3112 Earth Examiner Published by Canadian Newspaper Company Limited 16 Boyftald Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus Henshow Managing Editor 4Tho Barrie Examiner Saturday July 31 1976 Attempt at hiding raises some questions Even in these inflationridden days salary of more than 330000 is almosts ectacular To most arrie residents salary of more than $20000 is almost awe inspiring And salary of $1500 or more is not to be sneezed at Twentyoi ht public servants of the people Barrie earn 315000 or more year Five earn 830000 or more seven more 320000 or more Until The Examiner printed the salaries in Wednesdays newspaper the salary levels of the senior employees at city hall had been closelyguarded secret The invention of the photocopier has made secrets obsolete and while certain elected and civic of ficials are scurrying about to find the Deep Throat at city hall more significant issue is being ignored The only elected members of council who knew who was being paid what were the members of the general government committee Other members seated on less favored committees were kept in the dark Why The Examiner asked for the figures following Monday nights council meeting The figures were not available and The Examiner was told the figures would not be available The reporter asking for the figures was asked how he would feel if his were to be piiblised for iill to see strange question as Ex aminer reporters are not paid from city taxos but city ball off cials are As well the figures should be available to any ratepayer who asks to see them But not even all members of council could get the figures Could it be that the favored few on council are just little embarrassed at the hefty salaries ould it be that there is consul was re iort saying too many on the city hall staff are being paid too much Could it be that the elected of icials who were privy to the secret became aware an empire had grown up under their noses an cm are which might be embarrass ing The Barrie taxpayer is hard pressed person Taxes kec on go ing up and tip the level service keeps on going down And the taxpayer certainly has the right to know how ALL his money is being spent and he cer tainly has the right to question the efficiency of that spending The attempt at hiding the salary figures from the taxpayer and from most of the taxpayers elected representatives aises questions which intelligent taxpayers should insist be answered DOWN MEMORY LANE 25 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner July 11 1951 Robbers made off with $4200 cash in daring daytime holdup from Bradford bank OPP Constable Reg Wilson traded shots with three masked gunmen who got away Two suspects were arrested later in Toronto by young city officer Bavview Memorial Park in Oro Township opened on Lake Simcoe Reeve Smith Campbell was chair man Land for recreation area was donated by George Kirkpatrick Main speaker was Hon Ernest Drury resident of Oro and former Premier of Ontario Mr Drury in his remarks suggested overnment inquiry be held into ecrease of rural population in province Key Club of Barrie student branch of Kiwanis Collegiate took third place award for national achievement during international convention at Miami Beach Douglas Stewart Tom Taciuk James Laking and Ted Clarke were delegates from Barrie Sunnidale Township voted again st Sunday sports by big majority Trombonist Allan Percy of Barrie now stationed with Royal Canadian Regiment Band at Petawawa THE WORLD TODAY Barbarous buffoon Am1n may be near end of road Churchill ball club although fourth in standing fo South Simcoe League featured pitching of two youn Ja anese Canadian brothers Ta ashi and Yoshihito Yamamotto Mr and Mrs Allen Fisher of Sunnidale Road have as guests for month two charming girls Pauline and Michele Bernatchez fro Mont magny Quebec The Fisher twin daughters outstanding musicians will spend August with Bernatchez family in Quebec on student ex change plan Sister opposed sister in Rees Cup final at Barrie Golf Club Mrs Harry JKANEt Young defeated younger sister Mrs Roy Barbara Smith Catcher Paul Meger Barries young hockey star now with Montreal Canadiens was top player as the Emms Flyers trimme Orillia Terriers 152 in Nor th Simcoe baseba Pitcher Bill Hagan allowed Couchiching club only three hits John Rogers general manager of CNS Central Vermont Railway has retired and will take up residence in Barrie which has excellent golfing facilities He was for several years superintendent Allandale division By JOHN IIARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service It looks as though Field Mar shal Idi Amin the barbarous buffoon who IS president of Uganda might be near the end of his road yszy is ix Ehr Harm Examiacr 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return tage guaranteed Dai Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 115 cents weekly $44 20 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $441 yearly Simcoe County 