO Spel0llf repairs all Dale Simpson BSc Agr niokos industrial dorneslrr sewing machines New used Agents BFTITFiflr Quality plant material Complete maintenance Unistone drives and walks 4875680 Evenings 4875386 Barrie Office 7267801 Sowing Marhrries 7371671 717 ll85 SEWING MACHINE lcpurl Spuriul hall pm 5888 Ciao ml OIItust trrrsimv Any imikr lruc pick up 737 2535 SNOWPLOWINGH SIMPSON residential and lVrtllOl Call 487 5680 or 726 7801 PAUL SNOWPIOWING commercial reasonable Estimates all Paul 737 3064 WRIGHTS SNOWPLOWING Small ornnmr lo 000 WHITE spruce trees high ready for loll plantrig Free delivery anywhere 72a 9404 LAWN CARE residential and rates Iron SPRING CLEAN UP Pruning mowing sod 339gjb°°g° WWW ding seeding general maintenanrr flowerbods etc 726 8552 WEED SPRAYING fall rlean ups fertilizing mowing hedge and shrub trimming rough mowing Trremstta 726 0427 MAINTENANCE CONSULTANTS BIRCH HARDWOOD MIXED FREE DELIVERY Also 13 Your SNOW PLOWING FREE ESTIMATES Mame BUCBEOSI 72648l3 7287375 TOO High MWFMYL DO YOU HAVE TOO MANY RECURRING REPAIRS OR BREAKDOWNS ORD Provides qualilied consulting to eliminate your costly problems ORILLIA 3250254 We dont supply parts JAM THE TAILOR SHOP 2FrrrdGiuntSl Chamber of Commerce Building Custom tailoring and alterations TELEVISION Iriiisitici Loose yOU Barrie only lluuse ol Leasing at 80111 TV new rolor from $3 75 per won 80 biiriinp 51 729 4297 PING TYlINO BOOKKIIPING rm ptlkerlllp and or about delrvorcrd no pl tar small 726 0038 WELL DIGGING $55213flf LONE STAR estimates 1266062 WELL DIGGING MICRPWAY°VU5 STROUD Authrmnri Mirruwriri Machrrmrtug wiills WHOLCOTIDQOS Farms Industry Spnrialuing in IIIFU Tile Slenl rerrrfrirr iirl lt mi HIH tile DIII MIL HOVIt IL Srtrrr its Arrrrinn Sular Serrrri Irr rtll rvlfll 126 411 owlrm MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT IIirgrihim salty 06mm 71 iiiff3$izfé 737051 Auromorivi AUTOMOTIVE cAitshroiisiIILV CARS WANTED I9l0 ftl RI MrfhiIin riSIerISM1Fpf WANTED priwrr sirrrnzt timkrs WITTTIOW Tilt Steering no rust ltrtly crriilirrl and ready tour $1450 728 8670 MUST SELL I973 Mnrrlti 808 in prrfrt All makes and models condition TPIIDIIOIII It 451 tinytirnr I966 MUSTANG wittt1i0tXIrtirIs0n177 V8 motor Illill rxtmrrnt 1600 TnlIptionr 436 44I6 Fair Prices InstantCash KERV JOHNSTON MOTORS LTD 1971 COUGAR 351 CIcannrt Cart In setr1 at llitr of 48 Corlririqton Ant Ask GOWAN 51 7266488 tor Paul Forms rillrrr Sp Must Sell TTII$A18 1975 DODGE CORONE private im maculalo power brakes and steering door hardtop Telephone 726 2347 I971 TOYOTA automatir 47000 mIIIS URGENTLYREQUIRED For Barries Newest Car Dealer certilied $850 Phone 424 5403 or 0795 Ask lor Roger MUST SELL 1945 Chev Stylemaster GOOD CLEAN LATE MODEL body in original condition motor rebuilt best offer Telephone 737 7554 alter AUTOMOBILES pm ORV HARDY MOTORS I977MAZDA6I6 $00 bestoller conn2iffizpiiénxiiin32 176 BRADFORD St 7284272 alter rn I972 METEOR RIDEAU 500 Power steering powrr tiriikrs radio livn new TOP PRICE 109 cars Toke MOIOFS tires In oxrrllent condition Certified le leTaUIONIST 30144077381 Askirig $1600 or ter Teltptiane JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices 7769547 paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 776 8711 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks lor wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 SHAKELS WRECKING and Towing scrap metal cars boughtover scales 320 ton 436 3677 SCRAP VEHlCLES wanted top prices paid tree immediate pick up anytime 436 2900 LEFT OUT mucus TRAILERS 1973 FORD larrti truck Four speed transmission one ton cabin chassis llke new 29000 miles Contact Ed Woods Hillsdale 835 2308 TRAILER VAN with dual wheel 35 suitable lor storage complete with air brakes and lilih wheel pin Alsoa Waggs homemade camper van would certily very COIY One snowplow 11 one way complete with lights hydraulic cylinder and push arms Phone 728 9769 TF AUTOMOTIVE 20 RCA XLIOO 1976 Model Oltly Full your warranty or $48800 cash basis 26 lENITN CNROMACOLOUR