FW Creemore rink repairs estimated at $22000 By BRIGITTE JORDAN CREEMORE The final fate of the Creemore arena is one step closer to being deCIded The structure built in 1928 is 167 feet long and 100 feet wide with roof height of 43 feet to the purlins and 10 feet at the side walls The engineers report re quired by the Ontario Ministry of Labor was received by coun cil this week from Reid and Associates Ltd lt stated that in all areas ex cept two the building was found to be totally structurally ade quate and to withstand all design loads required by the 19750ntario Buildingtode Their findings were that Ralph Getz the cutting of the ribbon They entered the premises and Mr Capparault was the first to sign the guest book Next came short meeting during which the provincial president declared the Creemore Legion Memorial Hall officially open Rev Downer former MPP dedicated the ball dinner was enjoyed by some 350 people and following that Jack Heslip chaired the presentations service medal was awarded to George Ransicr and cer tificates of merit went to Rev Douglas Gill Bev Falls and Russell Noble portfolio with Orr Machesney The Senior Citizens hold euchre party every Wednesday afternoon in the new Legion Hall lounge Membership is ham open to all senior citizens but not necessary to join in their card party They will shortly be adding floor shuffleboard and carpet bowling to their recreation bi AN AIRPLANE is shown fly ing low over the new Me morial hall of Creemore branch 397 of the Royal Canadian Legion on Francis street in the village The new hall was dedicated by Rev Downer of Duntroon former Speaker of the ntar ELMVALE Staff In stallation of fire hydrants at the north end of the arena in order ti improve fire protection has been discussed by Reeve Ken Knox with Reeve Donald Mac Donald of Flos Reeve Knox offered to take the matter up with the neighboring township reeve when it was proposed at meeting of Elmvale council The clerk Mrs Townes was directed by council to ekeck into the cost of water division building ATTENTION FREE PARlothG will commence on PDIICE Propose more fire hydrants mains to serve the Camel sub permit was ap proved for Ron Richardson to construct residence on North George Street Other rmits were passed for Harol Madill to build back entrance Harry Rowley to renovate the inside 05 his house and Maisie Drysdale to build domestic garage kln IllAGE orANeus NOMINATIONS Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Police Village of Angus in the Township of Essa that in ac cordance with the Municipal Elections Act I972 the period during which nomination papers may be filed in the clerks of fice Township of Essa for the purpose of municipal elections Thursday November llth I976 at9OOam and close on Monday November I5th I976 ot500pm During normal office hours small anmun of ad message from the Queen and bracing is reqliired on the Domlnlm presmem 0f the Mllgefdilddvldf 22ndealrlsdnl ALL DOWNTOWN SHOPPERS for the purpose of nominating personSforhe Ofï¬ces of walls and that the purlins over Legion 35 Preserlled world lower hotogr ahy eion the entire roof are inadequate g3 VClelï¬mii Blunggnhy gt Inemlefles Wilpson ISSIEWVII EVERY TRUSTEES be elected The additional bracin on the ergUSOIL UT end mus would cost approx Cutcheon Scutt Thomas 1312Sbgaï¬gggï¬ftifgulz forthe POLICE VILLAGE OF ANGUSforatwoyearterm imately $250 and adding the weathemn Gbso and to fallcdhcomradcs who gave No additional purlins or joists bet Mine ween existing members and the additional bridging rc Some of the guests to this event were the district com their lives in defence of the democratic way of life in two world wars Photos by All DAY SATURDAY Nomination forms and further information may be obtained from the clerks office Township of Essa uired mader Orville Garbutt 0f iinatelvszzzltlllti lpplm Collingwood zone commander lirlgltltJONIUII Dated Novemberl 1976 Rm rgaihgfzgi The suggest that since the Emil COCh and Ladies DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT BOARD Toanhig OfESSGr Olk required to bring the Auliliary zone commander building to the present code re 09 quircments is not that exteir sive steps should be taken to repair rather than replace the arena They recommend that since failure to comply with the code occurs only in extreme snow loads that the arena continue to be in usc except when snow loads reach depth of 163 inches on the roof They recommend in