83400 yearly Balance of Canada 336 year National Advertising Off ices 65 Queen St West Toronto $41710 600 athcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of ir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Assxiated Pres or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tismg and editorial material mated by its employees and need in this newspaper opyright Registration Number 203815 register 61 mvssxssssss Two nearettempts at assassmation have been made against him in the last few weeks His country is stone broke thanks to his reckless and completely irresponsible domestic and foreign policy moves His army allegedly living on bananas and hippopotamus meat hasnt been paid in weeks He threatens war again st Kenya Yet his major fuel supply is from that country small air force nif ugan das Soviet MiG19 jets blown up during the Israel raid on En tzbbe has been replaced by more of the same aircraft from the equally mad African leader PreSident Muammor Qadaff of Libya And there are rumors his days may be numbered because of restive military even though Libya continues to be very rich country from Oil earn ings All kinds of stories are float ing around about Amins sanity The most severe one originated Wllh an Israeli doc tor who once looked after him and who said he was suffering from advanced syphilis The doctor has Since denied the report and says as far as he knew at the time Amin was not victim if thats the word of venereal disease MUCH SELFlNDlLCENtE Certainly personal excesses with food drink and goodness knows what else are taking their toll of his bulky and once physically very tough ramc Presith Amins announce ment that he was coming to our Olympics was laughable One lengthy visit of that kind would guarantee his overthrow in the same way Amin tossed out the previous civilian president Mil ton Obote in 1971 while he was away on Commonwealth con ference Three years ago President Amin announced he would come to the Commonwealth Heads of Government con ference in Ottawa in August 1973 This resulted in the mounting of security force equalled in size only by the present Olym pics protection force In spite of Ugandas almost total economic collapse aug mented by the termination of diplomatic relations by Britain and the end of oil exports by Kenya Amin is laying claim to third of Kenyas territory What worries the Kenyans more than Ainin is the possi bility he could join forces with the toughminded president of Somalia who also has made ma jor land claims against Kenya and with welltrained military establishment moder YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication mist be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street ad dress and phone number although they will not be published Letters which can not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space blic intemt and good taste he Examiner reserves the right to edit con dense or reject letter So whats it today henymm or fgumlunx nguin PARLIAMENT HILL Cabinet shuffle poss1b1e no way on knowing names By STEWART acl IIOD Ottawa Bureau Ilioiiisoii News Service Sometime within the next two months Prime Minister Trudeau will shuffle his cabinet and it would begreat if could predict how he will go about it Trouble is havent the faintest idea Thats the whole problem with cabinet shuffles they are cnt irer in the hands of one man and he doesnt make habit of bringing outsiders into his con fidence on the subject Just the other lay was read ing prediction that State Sec retary llugh Faulkner might be dropped from cabinet Before that read that Privy Council President Mitchell Sharp might also walk the plank along with Public Works Minister CM lrury There have been pre fictions that Iona Campaignolo from Skecna will soon be iii vited to sit at Mr lrudeaus Round Table Ive been told by seasoned observers that Herb tray fired as minister of con sumer affairs few years will be invited back into ca net And for the last five yearsl have been hearing that John Reid from KenoraRainy River is standing on the verge of cabinet appointment Now there are published re ports that James Jerome the Speaker of the ommons and Liberal MP for Sudbury might be invited into the cabinet And of course there have been all sorts of predictions that Andre Oiiellet who quit the cabinet few months ago after there were allegations of interference with the courts will be return ingtothefold In the various stories being written about the next cabinet shuffle most of the present 26 nized you guessed it by the Russians Amin has become growing embarrassment to all other Af rican leaders who nevertheless could not openly countenance the discrediting of him as fel low African leader by the white rich countries of the world Accordingly they let him continue his role as president of the Organization of African Un ity MAL knowing they could downgrade him here by simply not turning up for the OAU con ference he is chairing This was the case during the Israeli