Floor Console mu$650 Aor $68800 cash basis Unit 19 RCA ACCUCOLOUR X175 Free roll about base 613350 or $38800 cash basis weakly 25 GENERAL ELECTRIC Lowboy Only wor $49300cash basis woolly IA TOSNIIA ILACRSTRIPE 30 month warranty or $39900 cash basis lukly PHONE TONIGHT DELIVERY TONIGHT Zenith Sony Toshiba RCA Quasar GE Call KRAZY KELLYS BARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA Daily till Saturday till pm Closed Wednesday 7371182 MTThFTF USED COLORED TVS Any reasonable nllrr erI he flrCtpllU We need 71 room tor new strirk on triiuously orninu in Come early for best Stairlion at pier and hiark 1an Wthl TVS Barrri TV and Appltdnrf 80 Dunlop St 778 4297 COHSfTVl herii this wrnlrr Heat MISir fits into chimney iIItrIL fan saws moniiy 778 0755 FIREWOOD lor sale 325 larr rorrt Tellphone 726 4119 and 728 9367 DEER HUNTERS SPECIAL IWIn Chester Moor194 30 30 calibre rille and deluer gun casr plus box iondrke an numilion Regular value $708 00 sprrial price $149 00 tax Indludrt Ellwood Fpp Sporting Goods miles noth at Orillm Hwy 11 Open days wrek to it Fridays until 10 FIREPLACE HARDWOOD SIITSUITIKI top quality lnir 0rd I6 Sflt I7 330 or custom ut Frirr drIivIr 776 4775 FIREPLACE HARDWOODS lull rorrli halves singles posts tons lllrlllll by full 0rd Drlivirrnd HR 161 RANGE thODS lIadirtii brands rttoicr ht colors tirill prirv Display models must qr Phone 776 3100 hrt ween and FIREWOOD FOR SALE Full of ft slabs 870 Hardwood and Sollwoorl no delivery 778 9204 SNOW PLOW tor Sale tool hydraulic control $300 Telephone 726 7910 PIANO super sair Nirw Mason and Pnisch apartment sizr $895 with bench Simply dial 3271807 30 Queen Eimvalrt OIL BURNER complete $100 Electric heater 510 Skatrs girls sirr $4 Boys sire $10 mens size $15 bicyrlrts wtieiIrrs all Silva SIS iICII Tolephonr728 0756 FR 16 AND STOVE suitable lor cottage $25 each Telephone 776 7379 BARBIE TV SALES Et SEBV 4t Iiil IIIINLUI SI 7284297 INTEREST FREE SALE on Westinghouse Appliances Purchase now Pay over 12 month period with no interest charges Good for the month of Nov I976 Modal RFI40RRW Frost Free Fridgu Only 44995 Just3750mth aver I2mlhs IIIIYI Ilh IIII ICK ITII IIIIIHI IV llrlllt llIIIi Hit MyrrhIII II IIllt llll it Illlt VWII Ii TTF wrsritimiousr ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERSFARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINAIRIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 35 009 THICK 30° EACH AT THE BARBIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 ARTICLES FOR SALE BARBIE TV SAIIS ft Sf liVIIEI IiilgllllNLOI Si 7284297 INTEREST FREE SALE ON WESTINGHOUSE COLOUR TV BUY NOW PAY OVER I2 MO PERIOD WITH NO INTEREST CHARGES ON BARRIE TV CHARGE AC COUNT Good for November only Enloy WESTINGHOUSE COLOUR $37995 Just $3167 monthly over 12 months BUYERS CHECK LIST ilidrrri IV Illitlglt account NI LlilyliltIII till DUI slllllt writ lily iIUIrUrIIy iWU IITvIUf What we sell STF MCCLEERY EASY dryer lion Rotary lawn mower good condi tron set at Wire mag wheels new 726 4854 aller6 CHESTERFIELD SUITE tor sale years old mostly green and orange lIowrria cut velvet excellent condition Asking $300 Telrtphone778 7876 KFNMORE DRYER electric years oldaskrng$100 Telephone 776 9070 TRUCK TOP completed insulated and pariellvd insult root vent lull back door Good condi Martir condition used months 726 3945 BASEMENT SALE 91 Queen St Clothing housrtiold items small lur niturr toys As new industrial sewing martiinnc 10am to 30pm Thursday arirlFriday KENMORE WASHING marhrnrt 13 year old as Is $70 or best offer Tllll0l1 778 2897 NEW FURNITURE Tuesday at pm at 49 Morrow Rd Unit 14 This new furniture all top name brands and guaranteed by manufacturers will be sold by auction and Auctioneers and Jobbers Chargex and instore financing 7266314 7370879 TF FOR SALE Wedding dress size 1516 and veil also rasr velvet dresses Best ofltr Phone alter 737 7439 GARAGE SALE Wednesday Thursday Friday Assorted skis and boots all 9171 down hill and cross coun try wmtrr clothing and rackets