ï¬vtï¬amaes ry 311 1b oi WASHINGTON CP Gerald Ford and Jimmy Car ter wind up their campaigns tonight barely 100 miles apart in the presnients home state of Michigan And if the poll takers and pundits are right the candidates are ap proaching election day Tuesday almost in dead heat Too close to call is the fore cast coming from most quar EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation Clossdied Advertising All Other Departments 112th YearNo 255 Sean Boyer takes break for drink of water while plaigroiind equipment was show close presidential race ters in the hours before US citizens vote in the countrys bicentennial presidential election In his final day of cam paigning for the office he now holds through ap pointment the Republican president was in Ohio and planned to go on to Michigan for closing rally in his hometown of Grand Rapids 33$ 726 653° 728 2414 7766537 VOLUNTEERS ERECT PLAYGROUND being erected Saturday at Cundies Heights School Members of the Tall Trees Nov 15 date set for court hearing The Ontario Municipal Board OMBi hearing on Barries an nexation application will con tinue this week The hearing resumed at 10 am this morning after an ex tended adjournment from Fri day at noon The board was told by John Sopinka representing lnnisfil Township that judicial review of the OMBs jurisdic tion to hear the application is scheduled for Nov 15 in Toron to Mr Sopinka said the case will Eskimos rescued SPENCE BAY NWI ICPi Twelve Eskimos stranded iboard boat in the Canadian rctic for more than 40 days re urned home with rescue par Saturday night The Eskimos including three women and eight children were brought back to the small iorthern nommunity of Gjoa Haven some 1300 miles due north of Winnipegafter having been away from the set tlement since Sept 16 on hun ting expedition CAPSULE WS be heard by Supreme oiirt judge Mr Sopinka is seeking the court order because the OMB hearing is concerned with the citys annexation bylaw which is now changed Barries lawyer John Mu Callum told the board Friday morning the city will dispense with presentation ofevidence in support of annexation of 2100 acres of land in ro Township The bylaw was for the annexr ation of about 20200 acres of land including the 0m proper ty 4600 in Vespra Township and 13500 acres in lnnisfil Township Mr Sopinka claimed the board does not have jurisdie tion to hearthe ap lication evidence because the ylaw is altered He said the township is left without any evidence to pre sent Alex Arrell hearing chair man said the board has the power to rant lesser annexa tion to city He said the board would continue until court order is served to stop the hearing The hearing is being held at the Army Navy and Air Force Club on George Street and is open to the public See story Page Thailand reopens schools BANGKOK AP Thailands new military rulers reopened schools and universities today but kept shut Bangkoks Tham masat University the stronghold of the citys leftist students and the site of bloody fighting that led to the military coup Oct Launch reprisal attacks UMIALI Rhodesia Renter Rhodesian forces have laun ched reprisal attacks into Mozambique following the killing of four white civilians in Rhodesia by blacknationalist guerrillas the government announced Peace plan is being tested BEIRUI rAPi President Elias Sarkis is determined to use force if necessary to enforce the Arab peace plan to end Lebanons civil war the independent newspaper An Nahar reported today But Christian leader warned that his troops would not lay down their arms Quake toll now at 90 dead JAKARTA tIteuteri The death toll in major earthquake that struck Indonesian New Guinea rose today to nearly 90 Violence marks campaign SAN JUAN tAP Puerto Ricos governorship election cam paign has been marked by violence emotional speeches slogans put to Latin beat and heated controversy over the future of the islands rel ationship with the United States at His Democratic challenger campaigned in California and then planned to wind up his twoyear quest for the presidency with rally in Flint Mich before flying to his Georgia home The Michigan stop was in serted in Carters schedule at the last minute an indication the candidate believes he still has chance to carry Ratepayers Association pro vided the manpower Funds for theequipmcnt was aim TORUNIH itl of The Provincial lottcrv prizes cinl Lottery orp The Barrie Examiner Yo COULD BE MILLIONAIRE Five tickets worth iiiillion each and five worth $2301 each were drawnSu The winning ticket numbers worth $1 million were 2131323 1353032 lltliillt1 