hostage crisis when Amin flew off to the latest OAU meeting in Mauritius to have only nine of the approximately 10 African states send their leaders Mltll LONGER Its hard to prophesy how Amin will go but go he must It could be from the kind of inter nal coup armyinspired which placed him in power in 1971 mm his role as army chief of staff Or one of those assassination tries could finally succeed Whatever happens his own countrymen remain his most exposed victims HELP FIGHT CANCER LONDON fund started after the death of Prof Gordon Hamilton Fairley the cancer expert killed in Lon donbombing last October has raised £135000 8243000 the money will be used to finance training fellowships in cancer research and leukemia in which Prof Fairley specialized ministers are getting their names in print IIANOES NEEDED There is no doubt that the rcscnt government could use it of cosmetic surgery so far as the appearance of cabinet is concerned but major shuffles are not easily undertaken Bringing in fresh faces means lumping veterans and perhaps losing sitting members And in view of the current public opinion polls this is not the right moment for byclce tions There are so many factors in volved in forming cabinet that any prime minister Would want to shy away from major shuffle There has to be some regional balance the proper Frcnclrspcaking represen tation some religious equality professional considerations and popularity factors Many qualified Mls have had to rcmain on the backbenchcs because someone from ncigh lmring riding got into cabinet first It is embarrassing for an M1 to be constantly mentioned as likely cabinet appointee be cause if he doesnt make it he begins to look like failure Mr Reid for instance has long been mentioned as certain cabi net material But despite his ualifications perhaps Mr rudeau feels Northern Ontario is well enough represented by Manpower Minister Robert An dras So far as am aware the prime minister has never dis cussed possible cabinct ap pointments with anyone NOTORGANIZED There have also been some indications in the past that cabinet appointments are not always as organized as they seem Aides to Mr Trudeau said that last year just few hours before announcing cabi net changcs the prime minister was still asking ministers whether they wanted new por tfolio On flight between Ottawa and Calgary 12 years ago watched as former prime minister Lester Pearson read long newspaper story about pending cabinet shuffle The story referred to one particular Ml as certain appointee guess have to admit that he is an almost perfect candi date remarked the prime minister But he doesnt seem to have any sense of humor The appointment never came There is no difficulty coming up with dozen new candidates for Mr lrudcaus cabinet but unless the prime minister tells us what he thinks of them its wasted exercise And since he is not about to do this intend to wait patiently for his announcement Careful planning can pay off for those seeking career By VINCENT EGAN Business and Consumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service As you might inquire of any recent graduate of our educa tional system competition for good jobs is stiff That finding would probably be confirmed by plenty of ma ture people who have unexpect edly found themselves job hunting as result of merger takeover or failure of the com pany they had been working for At any given time however chances are that there are plen ty of good unfilled jobs waiting to be filled by the right person That right person could even be someone already em ployed Loyalty to present employer is fine but theres plenty of evidence that some companies dont believe in re ciprocating that loyalty when business slows down and econo mics have to be made Here then are some check points for the person interested in finding new jobeither out of necessity or yen to move ahead in more promising com Pant1 Always keep handy sup ply of your resume List not only your education formal training and job experience but also your petsonal interests and skills Even though you may never be paid for them those interests and skills could reveal good deal about you and your personality The purpose of the resume obviously is to tell potential employers what you have done in the past and thus to indicate what you are likely to be able to accomplish in the future Your resume naturally should depict you in favorable light But dont let that lead you into the pitfall of including any inconsistencies no matter how small Since your resume is selling tool it should be readable and well organizedthe person you are trying to impress is prob ably pressed for timeand it shoul beattractivelooking As for form resume might start with page containing very brief summary of your record It will serve as an index to the more detailed career in formation on the following Pages Indicate your earnings on your last job if you had one or on your current job if you are employed In the latter case dont