that event that the arena then be closed until such time as the root can be cleared and although it meets the re quirements that possibly the arena should be closed when winds reach 30 mph Council has now forwarded this report to the Ministry of Labor and is awaiting further word from them If repairs are made to the ex isting arena and if the money for these repairs is donated grants of up to 75 per cent of the cost are available from the ministry of culture and rccrea lion llILRIENIRE Creemore community cultural centre board has been established by council The town has purchased the old Legion Hall on Elizabeth St for cultural centre The purchase price is $50000 and payment will be made in part with grati ts totalling $25000 These come from the ministry of culture and recreation and from Winv tario donation in the amount of 515000 has been received from the Creemore Legion toward this purchase so the town will only have to come up with 310000 of its own Martin Bayer of New Lowell has received draft approval on subdivision at the northeast corner of Mary and Edward Sts in reemorc This sub division will comprise of thir teen lots of acres each Other council business saw building permits approved for John Noble John Adams Mrs More and Glen Morby NEW LEGIle IIIl Creemore Legion Branch No 1397 met for the last time at the old Legion Hall on Elizabeth St recently The service started with the placing of wreath where the cenotaph used to be The charter members were then marched out The bugler played Retreat and the flag was lowered for thr last time The members then marched to their new Memorial Hall on OPEN HOUSE Nottawasaga and Creemore Central School will be holding the official opening of the new addition to the school and the commencement of 107576 grade tonight at oclock This will also be an open house for parents to view the students Work and speak Willi the teachers On display 100 will be the en tries and exhibits in the schools fall fair The schools annual chocolate arnpaign is stil on The students are selling chocolate bars to raise money for recreational supplies field trips and award bars and crests for their House League The school has also applied to foster parent plan to adopt child and revenue from this campaign will be used for this worthwhile venture Creemore is Indian for Big Heart and hence the name Big $33hffbj33d35 wth 000com 93 0w good ason come to Canada Iiust Wc want your loan Lmn rlbrm Mommy 41 VA prflf VI sale itL El and were very 316 with 2765 no busmcss and our competitive rates plus your choiLL of Amy Months hymn Plgï¬iï¬ï¬ifÃ©ï¬ we WIfl 765 valuablctrce gift prove it 2500 36 35 8433 55388 stocked with baked griodisand 402224 Wm ammo 2964483 And for your convenience the Canada lrust other items they were sor out WM hi 35 64483 id 011 in WW 0842 WW 4483 WM lhonc Loan SLrVILc lets you at range yotii loan 5000 60 504 190240 The draw for the rim was 342 mornmt 483 Wowu the phone 10000 60 23008 380480 won by Brian Lennox of Narnaimo RC the grandson of Wes Lcnriox and the blanket went to Mrs Smith of dance enjoyed by some 500 people followed to make this opening memorable occasion St Lukes Anglican Church will be holding lts annual Smorgasbord Supper on Satur day Nov 13 from to pm in parish hall on Caroline St The Turkey Shoot and Roll put on recently by the Lions cltib attracted good turnout total of 25 turkeys were await ded The next turkey shoot and roll is scheduled for Saturday Nov 20 at pm also in Gor dons field just south of County Rd in the north east corner of town Gordon Hill sees merit in stabilization bill TORONTO The success of the new farm income stabilization bill will depend on Athewflovermï¬cats attitude said Gordon Holl president of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture lr Hill explained We are very pleased with the changes the government has made in the legislation but there are couple of further amendments required if the program is to be effective Were very pleased that the program is to be voluntary that farmers are to contribute that all commodities can be covered that theres provision for consultation with farm organizations and that theres an opportunity for the federal government to share the cost We have written to Agriculture Minister Newman today asking for three specific amendments concerning the following problems Mr Hill explained IIII RATES RAISED MIDHIJRST tStaffi Rental rates for the Midhurst hall will