mollatt stavr all good condition Numerous other Items sorttr antiques 248 Rose Street Flea Market Fridays from 430 to pm Every Saturday 9on1 la430pm Every Saturday am to 430 pm 49 Morrow Rd Unit 14 Barrie TF DOUBLE BED and matching dresser springs and mattress Also ChPSIGTIICId and matching chair Telephone 776 8743 gt OFFICE FURNITURE Desks Cabinets Choirs etc Suitable for office or home Ex cellent condition Call Mr Smith 726I098 or 7263600 N4 1107167 moronsi SHE PHI RD mahogany boat rioultlv hull cylinder Chrysler inboard niutur condition Asking 7500 ItltlllIOllt 435 4745 alter 30 WINTER PROJECT Rolinish this Inch mahogany plywood runabout Beauty 12 loot ralt has taken all Georgian Bay could alter Comes with trailer Hitch up and take it away lor $190 Call 778 4967 after 430 BOAT STORAGE insiiltI and outside sale clean and reasonable Telephone 778 0915 18 CUT TED Deep runabout160 hp Mercruiser Io Excellent condition Also brand ncwWiscolttraiIer willtake up to 22 boat Owner translerred Ask ing $5800lor both Tel 778 0747 ARTICLES WANTEVDV CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 Items 778 8234 CHAIR OR love seat wanted suitable lor roupholstering Telephone 728 0810 DOGSANO PETS EDGEHILL AQUARIA Aquariums lish plants all accessories Lowest prlce143Ardagh Rd 726 0094 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping ol all breeds Sophia Street East 726 4141 POODLE TRIMMING prolesslonal grooming all breeds pickup and delivery 7268798 Pet Studio MAYS POODLE PARLOR Proles slonal clipping and grooming rea sonable rates Telephone 7260061 DOBERMAN PUPS bred for show or guard Champion pedigree all shots and registrations Excellent lamlly dog disposition guaranteed Training available if desired Call 835 5556 STUD SERVICE wanted lor blonde purebred cocker Spaniel Barrie arean prelerred Telephone 728 1671 FEMALE block and tan hound 18 months old two month old July and black and tan hounds well marked $50 each Good hunting dogs Phone 466 2517 Creemore TF ARTICLES FOR SALE GARDEN SUPPLIES POTTING SOILS Govt tested We mix our own Dont lose valuable plants Breys Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Telephone7262951 FREE USE at our spreaders to lertlllze your lawn this tall with weed control or ordinary lertilizer Start the spring with lirst class lawn Brays Garden Centre 7267951 CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY I973 FORKLIFT 7500 MP 21 it mast diesel engine automatic only 450 hours Price $15000 or best oller Also snowmobiles1973 Sklwhiz model 400 WT twin cyclinder and model 300 single cylinder Asking $1000 for both 7260389 alter6pm FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SPECIAL CLEARANCE of Used and New Trailers Several makes Also lease and rentals 726 1551 HARNESS REPAIRS hockey equip ment repairs saddles and tack Hender sons Saddlery 777C Yonge St Pains wick 737 7987 YEAR BAY Morgan mare and month Bay Filly quiet dISposition $1200 or best otter Telephone 7287422 or alter 530pm 7767933 HORSES BOARDED and trained Echo Spring Ranch 10th line at Oro Phone 458 5842 15 CHAROLAIS crossbred heiler calves and herelord calves months old Will separate Apply to Duncan Campbell at Guthrie PERSONALS IIJSI NL 15 days Hong Kong $82900 Hyatt Regency The holiday of lifetime HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 IMAG 030N2 HAYS TRAVEL Come in and talk to us about your trae plans If undecided let one of our lovely grils help counsel you at no charge to you We enioy helping make your vacation vacation HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 45 Dunlop St beside the theatre 7284700 NI TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let lriend help Call Telecare 7767922anytime ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 7286581 It you drink thats your business It you want torguit thats ours call any tirrig BOWLERS WANTED to start Sep tember teams couples or singles afternoon or evenings Kempview Bowl 7289761 UNWANTED HAIR problem Have it removed salely permanently medicai ly