give your reasons for looking for another job save that for the interview If you are asked to fill out jobapplication form apply the same principles as you would in writing resume to the extent you can The form however may ask questions that you would rather ignore if the answers would en sure your rejection In that case you can leave such ques tions blank which will give you an opportunity to explain your position face to face Dont hide your light under bushel If you are experienced and wellknown by others in iyour field capitalize on that by eeping in touch with such people attending conventions and so on Perhaps you could join pro fessional or trade association speak at its meetings or write an article for itsjoumal If on the other hand you have had no experience your best course is probably to take any jobwithin reasonand use the contacts that you make and the experience you gain as stepping stones to the ideal job that you wanted in the first place No matter how you look at it being employed is better than being unemployed When you consult the Help Wanted advertisements learn to read between the lines Lets say youre an office worker and there are no advertise merits of positions for you But there may be an adver tisement for security guard and that suggests an office building That could be job lead worth following up THE PICK OF PUNCH Somctimes its better to by pass the personnel department of company and make your pitch directly to the head of the section that interests you That person rather than someone in personnel would probably make the ultimate decision about hiring people for that sec tion Dont judge the organization solely on the basis of the person for whom you would be working Your boss could move on to another job or another company before longso think about the organization itself Psychological testing is fa vored by some organizations as part of the recruiting process You can refuse to take such test if it makes you un comfortable Always keep in mind psy chologys value to you how ever in dealing with potential employers No matter what qualifications you have on pa per your potential employers decision will be based to some extent on personal and social factors which you should be constantly trying to turn to your own advantage Lets say youve progressed to the stage at which you and the potential employer seem to be satisfied with each other and the interview turns to the question of salary As rule its best to delay talk about money for as long as possible writes John TarA rant in How To Negotiate Raise tVan Nostrand Reinhold Ltd $1195 CANADAS STIQRY Close cooperation with Canada US By BOB BOWMAN On July 31 1957 the continen tal defence radar project known as the Distant Early Warning DEW line went into operation The radar network is in tended to detect the approach of rocket missiles or bombers and was designed by engineers and scientists at Mctlill Univcr idly It iii ii part of extensive dc cnce arrangements shared by Canada and the United States This co operation be an dur ing the Second World or and became even more im irtant durin the Cold War iat fol IOWtt Headquarters for the dc fcncc organization are at Colo rado rings in the US where Canal ian military officers share responsibility with Americans When Russia detonated its first atomic bomb in 1949 it was decided to build three Tit for lines across the continent The first was known as Pine tree and extended from Van couver to Peace River then in to the northern and across Ontario and Quebec to Newfoundland The second line was known as Midanada and was con structed along the 55th parallel DEWIine across the nor tlicrii fringe of the mainland was the third and the Mid tiniiada line wax abandoned This piiiibwar development has resulted in the closest ni sihle cooperation between Ian min and the US with later change of personnel for training and standardization of equipment It has also involved movement of US aircraft and ships over Canadian territory am through Canadian waters with the minimum of formality OllIER JULY Ill EVENTS 1087 Governor Denonville ordered building of Fort Niagara 1761 Indians led by Chief Iontiiic defeated British at Bloody Run Iiiflll Rupertsland Act authorized Canada to buy Nor thwest from Hudsons Bay Company 179 First balloon flight in Canada took place at Montreal 111110 Britain gave Arctic islands to Canada 1907 foal powered electric plant was opened at Maccan NS 11m Famous British murr dercr Dr Crippcn was arrested at Fathers Point 1911 Alys McKcy Bryant made first solo flight by woman in Canada at Van OllVfr 111M Quebeclabrador iron ore development was opened INlIERPRETlNG THE EWS Export drive forecast in attempt to beat debt By JOHN IIAY LONDON ttfli llcavy imr ports from Western countries have placed the Soviet bloc in deep dcbt Now observers ex pect big exports drive by the Communist countries in Eastern Europe to reduce the big deficit Buying huge amounts of Western food raw materials and industrial