JUSWHZiIIdZltitth The winning ticket numbers worth $230001crt1lltiltll3l 2473332 1942745 motor and 211031530 There was 592773 iii pric llitillt for total of Zlit 000 Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan and British oluinbin are participating iii The rovinciol through the liitcrprorni llic lottery is operated in Ontario by the Ontario Lottciy Corp The Provincial to bc hcld every second iiioiitli is in addition to the corporations Wintzirio lottciy held over sc coiid week with we grand prizes of $100000 Proceeds from The lroi incial in Ontario ltllllilll lll lit used for medical and health restarch and healthrelated on viioiiincntal progrmns In the West proceeds will be used for sportsand recreation illllllt The next draw it ill be Itec Ill Fords home state with its 21 electoral votes SERVICES CANCELLED Of uncertain impact was an incident Sunday at the Plains Ga Baptist Church The church cancelled ser vices after black minister from Albany Ga who had applied for membership in the church attempted to join the worshippers EQUIPMENT raised by association nicni bers llIxziiiiiiicrlhotoi in tlictiist draw Excessive regulations hurt small businesses SAULT STE MARIE nt tCPi Excessive government regulations are hurting small business Otto Jclinek Progres sive Conservative MP for High Park Humbcr Valley said Sunday Small business is caught in stranglehold of government regulations which have got to be eased the opposition critic for small business said He said small businessmen resent federal antiinflation policies and want to he left alone However be praised the governments establishment recently of ministry for small businesses Ile urged government develr opment of more secondary in dustry and said tax concessions should be given to investors in small industry Sixty per cent of the Tann dian labor force is employed by small business but 09 per cent of government contracts are awarded to large corporations ELECTION JUST TWO WEEKS AWAX 01 Ill 12h many of which are non aiia llilllll5£1li Carter member of the churchs board of deacons and regular teacher at its Sunday school learned of the incident while campaigning in Texas and said he believes anyone who lives in our community who wants to be member of our church regardless of race ought to be admitted Carter later said he will seek action to provide that guarantee to those who share our religious faith Carter and others in his family have sought to change the churchs policy in the past Blacks have Wor shipped at the church although there are no black members Rev Bruce Edwards pastor of the Plains church said he believes the effort of Barrie Ontario Canada Monday Nov I976 Rev Clennon King to join the church was politically motivated King had once an nounced his intention to seek the 1972 Republican presi dential nomination and the 1970 Republican for governor nomination in Georgia William Greener spokesman for the President Ford Committee said Ob viously we were not involved Uhr flame Examiner IS Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly and have no further com ment FORD IN LEAD The final Gallup Poll re leased Sunday night gave Ford 47 per cent Carter 46 per cent others three per cent and four per cent un decided It was the first time since March that Ford has led Carter in national poll though the difference is so small that it has no statistical import Referring to the undecided voters in the close race pollster Louis Harris said Sunday on the ABC show Issues and Answers that What happens Monday night when each candidate has blocked out half hour of prime time on each network will probably make the dif ference WEATHER FORECAST Mostly sunny oday mostly cloudy Tuesday Low tonight high Tuesday 1t IA Pages TIHBEA TEN T0 BURN DR VER Two men seize bus to rob passengers KlNiSlNiil tIt 77 Bus driver Joe Klulllttll was shaking Sunday night as he described how two young men pointed gun at him poured lighter fluid over his head and thrcatcntxl to set him on fire before robbing the passengers on his bus at midnight Saturday night Im still shaking the driver for Voyageur olonial said after he had returned to his Toronto home One chap pulch gun on me and told me not to put on my brakes and to kupdriving Mr Kioniall 37 said one man called Bob poured the liq uid over him When he did that lost con trol of the bus he said went on to the shoulder and into the ditch couldnt see Once the bus was under con trol Mr Kiomall said the rob bers told the passengers to throw their wallets and money into the aisle FLICI FOOT Police are searching for two men described