approved Lydia Hrenchuk Certilied Electrologist 7372671 WHY SUFFER agony with Corns and Callouses Relief now is yours lrom England Carnation Corn Caps have been sold lor over century with ellec tive results medicated pad that really does the lab Corn Caps or Callous Caps now available at Cusdens Pharmacy and all druggists INTERNATIONAL lnvestigatio Ser vices civil criminal marital investiga tions surveillance Discreet and con lidential 7372972 60 SOMETHING New Liliane Rendezvous Dating Ltd 14164531661 Brampton 11 17 pmflAnyage WALTER FAETZ of 181 Grove Barrie will not be responsible lor any debts contracted in my name lrom this date October 30 1976 without my writ ten consent AMAZI NGLY quick reliel lor discomfort ol mouth Sores white canker spots den tal plate sore tender gums with Flet chers SoretMouth Medicine Available at Cusdens Pharmacy and all druggists WEANED PIGLETS tor sale Feeding EIEEURGENTLVriéeoed from Barrie well Also ducks live or oven ready Telephone 776 9528 PRELTBJADBEHJEEL READY to lay pullets Also larm lresh eggs Brown egg birds available mid November Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Stroud4361811 FRUITS53D VEGETABLES APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Oro 776 1907 7288489 Closed Sundays Your containers PERSONALS IIiLSINIAIION We will be pleased to give free holiday presentation in your home at any time For details HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 030N2 February tour sold out How about our tour to islands Mar ch 26 to April The lovely Ala Moana Hotel in Waikiki and the fun Hotel Kaanapali Beach on Maui Yes we escort this one too HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 030N2 AIR SAVINGS FLORIDA 23 or weeks from $9900 per person return BARBADOS 23 or weeks for $219 per person return Book two months in advance HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 THE BARBIE EXAMINER HAS PiOUTE OPENINGS to Orillia weekdays Telephone 7373955 alter6 pm lOST AND FOUND DIAMOND RING lost in or around vicinity ol Cusdens store on Collier St Generous reward Telephone 7787708 IIELP WANTED IIELP WANTED GULF SERVICE CENTRE Bayfield at Cundles Rd requires LICENCED MECHANIC Experienced all makes of cars Telephone manager 7264205 NI INSURANCE SALESPERSON for Barrie Area An unusual Opportunity for an experienced salesperson to represent leading Canadian company selling life insurance pensions disability income and employee benefit plans WE OFFER AN ESTABLISHED CLIENTELLE TRAINING FINANCING MANAGEMENT OF PORTUNITY PROFESSIONAL CAREER COMPANY BENEFITS Apply in writing to SANDHAM 40 St CLAIR AVE wesr suns 910 TORONTO ONTARIO M4V1M2 N4 ONE THOUSIélglg AND MORE That is the monthly amount paid for enrolling only automobile association members daily Qualifiers are paid basic salary plus commission weekly In addition there is an inflation fighting monthend cash bonus Experience not necessary Training on the job Car important Must be over legal age with minimum Grade 11 Start immediately full or parttime Call Mr Ayers at Lake Simcoe Motel Tuesday November 2nd N2 IIELP WANTED MANSFIELDDENMAN GENERAL COMPANY LIMITED JOHN STREET BARBIE 7266520 PRODUCTION WORKERS limited number of vacancies has occurred in the plant and the company will accept applications up to pm Friday Nov 1976 Minimum physical requirements Height 57 stocking feet Weight 155 lbs Applicatidh forms available from the security office N4 SALES REPRESENTATIVE Well established New Used Car Dealership requires an aggressive SelfStarter TO Start Immediately Good Working Conditions Company Car No experience needed Send Resume or Call Orval Jackson Jackson Sales Leasing j5 N3 and Win Prizes ANGUS ELMVALE COOKSTOWN BURTON AVE ALDERSLEA PARK STBOUD WILLOW LANDING MIDHUBST Please fill out the application below and return it to THE BARBIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayfield St Barrie 01 Phone 7266539 TelephoneylAge BURTON AVE TRAILER PARK INNISFILESSA AREA TF

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