hardware the Sovietbased economic com munity Comccon has been imr porting far more from the West than it has been able to sell The accumulated hardcur rency debt of the seven Eu ropean Cometon countries now is put at some $40 billion and the deficit is causing worries among both borrowers and len ders Fiveyear plans recently pub lished by Comecon members all refer to the need to raise cx ports and cut imports with the aim of balancing their trade with the West EXPORTS PUSHED As result Canadians and other trade partners can expect an energetic sales campaign from the Communist countries in the next few years Although the West has en joyed benefits from healthy surpluses in trade with Comecon states the size of the debt and its rate of in crease has posed problems The Eastern European coun tries have financed deficits largely by borrowing hard cur rencies in Western Europe The Financial Times of Lon don reports that they accounted QUEENS PARK Basic precepts are still strong By DON oumnx Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Sen ice TORONTO One day when John Robarts was premier we were standing on the Windsor Ont airport looking at his ex ecutive aircraft in the well known yellow and green colors of the department of lands and forests which operated the all craft in fact used it for fire fighting or patrols when the pressure as on You know should have that damn thing painted white Roberts observed When the new treasury build ingnow known as the Frost block was put up in the 1950s original plans were that it be aircondit ioned But Leslie Frost said no to this In those days at least air conditioning looked too much like in Were these men ex ceptionally stingy or politically gunshy No They were Wise politi Clans And they knew that the Ontario public or good tion of it had phobia against anything that looked like high living in government This is fact of life which wasnt registered in the politi cal apprenticeship of Premier Davis and though there have been occaSions when he has had BIBLE THOUGHT But the Lord is the true God he is the living God and an everlasting king at his wrath the earth shall tremble and the nations shall not be able to hide his indignation Jer emiah 10 to Thin may appear to be out of hands at times but this only means that He is waiting not thatfle is pow erless Blessed is the nation whoseGodistheLoid tor 12 per cent of liurocurrcncy loans last year and 14 per cent in the first half of this year lhcsc loans are far out of proportion to the small shatt Comocon takes of world trader omccon ran up trade dm cit with the West last year of $75 billion half of it reporï¬l by theSovict Union and Pola RISK AffElTEl Cometon governments have long been considered good rials in European banking housg reliably repaying loans time But demand from Comeion and other borrowers now is oqu stripping supply observes say he result may be an crease in interest rates charged to fomccon borrowers Most banks are reportad ready to continue lending 31 only to ensure repayment at post loans to Comccon Despite the planned export drives Western bankers it they doubt Comccon countrlflj can uickly overcome the bag logo debt us As Western economies cover from their recession ova the next two years demand imports will rise But says The Financifll Times the reputation of Elli European manufactured grifï¬n remains generally poor thouQi there are except ions Although cheap cars ten tiles light bulbs and erh alarm clocks from Comecon countries have made headway on Western markets price rather than quality was oftï¬i the main selling point to face it such as when he Wis going to get personal exeflv tive jet and had to change as mind he and his goverant still dont have strong appfl Ciation of it The latest witness to this l¢ Globe and Mail story reporting that deputy ministers and othr civil servants of equival rank are provided with sonal automobiles at lux level and with drivers wlzi they may need them This was started under Davis government in 1972 QlEHIX PUMP The Dans people would it all manner of justification this including the fact that IIF common piactice in private busmcss to supply cars to executives But the consideration would register most is that 1L3 done in Quebec This is true But what doesnlt register here and which in Davis interest should is the ways and customs of bec always have been and quue different from those berg The Quebecmfeople havoc long back of pomp cc mony an trappings which part of their culture Much this would be due to the influence of the church al of the early developers of th province who brought wi them the rufflz and lace style France Whatever the reason them the ways that are cepted in Quebec even want are foreigntoOntario The traditional style of province has been lean pr ticality perhaps almost la And even today when gration has injected some erent characteristics in ta province any governme would do well to keep in that the old basic Ontario are probably sti strong on