as being in their 20s who fled from the bus on foot in Kingston The hijacking took place near Belleville Ont Police believe the two men boarded the bus in Toronto The bus was making regular tri to Montreal from Toronto wit stop scheduled in Kingston Mr Kiomall said the men had rope with them with which they tied up the 15 passengers They escaped with about $300 New restaurant sitc plan for hincsc Food restauiiint is one of number of items for discussion by the city development committee tonight oiiiicils three standing coni niittecs city development fi nancc and public works meet tonight at at city hall ity dcvclopmcnt meets on the third floor public works the second floor and finance at the rear of the council chambers on the first floor The llarric planning board has recommended approval of the site plan for property on the northwrst corner of Hayfield Street and ilciiwood Drive At public meeting Tues day only one person the owner of nursing home north of the site objected to the plans lhcodorc Van Mouton owner of Hayfield Nurszng Home gave the boart letter objec ting lo the site plap for restaurant Mr Van outen said 28 residents at the nursing home would lose privacy and Would be troubled by extra noise and fumes if restaurant is built on the site He said there are 13 res taurants including drivelns taverns and takeout places in the immcdiate vicinity of the nursing home how The restaurant land is mncd residential high rise and the owner wants it rczoncd for scr vicc coiiiiiicrcinl which permits restaurants Fire destroys sports store WAIERLOO nt IPi Firefighters battled more than four hours Sunday to cxtin uish fire that destroyed own town sporting goods store and heavily damaged three ad jacent businesses Irirc dcpnrtnicnt officials said the fire which is being iii vcstignted by the Ontario fire innrslizils office apparently stnrtcd in shed behind the store lhcic wcrr no injuries Total damagi estimates for the four businesses go as high as $435000 The other three shops were an appliance store mens clothing store and flower shop to be discussed The committee will also discuss the development of In niswood Centre on Highway 11 in lnnisfil Township NURSING HOME The proposal includes brick nursing home home for the aged and senior citizen apart ment building on about eight acres of land owned by the In niswood Baptist Church The property is within the proposed area which the city wants to annex from the township The city planning depart ment reviewed the proposal because the centre may become part of the city in the near future The department recom mended agreeing to the plan provided that there is an ade quate sewage disposal system assured water supply and ex pansion of offstreet parking facilities The finance committee will discuss memo from Mayor Dorian Parker to make con tribution of wreath for Centennial Park on Remem brance Day Nov 11 The committee will also discuss resolution from rillia to change the law deal ing with acts of vandalism and nialiciousdamage The public works committee has items ranging from sewer connection rates to marina operations for discussion Oh don know Many What do you want to do today STILL SIIAKING driver Joe Kiomall 37 is greeted by his wife on his return to Toronto last night after his Montrealbound bus Bus was hijacked Kiomall who said he was still shaking told lice two men armed with nife and gun robbed the 15 passengers of about $300 after dousing the bus driver with lighter fluid CP Photo OHC may still purchase nine government houses The Ontario Housing Corp OHC may still buy nine 0n tario government houses on Newton Street says Margaret Scrivener minister of govern ment services In letter to The Barrie Ex aminer Mrs Scrivener said her ministry is currently reviewing its method of disposal of the houses At this point it would be premature to discount the possibility that OHC may pur chase some of the houses she said The needs and interests of the commurity as whole have to be weighed very carefully Mrs Scrivener was referring to an article in the Examiner Sept 22 headed OPP homes seen safe from takeover by OHC In the article Howard Leach capital construction chief for the ministry of government ser vices said there are no plans to turn any houses over to OHC Mr Howard also said he told OHC to keep their fellows the hell out of there OHC is division of the mi nistry of housing Four residents of Newton Street north of Grove Street asked city council to stop the sale of the homes to OHC petition was sent to council with 49 names on it The homes are now occupied Plaque