be Increased starting on Mon day Nov 15 due to the iii creases in cost of oil and power and to meet regular cleaning costs it was announced by the hall board The new rates are $40 for parties and profit making events for day or even ing with $20 for other private and nonlocal groups For local nonprofit groups the new rate will be $12 Clhc big problem with the bill Mr Hill said is that for all commodities it only sup ports the difference between 110 per cent of the year average price and 93 per cent of the year average price Thats OK for commodities with federal stabilization plan but its ex tremely punishing for com modifies without federal plan In the absence of federal plan the provincial plan whoultt provide full protection Secondly the indexing system for adjusting payments to keep tip with inflation should cover all production costs rather titan just the items that thc farmer must buy This could lIItIlltlt rctrurii for the fartncrs labour and in vestiticiit Finally the support level is too rigid lhc Illll states that the support lcycl iiitist be 03 per ccnt of the year average price adjusted tor changes In some input ttil But It sonic commodities lltl over production is feared producers may riot want support lcvcl that Is that hiin ATTENTION HOME owurns RE INSTALLATION or rIIiEFLAcEs cIiIMNEts Please be advised that the construction of chimneys and fireplaces are controlled by building permits in the City of Barrie It is essential for all home owners to be aware that the Building Inspector must inspect these installations to ensure the work meets the requirements of the Ontario Building code The home owner is responsible to see that their contractor has obtained permit to construct If you have any questions regarding the above or require further information please call City Hall at 7264242 Planning Development Department City of Barrie ATTENTION PROVINCIAL MILLIONAIRES WINNING NUMBERS IN THE OCTOBER 3Ist DRAW OF THE PROVINCIAL LOTTERY SI MILUON winning numbers 267I323 7I323 1323 323 prize of JTtff of 79 pitt of 290 wilt of 3163954 63954 3954 954 flllflllllf 9500 10 ifl 135303 53032 3032 032 AOI 3T 16 tinvol litV il 79 iiif ll 7W0 ticw of ptitiiil liftt of TH Tillt til Jtl pitw tl 2475552 75552 5552 55 ittIil ilmï¬ til in Viva 246828T 68287 8287 lift4 of 42 Will Ill filll ot 336i 520 bl 520 520 $100000 illll lillf illllflll Km Ill6 fillt 74 HIt of Dionitc luggage Bonneville scrics Iwo picccs mcns or ladics soft sided luggage Black Ilcckcr 70 profes sional circular saw Model 7340 Concerto AMFM stereo with 8track player and matching speakers If youre planning to borrow $2500 or more for any Youll find Canada Trust total financial service centre Besides loans we offer savings and chcqtiing Compare our rates Shown are typical monthly pay mciit plans The annual interest Canada Trust the equity you have in your home could help you obtain the cash you need for larger pur chases or homc improvements Ask for our rate on homeowner loans with pay back periods to 15 years rate is l32ii calculated on the declining loan balance tratc stibicct to change without notich Look to your home for loanat PJO prio of fit itl $2763750 accounts Canada Savings Bonds travellers cheques 287 mortgages and much much more Jollingwoml the daughter of Francis St accompanch by the llt Borden Hand Mrs Cherry silver cross rnothcr placed wreath by the ccnotaph at the new hall The buglcr sounded Reveille anrlthe flag wasraiscd The provincial president Dave apparault was assisted by Erremorc Legion president 520 790 illt Ill Total Prizes 16500 $65l3750 Total Prizes l6500 lift offer available on loans applied for between Scpt and Nov I970 and subject to terms and conditions available at our branches Canada Trust PhoneaLoan Service liiiiilii zit Mmminil 111i iiii lle BRANCH HOURS Mott IIIIITS El to Ill El In 30 Sat It Grand Total Prizes 33000 Grand Total Prize Fund $9277500 $5 gives you live chances at 50000 and live chances at $1 million Next draw New Years Eve December 3151 III 1112770 Provrncial better chance for everyone tilIttitiil It in ltAlllill LEAHKK ASSOCIATES OltILLIA Staff Doreen Ilotson has been reelcctcd chairman of the Leacock Associates for second term with Jean Bradley correspon ding secretary and Ellwood McLaughlin treasurer BARRIE TEAM oAnAoA OFFICIAL PORTRAIT GIANT FULL COLOUR POSTER Cï¬Oticvets may bi itlrernrri it Mutant to of the iuriryiion Imperial mm at mtsvi SOLD ONLY AT CANADA rnusr