pays honor to late Joseph Seagram WATERLOO Ont CP plaque honoring the late Joseph Emin Seagram distiller sportsman and member of Parliament was unveiled Saturday in ceremony spon sored by the federal lndian and northern affairs department The name of Seagram has been synonymous with this city since Joseph moved here as 22yearold from his native Galt Ont in 1863 By 1870 he had bought milling and distill ing firm and changed the name to Joseph Seagram Dis tillers the forerunner of what now is known as Joseph Seagram and Sons Ltd by Barrie OPP officers and their families Mrs Scrivener said she has received copy of the petitior and an objection from Arthur Evans PC Simcoe Centre am well aware of the ob jections raised by residents of Newton Street she said The minister said she wants to assure the residents that their objections are being given every consideration by the ministry in the planning of disposal of the homes Mrs Scrivener added when the homes are sold the ministry usually gives the first option to buy to the people renting the units OHC is normally then given the opportunity to purchase any of the remaining units it may require she said The rest are put up for sale to the public by tender The houses two storey brick units are valued at about $40000 each Residents on Newton do not want OHC to buy the units because they feel property values will decrease with rent gearedtonincome housing in the neighborhood Apparently one house on the street does belong to OHC and is being rented as gearedto income unit Strike atHydroQuebec becomes confrontation MONTREAL tCIt National Resources Minister Jean Cournoyer says the gover nment isnt prepared to iii tervene in todays strike by 9500 employees of Hydro Quebec the giant provincial power utility Both HydroQuebec manage ment and the leaders of the Parti Quebccois Rene Le vesque and the Union Nation ale Rodrigue Biron have no osed that Premier Rohcrt ourassa state posit ion on the dispute It has bi ome confrontation with provincial election just two weeks away Spokesmen for the workers said emergency services would be maintained However routine brcnkdowns might leave users without light or heat for extended periods Mr Tournoycr said in an iii terview legislated settlement is impossible with the Quebec national assembly dissolved and an election campaign un dcr way The government wasnt prepared at this time to take court action to prevent strike The strike was called for am EDT after mediation ef forts by Mr Courinoyer col lapsed Friday night Manage ment refused to drop sanctions against workers involved in slowdowns last July It also tur ned down oiirnoyer pi oposals accepted by the union on salaries seniority and other is sues Claude Morrisseaii of the Ca nadian Union of Public Em ployees said the key issue is management refusal to drop ieprisals against the workers Meanwhile 37 HydroQuebec executives signed letter Sun day askin Mr Bourassa to en dorse mana ement position They said union demands would disturb the ad ministration of the utility Mr Levesque canepaignin in Hull and Jonquiere urges Mr Bourassa to take position one way or the other Mr Levesque said Iarti Quebccois government would take more active role in man agement of HydroQuebec re vamping its board by appoint ing representatives of overn ment and opposition in mem bers of the public It shouldnt be sanctum he said Mr Biron the Unirn Nutiin ale leader also urgcu Mr Bui rassu to intervene anti said that HydroQuebec should drop sanctions against me workers The Union Nationale has said strikes should be replaced by compulsory arbitration in dis putes inVoving public employ ees Mr Biron said the Hydro Quebec dispute was good ur gument for arbitration private Durin the July slowdown dairy armors found them selves unable to mill cows when power failures left milking machines dead At least one member has said during the campaign that the power failures caused more complaints than any her is sue Premier Bourassa called the campaign two weeks ago to seek mandate to sin addi tional constitutions guaran tees for uebec and to deal with ouseso the right to strike However his only campaign pro sai has been new law to ena le government to order men back to work before get ting court order Critics have said this would be no more ef fective than court orders or to islative orders which have ten been ineffective in the past As the power dispue threat ene to shortcircun cam paign already hampered by stormy weather the Liberals continued to offer themselves as the only alternative to the separatist Parti Quelecois llii